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53 Year Old · Male · From Mayodan, NC · Invited by: Goober · Joined on December 11, 2007 · Relationship status: Single · Born on September 29th · 3 referrals joined! · I have a crush on someone!
53 Year Old · Male · From Mayodan, NC · Invited by: Goober · Joined on December 11, 2007 · Relationship status: Single · Born on September 29th · 3 referrals joined! · I have a crush on someone!


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I am the wolf... I hunt the forests and the wilderness... I see the great spirit in all things,large and small... I watch the Eagle as he flies above me... he searches for his prey as do I. I seek the dreamquests and hope to complete their journeys... I cry at the beauty of the Moon... I am waiting for the day I am re-united with my pack again ... my family.

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Hello... I am Wynd... I am a dreamer and a lover of anything that comes from the imagination. I wish to soar along the highest reaches of this world and experience every last moment of life without worry or fear. I wish to touch the spirits of the Earth and explore the inner realms of consciousnes. I love to feel the sun on my face and taste the rain on my lips as nature gives us her gifts. I have so many pages with so many versions of myself.... I hope you will be interested in getting to know me better and see these different sides of me.
I am the one known as the bearer of light... I serve the great spirits of the earth and the Forest Goddes herself. I can see the wind as it moves and feel the life of all things as it surrounds me as a blanket of light. There is a force in all things that I weild as my power. Drawing from this I serve the forces of nature and was evolved from wolf to dragon. Though many know the dragon to be gone and exinct this is most untrue. The dragon lives on as it evolved itself into a great spirit and bestows its form and power to those who most deserve it. In my evolution though..there were those whom did not believe in my purity and so they attacked me in a place my true form called a weakness...they froze my heart. No more would I be the Wynd Shaman, The Walker or even the spirit.. My new form and I were frozen in an enchanted castle of ice and it is there I wait for one to melt this prison and restore me to my former self. The world still cries for me and my dragon grows weaker...The Great Spirit cannot help me for the source of the ice and its curse lie within my heart..and therefore it freezes my soul to its very core. My old friend the wolf guards my dragon and calls out to wake him... Eventualy the curse was lifted and my heart was set free... it now soars atop the wings of the mighty Dragon and I fly along side my wolf and watch as he hunts and explores our new world. I search for that special spirit, An earth spirit that had warmth and love in her heart. She melted the Ice and freed my heart from its icy cage. I now let her love guide me for she is the one my dragon and my wolf hunt for and seek to protect. I call to her in the night and wait for her in the light of the sunrise. She...who is known only as the One... My love.. My friend..My savior... It is her I will serve... it is her light I will follow... The Ice has melted... and I am free ...so very free. ed4cd8b17456efa46a8b9fbefa0ce30f.gif

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Now if you want to know more about me seriously..this is how it can best be put..... Simple..humble..and outgoing...a fellow who is just out to make his way and help another fellow if I can. I dont want to step on anybody else's toes or get in anyones way. I love my children and having my life the way I like it. Peaceful and alone. Not saying I wouldn't like to meet a lady...but she has to be like me...out in the rain and she will understand it if she is the one. Never met a person I didnt like and never met a person that liked me. I love a lot of things but my favorites are breathing and watching my girls grow. Outdoors and barefoot defines me best. I love an adventure but I also love the comforts of home. Trying new things and learning something new would be the best way to describe my personality...yet some days I just like to lean back and enjoy the little things. My mother passed a while ago.... and she taught me so many things. On her death bed, when we last talked before she became to ill to communicate anymore, she said to me ..you must always think of your children first...I only hate leaving because its my children now that I think of..not death itself. She gave me the understanding that ..its what we do through our children thats most important. And so out of all things I love..my children will always be at the top of the list. My personality is a palette of colors and my mind a maze of puzzles and mystery. In other words..I am very open minded and I am always into something new. So I love for anyone to share things with me and peak my interests for sure. If you cant grow..You cant know..its a solid philosohy I think. I guess where I am in life is a very confusing one at times. Im in a pivotel time where my decisions seem to be so critical. Although my life is not an open book..I will tell you these things now and you decide rather or not I am worth your time.... I was asked recently if I was happy.. I believe there are many levels of happiness and a side of me has never been happy, yet..a side of me has never been sad. I learned a long time ago to love myself regardless if others loved me or not. I can be proud of myself at times..at others, I admit I can let myself down. Welcome to the world of being Human..lol. If you met me in real life I probably wouldnt have more than 2 words to say, yet after you get to know me I would love you to death and talk about anything. I am a laugher, a prankster, a riddler and a lover of all things that make a person smile and brings them joy. Ill try anything one time just for the experience though that has a few clauses I would add right there..lol. My heart is loving and forgiving.. I dont hold grudges, I forgive just about anything and hold out on saying anything to someone that would be negative or a cause of conflict till the last moment. If I hurt.. I try not to hurt in return.. I know the sun will set and rise a few times and then emotions relax and you can really wished you hadnt made these choices that hurt someone just because they hurt you. I love to help others.. I sometimes feel God may have wanted that to be my true calling... I will put anyones feelings over my own to make them happy..hey, Im proud of that, very proud. I guess maybe I feel sometime like I am meant to be alone and its really a great feeling to help lost souls and broken hearted people find their way... What hurts is when you do that and then turn around to find them gone without a Thank you, though I expect nothing in return,a hug goodbye helps...sometime a friend you talked to everyday will not even want to say hello to you after they have found their happiness...but thats ok..we all carry on...lol, Yes..I have been hurt terribly and many times,how did you know, we will have no pity here.. I choose not to feel sorry for myself. Instead, I focus on spreading love and friendship I fail to find myself. I have to admit... I do miss many.. I hope they miss me..;) So there..nuff said.. I am a plain old hi tech country boy who loves the Lords Laws , the Lords creation... and the Lords Sacrifice. I believe we all should be thankful for the air we breath and so I am a humble man. My heart is to big for my own good but I know its the only way to teach my daughters right from wrong. If you dont have a heart you cant love. Cherish life and the people whom we are blessed with and never, never go to bed angry. I am peaceful and kind to everyone that I can be and am always hoping to help anyone in need. oh yeah... and I LOVE my daughters...LOL.......How many times can I say that?..They are my world and my everything. If I were to lose them I have no idea how I would bring myself to go on. You know, writing this is easy untill you think about others reading it. I guess I just want anyone who has enough interests in me to know me and not waste their time if I seem to be the type they wouldnt enjoy being around. I welcome anyone who is looking for a friend to message me.. I enjoy making new friends and I assure you I will be tickled to meet you..lol. Who Id like to meet??... I am not sure I can answer that question so easily....I know I want to meet friends ,but I also have so many I would love to shake hands with for so many different reasons... some for their deeds, some for their accomplishments.. others for their fame. I have met a few famous people before I have to admit but I really was not impressed with them.. I most recently touched the hand of the lead singer of Flyleaf and I thought that was awesome.. I shook Bill Clintons hand before, I have also met many of the news reporters from my local tv station which is really no big deal.. I guess I will post here if any come to mind that I would like to meet.

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I love to learn..so there isnt much I DON'T like...I read and I have written several books that I have had printed but not published...I wished!! Science and History...and of course Computers stand out..I am a casual gamer..I enjoy more of the Adventure and RPG type games and I enjoy a good racing game..who doesnt love to drive fast..lol I am an intellectual sponge,if I am learning something I will not move untill I have absorbed everything. Dont be afraid to share with me...so here are a lot of my interests in a nutshell ....try to keep up! ;)I AM an outdoor, animal, plant, tree hugging, starwars, dungeons and dragons, transformers, matrix, mechwarrior, magic the gathering, marvel(all comics), clicks(the game), computer geek...nuff said...ohh..And I love the sky and whats beyond it...did I mention I like chinese food(Chicken yumm)....???...i love so much...i enjoy just about everything there is to do..lol..i may sound like im 12 years old...but I am more..much more than what you are hearing here.. I love the art of music.....veriety... veriety...New Age and Abstract Electronica being my most intersting to explore...at THIS TIME.....lol....Honestly ..I love soo much ...You never know what Ill put up next ..but I do SO love music ..;) Movies?!..NOW this is tough....ALL KINDS again. LORD OF THE RINGS...STAR WARS...PRINCESS MONONOKE...HOUSE OF FLYING DAGGERS...THE NOTEBOOK...THE RING...ICE AGE...THE MATRIX TRILOGY....enough?LoverBoy And Bridge to Teribithia being my best trips last taken...ok. The Transformer movie was not bad...1408 was splendid..and I enjoyed Epic Movie and Dragon Wars....ill continue to add more! I loved The Spiderwick Chronicles .. lol anyone ever seen Ode to Billy Joe..;) Forrest Gump... I love this story ;) Dances with Wolves ... The Man in the Iron Mask ... Television...HEROES...I LOVE IT. My Name is Earl. Scrubs. Friday Night Lights. Law and Order. I love any Science, History, or Nature documentary..ohh yeah... CARTOONS!!! lol Books?..The old Dragonlance sagas. Lord of the Rings, Anne Rice books (interview with a vampire and queen of the damned). Anything by Terry Brooks and Margeret Wise and Tracy Hickman...Stephen King and Terry GoodKind..(sword of truth) Laura Ingalls Wilder(laugh..i dont care)...H.G. Wells...Dr. Seuss...and Beatrix potter..ill add more as I think of them...lol My Heroes..??..JESUS CHRIST. My Daughters Crystal and Kaeli. And my Father who passed away in 1991 of lung cancer ... My mother who recently passed away as well from colon cancer...My nephew Jacob who was killed in a tragic drowning accident ..and last but not least...Pamela Griffin, the mother of my children, keep trying friend...your gonna be fine! :)

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53 Year Old · Male · From Mayodan, NC · Invited by: Goober · Joined on December 11, 2007 · Relationship status: Single · Born on September 29th · 3 referrals joined! · I have a crush on someone!
wolf prayer

Lakota Prayer

Wakan Tanka, Great Mystery,
teach me how to trust
my heart,
my mind,
my intuition,
my inner knowing,
the senses of my body,
the blessings of my spirit.
Teach me to trust these things
so that I may enter my Sacred Space
and love beyond my fear,
and thus Walk in Balance
with the passing of each glorious Sun.

According to the Native People, the Sacred Space
is the space between exhalation and inhalation.
To Walk in Balance is to have Heaven (spirituality)
and Earth (physicality) in Harmony.
By: K'anchaq sonqo - Heart of light

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TV shows:
HEROES...I LOVE IT. My Name is Earl. Scrubs. Friday Night Lights. Law and Order. I love any Science, History, or Nature documentary..ohh yeah... CARTOONS!!! lol
WARS...PRINCESS MONONOKE...HOUSE OF FLYING DAGGERS...THE NOTEBOOK...THE RING...ICE AGE...THE MATRIX TRILOGY....enough?LoverBoy And Bridge to Teribithia being my best trips last taken...ok. The Transformer movie was not bad...1408 was splendid..and I enjoyed Epic Movie and Dragon Wars....ill continue to add more!
The old Dragonlance sagas. Lord of the Rings, Anne Rice books (interview with a vampire and queen of the damned). Anything by Terry Brooks and Margeret Wise and Tracy Hickman...Stephen King and Terry GoodKind..(sword of truth)
Chinese Food
The Golden Dragon
Cook Out
Clothes, shoes:
Light Dresser...barefoot..LOL
Clubs, activities:
Im into all kinds of games and hobbies....havent been active in a long time...lets see... I was a Soccer Coach 3 years ago..we almost won the Championship too..
Not bery Athletic though I love mini golf and horsehoes..lol.. I can do some serious frisbie throwin...
ohh Good question...Ask me that in an email and ill elaborate on those for you...
"Live to dream...dont dream to live...The meaning of life is to give life its meaning ....."

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I love to learn..so there isnt much I DON'T like...I read and I have written several books that I have had printed but not published...I wished!! Science and History...and of course Computers stand out..I am a casual gamer..I enjoy more of the Adventure and RPG type games and I enjoy a good racing game..who doesnt love to drive fast..lol I am an intellectual sponge,if I am learning something I will not move untill I have absorbed everything. Dont be afraid to share with me...so here are a lot of my interests in a nutshell ....try to keep up! 16_winksmile.gifI AM an outdoor, animal, plant, tree hugging, starwars, dungeons and dragons, transformers, matrix, mechwarrior, magic the gathering, marvel(all comics), clicks(the game), computer geek...nuff said...ohh..And I love the sky and whats beyond it...did I mention I like chinese food(Chicken yumm)....???...i love so much...i enjoy just about everything there is to do..lol..i may sound like im 12 years old...but I am more..much more than what you are hearing here..

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I love all kinds of music...Hard Rock and pop to Heavy Metal and Thrash..I like a little country and I enjoy Top 40 and Club Music(trance,house,and Techno Hip Hop)I would love to be a DJ.
veriety... veriety...New Age and Abstract Electronica being my most intersting to explore

HEROES...I LOVE IT. My Name is Earl. Scrubs. Friday Night Lights. Law and Order. I love any Science, History, or Nature documentary..ohh yeah... CARTOONS!!! lol
WARS...PRINCESS MONONOKE...HOUSE OF FLYING DAGGERS...THE NOTEBOOK...THE RING...ICE AGE...THE MATRIX TRILOGY....enough?LoverBoy And Bridge to Teribithia being my best trips last taken...ok. The Transformer movie was not bad...1408 was splendid..and I enjoyed Epic Movie and Dragon Wars....ill continue to add more!
The old Dragonlance sagas. Lord of the Rings, Anne Rice books (interview with a vampire and queen of the damned). Anything by Terry Brooks and Margeret Wise and Tracy Hickman...Stephen King and Terry GoodKind..(sword of truth)

My Heroes..??..JESUS CHRIST. My Daughters Crystal and Kaeli. And my Father who passed away in 1991 of lung cancer ... My mother who recently passed away as well from colon cancer ...My nephew Jacob who died tragicly in a drowning accident...and last but not least...Pamela Griffin, the mother of my children.
Video Games
I love all kinds of games..everything from console and pc..to the internet based mmorpgs...
My last addiction on console was the Xbox 360 version Of the new Mortal Kombat!

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  • RAZER COYOTE Hello Fubar..If there is anyone out there that does skins and would be interested in making one for me..? Please drop me a line and we can talk about what I want and what it would cost..:)
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