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A Fish's Character

He is very emotional and always allow himself to be very emotional.
He can have a good night sleep and be in a good mood, and less than
few hours at work he can be very moody. He does not understand things
or try to understand things easily. If you notice him carefully, you
will notice what kind of moods he is in.

He is a thinker and able to do well at work and always succeed. His
normal gestures mean he always look at other people faults, but he
will not talk about it. He has the ability to know your thought and
able to tell you what you are thinking about.

He can mostly memorize all his anger, his loves. They are his
important secrets and he will keep them to himself and will never let
you know. He is not a very ambition man and careless about his
position in society. Wealth does not drawn his attention, because he
is not greedy man and as well he thinks money is not something that
will last. He could be very careless about his future. He does not
like to fight against all odds, but instead following the stream and
make life easier. Sometimes because he likes to take an easy path,
which cause him very unsteady future.

He is kind and slightly lazy, but it is his cute character. He hates
rules and regulations. He will never look down on people. He is a
polite guy and can be very aggressive when he is mad. He loves to
think that he lives in a beautiful world and surround by nice people,
so if he finds his world is cruel and not what he expects, he will
live in his world instead.

His other charm is that he is a funny guy, and it is his real weapon.
He can tease you and yet make it looks like one of his joke. Even
when he is sad, he still has that funny face, so you could hardly tell
if he is mad or depress. He likes to hide his feeling and help other
people especially those who need friend or lonely.

He will be everything that you want and everything you do not want.
He has a chance to make it as much as a chance to fail. He can
determine to make it work and can do it well, except he tends to lost
his energy with other important things, that's how he miss many of
his good opportunity.

He can be happy and content by himself. What he think is important is
not "Love" ,but firm status and stability. He has plenty of love for

He is a good speaker, as much as he is a good listener. When he is
with you, he wants to be happy. He understand his partner's
emotional. He likes to take a long rest and sometimes being alone. If
he needs to be alone, try not to disturb him.

He is a sensitive, quiet , shy and easily hurt. He wants to feel
worthy. He can be mad and noisy, but once he calm down, he will be
that happy person again. He is not a jealous or possessive guy, and if
he feels jealous he will hide it. He has many friends of both sex,
and he care about his friends. He likes to have lots of friends, so
you can not get jealous or else you will loose him. He likes
beautiful things, so if a pretty woman walk by he will look ,so do
not get mad at him knowing this fact.

When he is lonely or feeling sad, be close to comfort him. He does
not like to take advice,so if you want him to listen or to follow
your advice, you have to act as a good sample for him first. He likes
a cheery and a smart woman. If you treat him like he is your special
person, then he will be that special person for you. He will trust
you if he is in love, but try not to over doing it and spoil him too
much. You have to know yourself worth all the time too.

Pisces is Hot

Pisces is hot.  A strange thing to say about a water sign...or is it?  Like Scorpio, Pisces is very much focused on sex.  These two signs have quite a bit in common sexually.  They are both mysterious, albeit in different ways.  Scorpio fairly oozes unfathomable mystery--dark, decadent, and delightful.  Pisces mystery is more subtle, more spiritual, more changing.  Pisces is mutable water, after all. 


Ruled by Neptune, Pisces is at home in the 12th house of the zodiac.  The touch of the Pisces alternates between hard and soft, but it is always memorable.  Their eyes will melt into your soul.  They know how to make any moment magical; they can turn even the worst situation or tortuous sexual  position into a fantasy come true.


What sets Pisces apart from all the other signs sexually is their willingness to try anything.  Scorpio will indulge all sexuality too, but a Scorpio wants it to be their own idea.  Pisces doesn't mind if you are the instigator, in fact, he or she enjoys your suggestions and will gladly participate.

There is a dark side to Pisces that isn't often discussed.  Bondage and control issues figure quite prominently in Neptune's sexual underworld. 


A Pisces man will play both sides of the dominance and submission game, although he often prefers to be in charge.  He is ultimately attracted to a sensuous, powerful woman who knows what she wants in life and is consciously working on obtaining it.  This is not a contradiction: Pisces wants a strong woman because it is even more exciting for him to have his lady, his powerful, domineering lady, under his control.

Attracting a Pisces

Attracting a Pisces male is not hard --- in fact they're quite pretty easy to love. Pisces male appear tough and strong on the outside, but on the inside, they can be the most adorable, cute and lovable boys you'd surely want to cuddle and snuggle. They love the arts and they themselves are artists in the very sense of the word --- they are also up to date and are extremely knowledgeable in a lot of things especially with their passions and interests. They're street smart, flexible and dedicated old fellow and they yearn for a partner who a little bit the same. So without further agony, here are some top tips when it comes to attracting a Pisces male --- impress and seduce him now!

  • Show them your romantic side.Poetry? Love stories? Cheesy flicks? Nothing appreciates them more than a Pisces male. Sure, he may be a softie but a Pisces men can be sensual and great lovers as well. They appreciate life's beauty and knows how to live life to the fullest --- although they need constant inspiration and motivation as well.
  • Show them your thoughtfulness.Send him a text message, drop him a visit or give him a surprise telephone call. Attracting the Pisces male means you have to be full of surprise and expect that he will show you his utmost appreciation --- you will never regret showering him your undivided attention.
  • Let them know you care. A Pisces male can get really caring and protective of their partner so he will expect the same for you. He fulfills his promises, never misses a birthday and will always make it a point to treat you out. Let him know you care by offering a massage (which he will reject, but insist anyway), holding his hand and initiating intimacy. He will get totally smitten in no time.
  • Make them try new things.If you're the adventurous, experimental type, impress a Pisces male by introducing him to things he has not tried before. So if hasn't tried sushi or never heard of bungee jumping before, pack up your gear and explore the wild! Pisceans are very enthusiastic and can get pretty adventurous if you let them.
  • Stay grounded together. The famous quote "Together we stand, together we fall," works best for a Pisces male. He wants someone who can be with him when his down and also someone to share his achievements and victories. He can be quite generous and will shower you with gifts and he loves women who know how to show appreciation and admiration. Get corny and mushy with one Pisces male now!

Pisces Traits

Dreamy, poetic, and romantic, a Pisces man slips into your life, takes you by the hand, and shows you a beautiful world you never knew existed. This man really believes in soul mates and sensitivity and will make your dreams come true.

You will think that you have met your soul mate because a male Pisces lover knows instinctively how to please you. You’ll feel he’s not only reading your mind but looking into the depths of your soul. Just be careful. He’s probably doing that to a few other people, too. And he has no qualms about it. Pisces men love to be controlled. They appreciate a dominating presence in their life, whether in the bedroom or the boardroom. These men will slip through your fingers like the fish that represent them. If you want to keep him around, try making yourself indispensable: help him balance his checking account, make playlists on his iPod, threaten to clean up his diet, and just generally exude good mental health.

Most Pisces men are honestly horrified at the idea of work. Can you picture a fish in a harness? All he wants to do is slip away or retire early. The best jobs for Pisces men are in fields of glamour, fantasy, and allure. You may adore your male Pisces boss because he is so artistic and sweet. If he notices you at all, he will probably anticipate your every need, making sure you have the right keyboard options or flexible hours to meet your personal needs. Then he will ignore you again for long periods of time. The Pisces man as an employee may be the cross that you have to bear. You are stuck with a fish. Trying to produce results is like whipping someone with a wet noodle. Just give him enough rope to hang himself. Even his loyalty is questionable. And trust me, his mind is elsewhere.

Pisces men are here to remind us of the mystical side of life and the power of imagination. At its best, Piscean energy absolves us of all our worldly concerns and sends us refreshed back into the stream of life. With an abundant supply of spiritual energy, A male Pisces' real challenge is to stay grounded. Previous lifetimes in Atlantis are fascinating, but he still needs to pay his bills and hold down a job.

Instead of appreciating his gift for living in two worlds, the afflicted Pisces man rejects both. Many are lost in the past and drowning in sorrow. His challenge in life is to be happy where he is. If he gives up on this struggle, he may lose himself in escapism. This may take the form of suicide threats, drug and alcohol abuse, or victimization. The antidote is to build faith as a bulwark against despair.

The Pisces man is difficult to pin down, most of his true feelings are hidden. He is attracted to anything stress free and without a competitive edge because he hates restriction but on the other hand, he is also attracted to things that stir his emotions, including women. Pisces man is notorious for choosing the wrong woman, he tends to be unlucky in love and have dating relationships full of peril.
When confronted with complicated issues, he tends to retreat into his dream world and wears his "rose colored glasses". This is why Pisces man can be very temperamental and pretend there is nothing wrong when your relationship is on rocky ground. When life is not going so well, he can be very hard on himself and very self destructive so it is better for him to live in denial.

The Pisces male needs a firm, strong woman to guide him because he is very indecisive and is known for sitting on the fence. The woman has to take the lead in the dating relationship. This need for nurturing is often what attracts women, women love to make him feel good and protected, sort of like a mother's instinct.
The mystery of the Pisces male makes dating him unlike any other astrology sign, nothing is ever cut-and-dry, there is always the element of the unknown and a slight unreachable quality that keeps a woman's interest. If you like drama in your dating relationship, the Pisces man is for you. Your ultimate goal will be to be invited into the secret realm of his life, where he experiences things and plans ideas that no one on the outside will ever know about. To be invited into the Pisces man's mind is like being invited into another world, you can be part of his exclusive bubble and both can feel safe, warm and secure. He will protect you and cherish you and you will have a fulfilling romantic partner because he has an amazing ability for love. This is the ultimate goal in a long term relationship and this is very difficult to achieve. It takes the right amount of patience, tolerance and acceptance. Also you have to show your man kindness and sympathy because as the sign of self-undoing, he is very hard on himself and sometimes lacks motivation.

The Pisces male tendency for secrecy can either stir a woman or frustrate her. He needs a woman with patience. The Pisces male is a sucker for a pretty girl, any beautiful woman can date a Pisces. He lives in a world of fantasy, remember? Love is full of drama, dating is full of ups and downs but this is what makes dating or falling in love with the Pisces man so great, it is an interesting experience full of passion, distance, thought, emotion and any other intuitive feelings, it is an emotional experience that you will hold on to forever.

Fishy Man

Ladies, have you ever said to yourself, "Why can't men understand women? Why don't they understand us and our needs better?" Enter. . . the Pisces male.

Our fishy Piscean man is a self made man. He doesn't hatch a plan for success but more so, plants a seed for it and patiently waits for it to sprout. One word - visualization. He plants the seed for his intentions and then visualizes what he intends them to become. He is a patient man and regardless of whether or not his intentions are already realized, he'll carry himself as if they are.

By behaving as if he has already attained his goals and received their rewards, he thus becomes his own self fulfilling prophecy. You could say he's a master at the Universal Law of Attraction. Intention, visualization, behavior modification = manifestation. That's our Pisces male in a nutshell.

Sextrology puts it best by saying, "Infamously unbeholden to anybody but himself, he trails nary a trace of emotional or psychological baggage, often tossing aside evidence of the past if it doesn't suit his typically mythic image of himself. He sees no irony in adopting a personality, often a hoity-toity one, which arguably suits his spirit better than what he perceives to be his arbitrary place in life dictated by birth or upbringing."

So what does all this mean? It may mean that at times in the male Piscean's life, he's really not what he's portraying himself to be. What you see may not be what you get - because what you see may be only what he WANTS you to see, what he THINKS himself to be, and not really who he is at that moment. And if there's anything from his past that doesn't fit in with that illusion of who he may be portraying himself to be - he'll simply remove it as if it never existed.

He's got the soul of a poet and his world is one of romance. The male fish feels as if its his birth right to color his life and his experiences as he sees fit. And if he wants to color outside the lines, then so be it.

Our male fish is ruled by the planet Neptune which is the planet of illusion and imagery. His secondary ruler is Jupiter, the planet of optimisim and expansion. Those under the planet Neptunes influence view life as somewhat dissolved or broken down. Dissolution is the signs principal and represents a symbolic death of sorts. Not death as final, but death as transformational and symbolic - rebirth. Dissolution is also a dream state where imagination creates manifestation.

The signs motto according to Sextrology is "I believe." Pisces existance is a mechanism for transforming dreams into reality. Life is viewed by the Piscean as a miraculous, heavenly existence that is draped in romanticism, poetic speech and lyrics. The sign is associated with the 12th House of Dreams and Impressions. He perceives reality through his senses and intentions more so than the cold hard facts. And sometimes, all things "harsh" he will simply ignore or refuse to recognize. That's the influence of Neptune - illusion vs. reality.

Sextrology explains, "Purposeful ignorance is Piscean bliss. . . . the male fish attains the unique ability to eliminate anything from his path that might muddy his determination to fulfill what he feels is his specific calling." That includes people, places, behaviors . . you name it. If you don't fit into his overall vision and you can't fulfill his lofty, immense needs then you may simply be eliminated. And he won't carry one bit of baggage over it either. The planets pricipal of dissolution won't allow it. Instead, it's a "birth and rebirth" situation and the emotional by-products of such will be quickly disposed of by our male fish as he will allow nothing - I repeat NOTHING - to hold him back from attaining his goals as he feels quite entitled to them.

His signs quadrant, the 4th quadrant which corresponds to metaphysical planes of existence - physical, metaphysical, spiritual and universal. One's relationship with the divine or eternal. The signs numerical association is with 77-84, the age of death and the possibility of reincarnation. He's the Alpha and the Omega, a phrase associated with Christ and lending to his mythic image of himself. These guys are able to dissolve the unwanted, painful memories of the past and reincarnate themselves into whomever they choose to be. The world is his womb in which he can rebirth himself many times over if he so chooses.

The signs element is water which represents emotion, love and intuition. The signs symbol represents the opposite facing mythical fish totems of Eros and Aphrodite - the Alpha and the Omega all wrapped up into one. Ying and Yang (male-female) combined.

No man on earth can possibly understand women better than the Pisces male. And not only can he understand women, he can feel like them too due to the water (emotion, love) association influence. And quite possibly, no other man on the planet reads and educates himself more about the female species than our male fish. He wants to know, he wants to experience, he wants to please - he wants to absorb you.

As wonderful of lovers that they are, they are sometimes the proverbial "slippery fish" too. Because that pesky Neptune (illusion) influence is still there and again, what you see may not really be what you're going to get. He doesn't do this on purpose, its just that pesky Neptune can create illusions - both for him and for you - so you may have to spend some time peering "into the waters" so-to-speak for truths and reality. He's not trying to intentionally deceive you or himself, but that pesky Neptunian influence . . . . lets just say it won't go away.

Sextrology refers to our Piscean male as "The Drifter" - bobbing around in a sea of possibilities and imagining his intentions into reality.

The signs psychology goes back again to the Alpha and the Omega, often exhibiting some form of a messiah complex. On the downside, he can, at times, be jealous of the successes of others, hypersensitive and prone to drug and alcohol abuse as a result.

Things that interest the Pisces male: sensitivity, occultism, mysticism, sensuality, novelty, torment, poetry, disguise, submission, dreams, ritual and lets not forget - rapture - in every sense of the word.

At times, the male fish can be bullied or picked on due to his feminine side. He's in touch ladies! But don't let that fool you, he's all man and he prefers the company of women. (Sometimes, even more than one.) He doesn't necessarily "kick it" with the guys that much. This one likes to attach himself to a woman and he's drawn to experienced, somewhat domineering, often older women. Early in life, he'll strike out into the world on his own and if he doesn't, he'll be more like a ghostlike presence at home than a permanent resident.

But once he's found that safe, matriarchal female to attach himself to, he'll keep her company to the exclusion of all others. He likes bawdy, attention getting types that may have "been around the block" a few times. He looks for experience. Here's what Sextrology states about the matter, "He'd sooner make a Madonna out of a whore than hook up with some snowy virgin who may only become more blackened over time." Because maybe, just maybe, our Piscean can put a death to her "reputation" and grant her a rebirth and transformation into a new existence.

Are you getting it? Cycles . . . death and transformation, illusion and expansion. This man may indeed be many men over the course of his lifetime. It just depends on what stage of transformation you happen to catch him in.

And once coupled, the Piscean male is one sign of the zodiac that Sextrology says can stay committed. The condition of marriage acts as a sanctuary, a safe place in which he can drift, dream and dissolve into. If your fishy male does stray, most likely, it will be an "emotional affair" rather than a physical one, although many out there claim to have had "cheating" experiences with the Pisces male. Many have also claimed to have been "deceived" by the fishy Piscean, although it may not have been intentional.

His turnons are: aggressive, older women, gothic beauty, corsets, hardcore porn, submission, alcohol and narcotics, kinkiness, strangers, role-reversal, stockings . . . and some things I won't mention here. Let your imagination provide those for you. Lets just say he appreciates quality erotica and kink and will go to great lengths to experience such.

Here's a bit of the light about our fishy guy: He's imaginative and sensitive, he's compassionate and kind, he's selfless, unwordly, intuitive and sympathetic. Here's a bit of the dark about him: He's an escapist and he's idealistic, he's very secretive and vague, he's weak-willed and easily led.

But when our "fishy" guy is safe in the confounds of a loving relationship that is providing him with all his emotional and physical needs . . . he can be a catch for the ladies that need to be romanced, wined, dined and even sixty-nined. But if you're the kind of woman who likes a meat and potatoes, hardwired, man's man (like the Aries male), then you may want to skip over our fishy male. The Aries male's approach to sex can, at times, be likened to a bap over the head and being drug off into his cave for an enthusiastic, intense marathon sex session. The Piscean males approach would be more akin to leading you there via a trail of rose petals, promises and poetic speech for a long, lanquid evening of rapture.

Our "fishy" Pisces male can relate, ladies. He's tender, kind, compassionate, a hard worker and an excelled, well studied lover who aims to please. But do your homework peering into the waters for a moment - before jumping in head first - or you may get hurt and ultimately feel deceived. (Although, I'm quite sure that isn't what this fishy man set out to do.)

Pisces Man

There are basically two types of Pisces men - those who go against the tide and those who go where it takes them. The former types remain on the lookout for the right opportunity, struggle against the world to utilize its full potential and triumph over life. The latter types remain tangled in their dreams, may not notice even when the opportunity knocks at the door and may miss the bright sunlight of success. A Piscean man needs to develop the personality traits of resolute judgment and unwavering actions to realize his ambitions and be a winner.

He also has to bury his old, unrealizable dreams if he wants to move ahead in life. All this doesn't mean that he is weak or feeble. It's just that he lives in his dreams too much and has to will himself to get up and indulge in real action. When he manages to brush off the starry dust from his eyes, he sees the real world and then, goes about doing the business of earning his bread. A Piscean male has a very clever and sharp mind. The moment he starts working towards practical aims, you can be sure that he will win the next 'Achievers Award'.

The only problem comes in making him look beyond those unrealistic dreams. If your fish knows how to swim against the current, you can be sure that you are luckiest girl on this earth. After we have dealt with the practical aspect of the relationship, lets come to the emotional one. This is something you will never have to worry about, with a Pisces guy. A Piscean man will never ever be short on emotions and romance. Infact, he practically breathes them. If the practical aspect of his characteristics profile is fine, you can be sure you have been rewarded with the best guy in the world.

He never holds a bias against any person. You will never find him passing a judgment in context of anyone, unless and until he has experienced the same situation in which that person is now. Even then, he will try to understand that person's reasons, rather than criticize him. Accusations don't go down well with him either. A Pisces man is never ever mean. However, at times, he may say something, which turns out to be quite different from what he intended. He is totally dependable and you can trust him with your darkest secrets.

He is a very good listener and people always come to him to discuss all their major and minor problems. When he is with you, try not to burden him more with your tensions too. Throughout the day, he has been listening to other people's troubles and the way he is, he would have absorbed all those negative energies. Now, when he is with you, he needs to get all of this out of his system and rejuvenate himself. Piscean men have such an empathetic disposition that they need to rest every now and then, to bring back the calmness and steadiness.

If they want to be left alone, they should not be disturbed. Closeness and togetherness is good, but let them have their moments of solitude. Give them the space they desire and the heart will only grow fonder. A Pisces man is very sensitive and can get hurt very easily. He appears to be confident of himself, but on the inside, he is painfully shy. He needs to know that you appreciate him, care for him and love him. He has a very quick temper, but the anger subsides as quickly as it comes.

He will never remain angry for a very long time and will seldom hold a grudge. He has the ability to see right through people's outer layer and that makes it very difficult to fool him. On the other hand, he can fool you if he wants and such situations will arise frequently, since he likes to keep his own affairs to himself. A Piscean man may speak a small lie once in a while. This is because he has some secret fear of revealing all about himself. However, you don't need to worry, as these lies will always be completely harmless and help keep his imagination running.

Jealously is not one of the personality traits of a Pisces male. He trusts you totally, but remember he is also a man and will definitely expect loyalty from you. As far as he is concerned, you will get plenty of reasons to be jealous, as he will have close friends of both the sexes. He will also appreciate beauty, but he will never be disloyal. That's just not him. If you can cope up with this, you will be rewarded with the most romantic husband, with whom you talk about almost everything under the sun.

A Piscean guy is never too cautious about money and you will have to handle that front. Infact, you need to present yourself as the perfect example of a saver and he will, sooner or later, follow suit. He learns quickly from the people he admires and respect, so what better person than you to teach him economy. With children, he will be a lot of fun and extremely loving. He will listen patiently to their childish problems, provide them with solutions, keep their imagination oiled and minds active. However, teaching them discipline will be your responsibility.

Remember that a Pisces man is very fond of his dreams. Never ever step on them or laugh at them - he will be hurt. Infact, believe in them and one day, you may be walking on the red carpet besides him. Trust him, give him love and keep him emotionally nourished. In return, he will shower you with lots of love and affection and provide you with a happy and rich home. Don't nag or criticize him and always support him in realizing his hopes. Nurture his imagination and one day, you will find yourself blessed with some incredibly good luck!
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