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A Teen Wolf's Journy home one Christmas

  Well my name is Ross Shor Lynch I'm a demigod and werewolf ( yes hold the gasps till the end) this is my most private thoughts and feelings ,and accoutings  of me and my pack's journy home from L.A. Calfornia where we all live while we are working in our carees to our home in littletown Colordo a litte quite suburbe of Bolder Colorodo one Christmas vaction and the giant three year long detour to get there. That fate filled night started off happy me and my siblings(including my adopted brother) "Ratliff" Ellington pileing into the old pure white party van we have all are luggige and do our useal trip to chickfalai as we head out , but little did we know when night fell those happy times would be put on pause because the sister Fates had there own plans as the Gibbouse moon rose. Now here you will find out later on this night that this thread of fate (thats what they call it) that I'm on was meant to be but I'll tell you all that part of the story later but this is part of the story that was three year detour, like I said we where driving our useal route back home as the (gibbouse) moon rose we all started not feel right to the point Riker said I'm pulling over and we pile out thinking we just need to stretch our legs but oh we were wrong we get out and the first thing we do is look directly at the moon and I grab my head as I suddenly hear a loud SNAP! and I know my brothers and sister are dealing with it to cause last thing I see before I black out is them doing the same thing till this day I don't know what in detail I know it was our first moon but afterwards I rember half waking up in a dog pile with blood all over me and I'm  stark naked but its not mine or theres I know because I have my head resting on the side of Ryland's stomich and its moving up and down shallow like he is asleep and my feet is resting Riker's back and it's doing the same Ratliff's hand is resting over my heart and Rydel has her hand in my hair, Rocky's head is resting on my stomich I i card my free hand through his hair and look around as best I can because I'm half asleep and don't want to move because I feel so warm and contint and see every one is interlocked with each other like we need that connection to know where there and where safe  and I notice whats the cause of the blood is a male deer and right as I get to feel like I'm about to drift back off to sleep I get jerked into a stand position and get hit upside the head with what feels like the butt of a gun and I black out again. I wake up in my room in littletown in the same postion as we where before in my bed though in our pjs and clean I'm not wierded out by that I'm wierded out by the fact where all in my bed and its a queen sized and where not crushing it our mom calls us  down for christmas and slowly wakeup and stir because none of us really want to move and we take our time to dispurse and we say merry christmas as we hug each other like we all ways do as I finally get to my bathroom and hop in the shower apart of me is happy the other part is feels off now that I'm not with my brothers and sister wich is odd cause we haven't shared a bath since we where little I push it aside because it was a wierd thought as I walk out and wrap a towl around my waist and look in the mirrior and literally get bitch slapped back by a flash back of me in the fetil postion on a landing of spiralling staircase in a omonius hall I put my hand on my mirrior as my own tiers start to fall I get a flash in the flashback of me younger flying a buzzlightyear kite(I love anything dealing with air and flight rember that it'll come up later its a hint who my Godly father is) I recognize it as fun time with me and my siblings at the beach we even brodcast it on our youtube channle R5 tv and I say outlound WTF ! was that and what has happend to us (luckly my bathroom is sound proof thanks dad) a female motherly voice resonates in my head saying, "that was no dream or hallucenation my dear young son of the sky it was vision come meet me tonight and I'll help you as best I can to get you an your pack home" A concert turns into a trip back in time It's been two years since I talked to Gaia when I saw her she looked like a older lady hooded and cloaked completely made of earth and looked like she was asleep I didn't trust her but she radiated power with that said I played along because she was being benevolent and I know that could change if I pissed her off she told me she would help us get famouse and on our first  world tour she will set it up for our first stops will be Chicago Illinio a pub called o'mallies  and there she will pull some strings to bring a group together around me that has busniss in the past and I'll have chance to undo what has been done to become who I was meant to be. Well your caught up to me so fare now I am on my way to ancient ciaro egypt in a suped up horse draw carrige with a pagin omni shrine in it which I have gone to and setup with one of them to protect my pack and get us to safty on our first night as werewolves (in wich he has by the way) thanks father Zues  after our /mypack  ass hole of a tribal chieftian altered our tribes history our tribe is called the White howlers we follow a pale white silver lion called father lion but I digress he had made our old school verson of our tribe  fall to the werewolf Devil called the Wyrm at later time so I saw my chance in making us whitehowler pups you see we can't get fully accepted into the tribe until after we proove ourselves which I'm about to do now that we have arrived in Ciaro you see I have a score to settle with a Legendary Werewolf named Midnight (Fucking beer shower me over a miss understanding ass hole) my pack is with me in this beat down literaly I kinnda pissed off our resdint hunter in our group so she enlisted her uber Runelord to capture them to get back at me and basicly toturer me like this because now there able to act through me like I'm possed that includes our own demigod powers and werewolf powers and bard ic powers gifted to us by our pack totem. We stop and I hear a all to familir vioce that makes my blood boil I get out and tell the driver  to go on I got this Dick (who is my tribal chieften Ike who hates me) at this moment I hear Rueben (oh yea in this alterd time line I have another younger brother he is a son of Ares) (I pat him on his knee and I get vision of a young kid staring at a headstone in tieres) and I look at Ike and he is looking at me like he saw the same thing and I know one of Rueben's most potent techniges is active before he tells me he has already activeating his most potent of techniques so has the rest of the pack I hear our first and most powerful bardic song being sung (Ready set Rock) and I feel like a I can do anything and also I feel my anger getting more intinse till I start seeing a cloud of red invade my vision as I turn my attention back on Midnight and me and Rueben say in unison ,"you think I have forgoten our little dispute at the bar" as my vision goes completely blood red and all I see is only him  and I start the attack with Rueben leading my blows and then he howls and I howl the same howl a war howl my body starts to shift into my werewolf form like it was answering him a nd I let it and we continue our attack our blows are fueled by all the hurt memories of our pack  and fueling our rage making my blood boil after a few hours of this exchange we push way from each other for a respite me and my pack notice our opening and renew our powerfule techniques and our final hurtful memories we want to let go and all of sudden white ethriel wings form at my back and we say Endscape, Midnight yells CCCCOMBO Breaker ,We all Yell  together in unison FIST OF THE BEAST KING! Lightning wrappes aroud my fist and our attacks collide head on and we get blasted apart we stare at each other down where all battered and broken icluding my pack even though it wasn't there body hurt only adrenalin and stubberniss are fueling us to stay up , finally after what feels like forever Midnight drops I  go running over to him and with my packs help because my stamina is about to come to an end we heal him till his healing takes it the rest of the way I whistle for my storm spirit charger  tempest comes and I hop on and I tell him take me back to the carivan Rueben tells me, I'll take over for this and for me to rest I put my face in tempest main and close my eyes and sleep with the rest of my pack in our useal wolf pile well in my inner spirit scape.

Rueben talks a hard ass into letting us in

(Rueben's POV) I'm taking over for big bro Ross from here onto he wakes up because after what we went through where all exauhsted even me I using the last little dregs of stamina  to finish our buisness . Tempist gets me (well physicly Ross) to the caravan I get up open my eyes and get up slowly because OMFG! everything hurts (I think a prayer to my godly father I hoped that pleased you life can be rough when your dad is the god of War) I walk over to Ike sitting at a campfire with the Valkery his second in command and the huntress Victoria (I think to myself they waited I guess thats a good sign) and I tap him on the shoulder and whisper in his ear can I talk to you in privet he looks me in the eyes I look back at him and don't back down  my eyes but I show my neck out of instinct  just the same he notices its not Ross we go into his room in the caravan and I sit down in his desk chair I notice my energy drop greatly I got  to hurry this up I'm about to pass out I extened Rosse's finger and they pop and hurt so much I channel my druidic magic to impart memories to another into his hands and grab Ike's neck and immeditly his eyes roll into the back of his head as the trance takes hold of him as I impart the memories of all of the packs memories of fighting in the Titan war at mount tam threw to the giant wars with camp half blood as allies up through recent events and then I brake  the connection because I black out due to exauhstion  at that moment and I sink Ross's body into the chair and I go into our pack bond and drop onto my useal spot inthe pile and immeditly as my head falls onto ross's stomich they shut and I sleep. (Rosses POV) After what feels like only hours is actually days I wake up to a bed that I don't recognize with the rest of my pack around me and I hear a nock at the door and a red headed older lady (her name is Kat White) enters with a silent grace of a cat (funny play on words there) with red gloves on her hands that are 0fingerless she says welcome back I ask her quietly where are we,she says your back at O'mallies a day before your concert ( I think to myself I'm  back a day before I left ?), I hear a Gaia' s vioce resonate in my head in a low whispering chuckle," your welcome" ,I grin at that and Kat says," when you all are ready breakfist and your parents are downstairs"  I snuggle into my pillow I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket and I fish it out and really quickly switch hands and into its original position in Rueben's hair because I hear a very lupin whimper escape from my baby brother because of it and when I replace my hand he imediatly relaxes its a text from mom it says she is down stairs her and dad flew in to go on tour with us for this leg for the holidays and tiers just start roll with her closing with merry christmas and next to it on the time stamp it says the date its the anniversey of our first moon the anniversey of how this all began.

Super Hero

few minuts later we make our way down stairs to the pub to  breakfist and greet our parents I go up to my mom first and hug  her I wince alittle bit (dam I'm still tinder) she notices she pulls back a looks at me and she asks you ok I felt that (you see my mom is black fury a tribe that is composed of all women you heared of the amazanes from ancient times thats mommy) I tell her I/we (meaning pack included) got into a fight and its a long story and I will tell her later she asks me with who? I hug her again and whisper in hear ear a wolfborn werewolf named Midnight she pulls back and looks at me with eyes full of emotion and tells me I am sure you had a good reason and she hugs me one more time and whispers oh happy anniversy honey and congrats to you and the rest your pack on getting in including Reuben I pull away and ask get into what? she tells your tribals are on and at full strength honey and judging  from all your rank brands you all have been through alot you all look like your at least rank 4 with Ryland being your alpha he is rank 5  but from what i feel from you  should be higher than him and me  she gives me a knowing look I say  to her like I said its a long story and we will tell you at the concert tonight

Battle Born

Stand in the Rain Stand your Ground

He is sitting on a plot of wet ground its raining  staring at a stone that bares a women's name crying his eyes out as he feels the women's spirit turn her back on him and vanishes as she moves on to heaven the final piece of his broken family to leave him because he knows it's because of what he has done and that same reason his shadow darkens signaling the presence of the final dagger to be thrust into his heart and to be twisted he chokes out "do it" as  he closes his eyes as the shadow forms into a raven haired man with a dagger and as he is about to thrust the blade into his back everything freezes and waiting for the pain to come and it doesn't  he looks around in shock at everything frozin and then he hears an older male voice say to him don't worry he won't finish the attack until our privite conversation is over, and he looks over at where the voice is comeing  from and sees a fatherly looking man walking up to him and kneels down beside him.

A second chance at Redemption

the boy  sputters out who? ,what?, how? scared at just what happend the older man kneels down and answers him with Mitchel Hale I'm here offering you a second chance at redemption  and a family, and" if I refuse" the older man says well you can take his option looking at the at the boys assailent behind him but I thought you would want a chance to fight like you have done your whole life  the kid says ok what do I do? the older man holds up his hand a scroll appears out of emerald green light with a contract on it and says sign on the line in blood without hesitation the boy signs it   in blood the older man says done welcome to the Keepers of the Grove Reuben Lynch and snaps his fingers and cloud of emerald green leaves envelopes him and he dissappers and the man snaps his fingers again and a exact copy of the boy appears and the  man orders the clone to go and sit in front of the shadow assain and it does as its told the older man snaps his fingers and dissappers in a cloud of leaves and time returns to normal and in on felsecond the life of the clone is snuffed out and it slumps over  the stone and bathes it in blood and that was the end of Charles James Ruebin Lee the young Bloodtalon wolf that made fatal mistakes.

The Shan'Do and the Son of War

Rueben yells down stairs as he is brushing his teeth because today he is leaving to move in with his new family the lynchs and he is nervious ,but Shan'do what if they don't like me! ,mitchel yells back to his youngest adopted son (thinking as he grabs the bridge of his nose teenager here in arcadia he will be a baby when he crosses over  thank you lord Wyld and Emmuras for the temporal time displacement I don't know how I've dealt with him this long ADHD and Dyslexic what a potent combo of flaws) They will and there close nit and the kids are a year apart you will be arriving a year after there youngist son, as Rueben comes walking down with two bags one that looks like a normal diaper bag in his hand the other a backpack, Mitchel asks the young man you have everything? yes Shan'do , you have all your fetishes yes, clean clothes teen and baby?, your synthyriod and all your vitamens , Yes Shan'do (getting frustrated with the exchange but still looks at the older man with a son's affection) alright mitchel says in resignation kisses Rueben on the for head dang only a teenager and he is my hieght already he thinks to himself as he smiles and ruffles his longish Gold highlighted /platinum blond hair (long gone is his dark brown hair, that all ways happens with his tribe it shows our connectio to our totems and through them nature and our connections to the other Tribal totems) and notices the slight bumps of antlers start to show threw and his eyes shine silver signaling advanced talent for druidic magic which our tribe is based off of

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