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Dear friends and supporters, It is time for our annual financial and needed supplies campaign. I want you to know what we were able to accomplish this past year and what we have in store for the future. 2008 was the 15th anniversary of Camp Sister Spirit! It was a difficult year for the camp with the passing of our co- founder, Brenda Henson. We have gone through some necessary and vital restructuring activities including new board and staff changes. During this past year, we have met our mission goal by offering educational opportunities to empower our citizens. We have been able to offer: · Credentialed teacher(s) to teach basic literacy classes · Educational services in the expanded literacy classes, GED tutoring and basic Spanish · Networking in the community by creating workshops/ seminars for issues concerning, but not limited to: literacy, poverty, hunger, cultural diversity, and adult health issues. · Emergency food and clothing boxes for those in need in the Gulf South area · Emergency rescue with animals too include veterinarian needs, food, shelter and placements with good homes (with many staying here with us!) · A regular food bank along with our referral resources · Annual school supply giveaway and Christmas assistance for children and adults in the community · Housing individuals with temporary shelter needs · Employment services to include resumes and placements in jobs · Emergency Hurricane Shelter for those with little or no resources to evacuate (no one has ever been turned away and we encourage them to not leave their pets behind) 2009 has these exciting opportunities in process: * Continued educational opportunities for all ages including some children’s workshops/day camps * Expanding outreach to address the community’s educational needs and working in collaboration with the Mississippi State Department of Health, Mississippi ACLU, Mississippi Forestry Department, Equality Mississippi, The University of Southern Mississippi, Biloxi Pagan Pride Officials, and the Mississippi Rainbow Alliance * Creating and expanding vegetable and fruit gardens to offer fresh food to constituents * Utilizing the land as a campus for learning with the use of literacy curriculums, a computer lab, kilns, and other tools available on the property * Woodworking artisans offering teaching time and talent to create moneymaking opportunities on the land and for those in the community (using felled trees and exotic bamboo lost due to Hurricane Katrina) * Developing a model for self-sufficiency by using natural resources already provided to accomplish non-traditional and “green” construction * Expanding the emergency food and clothing programs as well as utilizing the land for any unforeseen natural disasters like Katrina * Offering work and learning opportunities for folks who would like to join us on the land and contribute their time and talents These are only some of the changes for the New Year of 2009. Our campus on 120 acres is continually striving to offer a safe and nurturing place for people to feel welcome and important as they tackle educational requirements for current and future employment. We want to offer ongoing safe spaces for people who have few places to go to celebrate their unique role in a changing world. We want to be available as we were during Katrina to open our gates for those evacuees who need a safe place. To this end, we are asking for your continued support with our folk school and to Sister Spirit, Incorporated to maintain a spirit of thriving and sharing. Giving is a sweet word when you think of the ways we all help one another: time, talent, skills, and money. Supplies for school, nonperishable foods, gently used clothing and personal supplies, most especially those things that cannot be purchased with food stamps (i.e. personal hygiene, cleaning supplies, and animal food/medicines) As we develop our artisan programs, we can update you on what we produce and what might help us further. All help (too include in-kind assistance) is tax deductible, honored, appreciated and pays itself forward to the community at large. After 15 years, the original vision set by Brenda and Wanda Henson is actively occurring and morphing with the times and events around us! We are the only Humanist Folk School operating in the Gulf South! Visit our website at www.campsisterspirit.com and pay special attention to our events link to see if you would like to attend an event this Spring! In addition, we would like to announce two awards given to Camp Sister Spirit Folk School this past year. One award to CSSFS is from the V to the Tenth committee for “Empowerment Philanthropy in the Gulf South and beyond” and the “Silver Chalice” award was presented to CSSFS for “selfless dedication in providing charity and education”. Thank you for your generosity and support! Andrea Gibbs-Henson, M. Ed. Sister Spirit, Incorporated PO Box 12, Ovett, MS. 39464 601-344-1411 cssfolkschool@aol.com
Greetings Kindred! It is that time of year again and I am working to plan our next season's events as this season winds down! February 26th-29th, 2009 (Andie's Birthday! What a gift!) S.O.N.G (Southerners On New Ground) Poor People Of Color Conference! Wow! In one of the most racist counties in Mississippi! Winds of Change are~a~blowing! SONG/LIGHT/LOVE!! March 20th - 23rd, 2009 (Spring Equinox) P.A.G.A.N. Event (Pagan Awareness Gathering And Networking) This event is a regional event to host pagans from the Gulf South area and beyond. We are starting to come out of the "broom closets" in a big way and we need to start figuring out how to best use our resources to educate about our religion. Anyone interested in doing workshops, entertaining, and vending should contact Andrea! Witch Hill will also be celebrating Don and Amanda's Wedding! Y'all want to see an incredible ritual?! This will be one for sure!! We throw down and raise the cone of power UP in a big way!! April 10th - 12th, 2009 (Easter Weekend) The 18th annual Gulf Coast Womyn's Festival! This event is dedicated to Brenda Henson, Ed. S. who is the co-founder of Sister Spirit, Incorporated and the founder of CSS Folk School's mother! This is a women only event! Spoken Poetresses with DEEP messages will be here and a Drag King show from a troupe out of N'awlins! We are proud to say that we do NOT discriminate against trans women! If you are living as a woman...you are Well~Come here with us! (I have been GirlCotting Michigan Festival for years!) Discrimination is wrong and it hurts to see LGBT people doing it to one another! Don't we have enough coming at us already!? May 1st-3rd, 2009 (Beltane!) The 4th Annual Southeast Regional LGBT Summit! The Folk School is Co-Sponsored with the Mississippi ACLU, Mississippi Rainbow Alliance, the University of Southern Mississippi's Gay~Straight Alliance and Equality Mississippi! A great drag show will be hosted by Mississippi Exquisite Pageantry! Anyone interested in doing workshops, entertaining on our wonderful night stage (and day stage!), and vending should contact Andrea at the following email addresses: witchfulthinkin3@aol.com cssfolkschool@aol.com Our snail mail is: PO Box 12, Ovett, MS 39464-0012 Please! NO PHONE CALLS! I am crazy busy with the upcoming fall events, the food bank, and the last semester of my doctoral program. CSS Folk School is PROUD to be a CLEAN and SOBER Space! Andrea Gibbs-Henson, M. Ed. Camp Sister Spirit Folk School Mississippi
Witch hunt? By Mark Thornton revieweditor@bellsouth.net When Andie Gibbs Henson recalls the fear that Camp Sister Spirit caused the people of Ovett, she can’t help but chuckle at the irony. After all, the group of lesbians who started the camp 15 years ago were the ones who had reason to be scared. They were terrorized while they tried to keep to themselves on their isolated 120-acre campground in southern Jones County. But these days, things are different. The camp that started as a “lesbian feminist separatist” organization is now a “humanist” haven, Henson said. And as the camp’s mission has evolved, so has the attitude of the people around them. “One of the people who shot at us, we now go fishing together,” Henson said, adding with a laugh, “and he will snap someone’s neck if they mess with us.” Eliminating ignorance, not promoting the lesbian lifestyle, is the mission of Camp Sister Spirit these days, Henson said. That’s why she started a folk school, which features a classroom, a library and a hundred or so acres of unfettered nature. On the chalkboard, the word “clarity” is written in all caps. “Every day, we pray for clarity,” Henson said. But neither her classroom nor her theology are conventional. She is educated in all religions, she said, and “all of them have value.” She attends Hattiesburg Unitarian Universal Fellowship and she holds a master’s degree in education with a minor in women’s studies and a bachelor’s in criminal justice from the University of Southern Mississippi, where she is working on her doctorate in education. But all of her learning doesn’t come from books. “What good is book knowledge if you’re cold and hungry?” she said. So, as Henson works with illiterate adults, she also tries to learn skills from them — how to can tomatoes, how to start a generator ... — in exchange for teaching them to read. “I am a pagan educator,” Henson said. “I’m just an old hedge witch. I worship what takes care of me — Mother Earth, Father Sky ...” But that doesn’t mean she doesn’t believe the things Christians believe, Henson said. “My best friend is a Christian,” she said. “Jesus is my friend. I look forward to His return. He’s going to come hang out with me and help me with my work here.” Another one of Henson’s passions is the elimination of poverty. The camp has an impressive food bank in storage and a kitchen in which she has prepared meals for 200 or so people. “After Katrina, they handed out three truckloads of generators to the poor and the elderly,” said Donna Henderson, a neighbor. Her brother, Eddie Hill, said, “They are some of the nicest people you ever met. They’ve been wonderful to me.” Hill has spent a good deal of time at the camp, keeping the grass cut and the grounds cleaned up. “People think they run around naked, but it’s not like that,” he said. “I’ve never even seen any of them kiss. They mind their own business.” But there is still a stigma attached to the camp. That’s why 13-year-old Lily, a student at the folk school, won’t reveal her last name. “People will think I’m a lesbian,” she said. It’s that reputation that Henson is still working to overcome, even though she can’t understand why anyone felt so threatened by a group of lesbians who kept to themselves, deep in the woods of Ovett. People of all religions, ethnicities and sexual orientation — and yes, even men — are welcome at Camp Sister Spirit, except during women-only events. Dogs, cats, even a huge pig, have their run of the grounds and the homes, which can sleep up to 65 people. “We only discriminate against people who are hateful,” she said. And she doesn’t tolerate alcohol or drug use in the camp, she added. “The camp isn’t mine, she simply allows me to be here,” Henson said. “The camp belongs to anyone who is pure of heart.” She tries not to disturb any of the many large golden orb spiders that have spun their webs all around the camp, but she’s not completely passive, either. Henson noted that the camp has a security system in place. A full-time caretaker named Whisper lives on the grounds along with Henson and her brother. “Somebody’s here all the time,” she said. Henson, 42, is a former police officer who was the whistleblower in a jail beating scandal in Harrison County that led to reform two decades ago. She was fired and faced scorn then, but it was nothing compared to the firestorm that came when her mother, Brenda Henson, helped found Camp Sister Spirit. Over the years, they’ve been shot at, saline bombs were set off on the grounds, a car was set on fire and rolled into the camp, a dead dog was hanged on the mailbox and sanitary napkins and an inflatable replica of female genitalia have been left at the front gate. Henson gets emotional when she describes the weekly drills she had to put her Alzheimer’s-stricken grandmother, Mary Henson, and young niece through in case they were attacked. “We had a planned escape route for them,” she said, wiping away tears, “just in case something happened.” The controversy landed them in the national spotlight — on the Oprah Winfrey Show, Primetime, Jerry Springer and The London Times, among others. It wasn’t the kind of notoriety they wanted, said Henson, who is the only writer from Mississippi to be published in a book of essays called “Voices for Change: Women’s Words for Politicians.” Henson’s mother died of colon cancer in February. She was 62. Her death affected her daughter deeply. People from across the country come to Camp Sister Spirit for cultural and academic events, such as the Poor People of Color Conference, which will be this spring. But on Friday, it will be mostly about fun as they celebrate the pagan holiday All Hallow’s Eve — Halloween. Dozens of people are expected to gather there and make stone soup, carve pumpkins and go bobbing for pomegranates, she said. And, during a quiet, personal time, Henson will try to speak with her mother. “That’s the night that the veil is thinnest between us and those who have passed on to the afterlife,” she said. “I’ll sit in the sacred bamboo grove and talk to my mother, who I miss more than anything in the world.” Henson pointed out that many holiday symbols have roots in paganism, including Christmas trees and the Easter bunny. “Nine million pagans were killed during The Inquisition,” she said. “That’s 4 million more than the number of Jewish people killed in the Holocaust. Where’s our ... museum?” But she doesn’t want to focus on divisions like that. “If we don’t come together,” she said. “we’re not going to to survive.” I am so very proud to have Andie as a friend and "sister" and am honored to serve on the Board of Directors for all the work that is being done for the sake of humanity and the environment. "That you may retain your self-respect, it is better to displease the people by doing what you know is right, than to temporarily please them by doing what you know is wrong. ~ William J.H. Boetcker"
All Hallow's Eve Weekend ************* Come and help us celebrate Camp Sister Spirit's 15th Birthday! Help us to Welcome our new caretaker Wisper! Hail Hecate, Hail Demeter, Hail Persephone! October 31st-November 2nd Drum Circle ~ Stone Soup ~ Pumpkin Carving Contest ~ Bobbing for Pomegranates ~ Witchy Raffle ~ Tarot Readings ~ Best Storytelling Contest ~ Witch and Wizard Regalia Encouraged! ~ FYB FEST Contest ~ Veil Thinning Guided Meditation ~ Massage, wands, magical things! ~ Biggest Ass Bonfire you ever saw! ~~~~~~~~~~ contact: witchfulthinkin3@aol.com wisper_dance@yahoo.com Gates open Friday Night October 31st until the Witching Hour Children Welcomed and Adored! Gates Re-open at 9 am Saturday November 1, 2008 Camp Sister Spirit Folk School 444 Eastside Dr. Ovett, Mississippi 39464 www.campsisterspirit.com for a printable map Suggested Admission Donation: People/Animal Food for Community Pantry Primitive Camping is free! Communal and Private Cabins Available for an additional donation. Reservations are first come, first serve. Lunch Saturday, Stone Soup Meal Saturday Evening & Sunday Breakfast ~~~~~~~~ MM&MP&MMA In Association with Camp Sister Spirit Folk School & Witchful Thinking Productions "That you may retain your self-respect, it is better to displease the people by doing what you know is right, than to temporarily please them by doing what you know is wrong. ~ William J.H. Boetcker"

Skirt Magazine's interview with my dear friend Andrea Gibbs who runs Camp Sister Spirit Folk School. Please help me show support by visiting the web site at www.campsisterspirit.com
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