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Let Freedom Ring

LetFreedomRingUSA.com E-news
Tuesday, March 31, 2009



  1. An Economic Wake-Up Call
  2. Administration Seeks Increase in Oversight of Executive Pay
  3. Obama Food Policy May Mean End of Farmers Markets, Family Farms
  4. Here’s to You, Mr. Jefferson
  5. Health Reform "Public Plan Option" Equals More Taxpayer Bailouts
  6. Petition Against Obama at Notre Dame Skyrockets Past 221,000 signatures
  7. Fifth Anniversary of the Unborn Victims of Violence Act
  8. New Facebook Group for Sharing Information on Constitutional Government, Economic Freedom and Traditional Values
  9. Stimflation: Guess the Upcoming Inflation Rate Contest...Cash Prizes for the Winners!
  10. Upcoming Events

(1 of 10)
An Economic Wake-Up Call, by Colin Hanna

Too many Americans are turning a blind eye to the seriously radical agenda that President Obama is unfolding, motivated by their wholesome and patriotic desire to let the new President enjoy the benefit of all doubts.  However, the Obama team’s decision to push the envelope of the honeymoon period by front-loading an unprecedented number of truly extreme proposals demands that we engage in critical thinking and not just sentimental forbearance. Yesterday, a series of such radical proposals was unveiled proposing an extraordinary restructuring of not only our financial system but more broadly our entire economic system. It struck me as the kind of wake-up call that we simply cannot ignore, and yet it appears from the morning-after news coverage in the major national newspapers that we are doing precisely that.  

The plan is at once revolutionary and destructive by proposing that the federal government should assume new powers to regulate and even to take over and manage vast portions of the private sector.  Here are some aspects of the plan that should shock anyone who treasures market-based economic freedom:

  • The administration will call for “oversight of executive pay” at all banks, Wall Street firms and possibly other companies.
  • They may try to effect some major changes through regulations rather than through legislation.
  • The pay rules could be applied more broadly to publicly traded companies.
  • Another aspect of the plan would give the government greater authority to take over large, troubled companies that are not now regulated by Washington.

Read the full article online...


(2 of 10)
Administration Seeks Oversight in Executive Pay, NY Times Article

The Obama administration will call for increased oversight of executive pay at all banks, Wall Street firms and possibly other companies as part of a sweeping plan to overhaul financial regulation, government officials said.

The outlines of the plan are expected to be unveiled this week in preparation for President Obama’s first foreign summit meeting in early April.

Officials said the proposal would seek a broad new role for the Federal Reserve to oversee large companies, including major hedge funds, whose problems could pose risks to the entire financial system.

It will propose that many kinds of derivatives and other exotic financial instruments that contributed to the crisis be traded on exchanges or through clearinghouses so they are more transparent and can be more tightly regulated. And to protect consumers, it will call for federal standards for mortgage lenders beyond what the Federal Reserve adopted last year, as well as more aggressive enforcement of the mortgage rules.

The administration has been considering increased oversight of executive pay for some time, but the issue was heightened in recent days as public fury over bonuses spilled into the regulatory effort.

Read the full article online...


(3 of 10)
Obama Food Policy May Mean End of Farmers Markets, Family Farms

President Barack Obama made some foodies’ hearts melt on the campaign trail by referring to writer Michael Pollan, who has helped spark a revival in local, unprocessed food. But Obama’s push for strict new federal food-safety regulations could drive organic food and farmers markets into the back alleys.

The Food Safety Modernization Act, touted as a consumer protection bill, is backed by the giants of the affected industries, such as General Mills and the National Restaurant Association, while posing possibly lethal threats to smaller market players like family farms and local produce.

Last Saturday, Obama dedicated his weekly radio address to food safety, declaring “there are certain things only a government can do, and one of those things is ensuring that the foods we eat… are safe and don’t cause us harm.”

Obama didn’t specifically back any legislation, but his words gave momentum to House and Senate bills that would expand federal control over farms—or, as the House bill, HR 875, calls them, “food production facilities.” Rep. Rosa DeLauro, D-Conn., is the sponsor of HR 875, the “Food Safety Modernization Act.” Sen. Dick Durbin, D-Ill., has introduced a similar measure in the upper chamber.

Both measures would ramp up federal inspection of farms, impose reporting requirements on farmers, and dramatically lower the threshold at which the federal government can seize food it believes could make people sick.

Read the full article online...


(4 of 10)
Here's to You, Mr. Jefferson, by Mike Church

Here's to You, Mr. Jefferson


(5 of 10)
Health Reform "Public Plan Option" Equals More Taxpayer Bailouts

As President Obama lays out his budget over the next few weeks, no area will likely be more contentious than health care. At his press conference on March 24th, the President admitted, “the biggest driver of long-term deficits are the huge health care costs”.

The President is right: long-term health care costs have the potential to cripple our economy.

Republicans and Democrats alike in Congress, however, should take a deep breath and look around.

The American people are saying enough to reckless bailouts, enough to spending our children’s and grandchildren's future, enough to creating new government spending programs that will, however well-intentioned, cost more than the rosy projections splashed across our televisions, computers, and newspapers.

Read the full article online...


(6 of 10)
Petition Against Obama at Notre Dame Skyrockets Past 221,000 Signatures

As of Tuesday afternoon, over 221,000 signatures have poured into an online petition launched Friday, 3/20/09, by the Cardinal Newman Society (CNS). The petition opposes Notre Dame's honoring President Obama with an invitation to offer the commencement address and receive an honorary law degree on May 17.

CNS introduced the petition on a new web site dedicated to the scandal, http://www.notredamescandal.com, almost immediately after the White House and Notre Dame's web site simultaneously broke the news on Friday afternoon that Obama had accepted the invitation. Since then, the petition has gathered signatures at lightning speed, averaging 1,000 new signatures every 15 minutes.

Read the full article online...

For additional articles, see PAPastors.net.


(7 of 10)
Fifth Anniversary of the Unborn Victims of Violence Act

There is an important legislative anniversary today that could easily be overlooked: the fifth anniversary of the passage of the Unborn Victims of Violence Act, one of the most significant pieces of pro-life legislation to come out of Congress since the Supreme Court’s tragically flawed decision in Roe v. Wade.

It was the result of a five-year effort by the National Right to Life Committee and its allies in the pro-life movement and probably would not have made it through the legislative process without the leadership of former U.S. Rep. Melissa Hart and former U.S. Sen. Rick Santorum, both of Pennsylvania. To some degree, their principle stands on behalf of the bill and the victims that it protects may have cost them their seats. They deserve recognition as heroes who were willing to pay the ultimate price for elected officials, namely defeat in the cause of justice.

The bill established for the first time that if a “child in utero” is injured or killed as a consequence of a federal crime of violence against its mother, then the assailant may be charged with a separate offense on behalf of the unborn child in addition to the offenses related to the attack on the mother.

Read the full article online...


(8 of 10)
New Facebook Group for Sharing information on Constitutional Government, Economic Freedom and Traditional Values

Possibly you're new to Facebook...or you have not heard of Facebook yet? Facebook is a "social networking" site, one of the most visited sites on the Internet (the fifth most popular site online: after google, yahoo, youtube, live.com). It's a great site for connecting with friends and business associates.

How it works: set up a profile and search for friends and business associates to add to your network. The site provides many tools for helping locate friends and business contacts, to expand your network. The site also provides news updates about what your friends and contacts are up to. Sounds simple enough...but the site is a very helpful tool for networking and staying in touch with family, friends and business associates.

Facebook also provides the ability to set up groups to promote causes online. We've set up a group for sharing information on Constitutional Government, Economic Freedom and Traditional Values and connecting with friends and business associates...Let Freedom Ring USA. We're sending this e-newsletter out to our members to encourage you to join the group and help promote advancements in the conservative movement in America.

If you have not signed up for Facebook, you will need to create a profile before you can join the group: www.facebook.com. If you already have an account with Facebook, here's the link to join the group: www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=40331562149


(9 of 10)
Stimflation: Guess the Upcoming Inflation Rate Contest - Cash Prizes for the Winners!


America's INFLATION Stimulus Bill

What will the Stimulus Bill stimulate? INFLATION!

Guess How Bad it Will Be... Up to $200,000 in prizes will be awarded!

If you believe that the unprecedented spending increases in the Obama Administration's Stimulus, Housing and Banking proposals will result in a substantial increase in our inflation rate, then here’s a way to cash in even while your pocket is being picked: participate in our inflation rate contest! Enter your best estimate of the inflation rate for each of the next four years. Winners will each receive a $10,000 prize!

Winners will be contacted by phone and mail. Please make sure that information is accurate! Only one entry per person.

Link to Stimflation - Guess the Upcoming Inflation Rate Contest:
http://www.stimflation.com or


(10 of 10)
Upcoming Events

Colin Hanna, President
Let Freedom Ring, Inc.
Ph: 610-793-1800
Fax: 610-793-1415
2207 Concord Pike
Wilmington, Delaware 19803-2908
Promoting Constitutional Government, Economic Freedom and Traditional Values

LetFreedomRingUSA.org is a 501c(4) organization fully supported by contributions from the public.
Thank you for supporting our efforts to promote constitutional government, economic freedom, and traditional values!

Support LetFreedomRingUSA.com

Home Page | Contact LetFreedomRingUSA.com

Inflation Contest

Let Freedom Ring

LetFreedomRingUSA.com E-news
Tuesday, March 17, 2009



  1. New Facebook Group for Sharing Information on Constitutional Government, Economic Freedom and Traditional Values
  2. 12 Year Old Speaks Out on Abortion and Pro-Life Beliefs
  3. Economic Stimulus??? Spending 1 Million Dollars Per Day Every Day Since Jesus Was Born
  4. Stimflation: Guess the Upcoming Inflation Rate Contest...Cash Prizes for the Winners!
  5. Anti-Stimulus Protests Sprout Up
  6. Upcoming Events

(1 of 6)
New Facebook Group for Sharing information on Constitutional Government, Economic Freedom and Traditional Values

Possibly you're new to Facebook...or you have not heard of Facebook yet? Facebook is a "social networking" site, one of the most visited sites on the Internet (the fifth most popular site online: after google, yahoo, youtube, live.com). It's a great site for connecting with friends and business associates.

How it works: set up a profile and search for friends and business associates to add to your network. The site provides many tools for helping locate friends and business contacts, to expand your network. The site also provides news updates about what your friends and contacts are up to. Sounds simple enough...but the site is a very helpful tool for networking and staying in touch with family, friends and business associates.

Facebook also provides the ability to set up groups to promote causes online. We've set up a group for sharing information on Constitutional Government, Economic Freedom and Traditional Values and connecting with friends and business associates...Let Freedom Ring USA. We're sending this e-newsletter out to our members to encourage you to join the group and help promote advancements in the conservative movement in America.

If you have not signed up for Facebook, you will need to create a profile before you can join the group: www.facebook.com. If you already have an account with Facebook, here's the link to join the group: www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=40331562149


(2 of 6)
12 Year Old Speaks Out on Abortion and Pro-Life Beliefs

12 Year Old Speaks Out on Abortion and Pro-Life Beliefs

Read the full article online:


(3 of 6)
Economic Stimulus???
Spending 1 Million Dollars Per Day Every Day Since Jesus Was Born

Spending 1 Million Dollars Per Day Every Day Since Jesus Was Born


(4 of 6)
Stimflation: Guess the Upcoming Inflation Rate Contest - Cash Prizes for the Winners!


America's INFLATION Stimulus Bill

What will the Stimulus Bill stimulate? INFLATION!

Guess How Bad it Will Be... Up to $200,000 in prizes will be awarded!

If you believe that the unprecedented spending increases in the Obama Administration's Stimulus, Housing and Banking proposals will result in a substantial increase in our inflation rate, then here’s a way to cash in even while your pocket is being picked: participate in our inflation rate contest! Enter your best estimate of the inflation rate for each of the next four years. Winners will each receive a $10,000 prize!

Winners will be contacted by phone and mail. Please make sure that information is accurate! Only one entry per person.

Link to Stimflation - Guess the Upcoming Inflation Rate Contest:
http://www.stimflation.com or


(5 of 6)
Anti-Stimulus Protests Sprout Up

Holding signs reading "Stimulate Business, Not Government," "Families Against Porkulus" and "Say No To Generational Theft," protesters opposed to the $787 billion stimulus package have been mobilizing across the country.

It started last Monday in Seattle, then moved Tuesday to Denver, where President Obama signed the stimulus bill into law. That was followed by another one in Mesa, Ariz., where Obama unveiled a mortgage rescue plan.

Another protest was planned for Saturday outside the office of Rep. Dennis Moore in Overland Park, Kan. The Democrat voted for the stimulus. His office didn't return calls seeking comment.

A New Populism?

As unemployment soars and anger over Wall Street bailouts mounts, public outrage will seek an outlet...

Read the full article online at:


(6 of 6)
Upcoming Events

  • March 27-28, Fri. & Sat., Harrisburg, PA: Pennsylvania Leadership
    Conference - the premiere annual gathering for public policy conservatives in the state.
    Speaker: Michael Reagan, Eldest Son of President Ronald Reagan. http://www.paleadershipconference.org/

About LetFreedomRingUSA.org: http://www.letfreedomringusa.com/about

Donation link: We're undertaking major marketing campaigns in 2009. Please support our efforts to promote constitutional government, economic freedom, and traditional values. http://www.letfreedomringusa.com/contribute

Thank you for your support!

Colin Hanna, President
Let Freedom Ring, Inc.
Ph: 610-793-1800
Fax: 610-793-1415
2207 Concord Pike
Wilmington, Delaware 19803-2908
Promoting Constitutional Government, Economic Freedom and Traditional Values

Press inquiries: contact Deborah Hamilton. Web site inquiries: John Lutz.

Let Freedom Ring, Inc. is a 501 (c)(4) non-profit organization, and donations are not tax-deductible charitable contributions.

Stimulus? pffff

Help Us Stop “America’s INFLATION Stimulus Bill”

by Colin Hanna, http://www.LetFreedomRingUSA.com

Take Action Now - Petition Your Senators:

The so-called stimulus bill appears to be on the verge of passage following a “compromise” crafted by Republican Senators Specter and Collins and Democratic Senator Nelson. It demonstrates a stunning ignorance of how business works and how jobs are created. For example, in its over 1500 pages, there is not one single mention of increasing profits in American businesses, yet any business owner knows that sustained profits are the only way that businesses can expand and create new jobs. Without a clear focus on increasing profits, the long-term result of a huge increase in government spending can only be one thing: staggering inflation.

In addition to the economic issues, this massive inflation stimulus also raises three major moral hazards:

  1. Tens of millions of citizens who have retired on fixed incomes will see their purchasing power erode severely and their financial security collapse. Do we want to bear moral responsibility for breaking trust with our retirees who have worked so hard to achieve financial security?
  2. At the other end of the age spectrum, tens of millions of young people will find their future dreams thwarted by an oppressive tax system burdened by repaying trillions of dollars of debt incurred just this year. Economists say that this unprecedented public borrowing could “crowd out” private capital that would otherwise be used to expand existing businesses and start new ones, thus shackling the next generation with no-growth prospects.
  3. President Obama’s pledge of transparency in his new Administration is rendered meaningless by exempting this bill from the budget disciplines and cost disclosure requirements of all other legislation. By allowing Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid to assemble this bill the old-fashioned way, larding it up with economically unsound projects cynically included to buy votes, the new President risks breaking faith with the American people on a matter of moral as well as political integrity – within his Administration’s very first month. These are not merely economic considerations; they also present grave moral hazards.

The bill as it stands is entirely government-centric. It assumes that government is the best or only financial actor capable of addressing the politically-motivated overextension of credit crisis and a housing market breakdown. Absent are incentives for the private sector to inject new capital into the economy.

This so-called stimulus bill contains more pork than a pig farm. President Obama has badly bobbled his first real legislative leadership opportunity and abdicated to Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid. Obama originally proposed a massive infrastructure investment program. He should have stuck to it.

Providing infrastructure is a core function of government. It enjoys support from conservatives and liberals alike. Conservatives base their support on time-tested economic principles initially set forth by Adam Smith, the founding father of free market economics. He argued that government’s proper role was to provide a permanent military for national defense, a police and court system to control crime and administer justice and a public works system to facilitate the flow of commerce along roads, bridges, and canals. Contemporary conservative legislators who may be budget hawks on most government spending are typically supportive of spending on infrastructure. Our roads, bridges and railways are in a deplorable state of disrepair and deterioration. Entirely new types of infrastructure, such as high-speed fiber and wireless data networks, should be developed to aid twenty-first century commerce and economic development in the same way that paved roads did two centuries ago or air transport did in the last century.

If President Obama had stuck to his original promise of enacting a stimulus plan focusing on job-creating infrastructure projects that were “shovel-ready” and just waiting for funding, he likely would have found many willing Republican allies. The result could have been a precedent-setting example of genuine bipartisanship. Instead, by abdicating his leadership role in setting the national agenda to Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid, he will probably sign a bill that would be best described as “America’s Inflation Stimulus,” because it will be inflation, rather than job growth and infrastructure investment, that is most stimulated by it. How many months will it be before we see inflation skyrocket from its current level of around 4% to 12% or more? The last time we saw an inflation rate that high was in 1980, and it was a major contributor to President Jimmy Carter’s defeat by Ronald Reagan.

The proposed package of pork is the largest spending bill in American history. Expressed in current dollars, it is roughly double the size of the entire New Deal, much of which really was infrastructure spending. It is likely to garner no more than a handful of Republican votes, largely because no Republican input was sought in the House, and only two Republican deal-making Senators were involved in reaching the Senate compromise.

For the new President, this is a tragic waste of an historic leadership opportunity. For the rest of us, it will result in the greatest transfer of debt to a succeeding generation in the history of the world. This is not the kind of change that Obama promised.

We invite you to join us in sending a clear message to your Senators that you simply will not tolerate their voting in favor of this bill. Please click this link to go to our special online petition, which we will send to both of your state’s United States Senators before the final vote:

Take Action Now - Petition Your Senators:

Article's Web Page Address:


LetFreedomRingUSA.com is a non-profit, grassroots organization supporting a Conservative agenda.

Our mission is to promote:

  1. Constitutional government
    1. Original intent of the Framers of the Constitution
    2. Limited (Federal) government
    3. Separation of powers (Judiciary not legislating, etc.)
  2. Economic Freedom
    1. Free enterprise and equal opportunity
    2. Social Security Reform -- to achieve financial independence, not dependence
    3. Profit as an economic incentive
  3. Traditional values
    1. Family as the basic building block of society
    2. Sanctity of life
    3. Religious liberty, not restraint of religious speech

Additional Links:

Let Freedom Ring was formed to counter the attacks of anti-conservative groups on patriotic candidates as well as attacks on the important issues of our day – those that affect the core of our society: the family, marriage, the economy, energy, abortion, health care and foreign policy, to name just a few. We also work to keep our constituents and the media informed about what our founding fathers’ intentions were and how history shapes laws and our culture today. Through seminars, workshops, ad campaigns, leadership and grassroots training and educational materials, Let Freedom Ring strives to motivate, activate and educate those who are interested in keeping America the great nation it has always been.

Let Freedom Ring has conducted successful non-partisan and bi-partisan events in Pennsylvania, Ohio, Washington, D.C. and many other locations across the U.S. that have featured the nation’s top leaders as keynote speakers. Video productions such as “Inner Strength,” educating the public about the faith and perseverance of some of America’s top leaders including President Bush, have been created and distributed by Let Freedom Ring. We have equipped individuals and churches to hold voter registration drives and created award–winning television and radio commercials, Public Service Announcements, broadcast and written commentaries. The leaders of Let Freedom Ring have been featured in the news countless times. Let Freedom Ring played an important role in voter education and voter turnout in the 2004 presidential election.


Colin A. Hanna's Facebook profile
Feel free to add me as a friend of Facebook!

Colin Hanna, President
Let Freedom Ring, Inc.
Ph: 610-793-1800
Fax: 610-793-1415
2207 Concord Pike
Wilmington, Delaware 19803-2908
Promoting Constitutional Government, Economic Freedom and Traditional Values

Press inquiries: contact either Deborah Hamilton or Felicia Horton.
Web site inquiries: John Lutz

Let Freedom Ring, Inc. is a 501 (c)(4) non-profit organization, and donations are not tax-deductible charitable contributions.

Doctor's Questioning

Burtongoldberg.com | Biography | Video Intro | Alternative Medicine Essays | Alternative Medicine Books | Congressional Testimony
Cancer Conquest Video | Ethical Stem Cells Video | Curing Depression Video | Health Consultancy | Online Store | Contact

Congress of the United States House of Representatives
Committee on Government Reform
Hearing on "Integrative Oncology - Cancer Care for the New Millennium"
June 7 and 8, 2000, Washington, D.C.

Testimony of Burton Goldberg

Producer of the following DVD's and Online Health Videos (2004 - 2008):
Cancer Conquest: The Best of Conventional and Alternative Medicine DVD
Ethical Stem Cells Now DVD
Curing Depression, Anxiety and Panic Disorder DVD

Publisher of following books and magazine:
Alternative Medicine: The Definitive Guide
Definitive Guide to Cancer
Cancer Diagnosis: What to Do Next and many other outstanding health books.
• Alternative Medicine Magazine

Website: www.burtongoldberg.com

When it comes to medical emergencies, contemporary conventional medicine is magnificent. For the treatment of trauma and when extreme, life-saving interventions are called for, conventional medicine's heroically complex surgical techniques and arsenal of pharmaceutical drugs are without parallel.

When it comes to the prevention of illness, however, and the treatment of cancer, heart disease, diabetes and the epidemic of degenerative diseases that presently afflict our society, conventional medicine has proven catastrophically inadequate.

A century ago, one in 33 people had cancer; today, according to the American Cancer Society (ACS), it is more than one in three, and growing. When I was born in 1926, cancer was the tenth leading cause of death among children - now I am 73 and it is second. No other health topic today has the urgency of cancer because no other health condition is escalating as fast. In March of this year, the National Cancer Institute (NCI) released its Annual Report to the Nation on the Status of Cancer, 1973-1997. According to the report, some types of cancer had declined more or less, while others had increased. But the NCI proudly trumpeted the fact that for the first time ever in this country, overall cancer incidence and mortality rates had both declined from 1990 through 1997. The amount of decline was the same for both: 0.8%. Taking this number at face value (the field report's raw data has yet to be analyzed by objective sources), while it might be statistically significant, this less than 1% decline pales in the face of the grim reality of the ACS's prediction that one out of two men in this country will get cancer. Or that, while in 1950 one out of 20 women got breast cancer, in 1960 it was one in 14, and today it is one out of eight. This is not much to show for spending $2 billion per year - now $3 billion per year - for over a quarter of a century.

Conventional medicine still admits ignorance as to the causes of cancer: without knowing the cause how can there be prevention and cure?

Our message is simple, direct, and lifesaving: cancer can be - is being - successfully reversed using alternative medicine. Although many of the alternative methods for treating cancer have been with us for perhaps 50 years, it is only recently that these approaches have achieved major clinical breakthroughs and moved into wider public awareness. I wish I had known more about them myself when my sister and my mother were dying of cancer. Seeing them ravaged not only by cancer but by the toxic treatments of conventional medicine made me think there must be a way to treat cancer without poisoning the body and destroying the immune system, and I vowed to find it.

This is another aspect of conventional medicine that is too little addressed: even in cases in which surgery, radiation and chemotherapy can extend life, at what cost to the quality of life? Another year - or month - of debilitation and pain may be statistically significant, but is it meaningful?

Over the years I have met with hundreds of alternative doctors. I visited their clinics and talked to their patients. I looked at their records, their lab results, their x-rays and scanning images. I learned how a myriad of health conditions are successfully treated using alternative methods. Their recommendations and views became Alternative Medicine: The Definitive Guide, a national best-seller (2008 Cancer DVD: Cancer Conquest - The Best of Conventional and Alternative Medicine) that changed the lives of many readers by showing them, as I tell everyone I meet, "You don't have to be sick." You can get better using safe, effective, inexpensive, and nontoxic methods from the world of alternative medicine. Let me give you an example. I have given you a copy of our latest book, Cancer Diagnosis: What to do Next. In Chapter One is the story of Cheryl Wilkins, who used alternative medicine to reverse malignant melanoma. Instead of chemotherapy, which she had been told would probably not be effective for her cancer, she underwent a detoxification and nutritional therapy program. Today, she is healthy and cancer-free. But she is only one of a thousand I have met and spoken with.

A great deal of what you will hear about alternative medicine will probably be new to you and you may well say, "If alternative medicine for cancer were any good, my doctor would know about it and would have told me." I offer you two reasons why this is not the case. First, your doctor may not know about it. Very few physicians are taught in medical school even the rudiments of nutrition or the immune system. Until the mid-1990's, no conventional medical school discussed alternative approaches to treating illness. Too often, physicians blindly follow the conventions of their field and never look beyond to see what might work better.

Presently, 60% of medical schools teach courses on alternative medicine. They are doing so because patients and younger doctors are demanding it. Conventional doctors are losing patients to alternative practitioners. The reason for this is the superior results many patients receive from alternative medicine: it works. Sadly, while a great deal of new information about alternative approaches to cancer actually appears in mainstream medical journals, too few doctors seem to pay any attention. Conventional doctors and layperson's alike still tend to think of "alternative medicine" as an umbrella term encompassing a number of separate, unrelated types of therapies - acupuncture, chiropractic, herbal remedies and nutritional supplements are the most familiar - in the same way that conventional medicine encompasses a number of basically unrelated specialties, such as radiology, anesthesiology, oncology, etc. Alternative medicine still connotes naive and ill-trained practitioners claiming that a little St. John's Wort is all that is necessary to cure depression. But true alternative medicine is a comprehensive system, incorporating more than 50 different disciplines, and employing sophisticated diagnostic techniques to determine the causes and mechanisms of a patient's health problems. Having determined a person's unique condition and needs, it then incorporates the appropriate detoxification regimens, nutrition programs and any of a number of treatment protocols ranging from ancient Asian traditions to high-tech, cutting edge devices using light or sound waves to enhance the healing process. This is an entirely different paradigm from conventional medicine; it is something that can hardly be grasped, let alone mastered, by taking one or two courses in medical school.

The second reason your doctor might not have told you about alternative medicine is, sadly, that he or she may not want you to know about it. Many powerful economic forces - pharmaceutical drug companies, physicians' trade groups, insurance companies, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the National Institutes of Health (NIH) - want health care to stay exactly the way it is because they are thriving under it. The reason alternative cancer treatments are not yet mainstream has little to do with alleged therapeutic ineffectiveness and far more to do with political control over the therapy marketplace. Successful alternative approaches to cancer are seen as a direct financial threat to this system. The politics of cancer have an overriding influence on the science of cancer and, ultimately, on what the public thinks about cancer treatment options. If you think that authorities in the government health agencies would never sacrifice the well-being and lives of Americans to maintain the status quo - if you think that "it couldn't happen here" - let me give you an outrageous example that has been well documented and would be easy for you to verify.

In the early 1970s, physician and independent researcher Joseph Gold, M.D., had an idea about a new approach to treating cancer. He realized that most people do not die from the invasiveness of cancer tumors themselves but from the side effects of the cancer process. One of the chief side effects is a wasting process called cachexia: this is extreme weight loss due to the loss of lean tissue and muscle mass.

Cancer cells use sugar (glucose) from the body as fuel and release lactic acid as a waste product. The body detoxifies the lactic acid in the liver and reconverts it into glucose with a huge energy drain on the patient. This new glucose is once again taken up and used as fuel by the cancer cells, and the vicious cycle continues; the body uses up its reserves and healthy tissue turning toxic cancer wastes into new fuel for cancer cells. Dr. Gold came upon a reference to a chemical called hydrazine sulfate, an easily synthesized substance that could block a particular liver enzyme necessary to convert lactic acid into glucose. He reasoned that this could break the cycle and inhibit the growth of cancer tumors while preserving normal tissue. He first proposed using hydrazine sulfate to combat cachexia in 1969.

Preliminary animal studies supported his concept and by 1973 about 1,000 cancer patients were using hydrazine sulfate. The FDA issued a few Investigational New Drug permits and Dr. Gold organized the Syracuse Cancer Research Center to develop the drug and its protocols. In clinical trials in the United States, the compound significantly improved the nutritional status and survival of lung cancer patients. In a study of 740 patients with various types of cancer, 51% of patients reported tumor stabilization or regression. Almost half the patients also reported subjective improvement, notably decreased pain and better appetite. Further, and this is crucial, similar studies were performed in Russia with almost identical results. Dean Burk, M.D., at that time the head of cell chemistry research at National Cancer Institute, called hydrazine sulfate the "most remarkable anticancer agent I have come across in my 45 years of experience with cancer." Dr. Gold's research revealed two important caveats to the protocol:

1) Dosage amounts were critical: too high a dose would not only be devoid of beneficial effects but could create a toxic environment that would increase mortality.

2) Patients had to absolutely avoid certain other drugs, including alcohol, barbiturates and antidepressants; these negated hydrazine sulfate's action. Then, in late 1973, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Hospital in New York started clinical trials - but used dosages far higher than what Dr. Gold considered safe or effective. It is no coincidence that Sloan-Kettering is a bastion of the cancer establishment, heavily supported by pharmaceutical companies. It was clear to Dr. Gold that they were setting things up to scuttle his research and, indeed, in these trials hydrazine sulfate not only failed to work properly but produced the predicted negative results. Nevertheless, independent trials still went on, including four double-blind, placebo-controlled studies conducted in the 1980s by Harbor-UCLA Medical Center that reported increased survival rates for cancer patients using hydrazine sulfate. Because of this success, certain officials in the FDA began to look for a pharmaceutical company that would agree to undertake the expensive testing necessary to get the drug approved and so widely available.

Traditional chemotherapy attempts to kill cancer cells with poisons - cytotoxins - which also poison and weaken the entire body. Chemotherapy is expensive: every approved cytotoxin is the patented product of a pharmaceutical company that spent tens or hundreds of millions of dollars developing it and bringing it through the approval process. Hydrazine sulfate, on the other hand, was dirt cheap - treatment cost less than a dollar a day. In proper doses it was without side effects. It represented an entirely new approach to cancer treatment. And it worked. It was, in other words, a huge threat.

At that time, the National Cancer Institute's director was Vincent DeVita, M.D., considered one of the fathers of cytotoxic chemotherapy. In 1981 he appeared on ABC News and flippantly discounted hydrazine sulfate: "I'm very unexcited," he said about the UCLA and Russian studies. "We throw away drugs that are better than hydrazine sulfate." What a far cry from Dr. Burk's ringing endorsement! It was at this time that NCI decided the best way to handle the situation was to sponsor studies of hydrazine sulfate themselves, which allowed them complete control. And in trials they sponsored they administered hydrazine sulfate to patients who were also taking those very drugs that Dr. Gold had determined would deactivate hydrazine sulfate and even increase mortality. The mechanism which made hydrazine sulfate incompatible with barbiturates, alcohol, etc., was well understood and well publicized. Dr. Gold had even written a letter to NCI before their trials began, warning them of the dangers. Yet an analysis of a study by one of NCI's test managers, Dr. Michael Kosty of the Scripps Institute, revealed that almost everyone in his test group had ingested one or more of the incompatible substances. By sabotaging the trials, National Cancer Institute managed to discredit the drug's use in the minds of most of the world's doctors who take the word of the NCI as the last and final word on cancer treatments. NCI made it as difficult as possible for other studies to be continued or to have research published. Armed raids were even staged, confiscating the substance from suppliers.

Read up on Burton's full article here:

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