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Wack Juice's blog: "Surveys"

created on 01/28/2007  |  http://fubar.com/surveys/b49394

It's no secret

1. Has anyone done anything sweet for you lately? No. 2. Do you trust your friends? some of them to a certain extent 3. Would you move to another state or country to be with the person you love? Interesting question.. Find me "THE ONE" and im sure i'd move heaven and hell to be with them. 4. Do you believe that everything happens for a reason? yes 5. Name two things you would NOT tolerate in a relationship? lying, and Abuse of any kind 6. Which one of your friends do you think would make the best roommate for you? none 7. What's your favorite movie? prolly The covenant 8. Are you afraid of falling in love? in a way.. yes.. I cant help it.. im afraid to fall. 9. Is there someone who pops into your mind at random times throughout the day? yes 10. Would you stop talking to your friends because you hooked up with a new guy/girl? no 11. Name one person from your friends list that you could call to come to your rescue if you got a flat tire? I dont have to worry about it.. i dont have a car. 12. From your friends list, who can you call in the middle of the night if you need to talk? none of them 13. What quality do you find most attractive in the opposite sex? Honesty and acceptance 14. Fill in the blank. I would NEVER _____ Settle for less then i deserve. 15. What is your number one priority in life? to make it through the day no less off then when i started it. 16. What can you tell about a person by kissing them? i dont know? what they had for dinner? 17. If/when you get married, how would you envision your dream wedding to be? i'll prolly never marry. 18. Can you tell what people are saying in death metal songs? what's that? 19. If you were to wake up from being in a coma for an extended period of time, name some people you would want to see around your bed? no one 20. How many kids do you want to have? i dont 21. Would you make a good parent? probably not 22. Where was your default pic taken? i have no idea i dont even remember what it is 24. What is your current relationship status? single 25. Honestly, does your crush like you back? my heads not in a good place lately, to have a crush. 26. What is your current mood? i'm not really sure. 27. What do you love most? solitude 28. Who did you last talk to on the phone and about what? my mom.. food 29. Are you musically inclined? no 30. If you could go back in time, and change something, what would it be? how far back in time are we talking? 31. If you MUST be an animal for ONE day, what would you be? A spider, because it might just help me to get over my absolute terror of them 32. Ever have a near death experience? no 33. Something you do a lot? read.. 34. What's the name of the song that's stuck in your head right "Who Said" by Hannah Montana 35. Do you enjoy fixing surveys with missing questions? no 36. Name someone with the same b-day as you: Mike 37. Do you own a house? no 38. Explanation of your current screen name? depends on which screen name 39. Have you ever sang in front of a large audience? no 40. Are you a virgin ? yea 41. What do you usually ask for at Starbucks? Caramel Fraup, with extra Caramel 42. Have you ever stolen something? yes 43. Ever had a drunken night? yes 44. Have you ever been arrested before? no 45. Do you still watch kiddy movies or TV shows? yes 46. What is your favorite tv show? One Tree Hill, Charmed, The O.C, Gilmore girls, Veronica Mars 47. Have you ever snuck out of your house to go to a party? no 49. Do you speak any other language? not fluently 50. What's your favorite smell? Clean.. Vanilla TEN EMOTIONS. 1. are you missing someone right now? no 2. are you happy? no 3. are you talking to anyone right now? no 5. are you german? no 6. are you irish? no 7. are you french? no 8. are you italian? no 9. are your parents stil married? they never were 10. do you like someone right now? i dont know 9 FAVORITES. 1. store: Walmart 2. flower: Blue Roses 3. color: soft blue 4. sport: volleyball 5. mall: ontario mills 6. music: any good song 8. season: winter 9. animal: monkey TEN THINGS ABOUT YOUR LOVE LIFE. 1. have you ever been in love: i thought so at the time 2. do you believe in love: i'd like to think i do 3. why did your last relationship fail: my dislike for japan 4. have you ever been heartbroken: yea 5. have you ever broken someone's heart?: i dont know 6. have you ever liked one of your best friends?: yea 7. have you ever liked someone but never told them that you did? yes 8. are you afraid of commitment: prolly 9. has someone ever kissed your hand? yes 10. have you ever had a secret admirer: yea

WTF is cheese doodlez?

<1. What is your favorite color AND why?> blue.. because iunno just because. <2. Do you have a secret fetish that no one knows about?> nope <3. If you could change one thing about your family what would it be> im not sure there's anything i could change <4. If you could have one magical power what would it be> the power to Freeze <5. If you could go back in time to another period what would it be and why?> um not sure 1) What's your name? Crystal 2) How old are you? 22 3) What are two random 1-digit numbers that come to your mind? 2 and 5 4) How much money do you get for an allowance? i dont have allowance 5) What's your favorite TV show? One Tree hill, The OC, Charmed, Gilmore girls, and Veronica Mars.. oo and wildfire 6) How many times have you moved in your lifetime? alot 7) What's your favorite store? i dont know 8) Which is more important- life, liberty or the pursuit of happiness? pursuit of happiness 9) Do you know of a middle school with the initials PMS? putnam middle school 10) How many pets do you have? zeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeero 11) How many bfs or gfs have you ever had? 1 that counts 12) What state comes to mind when you hear the word "choo choo"? the state of childishness 13) How was your day today? it was good.. i stayed in all day 14) How many people do you know that had their house catch on fire? um none that i can think of 15) How much time do you spend on the internet a week? way to much 16) What do you consider the chances of finding $20 on the side of the road? not good 17) What do you consider the chances of returning $20 found on the side of the road? not good 18) Does this survey interest you? no 19) How many times have you gone to the bathroom today? twice 20) Time to take a break. What are you going to do after this is saved to your diary? i have no plans of putting this in a diary 21) Why are you trying to complete this survey? boredum 22) How many movies have you seen within the last week? a shit load 23) What about the last month? haha four times as much as last week lol 24) What did you eat for lunch today? pizza 25) How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood? A woodchuck, would chuck as much wood as a woodchuck could chuck, if a woodchuck could chuck wood. 26) Why do we drive in parkways and park in driveways? because that's what our dumb society came up with. 28) Do ads annoy you? sometimes.. unless i get to shoot at ducks!!! or swat mosquitos 29) Where is the nearest bathroom from where you are now? uh the door to the bathroom is approx.. ten feet away from the foot of my bed 30) What is the longest word you know of? uh lets see if i can spell this right.. Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis know what's crazy? i can pronounce AND define that word lol 31) What is your favorite phrase about annoying guests? i dont have one 32) What was your first word as a baby? stop it 33)***Women: Do you feel crappy today? not at the moment 34) True or false- uh False? 35) Do you like shopping? no 36) What are you listening to? Fuck ya man by Tila Tequila 37) Do you know your fastest GWAM (Gross Words a Minute), or the number of words per minute (4 U idiots)? maybe 38) Well, do tell us what it is: about 90 39) Are you gay/a lesibian? im not gay and im not sure what a lesibian is.. 40) How many gay/lesbian friends do you have? a few 41) You like to write in your diary? dont have one 42) You have a Neopet? lol yes 43) There are aliens under your bed? if there are they needa come save me from the humans 44) You see dead people? on tv.. alot... i mean i do watch charmed 45) You've seen the movie about the kid that sees dead people? lol are you talking about sixth sense? yes 46) Your back itches? no 47) The thing your sitting on is a chair? nope 48) You can think of a real word that rhymes with orange? borange 49) Any of your best friends has called you bitchy during your friendship with them? ha you'd have a harder time finding one that hasnt called me bitchy 50) There is something stuck to your booty? nope 51) Your parents annoy you? yep 52) The thing that annoys you the most involves sound? yes 53) The word vicious describes you? at times 54) You have siblings? yeah 55) You can count on everyone in your family? no 56) You like the color brown? no 57) Things from the early 1900's interest you? not really 58) The best music is country music? no 59) There is a little dog telling you what to do? no 60) You know all of your friend's phone numbers? uh no but i have them all in one phone or another. 61) Green tea is yummy? barf me 62) You're popular? i know alotta people.. and alotta people know me.. 63) You're a pervert? nope. but majority of my friends are 64) Vivacious describes you? um i can be 65) Gambling is a problem for you? no 67) The word death scares you? why would a word scare me 68) There is a window nearby? yea 69) Something doesn't seem right to you? paranoid much? 69) You immediately noticed that there is no 66, but two 69's on this thing? nope didnt notice it till u said so 70) <-- Your youngest grandparent is probably older than this? nope not even close she's 58 71) Your kitchen floor is tiled white and black? no 72) Puberty is a scary thing? no it wasnt 73) Skating is fun? it used to be.. it still can be.. just now im afraid of falling 74) You barf a lot? no 75) For some reason, you seem to feel snack deprived? yea 76) You know what time you'll be up til tonight? no 77) What is your favorite flower? blue roses 78) You know what a Fuzzle and a Poogle are (and answering "true" to #42 helps)? yes i know what fuzzle and a poogle are... and i didnt get question fourty two until this moment 79) These questions seem to be scrapping the bottom of the pudding cup? huh Now, what do these words and phrases remind you of: 81) Jingle Bells: christmas 82) Nuts: nutcracker on ice 83) Frank: sinatra 84) Bopples: apples 85) Farmer: dirt 86) Fairies: it's spelled wrong it's faeries lol 87) Gory Movies: chainsaw massacre 88) Buzz Lightyear: woody 89) Mimi: days of our lices 90) Zizzerzazzerzuzzr: scissors 91) Parking: car 92) Bald: shiny 93) Muck: dirt 94) Rolls: butter 95) Seal: trains Back to the regular questions 96) Name the states you've lived in? oklahoma, cali 97) What is your least favorite class? history and or government 98) Where did you get that fabulous outfit you're wearing: walmart? 99) What is the largest amount of money to much 100) Tap your finger on the screen of the computer? no thanks 101) Do smudges on your computer screen annoy you? yes which is why im not touching my screen 102) Where is the nearest ghetto house? two blocks up twelveth 103) What is the last thing you ate/drank? pizza and water 104) Where did Christmas come from? i should totally have a kid and name it christmas so i can say i created christmas 105) Why do you celebrate Halloween? because it's candy 106) What's country music? the music they sing in the country iunno 107) Why is there a brain in your head if you don't use it? i ask myself that question about you. 108) What is your "social class" in school? not in school 109) Do dogs do the doo? maybe.. but i dont think they do the dew 110) Can you shoot a gun well? a water gun sure 111) How many times have you weighed yourself on the scale today? i dont own a scale 112) Have you ever had an eating disorder? no 113) Do you think you are depressed? no 114) Type a sentence and don't use the backspace or anything: Why is Matt asking me stupid questions? 115) Now count your mistakes: 0 116) Are you looking forward to tomorrow? no 117) Why/why not? wooooooork 118) What is the best thing about a sunny day? nothing 119) What color is the shirt you're wearing now? color?..hm.. clear! 120) What color are your pants? soft blue 121) How much do you weigh? 118 last week 122) who are your friends, name them? how about we dont and say we did 123) Do you hear the bells? no 124) Whats your favorite song? "Fuck ya man" by tila tequila 125) Do you believe in "best friends"? eh something like that 126) Why do you or why do you not? just do 127) What are some of your favorite words? tard 128) What is your favorite inside joke? ar ar.. woooo squish 129) Are you feeling itchy right now? no 130) Name your favorite president? lincoln 131) What profession would you want when you're older? dont care 132) Do you like to lick things? uh no not really 133) Can you make yourself barf? no 134) Really? really 135) What would you do if your name was Dick Ball? make fun of myself lmao 136) How many times have you felt like beating the crap out of someone today? none.. prolly because i havent come in contact with people until five minutes ago when someone called me.. i dont see this ending well. 137) How many illegal plants grow in your back yard? 0 138) Can I fix it? if it's broken go for it 139) How close are you to a telephone? it's touching me Time Again for some True or False 140) You are in love? false 141) You feel hated? true 142) There is someone in your school that has commited a crime against you? no 143) The next time you have a birthday will be in 2003? ... its 2007... 144) Everyone hates you? um maybe 145) Women: You think little girls are sexy? wtf?? 147) There is weed in your backyard? dont have a yard 148) You can spell dog 10 times fast without messing up? lets find out.. dogdogdogdogdogdogdogodgdgodog nope sure cant 149) You live in a BIG mansion? no 150) Good friends are hard to come by? yep 151) Santa Claus is yo mama/yo daddy? i guess you could say that 152) Strange animals piss in your backyard? no yard 153) Ya got gas? i want to the question up there that asked if i wanted to castrate anyone today.. well that's not what it said.. but still. 154) Yo mama jokes are amusing to you? not really 155) You've had a dream where you killed your worst enemy? no 156) Spiders scare you? way more then scare. 157) A dog once bit you? nope 158) You've never been to Florida? um no 159) Bugs are fun to bake in the oven? ew 160) Shopping is fun? no 161) Cute dogs are fun? not really 162) You believe in reincarnation? uh maybe 163) One of the things you dislike is being questioned? yep 164) Rainy days are cool? they can be 165) What is your favorite thing to do on a Saturday? lay in bed 166) What kind of computer operating system do you have? xp 167) Who do you love? very few 168) What is the longest you ever went out with anyone? what does this question mean exactly? 169) How many days a week do you drink coke and pepsi? 0 170) Did you get to this point in the survey from #1? unfortunately 171) What car do you want to drive? ..... 172) Does rap music offend you? no 173) When you fight, what is the first thing you always do? get mad 174) Can you turn people's sentences around to make them seem nasty? no 175) How many times have you ever had lice? 0 177) How many times have you smacked your butt into someone? 54545641564645464 billion times 178) Can you tell us how many cigarettes you've ever smoked? 0 179) What is your view on "cussing"? they are just words like any other words 180) What is the time where you are? 7:50pm and time for this damn thing to be over... geez 181) What is the longest you've ever slept w/o waking up? 10 hours 182) What is the lowest quiz grade you've ever gotten? C 183) What do you hear outside? nada 184) Name all of the ghetto swear words? i dont know 185) What is your favorite line from a movie in the WORLD? "He's not asking.. You're commander and Chief has issued a direct order!.. DO IT!" -Air Force One and "I am a princess. All girls are. Even if they live in tiny old attics. Even if they dress in rags, even if they aren't pretty, or smart, or young. They're still princesses. All of us. Didn't your father ever tell you that? Didn't he? " -A little Princess 186) Do you like to party? not really 187) What happens when you get really mad? it depends.. 188) What spending problem, if any, do you have? i spend to much on dumb stuff 189) What is the worst thing you've ever done? oh i don tknow Time for the segment of the survey that asks (drum roll) "Which is better?" 190) Bikini or tankini? bikini 191) The word booty or the word buttocks? Booty 192) Chocolate or vanilla? Vanilla 193) Monkeys or baboons? Monkeys 194) Vanilla Ice or Ice Cube? Ice Cube 195) Rock or country? country 196) Cartoons or news? cartoons 197) Assignments or Assassinators? Assasinators 198) First or second? First 199) Blood or guts? Blood 200) cheez doodles: crunchy or not? wtf is cheez doodles?

Older People

The "Older People" Survey (Meant to be completed by those out of high school) Tired of all of those surveys made up by high school kids? 'Have you ever kissed someone?' 'Missed someone?' 'Told someone you loved them?' 'Drank alcohol?' Here are some questions for the people who are a little more mature... Okay, okay... OLD FOLKS like us...... 1. What bill do you hate paying the most? uh rent... 2. Where's the best place to eat a romantic dinner? no clue 3. Last time you puked from drinking? never 4. When is the last time you got drunk and danced on a bar? never 5. Name of your first grade teacher? psh to long ago 6. What do you really want to be doing right now? sleeping 7. What did you want to be when you were growing up? doctor 8. How many colleges did you attend? 2 9. Why did you wear the shirt that you have on right now? uh.. yea so how often am i wearing a shirt?? 10. GAS PRICES? what about them? 11. If you could move anywhere and take someone with you? I'd do it very quickly 12. First thought when the alarm went off this morning? Damn im still alive 13. Last thought before going to sleep last night? I really hate assholes 14. Favorite style of underwear? hipsters 15. Favorite style of underwear for the opposite sex? boxer briefs 16. What errand/chore do you despise? bathroom and trash 17. If you didn't have to work, would you volunteer at an art gallery? hell no 18. Get up early or sleep in? even if i say sleep in it'll never happen 19. What is your favorite cartoon character? The pooh 20. Favorite NON sexual thing to do at night with a girl/guy? watch movies 21. A secret that you wouldn't mind everyone knowing? if i dont mind everyone knowing it's really not a secret 22. When did you first start feeling old? when i started going to bed earlier 23. Favorite 80's movie? Breakfast club 24. Your favorite lunch meat? Ham 25. What do you get every time you go into Sam's Club? nothing 26. Beach or lake? Beach 27. Do you think marriage is an outdated ritual that was invented? no 28. How many people do you stalk on Myspace 0 29. Favorite guilty pleasure? cheese 30. Favorite movie you wouldn't want anyone to find out about? i honestly dont care my favorite movie is little mermaid soo yea 31. What's your drink? Water.. or Dr. Pepper 32. Cowboys or Indians? Indians.. they've got knives 33. Cops or Robbers? Robbers! who really wants to be known as a pig? 34. Who from high school would you like to run into? Steven 35. What radio station is your car radio tuned to right now? car? 36. Norm or Cliff? uh do i have to? Cliff.. you know Cliffs notes!!haha 37. The Cosby Show or the Simpsons? Cosby Show 38. Worst relationship mistake that you wish you could take back? Everyone i ever made! 39. Do you like the person who sits directly across from you at work? uh no one sits directly across from me 40. If you could get away with it, who would you kill? oh how about we make a week of it.. call it National Crystal kills week.. and i'll just take em all out. 41. What famous person(s) would you like to have dinner with? Drew fuller, John Cena, Hayden Christensen, and Chad Michael Murray 42. What famous person would you like to sleep with? i'd share my bed with any of the above people 43. Have you ever had to use a fire extinguisher for its intended purpose? The Marshmallow Fiasco of 2000 was getting a bit out of hand, so i stepped up to the plate. 44. Last book you read for real? uh the one im currently reading i suppose 45. Do you have a teddy bear? i gotta gorrilla 46. Strangest place you have ever brushed your teeth? i dont feel that brushing my teeth is strange .. no matter where i do it 47. Somewhere in California you've never been and would like to go? Cant think of any place that i want to go that i havent already been in cali. 48. Number of texts in a day? which day... today.. zero.. yesterday..22 i think. 49. At this point in your life would you rather start a new career or a new relationship? Neither 50. Do you go to church? no 51. Pencil or pen? Keyboard 52. What do you want to achieve in life? I want to have a pilots license and own not a damn thing 53. How old are you? 22 54. Where do you see yourself when your 40? dead
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