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Sinful Dreams's blog: "About me..."

created on 11/17/2009  |  http://fubar.com/about-me/b320145

On the sad side of thing

I would like to start by apologizing to my friends and family on my absence within the community and even via internt for once again I have been going through the process of the constant hospital visits, in the past two days i have been to the ER twice now. Neither one of them giving me the help in which is needed. The current proplem being had is that of something that started over 3 months ago around the time of my gallbladder removal. When I originially went in to the ER for even that problem it was for lower abdominal pain which was discovered to be Ovarian Cyst. The cyst have stayed constant and i have been constantly rupturing them on a normal basis. It has been brough to my attention that if I do NOT get surgery to fix it I will be the end of my bubbliness,meeping as well as my life. My body is in the process of killing itself off slowly. However, at the moment it is somewhat under control as we are keeping a very close eye on it to make sure that I do not end up bleeding out or turning septic.

When it comes time to have surgery for it , once again I will be open those who want to visit. I am NOT looking for pity what so ever for it is not my forte. For those of you who want to send any kind of energy it would be very helpful and once my health and energy gets on the higher side I will be attempting to work my way back into to attending more events, frinks, and coffee's

I would like to take a moment to thank everyone that has known and has already sent me energy and support, for those of you that have my number or would like to contact me about any further information feel free to do so . I love all of you and thank you so much

People freaking out....

Why does it seem like there are those that freak out over something simple.  You have no idea what is going wrong or anything like that but when it comes down to it, the nect thing you know is that you are blocked and what not.  I have learned over the years... if you are worried about something feel free to ask.  I am not a shy person what so ever.  So pleae instead of freaking out.... ask me about it if ya don't know!

The SCORPIO 4-1-1

Ruling Planet: Pluto, Mars
Quality: Fixed
Nature: Negative
Symbol: Scorpion, Eagle

Where to Find a Scorpio: reading quietly in the corner of a café, library, or bookstore; working in a lab on an experiment that they are running; taking a course at a college or special education series to further enhance their knowledge; working on an artistic endeavor, such as painting, drawing, sculpting, or photography; in a therapist’s office waiting for their next appointment; in Church, either because they believe, or because they are curious about the rituals of a particular sect; walking around a museum, garden, or archaeological site and learning about the historical background; walking around a haunted house or cemetery because they are drawn to "the other side"; or drafting legislation in a government office. Basically, look for a Scorpio to be completely absorbed in the facts and theories behind topics that deal with history, culture, religion, science, or art. Anything that requires digging beyond the surface level of an issue is where your Scorpio will be found. If this endeavor allows them to get lost and absorbed in their own world, then all the better.

How to Spot a Scorpio: unlike the former zodiac signs of Virgo and Libra, Scorpio’s are less interested in looking "put together" as they are about making a statement. They tend to love dark, rustic colors: burgundy, brown, black, burnt orange, or maroon. These colors make them appear intense and brooding—while at the same time oddly sensual—and helps gives them a presence in any room. They want these colors to show people that their strength and personality is not one that is loud and obvious, but more the "strong and silent" type. Scorpio’s like to assess human nature and tend to come off as quiet, shy, reserved, and aloof, while at the same time appearing intense and curious. You think they are "withdrawn", when in reality, they are plugging into the Universe and carefully deliberating the mood of a room and how they can best fit into it before making their presence fully known. Their eyes show a range of emotions, and if you are talking to a Scorpio and think that they can see your soul, then you are probably right. As Scorpio’s like to manipulate the emotions of a room to suit their best interests, they can often be the "class clown" or comic amongst their friends—always telling a wry joke or entertaining people with their goofy antics. There are two reasons for this: 1) they know that the best way to be "received" by people is to show their light and airy side, rather than their dark and mysterious one that often gets them isolated or in trouble, and 2) when you joke around, you can avoid letting people see the real you, and since Scorpio’s fear being manipulated or controlled by anyone or anything, the best offense is a good defense.

How to Attract a Scorpio: honesty, sincerity, and loyalty are instant ways to gain the attention of a Scorpio. Scorpio’s are drawn to powerful, goal oriented personalities who aren’t afraid to speak their mind, and who are intelligent and passionate about life and its various topics (religion, politics, history, art, culture). They can spot bullshit from a mile away, so don’t even try it. If you want to ask a Scorpio out on a date, take them somewhere creative—like a jazz bar, a poetry reading, a museum opening, a lecture, a political event, or to the theater/opera. Something that is mentally engaging, and allows them to focus intensely on the subject at hand, will definitely gain their favor. Be passionate about something and know the facts and history behind it. Scorpio’s are turned in by historical data and the origins of how things came to be. Allow your Scorpio to enter your mind and engage you in a meaningful, and intelligent, conversation. They are drawn to mysteries and conspiracy theories, so don’t hesitate to discuss who really shot Kennedy, who Beethoven’s Immortal Beloved really was, or whether or not we landed on the Moon. They dig that sort of thing. Wear a variation of the color red—this is a calming color to Scorpio’s and it reminds them of passion and power.


The SCORPIO Best & Worst List


Best Qualities: Charming, magnetic, powerful, and forceful, Scorpio’s are passionate and feel life, emotions, and experiences quite intensely. They always rise above challenges and situations while maintaining a smooth and calm composure. They have a calming effect on others and can be great aids in times of stress, making you feel safe and secure because they are protecting you. They are wonderful social companions as they are able to converse with people from all walks of life. Provocative, thoughtful, and introspective, this sign is wonderfully aware of all of life’s mysteries and the intricacies of human nature—they have profound insight into the human character. Scorpio’s can survey a room and evaluate the true character and nature of everyone in it, and use that to get what they want. Intelligent and avid learners, Scorpio’s love to have stimulating discussions on anything from pop culture to politics, history, or art. They know how to reinvent themselves to survive. It’s admirable how they are able to pick themselves up from defeat and walk forward on the path to victory. Sensual and passionate, they can be incredible lovers who are apt to try anything new. Oh, lucky you!

Worst Qualities: Tendencies towards depression, obsessive behavior, possessiveness, and jealousy, can be the demise of this sign. Their intense passion can turn ugly when misdirected or misused, scarring people whom they have turned on for one reason or another. The Scorpion sting is the nastiest of them all and often hits without warning. Their calm façade hides their true nature and feelings, leaving them elusive even to those who think they know them best. They hate being told what to do, and can be quite nasty when they don’t like someone, or they feel betrayed. Easy to anger, or feel offended by someone’s remarks, Scorpio’s can have a very thin patience (even though they don’t always show it). They can be demanding and judgmental, and while they are loyal friends, they can also easily discard those that they deem no longer valuable. While passionate, they can be very controlled and icy in their demeanor, frightening or unsettling innocent bystanders. One may never get to know the real Scorpio—all those facades they use to gain an advantage can leave you wondering who the heck they really are.

Best Matches: Pisces, Cancer, Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn

Why? Water signs Pisces and Cancer are the perfect emotional and spiritual companions to the intense Scorpio. Pisces have an introspective and emotional character that loves to philosophize about the ways of the world (and underworld), which jives very well with Scorpio’s fascination of the "unknown" or the occult. These two will enjoy endless conversations about the deep meanings of the Universe, religion, and human nature. As they are both strong characters under that smooth and gentle façade, they both know that no one will mess with them—"enter at your own risk!" Not to mention the sex can be quite profound and earth-shattering. Emotional Cancer’s and sensual Scorpio’s are two signs that have an intensely karmic connection. Their need for security, coupled with their ability to easily become jealous or feel wounded, makes them a safe haven for one another. Cancer compels Scorpio to be softer, while Scorpio inspires Cancer to be stronger. These two are a power duo, and are often linked together. They understand one another implicitly and aren’t afraid to confront one another’s dark side. There is a feeling of "coming home" when these two are together. Earth signs Taurus, Virgo, or Capricorn gives Scorpio the grounding, security, and stability it strives/craves for. Earth sign Taurus is Scorpio’s perfect astrological opposite, giving these two signs an intense and magnetic attraction as they feed off of each other’s mutual fascination for the finer things in life, whether it is food, literature, or philosophy. Though Scorpio’s can sometimes struggle with Taurus’s innate stubbornness, these two typically jive quite well together. Sex tends to be incredible as Taurus is a very erotic sign, and Scorpio is very experimentative. Virgo’s analytical mind and hermit-like attitude appeals to Scorpio’s natural inclination to be a homebody and feel protected. These two enjoy peace and quiet together, and are both conservative when it comes to financial matters. There is a good friendship that can evolve from this pairing, even though it does tend to happen infrequently. Scorpio’s will always prefer another water sign, and Virgo’s will typically always prefer another earth sign (or sadly, a fire sign), before these two ever make a go of it. Capricorn’s drive and ambition is second nature to Scorpio and the two will be a powerful, goal-oriented force when paired together. As both can be quite ruthless when getting what they want (albeit Capricorn is more brazen about it than the subtle Scorpio), they can respect one another’s drive and ambition. Sex can be interesting here. Capricorn tends to be more cold and withdrawn when it comes to sex, whereas Scorpio tends to dig deep (no pun intended) into their emotions. If they can bring out the best in one another in the bedroom, then the sky should be the limit.

Worst Matches: Aquarius, Sagittarius, Scorpio

Why? Air sign Aquarius is wild, crazy, and quirky enough to appeal and amuse the Scorpio at first, especially on a social level, but quickly the fascination wears off when responsibilities sink in and Aquarians tend to make a run for the exit. Scorpio’s intensity frightens the Aquarius, who craves a sense of independence that the Scorpio is afraid, and unwilling, to accommodate. The Scorpio will be focused on the home and on security whereas the Aquarian is always traveling and running around, working on their career no doubt, making the Scorpio feel ultimately alone and unloved. Aquarians may be turned off by Scorpio’s natural inclination to darker truths, mysteries, and intense moods, whereas Scorpio will be annoyed with the Aquarians’ inability to stay rooted in once place or feel deeply and passionately about sex or their emotions. It should be noted that this pairing is a very popular one. If the Aquarius is looking to settle down, and the Scorpio is up to the challenge of a life that will never be conventional, then by all means—try it out! Life will certainly never be boring for this couple. Fire sign Sagittarius is too independent, free-spirited, and adventurous for the Scorpio, who may at first be attracted to such an opposite sign as them, but ultimately will feel unwanted by their Sagittarian—or worse yet, unsure of where they fit in their Sag’s busy schedule. These two signs, when angry, can be quite a sight to see as neither will back down. Sag’s don’t like to dig into their emotions too deeply, and Scorpio’s will constantly try and force them to do so. While the sex and the attraction may be there, and certainly the intellectual conversations should flow quite easily, these two are ultimately like oil and vinegar when it comes to goals and the direction in which they see their lives going. Two Scorpio’s together is a supremely intense and overly-emotional situation which is strongly advised against. A Scorpio needs to find relief from their intensity and be with someone who can balance them out rather than with another Scorpio who will only intensify one other’s darker aspects.

Surprisingly Good Matches: Aries, Gemini, Libra, Leo

Why? Fire sign Aries and Water sign Scorpio are both ruled by the planet Mars, the God of War. However, it is also important to note that Scorpio is also ruled by Pluto, which is where Aries and Scorpio diverge and find difficulties. These two are an odd pairing, but they can find an unexplainable attraction to one another that can be quite powerful under the right circumstances (notably, comparable charts). Scorpio’s intense sexuality hypnotizes Aries, who is drawn to sensual and erotic natures. Aries love to flirt and get easily bored in relationships, so Scorpio’s ability to be socially entertaining and always elusive/mysterious can keep them constantly on each other’s toes. On the flip side, Scorpio’s jealousies may aggravate Aries, and Scorpio may be annoyed by Aries need to always be out and about remaining non-committal. There can be a lot of competition and power-playing in this relationship, but sometimes that is what these two signs are exactly looking for. Air signs Gemini and Libra keep Scorpio light, sociable, and feeling young. While Gemini’s are light and ethereal, Scorpio’s are dark and intense, making these two opposites innately attracted to each other for their differences. Gemini has two personalities (sometimes more) and Scorpio has two faces (sometimes more), so these two will always be intrigued by the many, many facets that the other has to offer. Gemini’s ability to move on quickly and keep things humorous inspires Scorpio to not stay stuck or depressed; however, this is a double-edged sword as the Scorpio may get annoyed with their Gemini not "getting in touch" with their emotions, or picking the emotion they want to stick with! These two signs also need to give each other the space they both need. If the Scorpio gets too jealous, possessive, or controlling, the Gemini will run off. Air sign Libra is ruled by Venus, which is the celestial lover of Mars, so these two can find an almost uplifting and harmonious love with one another. Libra’s focus on balance and harmony appeals to the Scorpio, who finds it hard to attain that on its own. Scorpio’s intensity and strong-willed personality attracts the Libra who can’t always make up his/her own mind and the Libra will thrive on taking on the challenge of opening up their Scorpio to a beautiful world where things don’t always have to be so dark and sinister. Fire sign Leo is a great sexual match for the seductive Scorpio. These two both like debates, competition, and great sexual explorations. If the Scorpio can handle Leo’s vanity and need to be Number One and Leo can handle Scorpio’s intense moods and brooding behavior, these two can be quite a successful match!

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