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A Sailors Wife's blog: "About me"

created on 02/05/2008  |  http://fubar.com/about-me/b185138

I love my husband

What can I say!!! I ♥ my husband so much!!! Last night was the first time in a long time that I have drank, a lot lol and well needless to say I got pretty drunk lol and I guess all night last night I kept asking him if he loved me and if he was sure that he loved me and if I was the #1 girl in his ♥ and he kept telling me yes =] Well this morning he was telling me that I kept asking him all of these questions and he told me that he has wanted me for years and there is no way that he is ever going to let me go =] That I will always be the #1 girl in his ♥ and yes I do believe him that I will always be the #1 girl in his ♥ but sometimes, even after him and I have talked about this, there is just a part of me that wonders if I am that #1 girl. My friend Jennifer knows what I am talking about because last night her and I were chatting about it and all.
Right now, sitting here and thinking about all of those things that he told me that I was asking him all night and then sitting here and just replaying everything that he did for me this morning I just sit here and keep telling myself that I am so silly for thinking all of those thoughts before, because I know that he loves me so much!!! This morning he let me sleep in and he took care of Jackson and Aidan. He came in to check up on me and well he ended up scaring me lol not on purpose or anything like that lol but he asked me how I was doing and I told him that I had a headache from last night lol so he got me some water and my alive and let me lay in bed some more to let it kick in lol
Honestly, how many husbands would do that for you?? I mean when I was with Chris and I had a hangover from the previous night and he didn't have to work, he wouldn't get up with the kids and take care of them and let me sleep in. I would have to get up with them and everything, while he slept in till like noon!!!
You know there is one thing that I am really, REALLY upset about with my ex is, what is making his new girlfriend so much more important then his own 2 children that him and I have together. And sometimes I can't help but think what did I do wrong to make him not want to be with his other 2 children. But then in the end while I am thinking about all of it, is that these boys are so much better off without him in their lives and they have a wonderful daddy now. They have someone that loves them so much right now, one that is always here for them no matter what, he isn't just one of those dads that pops in and out of their lives all the time or one that I have to fight with for him to pay attention to them.

True Love

When you think of true love, you really think of that one person that just totally completes you no matter what and that is great, but in the end we all have our own meaning of what true love is to us. For me I once thought before that I was so madly and deeply in love with this guy, that he was my life and everything to me. But after so many years of going through everything that I went through with him, my eyes had finally opened up and I saw that it was not true love. I was so careful not to open my heart up again to anyone, but someone just came right in and tore the walls down so fast, someone that I never thought would hurt me and in the end, he ended up breaking my heart into pieces as well.
During all of this I was talking with someone who was always there for me, through everything from the beginning of everything going wrong with Chris and I, to everything going wrong with Justin and I. He slowly, but ever so gently, took the pieces of my broken heart and molded them back together. During all of that I told myself that I was not going to love again, I couldn't put myself through all of that heartache and pain. But even when I was still building walls upon my heart, he was able to slowly take them down as well.
After awhile I finally started to realize that I was madly in love with him and I just knew that he was the one for me. When we were together, he just had this way of making me feel so safe and comfortable. He opened my eyes to something new, something wonderful!!! I never thought that I was ever going to love again and honestly I didn't want to love again. I didn't want to be put through all of that heartache and pain. But there was something about him I just knew that he was the one, he was the one I was meant to be with, he was the one that I was meant to spend the rest of my life with.
As silly as this may sound, I am actually really happy that his ex screwed up the relationship lol because then I wouldn't have the most perfect husband. Yeah we have our fights, we get on each others nerves, we know how to push each other's buttons, but come on now, what perfect couple doesn't?? I am so madly in love with my husband and I always will be in love with my husband. This last year Neil and I have had our relationship tested over and over and over and yet in the end, we still end up in each others arms!!! I love my husband and I will always love my husband. He is my world, my life, my everything!! I am so happy to be in love with him!!!
So yesterday was mine & Neil's 8 month wedding anniversary!!! HOOYAH!!! We have been married for 8 WONDERFUL MONTHS NOW!! What can I say, I guess all of his other ex's really didn't love him as much as they all say that they did, since he loved them with everything that he had and in the end, they just turned around and cheated on him. Talk about losers!!!! But that's okay, because he has found himself a faithful wife, one that loves him to no end and would do anything for him!!! What can I say, I love my husband to death and I am so blessed to have him in my life. I am so blessed to have been able to give him the one thing that he never thought that he could ever have...a wonderful child!!! And in a few more years...we are going to try for one more baby, although we weren't trying for the one that we have now lol he just kind of surprised us lol we were going to wait a few years before we tried for him, but God had other plans for us!!! I love my husband so much and I am so happy to have him in my life forever!!!

My Valentine's Day

Photobucket Well I got my Valentine's Day presents the day after Valentine's Day, since we got paid that night at like 10pm!! So for Valentine's Day Neil got me a box of chocolates, the first season of the TV show REBA (which let me tell you has not been easy for us to find either lol), a glass figurine (has a heart that says I love you with two white doves on it & off to the side there is an area where you can put a tea candle), & a teddy bear (which I have been sleeping with every night lol). Well later that night we went to the strore and he found the movie Grease for me on DVD and got that for me as well!!! Then yesterday he went to Game Crazy and got himself a game that well I was going to get him for Valentine's Day but I had to wait for my money to come first (I swear he is impatient lol and now I have to figure out what else I am going to get him), anyways, while he was Game Crazy he found the movie Pearl Harbor, which is another movie that I have been looking all over for!!! So he got me that movie as well. Then today he is taking me to go and get my nails done as well!!! Talk about being spoiled this Valentine's Day lol

Just killing the time

Jackson is so darn funny!!!
I love that picture of Jackson lol He woke up from his nap yesterday and he had put his shirt on backwards and put on a pair of Matthew's underwear lol talk about a goofball
So today the kids are just both seriously on a roll. In about 10 mins I am going to be going and getting Jackson something for lunch made and then he is going to go and lay down for a nap and while he is doing that I am going to go in my bedroom and start getting it cleaned up and getting all of the dirty clothes out of there. BLAH!!! I swear my days never end lol even when I go to sleep LOL
I have been trying to take it easy because of the fact that my back is seriously killing me right now. I am in a lot of pain, but I promised Neil that I would get certain things done today. Now it's just trying to find the time to get this stuff done!!! I feel like no matter how many hours there are in a day and what not, I don't have enough hours in the day to do things. Especially when I am chasing and taking care of a 2 year old and a 2 month old!!! I don't know how some SAHM do it with more then 3 kids!!! I have a hard enough time with the two that I just have here now!!! I couldn't imagine how the others do it with no help!!!
Sometimes though it is frustrating because I feel like I don't have any help around here, but then Neil has told me that sometimes he feels like he doesn't have any help around here either. I mean I understand that we are both tired and that no matter what, we are both kept busy. Although sometimes I don't think guys know how hard and draining it is to stay at home all day with 3 kids, well 2 right now, and still try and get things done, especially when they are sick. After running around with them for pretty much all day, by the time that they take a nap, I want to just sit back and relax a bit and take sometime to myself and not have to worry about anything!!!

Had A Good Night

So last night was a fairly good night. After getting the kids to bed, Neil and I cuddled i[ and watched the last disk of Friends for season 4. It is so funny how we can just sit here and watch these and when we do, we always watch it from Season 1 and then we work our way up lol
Yesterday I know that I didn't get a lot of things done on my list, but I did get a few things done and that is what really matters as well, especially due to the fact that when I tend to TRY and get everything done in one day I end up over doing it and then my sciatica starts to flare up and well I don't have any pain medications to help with that pain. And then when I start to over do it Neil starts to get a little mad at me LOL And tells me to stop over doing it. So I am doing the best that I can to get this stuff done, but I have to do it little by little. It's getting there, slowly, but it's getting there.
I am getting kind of excited to see what Neil is going to get me for Valentine's day lol Although it sucks that I have to wait until after Valentine's day to get it, but what can ya do, that is what happens when you get paid after Valentine's day lol I have an idea of what I want to get Neil for Valentine's day, but I too have to wait until I get my next child support check to get it.
I was so happy to see that Neil and I had a great night last night, despite a little spat that we ended up getting into. But other then that, it was pretty good. Before he knew what was going on with the dishes, he started going off about how the dishes were not in the dish washer yet, well I have not gotten to them yet!!!! BE PATIENT!!! Anyways, other then that things were okay the rest of the night. He rubbed my feet, my legs and my back, AND he didn't FALL ASLEEP!!! WOOHOO!!! lol Usually when I ask him to rub my back he tends to fall asleep for some reason. It was great to have my back rubbed last night especially since it has been killing me for about the last 2-3 weeks now.
Well I am off for now, I am going to go and check to see if Jackson is up now and start getting things done around the apartment. Let's see how much I can get done today LOL


Well somehow and I don't know how, but my husband's ex wife found me on here. I don't how she did, but she managed too. It actually kind of irritates me. She has no reason to look me up and try and see what in the hell we are up too. Freaking A, get the fuck over it. He is married now and we have our own family together. Sorry that you had to fuck things up and you weren't able to keep him to yourself, but that is no where near our fault, since you were the one who was cheating on him and shit. Oh and as far as him being abusive, sweetheart get your fucking story straight!!! He is no where near abusive. I should know I have only been married to him for almost 8 months now!!! Her and my ex pretty much the same and would make a wonderful couple together!! They can't take responsibility for their own actions, they have to make sure that they blame everyone else around them instead of themselves. Yes I am a bit aggravated about the whole situation. Because why is she looking me up and why is she checking out my page?? I don't sit here and look up her page or anything like that. I don't care what in the hell she is doing with her life. So why are they looking me up??

One rough week

Photobucket This week has seriously been on rough week. With Jackson and Aidan sick, I haven't gotten all that much rest lately. I am so happy that it is finally the weekend, because Neil takes over the night shifts with Aidan since I get up with him 5 days a week and on the weekends I get to take naps as well, so it's really nice. The weekends are my weekends to just regroup from the weekend and just spend a little time to myself. Tomorrow though we are planning on taking the kids to the park and letting Jackson run around and get all of this energy out that he has lol I am not sure what is up with that kid, but at night after he eats his dinner he is always so hyper lol it's almost like he ate sugar for dinner lol

Doctor Appointment

Well I have my appointment scheduled for the 26th of February so they can run the tests to see if I have cervical cancer or what else is causing my tests to come back abnormal. I am really scared about it because I don't know what to think about all of this. The scary part is, is that it might come back that I do have and I am only 26 years old. I am not ready for all of this to happen. I have 3 beautiful children and a wonderful husband and I am NOT ready to leave them right now.


My Number 1 MySpace Friend


Take this survey

1. What is their name? Neil
2. Does he or she have a boyfriend/girlfriend? nope, he is married
3. Are they male or female? male
4. How old is the person? 29
5. Has he/she ever cooked for you? yes he has
6. Is this person older than you? yes he is
7. Do you change your number 1 person often? nope
8. Do you know 1s birthday? yes
9. Are you related to this person? i am married to him
10. Are you really close to him/her? yes
11. What are 1s Nicknames? whatever comes out of my mouth lol
12. Do you and 1 have any inside jokes? oh i am sure that we do
13. How many times do you talk to this person in a week? every day
14. When is the last time you talked to 1 in person? last night
15. Could you live with this person? i already do
16. Why is this person your number 1? he is my husband
17. What vehicle does 1 drive? a 2003 chevy avalanche
18. Is 1 a good kisser? yes
19. Have you ever played softball with this person? nope
20. Have you ever had a sleepover with this person? yeah lol
21. If you ever moved away would you miss this person? yes
22. Is your 1 on drugs? no
23. Have you ever done something silly/stupid with this person? oh yeah
24. Do you know everything about this person? yep
25. Would you date this persons siblings? uh no
26. Have you ever went on a trip with this person? yes
27. Have you ever made something with this person? yes...lol we made our son Aidan
28. Do you and this person have a saying? what kind of a saying
29. Do you love your number 1? yes with all my heart
30. Do you know this persons best friend? yes
31. Does 1 know your parents? yes
32. Does this person cry a lot? eh
33. Have you ever worn this persons clothes? yes one of the shirts that he gave me
34. Have you and your 1 person made up a hand shake? nope
35. If it was freaky friday would you switch bodies with this person? hell no
36. Have you ever heard this person sing? yes
37. Have you and this person gone clubbing? nope
38. Do you know how to make this person feel happy? yes
39. Do you and this person talk a lot? yeah everyday
40. Do you like this person? i love this person
41. Has this person yelled at you? yeah and i have yelled right back lol
42. Have you and this person got into a fist fight? nope, he has never done anything harmful to me
43. Do you want this person to be in your life forever? yes i do and he will be in my life forever as well!!!! Sucks to be his ex's lol because they really didn't get a chance to see what kind of a husband he really is!!!!


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