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Helly's blog: "stuff"

created on 12/17/2009  |  http://fubar.com/stuff/b327047  |  3 followers

whistling dixie ......

From the local paper .....



Confederate flag removal was long over due 


Editor: My wife and I followed with great interest the story about South Carolina permanently taking the Confederate flag from outside the State House. 

   You see in the early days of intergration- 1968 - we moved to the south, Chattanooga Tenn, to work.

   We really were naive Candians (we thought a sign that read "whites only" in a laundromate meant white clothing only)

   This was early days in the time of busing black students to white schools to force intergration. 

   Brainerd is a middle-class at the time exclusively white nieghbourhood of Chattanooga. The newly intergrated bused in black students at Brainder High School objected to the school fight song "Dixie"and the school's symbol, the Confederate flag. 

   The school board therfore voted to ban both of these. On the Friday night after the vote my wife and I deove to Brainerd to see if anything was going on. Sure enough the streeets were full of cars full of white students driving around singing "Dixie" at the top of their lunds and waving Confederate flags out of the car windows. 

   We also decided to go to a football game at Brainerd the following day. 

   Brainerd was playing a team from mlong intergrated Notre Dame Catholic High School. 

   At the half time the Brainerd students predictably burst into a chourus of "Dixie" 

   We will never forget what happpened next. All the Notre Dame students filed down onto the field stood in front of the Brainerd students and looked up at them and sang "America the Beautiful". 

   Now 47 years later South Carolina has finally removed the flag. We are left wondering why it took them so long. 


Barry Whaites 

Lately whenever I post a status "someone" round here will always think its about them. The routine is I post a status eventually somebody comes alonsg and says

"is your status about _______ ? "

I lol and say "noooooooooooo why" 

they say " oh I think __________ thinks it is about them" and then they send me a link or copy and paste to a status that sure as shit makes it perfectly clear "someone" thinks my status was about them.


It has been kind of entertaining to be honest. 

I post a status about double standards "someone" sees themself in it and thinks it is about them 

I post a status about drama queens "someone" recognizes themseleves and is convinced it is about them 

I post a status about my dying cat "someone" somehow someway made that about them

I post a status about some gawd awful NSFW that is hitting fu that night ... yup "someone" has even made giant hairy snatch statuses about them 

I post a status about two faces and "someone" thinks I am talking about both of theirs. 

I post a status about ...... 

Well you get the idea. 

Now for the most part I have been highly amused and having great fun with it. I mean seriously how often does someone get to win a battle they did not even know they were fighting? I have thought (and said) meh if it helps "someone" feel like they are important let them have it besides even if I did say it was not about them they would not believe it. I considered it charity to help the individuals out there feed their drama / status war habit. 

That brings us to my last two statuses  ... *points* Now I must confess after I had posted them I totally started laughing and thought oh shit "someone" is going to think that is about them but really who can blame me at this point? :s It has been crystal clear that no matter what I post for whatever reason or about what/who "someone" is going to do the OMG OMG OMG SHE IS TALKING ABOUT MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE dance and who I am to deprive them?

Let me tell you how those statuses came about ... it is from a Mumm 

The mumm poster took my reply to her mumm and became convinced I was talking directly too and about her and took it very personal ( I knooooooowwww that never fucking happens on fu)  when in fact I was not talking about anyone in particular and making the point that no I do not talk the same way in real life as I do sometimes on line. 

here is the Mumm (please please note the timing of the mumm and final comment and my damn statuses for ffs :D)


to help even further here is the screen shot of the comment I am refering to.

 <a href="http://fubar.com/helly/photo-3619108-2315385-3987861090" target="_blank"><img src="http://b.pcc1.fubar.com/80/19/3619108/3987861090.jpg" title="" border="0" /></a>

Well dear readers as you have guessed by now yup "someone" is absolutely fucking certain it is about them. *trortured sigh* 

So if you know "someone" who is totally convinced they are the only person I know and therefore the only person I would post things about please inform that "someone" they are exposing their ass. 

Or is you know someone who is damn determined to take ownership of every post that covers a negative character traits by seeing themselves in it they might not wanna advertise that.....cause you know some of the smarter people might start noticing those character traits in you. 


Oh and for the record juuusttttttttttttt to be clear ... yes .. yes this post is about "someone" 

So if the shoe fits you feel free to strap that bitch on !!


definition of stupid.....




- buying a pair of pants you just love at a great price 


- accidently shrinking them ...


-deciding they were such a good price you would go get a second pair


- putting them on when spring comes and thinking fuck I gained weight 


- figuring out a year later you did not gain weight but they were too tight because you were wearing the pair you shrank 



For Maso...

The main reason I am doing this is for Maso .... I know me telling this story and exposing my bleeding sucker heart will stick a huge ass goofy grin on his face. 


I went down to the cat rescue shelter to donate the special food and supplies I had for nursing Emo. Once there the director of the shelter conned me into meeting a few cats. I made it very very very clear to her I was no where near ready or willing to "adopt" another cat. :/ 

Meet Nyk not my first choice in a name for a cat but her original name was Nik Nak and that is just gawd fucking awful. I thought changing her name completely considering her age was just kind of nasty so I settled on Nyk. There she was this 5.2 lb huddles mass of misery. She had the mew of a weak new born kitten was missing half her fur in the back due to matting. I was told they thought she was 9 but the lady that "surrendered" her kept changing her story about how old she was and why she could not keep her Yes .... I ended up going home with her that night. I mean what could go wrong with such a tiny timid girl right? Poor Gru ! Right off the bat all he wanted to do was love her unfortunately for him (and me) she was having none of that. After doing the keep them in seperate rooms and slow introductions thing I let Nyk out of the room. It turns out Gru is whimp and Nyk is a bit of a diva. She prances around like a little queen. She chases Gru who is double her size and pretty much freaks the holy hell out of him. He is such a sweet cat the most I have seen him do in retaliation is raise his paw gently in warning and once when she was repeatedly and deliberatly prancing by him while staring him down stick out his paw put it against her ass and shove her out the room. After a time of Gru and I respecting her boundaries and time outs when she attacks Gru  it is starting to look like this just might work out. (though I will not allow Gru to be bullied endlessly if I am wrong) The  incidents of her for no reason going after Gru have settled down and the last couple of days just happen in the morning  If I click my tongue she comes running (if I meant Gru and not her she does not care) She wants to be around me more and manages to lounge in the same area as Gru without giving him her bitching side and making him dash away like a hen pecked husband being chased by his bitch wife holding a knife. Hopefully another week or so into it things will have settled down.  completly. It is has been quite the revelation for me at how much having her so vastly different from Emo (although physically a lot of similarities) has made me miss him more and I wonder if Gru has the same. 


*spits out hair* 




I waited at the same light for 10 mins bc they were mowing the grass in ditches during the rush to work 


I was told by a customer I was getting fat


I was told by her husband I had grey hair 


The customer that bitched at me for only having brown and white bread last he was in and I was out of other choices bitched at me today when I told him I had 7 grain sourdough rye and cheddar cheese bread to pick from and no white


Everybody and their dog is acting like a dip below freezing after spring like temps for 2 weeks is a fucking disaster they will never recover from 


My staff called in sick (ya ya ya for a good reason I am not mad at her) 


I spent 50  mins on the phone trying to explain to the Hydro company (again) that they for some reason no one is willing to explain or fix they have my acct coupled with a different business with the name Holland it and the overdue bill is not mine. 


Today I was told I was heartless for not allowing some woman to take her dogs in the store even it was a food service establishment because it was too cold for them to be in the car. 


Today .... I might need a new spot to hide the bodies 



We all need a special reminder during the Holidays of how good we have it  

While running the carboard out of my store to the back bin I found myself walking beside a gentleman that was if not actually homeless at least living in hard times. He was pushing a grocery buggy full of all kinds of junk. I smiled at him and asked him how he was doing. He started talking away and frankly it was very hard to follow what he was on about. Suddenly he flashed a BIG smile and said clearly "my old lady Debra she got herself a job at the Casino !" 

WOW I thought GOOD FOR HER. I smiled back and told him how wonderful that was. He agreed telling me they were happy to have a little extra for christmas this year. I should have left the conversation at that but nooooooooooooooo I had to push my luck and add that it must be a relief to her to have a job with some security. OH YES !! He declared SHE FUCKS DAY AND NIGHT !!! 


It was then that I realized he did not mean the casino hired her but she had found a spot to stand in the back of the Casino. 



Yesterday ... 


Phone rings.... 


Me: Holland ......... how can I help you 


Him: Yes I am very upset I have a Dutch Bakery Pumpernickle here and the bottom is all fungused. I hope I did not eat any of it. 


Me: I am so very sorry that happened Sir ... I will check and pull the product immediately and talk to my supllier 


Him: It is very upsetting 


Me: Again Sir .. .I am very very sorry all I can do at this point and is go after the issue and offer you a refund .


Him: Oh no no no that wont do it cost me more in the bridge toll to come across than what I would get back. 


Me: Of course well next time you are in the store let me know and I will be sure to refund you your money. 


Him: OH I dont actually shop in your store I bought this in a store over here. 


Me: blank stare 


Me: Sir I am not sure what exactly you want me to do about a product you did not buy from me in the first place. 


Him: Well this is awful the manufacturing has to be held accountable. 


Me: Sir I suggest you contact the store you bought it from. 


Him: I did ...but this is awful. 


Me:  blank stare... 


       Goodbye Sir ... have a good day


This Morning.... 


Phone rings...


Me: Holland....... can I help you 


Him: Yes I called yesterday about a product with fungus on it and I have to say I find that you were very rude and not concerned about my health and safety at all. I could have died. 


Me: Blank Stare 


Him: This is very serious...


Me: Sir you did not buy the product from here so I dont know what you want me to do about it. Contact who you bought it from. 


Him: I have ... I would like to talk to the manufacturer. 


Me: The manufacturer is in Holland. 


Him: Then I would like to talk to the importer. 


Me: Sir please deal with the store you bought the product from. (hangs up) 


Phone rings 


Me: Holland ............ can I help you 


Him: Yes I would like to talk to the owner or manager they need to know you are very rude. 


Me: Hangs up 



slams head on desk 

taking care of business

Have most of my christmas stock in and pictures loaded on business FB page. 

If anyone wants things shipped to them again this year .... letting me know sometime this month is probably best to make sure you get it.


sometimes I just have to share my pain 



Customer.... do you ah sell da a gouda cheese 


Me....yes I do 


Customer ....where ah da iz it 


Me.....over here in the cheese cooler Maam 


Customer ... ah how da mooch iz it 


Me ... depends on the kind Maam


Customer.... gohkay whoot about dis a piece 


Me... 29.15 Maam


Customer ... oh dat very much a price but I a have da bad gas and I a had been told da gouda cheese helps with da gas and it a smells bettter 



Me.... *cries*

Bullying ...

One thing that irritates me a lot about this whole new "bullying" craze is the fact that things that are flat out not bullying but criminal offences like assualt ... rape ... uttering threats ... and stalking using on line resources. Bullying is telling the fat kid they cant sit with you at lunch because they smell. What people speak about today as bullying is so beyond  that ... To me calling acts such as this bullying trivializes it ... 


Rehtaeh Parsons was my daughter

Glen Canning, the father of Rehtaeh Parsons, says he's too devastated to speak publicly about his daughter's suicide. He instead chose to post the following blog entry on 

By Glen Canning

My daughter was three years old when we went to watch Babe: Pig in the City. There's a part in the movie when Babe knocks over a goldfish bowl and the fish falls onto the floor and starts flopping around. When this happened Rae suddenly stood up on her chair in the movie theatre and started screaming for someone to help the fish. She cried for it as I tried to reassure her Babe would help (thank God he did) and that the fish would be alright.

That was the nature of my daughter Rehtaeh. She was like that her whole life. I couldn't go for a walk in Halifax with her without her asking me for change to give to someone in need. She was always looking out for people or animals that needed help. She called Animal Control Services on our neighbors because they left their dog outside too long. Her room and her life was always full of little creatures.

Sometimes her heart was too big, sometimes it scared me.

They say parents need to teach their children. Instead, it was Rehtaeh who was my teacher. My precious gift. She was the absolute best part of my life.

There's a wooden box in my house that holds all the memories I have of my beautiful little girl. The outfit she wore home from the hospital, a hand print in clay, art, school cards and drawings, mementoes of her life. Even a newspaper dated December 9th, 1995, the day she came into this world.
I tried to keep it all for her, to have someday when she grew up and had her own family. That day will never come.

Rehtaeh died April 7th at 11:15 PM. She was 17 years old.

She died struggling to live, much as she spent the last 18 months. She hung on right to the very end, when the nurses were telling us if she couldn't be declared brain dead soon they couldn't use her as an organ donor. We couldn't wait any longer. She couldn't live any longer. And right at the last moment there was a change in her blood pressure as the last part of her brain gave away. She knew she had to leave. It was time to let go and find peace.

It was so like her to hang on right up until the very last second. To give us all a chance to hold her hand, wipe her tears away, and kiss her beautiful face for the last time.

I tried my best to save my daughter's life. I believe that in my heart.

I asked her repeatedly what I could do, was I doing enough, what did she want from me? She said she just wanted me to be her dad. To make her laugh. To do everything possible to keep a part of her life normal. She said it helped more than I could ever know.

I prayed for the best while I prepared her for the worst. We went to counseling together. Sometimes I was the drive, sometimes the father, sometimes the counselor.

The worst nightmare of my life has just begun. I loved my beautiful baby with all my heart. She meant everything to me. I felt her heart beating in my soul from the moment she was born until the moment she died. We were a team. We were best pals. We often sat on my couch and laughed until we could hardly speak. When we weren't together she would call me or text me every single day, just to say hi, to say she loved me. The life I had with my daughter was a rare thing. It was wonderful, it consumed me. I was defined by it. It made my life rich and beautiful.

She was amazing.

Yesterday I looked at another wooden box. It will hold her ashes. I hate it.

I had to write something about this. I don't want her life to defined by a Google search about suicide or death or rape. I want it to be about the giving heart she had. Her smile. Her love of life and the beautiful way in which she lived it.

I found out this afternoon my daughter saved the life of a young woman with her heart. How fitting.

She also gave someone a new liver, a kidney, a new breath, and a new chance to love. She saved the lives of four people with her final gift of life. She was that wonderful.

Someone out there is going to look at the world with my daughter's eyes. The most beautiful eyes I have ever seen.

To the Justice Minister of Nova Scotia

Rehtaeh Parsons thought the worst outcome for her case would be no charges against the men who raped her but we all know better. The worst thing that could happen would be charges. That they would be found guilty, and that Rehtaeh would sit on a court bench and listen in utter disbelief as they were given parole, or a suspended sentence, or community service. All for completely destroying her life while they laughed.

Why is it they didn't just think they would get away with it; they knew they would get away with it. They took photos of it. They posted it on their Facebook walls. They emailed it to God knows who. They shared it with the world as if it was a funny animation.

How is it possible for someone to leave a digital trail like that yet the RCMP don't have evidence of a crime? What were they looking for if photos and bragging weren't enough?

Why was this treated like a minor incident of bullying rather than a rape? Isn't the production and distribution of child porn a crime in this country? Numerous people were emailed that photo. The police have that information (or at least they told us they did). When someone claims they were raped is it normal to wait months before talking to the accused?

You have the opportunity here to do something good and lets face it; the court system in Nova Scotia was just going to rape her all over again with indifference to her suffering and the damage this did to her.

My daughter wasn't bullied to death, she was disappointed to death. Disappointed in people she thought she could trust, her school, and the police.

She was my daughter, but she was your daughter too.

For the love of God do something.

***I've been contacted from media outlets from all over the world and as a past member of the media I understand why you all want to speak with me. You have all been very courteous, professional, and respectful. Please know, however, this is the only statement I am able to make. I'm [too] devastated.***

I feel like I'm dead inside.
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