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EVEN iF YOU HAVE A BOYFRiEND OR GIRLFRiEND- REPOST THiS! SEE HOW MANY PEOPLE SEND THiS BACK TO YOU! 1. Your Name: 2. Age: 3. Fave Color: 4. Birthday: 5.Sexual Orientation "Straight,Bi,Gay,Unsure": HERE COMES THE FUN ... 1. Are we friends? 2. Do you have a crush on me? 3. Would you kiss me? 4. ...with tongue? 5. Would you enjoy it? 6. Would you ever ask me out? 7. Would you make a move on me in a movie theater? 9. Would you take care of me when I'm sick? 10. Do you want to tell me something that you couldn't befor? 11. Would you walk on the beach with me? 12. If you heard a rumor about me, would you defend me? 13. Do you/have you talked about me? 14. Do you think I'm a good person? 15. Would u take a nap with me? 16. Would you spend the night at my house? 17. Do you think I'm cute? 18. If you could change anything about me - 19. Would you dance with me? 20. Would you come over for no reason just to hang out? What Do You Think Of My? 1.Personality: 2.Eyes: 3.Face: 4.Hair: W0ULD Y0U... [] go out with me? [] give me your number? [] kiss me? [] let me kiss you? [] watch a movie with me? [] take me out to dinner? [] drive me somewhere? [] hug me? [] buy me food? [] take me home to meet your family? [] would you let me sleep in your bed if i didn't have one? [] sing car karaoke w/ me? [] sit in the doctors office with me because I didn't want to go alone? [] re-post this for me to answer your questions? Any other details you would like to add feel free to write here? EVEN iF YOU HAVE A BOYFRiEND OR GIRLFRiEND- REPOST THiS! SEE HOW MANY PEOPLE SEND THiS BACK TO YOU! Ladies TiTLE iT "BOYFRiEND APPLiCATiON" Fellas TiTLE iT"GiRLFRiEND APPLiCATION
Loving the right person at the wrong time, having the wrong person when the time is right and finding out you love someone right after that person walks out of your life... And sometimes, you think you're already over a person, but when you see them smile at you, you'll suddenly realize that you're just pretending to be over them just to ease the pain of knowing that they will never be yours again... For some, they think that letting go is one way of expressing how much they love that person... in my opinion, some are afraid to see the one they love being held by someone else... Most relationships tend to fail not because the absence of love. Love is always present. It's just that one was being loved too much and the other was being loved too little... As we all know that the heart is the center of the body but it beats on the left. Maybe that's the reason why the heart is not always right... Most often we fall in love with the person we think we love but to only discover that for them we are just for passing time, while the one who truly loves us remains either a friend or a stranger... So here's a piece of advice; Let go when you're hurting too much. Give up when love isn't enough. And move on when things are not like before... It's certain... there is someone out there WHO WILL LOVE YOU EVEN MORE...
This is fun to do. Just read the "offense" and if you've done it, you owe that fine. Keep going until you've read each "offense" and added up your total fine. Title your bulletin "My Bar Tab is........" You don't have to confess your answers, just the amount of your fine. > >Smoked pot -- $10 > >Did acid -- $5 > >Ever had sex at church -- $25 > >Woke up in the morning and did not know the person who was next to you--$40 > >Had sex with someone on MySpace -- $25 > >Had sex for money -- $100 > >Ever had sex with the a Puerto Rican -- $20 > >Vandalized something -- $20 > >Had sex on your parents' bed -- $10 > >Beat up someone -- $20 > >Been jumped -- $10 > >Crossed dressed --$10 > >Given money to stripper -- $25 > >Been in love with a stripper -- $20 > >Kissed some one who's name you didn't know --$10 > >Ever drive drunk-- $20 > >Ever got drunk at work, or went to work while still drunk -- $50 > >Used toys while having sex -- $30 > >Got drunk, passed out and don't remember the night before -- $20 > >Went skinny dipping -- $5 > >Had sex in a pool -- $20 > >Kissed someone of the same sex -- $10 > >Had sex with someone of the same sex -- $20 > >Cheated on your significant other -- $10 > >Masturbated -- $10 > >Cheated on your significant other with their relative or close friend--$20 > >Done oral -- $5 > >Got oral -- $5 > >Done / got oral in a car while it was moving-- $25 > >Stole something -- $10 > >Had sex with someone in jail -- $25 > >Made a nasty home video -- $15 > >Had a threesome -- $50 > >Had sex in the wild -- $20 > >Been in the same room while someone was having sex -- $25 > >Stole something worth over more than a hundred dollars -- $20 > >Had sex with someone 10 years older -- $20 > >Had sex with someone under 21 and you are over 25 -- $25 > >Been in love with two people or more at the same time -- $50 > >Said you love someone but didn't mean it -- $25 > >Went streaking -- $5 > >Went streaking in broad daylight -- $15 > >Been arrested -- $5 > >Spent time in jail -- $15 > >Peed in the pool -- $0.50 > >Played spin the bottle -- $5 > >Done something you regret -- $20 > >Had sex with your best friend >-- $20 > >Had sex with someone you work with at work --$25 > >Had anal sex -- $80 > >Lied to your mate -- $5 > >Lied to your mate about the sex being good --$25 > >Tally it up and Title it..."My Bar Tab Is..."

A B C's Of a real Friend

(A)ccepts you as you are (B)elieves in "you" (C)alls you just to say "HI" (D)oesn't give up ! ! on you (E)nvisions the whole of you (even the unfinished parts) (F)orgives your mistakes (G)ives unconditionally (H)elps you (I)nvites you over (J)ust "be" with you (K)eeps you close at heart (L)oves you for who you are (M)akes a difference in your life (N)ever Judges (O)ffer support (P)icks you up (Q)uiets your fears (R)aises your spirits (S)ays nice things about you (T)ells you the truth when you need to hear it (U)nderstands you (V)alues you (W)alks beside you (X)-plains thing you don't understand (Y)ells when you won't listen and (Z)aps you back to reality
After serious & cautious consideration.....your contract of friendship has been renewed for the New Year 2007! It was a very hard decision to make. So try not to screw it up!!! My Wish for You in 2007 May peace break into your house and may thieves come to steal your debts. May the pockets of your jeans become a magnet of $1000 bills. May love stick to your face like Vaseline and may laughter assault your lips! May your clothes smell of success like smoking tires and may happiness slap you across the face and may your tears be that of joy. May the problems you had forget your home address! In simple words ............ May 2007 be the best year of your life!!!

New Years Eve rant

I am not much for this blog thing. Ok here we go. This is now my third New Years Eve since my divorce and the third one I will spend alone. This doesn't mean I don't have friends, I do. Some of them even invited me to join them in tonight's festivities. This is not what I am looking for. I am looking for that someone special I can spend my time with. Not just my best friend, but also someone I want to spend the rest of her life with. They say that God doesn't give you any task to great for you to handle. I thing I got one. I have been trying to raise my 16 soon to be 17-year-old son. Anyone who has or has had children this age will understand, I am at my wits end. I know I will survive I know people who have. My biggest thing is that there is on one for me to have an adult conversation with, to spend adult time with. I have recently made two new friends on the Internet. Both these women are very beautiful. I have phone conversations with both of them and plan to meet both in person hopefully soon. One woman is very busy with her job that it is making it difficult to get to know her over the phone. The other woman we haven't really had a chance to talk on the phone very much. Ok back to me! This is the third New Years Eve I will spend alone. Don't know how much more of this excitement I can stand
When four of Santa's elves got sick, and the trainee elves did not produce the toys as fast as the regular ones, Santa was beginning to feel the pressure of being behind schedule. Then Mrs. Claus told Santa that her Mom was coming to visit. This stressed Santa even more. When he went to harness the reindeer, he found that three of them were about to give birth and two had jumped the fence and were out, heaven knows where. More stress. Then when he began to load the sleigh one of the boards cracked, and the toy bag fell to the ground and scattered the toys. So, frustrated, Santa went into the house for a cup of apple cider and a shot of rum. When he went to the cupboard he discovered that the elves had hidden the liquor, and there was nothing to drink. In his frustration he accidentally dropped the cider pot, and it broke into hundreds of little pieces all over the kitchen floor. So he went to get the broom and found that mice had eaten the straw end of the broom. Just then the doorbell rang, and irritable Santa trudged to the door. He opened the door and there was a little angel with a great big Christmas tree. The angel said very cheerfully, "Merry Christmas, Santa. Isn't it a lovely day? I have a beautiful tree for you. Where would you like me to stick it?" And so began the tradition of the little angel on top of the Christmas tree. Merry Christmas!


It may take you two minutes to read this but if you do not take the time to read this you are one of the people this post is talking about. You stay up for 16 hours He stays up for days on end. _________________________ You take a warm shower to help you wake up. He goes days or weeks without running water. __________________________ You complain of a "headache", and call in sick. He gets shot at as others are hit, and keeps moving forward. __________________________ You put on your anti war/don't support the troops shirt, and go meet up with your friends. He still fights for your right to wear that shirt. __________________________ You make sure you're cell phone is in your pocket. He clutches the cross hanging on his chain next to his dog tags. __________________________ You talk trash about your "buddies" that aren't with you. He knows he may not see some of his buddies again. __________________________ You walk down the beach, staring at all the pretty girls. He walks the streets, searching for insurgents and terrorists. _________________________ You complain about how hot it is. He wears his heavy gear, not daring to take off his helmet to wipe his brow. __________________________ You go out to lunch, and complain because the restaurant got your order wrong. He doesn't get to eat today. __________________________ Your maid makes your bed and washes your clothes. He wears the same things for weeks, but makes sure his weapons are clean. __________________________ You go to the mall and get your hair redone. He doesn't have time to brush his teeth today. __________________________ You're angry because your class ran 5 minutes over. He's told he will be held over an extra 2 months. __________________________ You call your girlfriend and set a date for tonight. He waits for the mail to see if there is a letter from home. __________________________ You hug and kiss your girlfriend, like you do everyday. He holds his letter close and smells his love's perfume. __________________________ You roll your eyes as a baby cries. He gets a letter with pictures of his new child, and wonders if they'll ever meet __________________________ You criticize your government, and say that war never solves anything. He sees the innocent tortured and killed by their own people and remembers why he is fighting. __________________________ You hear the jokes about the war, and make fun of men like him. He hears the gunfire, bombs and screams of the wounded. __________________________ You see only what the media wants you to see. He sees the broken bodies lying around him. __________________________ You are asked to go to the store by your parents. You don't. He does exactly what he is told. __________________________ You stay at home and watch TV. He takes whatever time he is given to call, write home, sleep, and eat. __________________________ You crawl into your soft bed, with down pillows, and get comfortable. He crawls under a tank for shade and a 5 minute nap, only to be woken by gunfire. __________________________ You sit there and judge him, saying the world is probably a worse place because of men like him. If only there were more men like him! If you support your troops, repost this with a "HOORAH!" If you don't support your troops well, then don't repost, it's not like you know the men and women that are dying to preserve your right to bitch about them.

The Cowboy!

A cowboy walks into a bar and, two steps in, he realizes it's a gay bar. "What the heck," he says to himself, "I really want a drink." When the gay waiter approaches, he says to the cowboy, "What's the name of your willy?" The cowboy says, "Look, I'm not into any of that. All I want is a drink. The gay waiter says, "I'm sorry but I can't serve you until you tell me the name of your Willy. Mine f or ins tance is called NIKE, for the slogan 'Just Do It'. That guy down at the end of the bar calls his SNICKERS, because 'It really satisfies'." The cowboy looks dumbfounded, so the bartender tells him he will give him a second to think it over. So the cowboy asks the man sitting to his left who is sipping on a beer, "Hey bud, what's the name of yours?" The man looks back and says with a smile, "TIMEX..." The thirsty cowboy asks, "Why Timex?" The fella proudly replies, "'Cause it takes a lickin' and keeps on tickin'!" A little shaken, the cowboy turns to two fellas on his right, who happen to be sharing a fruity Margarita and says, "So, what do you guys call yours?" The first man turns to him and proudly says, "FORD, because 'Quality is Job One'." Then he adds, "Have you driven a Ford lately?" The guy next to him then says, "I call mine CHEVY...'Like a Rock'", and gives a wink! Even more shaken, the Cowboy has to think for a moment before he comes up with a name for his manhood. Finally, he turns to the bartender and exclaims, "The name of my willy is SECRET. Now give me a beer." The bartender begins to pour the cowboy a beer, but with a puzzled look asks, "Why Secret?" The cowboy says, "Because it's 'STRONG ENOUGH FOR A MAN, BUT MADE FOR A WOMAN'!"
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