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Nobody Knows's blog: "Bdsm Talk"

created on 04/22/2008  |  http://fubar.com/bdsm-talk/b209430

Public Play

Techniques Adding realism to scenarios Many scenarios include the submissive being taken by "force". One fun technique that can make this more fun is to buy cheap clothing from a thrift store that can be torn, sliced, or cut off the submissive. Cheap, disposable clothing can lend a fun air of realism to the scenario. Extended Bondage For people who like bondage, one thing that can be fun is to have the submissive sleep bound. This is most easily done if the submissive's hands and feet are bound together; extended bondage in one position (as, for example, if the submissive were tied to the bed) can become quite uncomfortable. Note that if you do this, you should not leave the submissive in a room alone, and you should bind the submissive in a way which can be released quickly in case the house catches fire ! Extended Penetration With practice, it is possible to train a person's body to accept vaginal and/or anal penetration for extended periods of time. You can, for example, have a submissive wear a dildo vaginally throughout the day, or make a submissive wear an anal plug as he or she does errands or housework. The key is to start small--a dildo or anal plug that seems quite small at first can become too big after a period of time--and not push the submissive if it becomes painful. Patience is essential. What this does is makes it impossible for the submissive to ignore the penetration, whatever else he or she may be doing. This in turn can keep the submissive constantly thinking about and constantly craving sexual stimulation. I have even made my lovers keep a dildo inserted as they sleep--which tends to make the night filled with nonstop erotic dreams... Of course, this can be adapted easily for male submissives as well, by having them sleep with a butt plug inserted. Orgasm Denial This is a fun, and frustrating, technique that can bring some of the spark back into sex. There are a hundred variations, but the basic idea is simple: prevent your partner from having an orgasm for a length of time (a day, two days, a week, whatever you want). You shouldn't make it easy; you can, for example, require that your partner have sex one or more times a day, or masturbate regularly (this works well when combined with a ritual of some sort), but your partner is not allowed any sexual release. Over time, the sexual tension builds up, and your partner becomes perpetually aroused. When done over a period of several days or longer, this technique creates a very powerful level of sexual excitement. When you do finally allow your partner release, it's an extremely intense experience. Sensory Deprivation Tactile senses are enhanced when other senses are taken away. One way to make any experience much more intense is to tie down your partner, then blindfold your partner and also prevent your partner from hearing. The blindfold is easy; preventing someone from being able to hear is a bit more difficult, but there are many ways to accomplish this. The most straightforward is to use a pair of common earplugs (the kind made of soft wax that seals over the ear works well), earmuffs, or both. Some BDSM shops make special hoods called "ball hoods" which are designed to cover the eyes and ears; they're expensive (and psychologically intimidating) but work well. For a more high-tech approach, you can use a pair of headphones--the kind that fit entirely over the ear--connected to something that produces static, like a TV with no signal (or even a tape recording of static). In any event, a partner who cannot see or hear will tend to feel other things much more intensely, so combining bondage and sensory deprivation with other ideas on this page works very well. Human Sex Doll This is a good way to explore your partner and get your feet wet in D/s. The premise is simple: the submissive partner is a living sex toy, and allows the dominant to put him or her into any position and take any action, and the submissive partner remains completely passive throughout. The submissive partner simply remains in whatever position the dominant places him or her into, and does not take an active role in any way whatsoever as the dominant explores the submissive. A variant on this idea involves tying the submissive securely in a sexually available position, and alternately exploring the submissive's body in humiliating and/or painful ways--for example, by probing the submissive's orifices with dildoes or other toys, clamping the submissive's nipples, and so on--and having sex with the submissive, during which time the submissive is forbidden to make any sound or respond in any way whatsoever. Failure to remain completely passive earns a punishment. Enforced Availability This works best with a female submissive, and is especially good for those of you with an objectification fetish. Choose a specific period of time, such as one particular day, when your partner is required to be available for sex at all times, regardless of her state of arousal. During this time, she is required to do whatever is necessary to keep herself ready for sexual penetration or intercourse. Periodically throughout the day, you should take advantage of her availability by taking her sexually, without warning and regardless of what she's doing at the time. Keeping herself available and well-lubricated is part of her responsibility; she should be ready for you constantly, at any time. Eroticising everyday activities There are a number of ways you can integrate D/s into things that normally don't have any connection with sex, eroticising them. For example, you might go into a pet store and have your submissive try on various collars right there in the store, then buy the one that looks the best. Or, you might send the submissive partner into a grocery store to buy innocuous things which suggest a sexual context--such as a cucumber and a box of condoms. This creates a psychological effect where the submissive is convinced that everybody knows exactly what's going on (and he or she may be right...). Sensation play This is a technique suited for anyone with a very sensual approach to sexual exploration. The idea is very simple; start by blindfolding your lover (and tying him or her down, if that sounds like fun to you), then subjecting him or her to a wide variety of different sensations. For example, you may stroke your lover'sbody with ice, or drip hot wax on his or her body, or caress your lover's skin with soft fur, coarse sandpaper, and other textures. A bit more intensity can be had by using a dull butter knife you've kept in the freezer for a few hours (the cold edge of a dull knife can feel very sharp!). Public play There are many techniques involving D/s in a public space, particularly where feelings of vulnerability are created. Send your partner to work wearing a piece of very sexy lingerie under her clothing (or, if the submissive is male, wearing a pair of women's underwear); this makes a constant, discreet reminder of his or her position. Or, if you're feeling a bit more risqué: A rope harness can be made with thin twine or cord. Tie the harness around your partner's torso (easy-to-follow instructions for tying a basic rope harness are available here), and then have your partner wear the harness to work or while running errands, beneath his or her clothing. As the person moves, the harness shifts and moves against his or her body, constantly reminding the submissive that it is there. Take your partner out to a very ritzy dinner at an upscale restaurant. Midway through dinner, quietly slip your partner some sort of sex toy. Order your partner to go to the restroom, go into a stall, strip naked, and masturbate to orgasm. As a particularly evil twist, you can order your partner to return to the table still wearing the toy. Doing something like this is a very effective way of creating a delightful sense of vulnerability. Another idea: If the submissive is female, have her do something like go out to a convenience store late at night wearing a skimpy nighty. This creates an even greater sense of vulnerability. Note: If you experiment with this, it might be a good idea for safety's sake to accompany the submissive, to keep an eye on her...

Bdsm2/Safe word

All right, so what is "BDSM"? "BDSM" is an acronym of "B&D" (Bondage & Discipline), "D&S" (Dominance & Submission), and "S&M" (sadomasochism). "BDSM" refers to any or all of these things, and a lot of stuff besides. Tying up your lover is BDSM; so is flogging that person, or bossing that person around, or any of a thousand other things. BDSM is highly erotic, usually (though not always) involves sex or sexual tension; and is highly psychologically charged. One person (the "submissive") agrees to submit to another person (the "dominant"); or, alternately, one person agrees to receive some sort of sensation, such as spanking, from another. Some people like to be submissive all the time, some people like to be dominant all the time; some people like to switch, being submissive one day and dominant the next. Many people practice some element of BDSM in their sexual lives without even being aware of it. They may think of "S&M" as "That sick stuff that people do with whips and cattle prods and stuff," yet still blindfold one another from time to time, or tie one another down and break out the whipped cream... All of these things are "BDSM." BDSM is not necessarily hardcore sadomasochism; it can be remarkably subtle and sensual and soft. Pinning your partner to the bed and running silk or ice cubes or rabbit fur over your lover's body qualifies as "BDSM" (specifically, of a variety called "sensation play"). =========================================== A SAFE WORD If you are going to play with bondage or spanking or resistance play or role-playing, it's often wise to establish a "safeword," which is a code word that means 'Stop, now, I'm serious.' This word should be something you won't forget and that won't come up in any other way. Many people use "Green-Yellow-Red:" Green means "everything's fine," Yellow means "Don't stop, but don't do anything harder than that," Red means "Stop everything right now." - Be very careful when playing with a new partner for the first time--particularly in cases where you do not already know this person, and most particularly in cases where you will be meeting someone you don't know very well in any circumstance that could get you into trouble. Always arrange your first meetings in public places. Don't accompany a stranger everywhere. While it may seem like common sense (and it applies equally well to any dating situation, not just a BDSM relationship), it's still sometimes easy to forget. One thing that is sometimes useful if you are going to be meeting someone you don't know well in a private setting is to arrange to have a friend call you at certain times throughout the night. Set up a secret code word with your friend; if you do NOT say that code word during the calls, or if you do not answer the calls, your friend should immediately notify the authorities. Make sure your friend knows where you will be, and make sure your partner knows that you have arranged these calls. A partner who objects is probably not a safe partner. ================================================= .

A Daddy Dom

A Daddy Dominant And Lil Baby Girl Type Relationships Are A Erotic Sexual Roleplaying Of BDsM, In Which A sub Is Allowed To Express you "lil girl Or Child Like" Side. The "lil girl" Is submissive, Often With A Masochism Side And Belongs To you "Daddy", Just As In A BDsM Total Power Exchange Relationship. This Has Nothing To Do With Pedophilia or Incest, Nor Does It Imply Any "Secret Closet Desires To Have A Relationship With Your Father Or Any Family Member". Heck No, My Daddy Dominant Is Not My "Real Father", And I Have No Desire For Him To Replace My Father. But When I Am In His Presence, He Does Have The Ability To Make Me Feel Like I Am a "lil girl", And It's A Feeling Of Safeness, Security And Love That I Need And Desire In A Relationship. He Makes Me Feel all Glowy...lolz.... He Is Called A "Daddy" Because Of His Ability In The Role Of The "Daddy Dominant", Becomming The Teacher, The Mentor, The Physician, The Protector And The Punisher. He Takes On The Role Of The Male Authority Figure In His submissive’s Life. Offering you A Deep Unconditional Love, Consistency And Stability, Preferring To Keep you Close To Him Making you Feel Like His Most Valuable Posession, Protecting you From "The Bad Things Of Life". He Knows His "lil girl", Everything About you, she will Feel Safe Or May Feel At "Home" In His Arms, You Don't Feel Stupid To Ask Him Questions, Wanting Guidance, Or Feel Ashamed If Your Clumsy, You Can Be Honest Like A Child Often Is. Knowing His Love Is Unconditional And Stable. You Will Know When Your Obedient You Shall be Rewarded Especially By That Gleem In His Eye, But He Must Stand Firm, He Must Prove To You That He Means What He Says. Although He May Be Called "Daddy" To You, First And Foremost He Is A Dominant, He Uses His "Life Experiences" To Provide Sound And Appropriate Guidance And Will Carry Out Punishments When There Is A Need For it. The "Daddy Dominant" Uses His Power To Fullfill And Enrich Your Life, Listening To All Your Hopes, Dreams, Your Fears, All Concerns In Your life, Allowing You To Open Up And Expose Your Thoughts, Your innermost Feelings. He Will Help You Plan And Achieve Realistic Goals For Your Future, Not Just In The lifestyle But In Real Life As Well, He Sees In You Someone Who Can Achieve Much In Life, He Will Make Help You Be The Best Person You Can Become, Although He Himself Shall Revel In The Pride Of His "lil girl", Tyoue Is Nothing More Satisfying To Him Than To Watch You Grow And Suceed, After All He Help To Mold And Create You. He Believes More In You Than You Ever Believed In Yourself. It Take Great Strength To Be A "Daddy Dominant", He Must Have The Strength To Control You, Although "lil girls" Are Expressing The Childlike Side To Themself, They Also Take On The Personalities Of "Being Bratty" At Times By Being Disobedient By Having "Tantrums" Or Is Verbally Or Physical Resistant To Their Set Goals. He Must Find The Strength Of Do What Is Necessary When She Needs To Be Disciplined. If His submissive Can Manipulate Him To Not Punish you, She Will Begin To Loose you Respect Of Him, He Will Loose The Control In The Relationship. Making Discipline A Priority In Their Relationship. =========================================


Types of Collars

# Here OnLine There Are So Many Different Collars And Meanings, However, There Are 3 Main Collars Used Real Time: Collar Of Consideration "The Exploring Stage" This Collar Is Traditionally Given At The Very Beginning Of A Potential Relationship. This Is Expressing An Interest In Pursuing A Relationship With A submissive Beyond That Of A Casual Acquaintance. The Collar Acts To Openly Declare To Other Dominant's That This submissive Is "Off-Limits" And That Honourable Dominant's Should Not Pursue This submissive In Any Manner. Training Collar This Collar Represents The Second Collar Exchanged Between A Dominant And A submissive. This Is Offered By The Dominant After They Have Engaged In A Period Of Time Where They Have Held Extensive Lifestyle Conversations And Explored Each Others Sexual Needs, Desires, Personalities, Dreams, Hopes And Goals In Order To See If They Prove To Be A Good Match Enough To Move Into A Relationship Of A Deeper Commitment. Most Enter A Deeper Emotional Stage At This Point And May Begin To Express True Devotion, Love, Honour And Mutual Respect. Formal Collar This Is The Representation Of The Final Stage Of Commitment. It Expresses The Belief That The Dominant And submissive Share A Genuine And Growing Desire To Share In Each Others Lives, Perhaps The Rest Of Their Lives
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