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~ ATTENTION PLEASE!! ~ FRIENDS OF DJ POISON ~It Is In Sadness And With Deep Regret, I Must Inform You That Our Dear Friend DJ POISON Has Lost His Battle Due To Complications With Renal Failure. His Wife Has Said He Went Into Peace On Jan,26 2015, In His Sleep At Rest. No More Pain And Illness! May He Be DJ Master For The Lords Choir Forever!!♥I Know Many Of You Will Miss Him As Much As I Do.♥ MAY GOD REST HIS SOUL!! ~ ♥ Rick, I Love You My Friend!! ♥ ~~*Trouble Queen Of The Dark Angels*~ 

A Must Read!!

When an old man died in the geriatric ward of a nursing home in an Australian country town, it was believed that he had nothing left of any value.
Later, when the nurses were going through his meager possessions, They found this poem. Its quality and content so impressed the staff that copies were made and distributed to every nurse in the hospital.

One nurse took her copy to Melbourne. The old man's sole bequest to posterity has since appeared in the Christmas editions of magazines around the country and appearing in mags for Mental Health. A slide presentation has also been made based on his simple, but eloquent, poem.

And this old man, with nothing left to give to the world, is now the author of this 'anonymous' poem winging across the Internet.

Cranky Old Man

What do you see nurses? . . .. . .What do you see?
What are you thinking .. . when you're looking at me?
A cranky old man, . . . . . .not very wise,
Uncertain of habit .. . . . . . . .. with faraway eyes?
Who dribbles his food .. . ... . . and makes no reply.
When you say in a loud voice . .'I do wish you'd try!'
Who seems not to notice . . .the things that you do.
And forever is losing . . . . . .. . . A sock or shoe?
Who, resisting or not . . . ... lets you do as you will,
With bathing and feeding . . . .The long day to fill?
Is that what you're thinking?. .Is that what you see?
Then open your eyes, nurse .you're not looking at me.
I'll tell you who I am . . . . .. As I sit here so still,
As I do at your bidding, .. . . . as I eat at your will.
I'm a small child of Ten . .with a father and mother,
Brothers and sisters .. . . .. . who love one another
A young boy of Sixteen . . . .. with wings on his feet
Dreaming that soon now . . .. . . a lover he'll meet.
A groom soon at Twenty . . . ..my heart gives a leap.
Remembering, the vows .. .. .that I promised to keep.
At Twenty-Five, now . . . . .I have young of my own.
Who need me to guide . . . And a secure happy home.
A man of Thirty . .. . . . . My young now grown fast,
Bound to each other . . .. With ties that should last.
At Forty, my young sons .. .have grown and are gone,
But my woman is beside me . . to see I don't mourn.
At Fifty, once more, .. ...Babies play 'round my knee,
Again, we know children . . . . My loved one and me.
Dark days are upon me . . . . My wife is now dead.
I look at the future ... . . . . I shudder with dread.
For my young are all rearing .. . . young of their own.
And I think of the years . . . And the love that I've known.
I'm now an old man . . . . . . .. and nature is cruel.
It's jest to make old age . . . . . . . look like a fool.
The body, it crumbles .. .. . grace and vigor, depart.
There is now a stone . . . where I once had a heart.
But inside this old carcass . A young man still dwells,
And now and again . . . . . my battered heart swells
I remember the joys . . . . .. . I remember the pain.
And I'm loving and living . . . . . . . life over again.
I think of the years, all too few . . .. gone too fast.
And accept the stark fact . . . that nothing can last.
So open your eyes, people .. . . . .. . . open and see.
Not a cranky old man .
Look closer . . . . see .. .. . .. .... . ME!!

Remember this poem when you next meet an older person who you might brush aside without looking at the young soul within. We will all, one day, be there, too!

PLEASE SHARE THIS POEM (originally by Phyllis McCormack; adapted by Dave Griffith)

The best and most beautiful things of this world can't be seen or touched. They must be felt by the heart!

By ~ Heather Craig ~ My Beloved Daughter

Hunting for Peace. We will call it-Hunting Clover

I usually avoid this subject when I write things down for later, or speak of the past or pretty much whenever I am near my mother. 
The Subject is, My child hood memory bank. But to complete this note or whatever this is that I do, I need the resources. I admit my memory bank is a bit low on funds at times. And I understand my Mothers frustration.
That lady devoted herself; I do mean Devoted her life to giving me the best life she could. Her best was better than I will ever be, but I am fairly certain I will never stop trying travel down the unbeaten path my momma chose for us to go. It let to a fortress and fields of hopes and dreams. My mom was the shield, between my life, and real life. Real life hurts sometimes, but in my life, hurts went away when mom held me or distracted me in the kitchen, showing me there are better things to waste time on than our worries. Like, cake. 
My mother was Just that. MY MOTHER, cause I didn’t have to compete with anything in life for her love and devotion a single day of my sunshiney child hood. My mom made sure of that. But you see, this is what leads to this memory issue. When questioned about my childhood and my fondest memories, I have very few that stand out for me to share. This news discourages my mum, because she feels her devotion let her down. How could I not remember this or that, cause it was a huge deal back then. I see how she could feel. I get it.
I, however could never put into words how I could make it make sense, until now. As I find myself a bit lost and confused. I find myself sitting here with coffee and the pug watching My movie led by example, My Mother the leading role. It all comes to me, it makes perfect sense now. This should prove to her how successful she was. I remember vividly my childhood as a whole. Not the clips of good times most people have, but the whole reel of them. Unedited, a bit faded on the edges, but when I need it to find my way, the clear picture is all I see. 
A movie made to be a Classic, my mom the writer, the director and the leading star, with little solo acts thrown in the making. The scenes are never quite the same when I rewind because the solo’s have many faces and many many names. Those scenes like the one I am about to share are brought on by countless things. A smell, a sound a sight, a feeling, an emotion. All of it then makes perfect “sense”.
It’s my favorite chick flick to have a romance with. When I need to figure out all of the little things I cling onto or do, that make me who I am today. When I need guidance in life as an adult, I go back, and watch how the ones before me did. I look at little me, and the things I observed and the lessons I was taught, that I was unable to process the meaning of, until I need to validate a feeling of today. Bottom line, when Im lost today, I hop in the snow globe of my past and shake it all up. Pull out that feeling that is guiding my emotions, and let it steer me.
And it ALWAYS brings me to now. And I always always find my way. 
Right now, Im Hunting Clover. I actually hunt clover more than I realized until now. I remember when I learned how to hunt. Vividly. I remember how awesome I thought she was, she was the prettiest thing ever, with her sunkissed hair, fresh Florida tanned skin, wearing a faded fitted t shirt and faded blue jeans to match. Big back pockets and wide legs that ended at her brown shoes. Her aviators covering her eyes from the sun, that her smile out shined. I remember her voice, and the adoration it had when she spoke to me, but mostly I remember my Aunt Berta that day, teaching me a life lesson that I carry with me to this very moment, and have used my whole life. I didn’t realize the value of her lesson tho, until I got lost. And had to go back.
When I heard the overwhelming reality of numbered times I will FEEL her presence when our family gathers, or want to ask Aunt Berta a question, and have to find her and pull her head out of the clover to do it…Suddenly my thoughts stopped RIGHT THERE and panic washed over me. Clover! Who will I share my stories of the 497 4 leaf clovers I found over the summer with? SHE is the ONLY one out there who Really gets it. Gets me. Gets what hunting clover really means. 
As soon as that thought processed, I then rode the wave of guilt. You just found out your Aunt has terminal liver cancer and all you can think of is stupid clover?? What about the pain and suffering she will….clover. who will I share….
Then, I wake up and am surrounded in a field of clover. The sun beating down on my pale white skin, my little 6 year old hands stuffed full of 4 leaf dreams. I say dreams cause those silly clover NEVER brought much luck. They still don’t. Cause if luck had anything to do with real life and 4 leaf clovers, my aunt I adore with all my heart, wouldn’t be fighting the battle for her life with….Clover.
I gaze up into the sun and see her silouhette. She was absolutely stunning, with the glow of her beauty shining down on me. I feel that sun right now, kissing me thru my window as I type. I smell the air and I FINALLY get it. 
That day, my aunt showed me not only the art of spotting a 4 leafer 40 yards away but how to escape reality and just…dream. My aunt was like a dream that day I vividly remember, the way I watched her seek peace, or we call them clovers. 
From that moment I was too young to understand fully but old enough to embrace the beauty in the lesson, I hunt clover. When life gets out of hand and I need to escape, I go soak up the sun, and aimlessly wonder around in the weeds, scanning the greenery for leafs of 4. I pick them, count them and always am excited to share with My Aunt, the number tally for the year. Like the numbers mattered? There isn’t a single time I have picked a clover, and not thought of My aunt. As a matter of fact, as things get easier and more convenient to share , I don’t even wait till “next time” to tell her. I take a picture of it BEFORE I pick it, to give her the chance to see it too. When you spot that clover, you feel like you have achieved SOMETHING. My aunt knows. That’s why I post the pictures. 
Last summer, when she told me she could still see them but picking them was impossible. Her body wont allow, I began to pick them and save them for her, after I took a picture of it first. Piles of bloody green wilt, waiting to get some time with my aunt. I didn’t realize why I did something so silly until now. Its not silly. Its an unspoken understanding of what hunting clover really means.

This is so hard. So scary. So damn real. It hurts more than words can describe to know Im not going to have My Aunt Clover to hunt with anymore someday way too soon, I will be hunting alone. But you better bet I will never loose the ability to chase her dreams, and value the lesson that hides in 4 leaves. Peace is out there, in the middle of nowhere, with the sunshine painting a bulls eye on it. Its up to me, to go look for it. 
And forever and always when I find it, I will think of My Aunt. And the way the sun kissed her skin, and how it felt to watch her. And how beautiful her silhouette Is in the sun, and know why that moment in time always stood still. I was going to need it someday. 
Why was Clover the first thought to escape my head? It makes perfect sense now. 
I no longer feel guilt, but rather…..peace. A warmth wash over me just like the one from the sun that day. She taught me well. 
Even when you cant pick them things when you see them anymore, you never stop hunting clover. You never stop..dreaming. 
Lessons my Beautiful Aunt, Is still teaching me.


Its all about perspective

Heather Craig
• Tue, Feb 25, 2014

Upon reading a news article the other day, about a daycare provider being punished by law, for abusing the little ones in her care, and reading all of the public bashing in the comments between moms; the stay at home ones VS working mothers, I wanted to Hurl. 
Let me further explain.

“What do YOU do all day, while I work my A$$ off?”

“Im not paying someone else to raise my kids, while I work.”

“Must be nice to have the luxury of doing nothing with your life.”

“Must be nice to have a bank roll to just blow on whatever your heart desires”

It was vicious, mean and horrible. One wrong by a provider brought out ALL the claws, and people lost focus on what really mattered. THAT daycare needed shut down, and those KIDS NEEDED someone to help them deal. 
Instead, it created an attack fest…and made ALL mothers look like jerks!


Arent we all in this, for the same outcome? 
You live, raise your family the best you can. And you die. 
Hopefully leaving some big shoes for the youngens in your own life to fill. 
If you don’t leave big shoes…You FAILED. 
Working, not working, blah blah….None of this matters, if you don’t make an impact on the children you cross paths with, be it your own kids, as well as every other kid you are in contact with.

5 minutes of your time, could leave an ever lasting impression. 


Not the catty one, passing judgment, teaching value in assuming the worst about others.

Its sad to me. Mothers should Appreciate one another…Encourage each other. Uplift one another.
Instead there is this vicious battle in this world of worth, and being right and being wrong. 

Life is hard enough, we sisters don’t need to make it even harder on each other. 
Furthermore, children really learn what they live. We are all creatures of our surroundings of sorts. Being judgmental and mean, surely isn’t a lesson you should teach the little ones near to you. Weather you work outside the home or not. 

I'm a stay at home mother. Chose to be one before I gave birth to my first child. That first child died at birth, leaving this lady an empty shell of dreams, cracked with my insides all leaked out. Humpty Dumpty of life. It really did take all the Kings horses and men to put me back together again.

I was given the King actually, a second chance. Which only solidified my determination to Be Mother, embrace every second of Mom, Miss as few moments of Mom as I could.


For me, that meant, stay at home and nurture the lives I created. 
I have, for 16 years had to defend this decision, and its sickening. 
I don’t ask mothers who work outside the home who raises their kids, so their need to be someone, to earn money, can be fulfilled? I don’t instantly assume they work, for selfish reasons.

I understand we all take different paths in life, for different reasons driving us. Not so sure why others dont get this? 

I respect a working mother a hellova bunch anyway. I couldn’t imagine the full time job of balancing all that needs balanced to work outside of the home AND be mom. I have never had the support, to be able to achieve this. 

SUPPORT you ask?

Well, yeah. I need a reliable care taker for my kids. Not one who will simply go thru the motions of feeding and watering them like the little animals they are, but one who will instill morals, values, and worth into my children, as I do daily. 
I do not have a husband with time, to help me maintain this home, and get kids to and from appointments, jobs and parties. He is a busy provider. His time is too precious wasting doing the things I do. 
I do not have family I borrow, to fill in when I cant. 
I have myself..and only myself to mother my kids. 
I chose it to be this way. 
But sometimes choices we make in life make things more complicated.

Being at home, complicates life. 
As does trying to balance work/family.
I see a complicated pattern here. 
Life alone is complicated, add adult choices and its over the top. Who has time to worry about others?

And its not fair for those who do work out side the home to ASSume, those of us who do stay at home, do nothing. We sit around and take advantage of the “luxury” of being MOM.

Sure thing. Its such a luxury to make the choice after an all day dentist appointment with a kid, as you pull into Starbucks, and have a 5 dollar bill to your name, to have to choose to buy the kid whose mouth is on fire from tightening of hardware, a Strawberry Frappe, or to treat yourself to your guilty pleasure Vinti Whole Milk White Mocha.
The coffee treat I drool when I think of. 
The one thing, I would trade my best dress sweats to have. 
The luxurious truth? 
The Mom in me takes over every time. The metal mouthed teenager then slurps whipped cream as I take in the aroma of the coffee bean attached to her cup, while the salty sweetness of that Brownie cake pop I almost always have enough quarters and dimes in the bottom of my purse to purchase painfully gets nibbled at, as she takes her sweet time to consume. After all it took 20 MINUTES to kill the whipped cream, first.

How bout the luxury of buying groceries? Every single trip sends me into a panic. Food is expensive. My monsters, are fat kids inside, and I ALWAYS worry Ive over bent the checking account every time I buy Bread. (bread? Riiiight, cause you can go in the store for JUST bread?)

The luxury of NO SELF??

All I have become in this life is…


Im mom. 
Daltons mother
Mikaylas Mum
Donnie’s wife. 
The “ole lady.

That is Me, in a nutshell. 
Not sure even what my name is anymore. Mom seems fitting.

Im not CEO, Im not Accountant, Im not Manager, or teller or fork operator, nurse or fire man. Im…MOM. 

This is not luxurious actually. I spend all of my time and energy in life being Mom and wife, and seriously cannot afford to treat myself to Starbucks most weeks. 

But my children WANT for nothing, and NEVER do without what they NEED. That’s my job…

Yes, we have food, we have shelter, we have all we need to survive, and I will be the 1st to tell you I am RICH in life, beyond any $ amount stamped on my worth. My husband does work his fingers off to provide. I work my tail off to make sure things run smoothly here at home.

Together we make it happen. Life Isn't all about luxury though. To me, I am where I am supposed to be. And...Its comfortable.


YOUR story.. 

Has a complete different author tho. I don’t know your sacrifices, your goals, your definition of success. If your idea of success is climbing the corporate ladder, GOOD FOR YOU. 
And if we are connected in the slightest, you already know who to call when you need help with the kids. 

Its not fair for ME to Judge YOU.

You see, It takes an entire village to raise a child, even when mom is at home to do it. I cannot be with my children 24/7 no matter how much of my time I donate to the cause, and neither can any of the other mothers out there. I NEED the help of all of the other moms out there, doing their jobs, to inform me when they see something I should be concerned about when it comes to my kids. 

Before you judge anyone, perhaps you should check yourself.

Generally if you are judging “someone” or “something” you are truthfully battling your OWN demons. 

Real life.

I firmly believe having someone nurture the future America is JUST AS IMPORTANT as having a roof over their heads. And so is the Dr, who saves lives, or the nurse who aids, Or the super kind lady who runs the second hand clothing store, to make life a little more affordable for the rest. 

To pull this off…the BALANCE in life, it takes a team. There is NO I in team, nothing SELFISH about true motherhood, and absolutely no reason we women should bash each other for being lazy or for not caring enough about your children to stay home and raise them. There is no need to Assume because a woman needs/wants to devote most of her time to a job outside of the home, she materialistic or puts her own needs first. Moms who stay home with the kids, aren't all on welfare either.

We should unite, and focus. And never lose sight of what REALLY matters in this life, and that is WE ARE ALL A LIVING EXAMPLE for the little people, and our real jobs are making a difference in this world. This world will someday be run by the village of little people that will fill the shoes of those before them.

So, WHOEVER you are, be the best you can…and Pretty please, don’t judge. Don’t ASSume. 

There simply isn’t time for all of that nonsense; we have a future America to raise. And that takes ALL of us United, to do properly. They are watching us, learning how to react, how to live, how to handle diversity with dignity.

And within EVERY SINGLE MOTHER we hold the ability to SHOW our children how. 

Really, the only debate about working mom VS the at home mom, lies within MOM. 

We sincerely should be more kind to one another. 


I Wish I Still Knew. Chapter One


Heather Craig
• Thu, Nov 14, 2013


Well, at nearly 38 years of age, I can FINALLY admit, I don’t have answers for everything. I just…don’t. And sometimes, I don’t even have a clue about it. Whatever “it” may be. Im not as smart as I thought I was after all. And that’s all you get, those three confessions of me ever being wrong. But, its all true.
Let’s rewind life a bit, to better understand how this came about, me just now finding out that for sure, I really don’t know all the answers. I had guessed a time or two that I could be wrong, but was later proven wrong by the right fate. And I have no shame in admitting, I am a tad bit Naive. And simply DO NOT have all of the answers. 

When I was a little girl, living the straight up Laura Engall’s life, on my little prairie, out in the country, I had my ma and pa. My “sisters” (no, really I was an only child, which only intensified my vast Knowledge base of all things to be known. I got all the attention) 
Anyway, Ma and Pa. no Mary or Carrie, but I had My cousins. I had my Willies and Albert’s. I even had an Uncle Edward’s. 

Life was SO simple. I woke up every day, in a happy almost always, healthy, well fed, balanced SHELTERED world. My biggest obstacle was climbing back up that giant rock in the creek bank, once I rolled in mud. And my most tragic days in life, were when while playing euchre and drinking some beer, my parents and their party friends, thought it would be cool for my crawdad to tip back a tall one with them. They wanted to see how it swam after it was drunk or something. Don’t ask me. I was like 7. I do know my drunken crawdad had a killer hangover after they laughed at it for hours, so bad actually, it woke up dead. Ohmygod. Life was horrible. I was so mad. I don’t think I ever actually got over that. Im mad now.

And when my best friend for life Raidar the beagle dog died. I was 17 then. He became my best friend when I was 5. I remember it like yesterday. That was a bad day.

Other than those kinds of silly reasons, MY HOME, was never EVER unsafe. Unsecure. Unloved. Or Scary. I only got scared when it involved vivid dreams of soap box rides into outer space with no return. Or a snake at the creek, Godzilla sized comes at me and I wake up for real right before it swallows my head! 
I once heard when you wake up in a panic like that, from falling in your dream or whatever, that if you hadn’t woke up at that EXACT second, means you died. For real. No joke, in your dream, whatever bad that was happening that you woke up from…Happened. And in real life, you saw it happen in your dream….right before you stopped breathing. You died.

So glad I always woke up.

In my house on the prairie, with my Ma and Pa, I had it TOO good, I sometimes often think. 
TOO GOOD as a child? Yes.
Don’t judge, I think there is such a thing actually.
Hear me out.
Nothing BAD ever happened. Never. My parents took care of EVERYTHING. If it was bad, they took care of it. Above anything in life, they sheltered me from evil. I was never in harms way, and I rarely saw anything inappropriate. I never wanted for anything. Ever. My momma cooked. Boy did she cook. We grew our own food. We canned, we gathered, we even at times raised our food ( still hate deer, and miss that pig poor Mable. They ate her.) We had HUGE memorable gatherings, I STILL hear about as an adult. My momma helped everybody. There was always another kid around. I was their only baby, yes..but they took in ALL the kids.
My momma took care of ME. And my daddy. My momma took care of my daddy so well, so he could provide. He worked. He worked HARD. That man worked A LOT. He still works hard. 
But every single free second he had not working, he spent playing with me. Building me snow forts so big, they had rooms and lasted until April. He carried me on his back, he taught me all of the things a girl needs to know, like how to change a flat, and check my oil. 
And when mom wasn’t feeling well and he had to go to the grocery for her, I always went. She had self-control. Dad, not so much. He spoiled me like crazy. No? It wasn’t something he said to me very often. My daddy was my hero. 
Because my momma gave him that opportunity to be. My momma took care of HIM, so he could take care of me. 
And when I ever had a question, my mom knew the answer. She knew what Goldilocks was going to do, BEFORE she did it. How? She knew why the grass was green. And she knew how to make EVERYTHING. If it needed sewed, she knew how. If it needed patches (YES, we patched holes back in the day. We threw nothing away) my momma knew how to do it. She knew how to make me feel better when I was sick. She knew EVERYTHING. 
She either been there or done it, or knew someone who had. Me and my momma were friends. But my daddy, he was the Hero. If I needed money, daddy. If my toy broke, daddy. Actually “broken” didn’t exist. If it broke, MY DADDY fixed it. My daddy fixed broken hearts and broken pet cages. My daddy fixed my cars, he fixed my dreams, he fixed the image in my head, of what a MAN should be. My daddy NEVER said never and did things like save my life, more than once. Saving my life when I was 6 was fixing the broken chain on my tire swing. My daddy fixed my mom when she broke, cause if it were left to him to feed us, we ate eggs. He’d spoon hot butter on top of them, so he didn’t have to flip them and break them. Deep fried eggs. He was a pro. It was like that for my entire childhood, the entire thing. It never changed. I was safe, I was secure, and never unsure of anything, or my tomorrows. 
And, I knew it all. If I didn’t know, I would ask mom. And my mom knew the answer, and if perhaps she didn’t, she would wait for my dad to figure it out if she couldn’t. My dad could fix it. She even waited on him to get home when I wouldn’t listen. His dirty looks were as bad as a beating. I hated it when shed tattle on me. It always worked like that.
I remember…the innocence of my daily life as a kid, so vividly. Nothing BAD ever happened. And daddy always fixed everything.
My parents led a path for me in life. It was an honest, generous, hardworking, loving, honest (yes I know its twice listed), meaningful, journey thru the important years. I couldn’t be more grateful for today. They crossed the path of honesty and character at least a million times. I think there is a mountain of honesty out there somewhere in this world, named Tim. A lie is a lie, no matter how you word it. If you say you will be home @ 10, and you aren’t. You lied. Which makes me a chronic liar to date, I never really got that punctuation thing down so good. God, he was hard.
But he and mom, had all the answers.
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