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A Path of Servitude

I awoke from my drunken stupor with unfamiliar surroundings starting to un-blur. Regardless of however infrequent it is, such a sensation is not new to me, as it is typically accompanied by a tender embrace and a kiss to welcome the morning. The dank, uneven stone floor I slowly clambered from this time proved to be a tad more disturbing. I began to wonder exactly how much of an ass I made of myself flirting with the ladies during the time I lost. Things weren't crystal clear yet, partly due to the dim lighting, partly due to my just recently sobering state. As I finally got to my feet, my eyes made out a door across the room. About ten feet away from reaching it, I fell on my face. My equilibrium wasn't the cause, as something appeared to grab my left leg; the expertly tied noose just above my ankle was the true cause. Having the style I do as an author, I have written about a couple similar scenarios- none of which had a pleasant ending. The passing thought caused the blood to rush to my head, as if my survival instincts were assisting my fears to make my senses normal again. My hands feverishly worked to undo the knot my walking only made tighter, as my adjusting pupils scanned my current environment. Just when I made out a dark blur that resembled a table, I was blinded in shades of white. My fingers ceased making headway towards freedom when a searing pain came across my wrists. Before my mind could work for another solution, I found myself suddenly drenched and mildly pushed back from the water pressure. "Unclean beast!" shrieked who I assumed to be my antagonist, only adding to the shocks down my spine caused by the chilled water. She growled in disgust, before continuing, "Disrobe and bathe, FILTHY THING!" My body shivering was enough to coax me into obeying, as I just wanted my near-hypothermic state to end. Boots and socks were the first to go, followed by my painted leather jacket and flaming skull T-shirt. Just as I removed my right leg from the jeans and boxers, leaving them to dangle from the rope affixed to my left, the shadows from the stream and my adjusting sight caught the form of my tormentor. She was adorned in only thigh-high, long-heeled, straight-laced black boots, a red, sharply studded, low-cut leather brazier, and a hockey mask. Her semi-wavy red hair was just above shoulder length on her 5'6" 170+ pound body. The arms and legs of my feminine assailant were quite muscular, and her torso boasted a B to a C cup for her perky breasts. The best retort I could come up with under my panic-stricken state was, "What the HELL do you want from me?" I had no idea if it was my mistake, or just part of what she had already planned when the strap graced my cheek harshly just as my soaking stopped. "On your knees, hands behind your head," were the orders I followed as she pointed a knife to my chest. She slowly raised it as she approached, giving me a mild scratch, before lifting it just a hair above my flesh when it reached my neck. She kept the weapon in place as she moved behind me. Without warning, she used her wielding arm to drag me back into her spiked garment, giving me the strange sensation of jagged pain on top of soft skin against my back. She then used her free hand to raise my left arm above my head, followed by my right, shackling each in turn. Just as she let up with the blade, the shackles were raised, leaving me barely touching the ground. My legs were soon being wrapped together, from thigh to shin, by the same rope that bound my ankle. She cut open the noose to complete her binding, before taking my pants and underwear the rest of the way off to rub them violently in my face, and then threw them across the room. I turned my head, franticly looking for anything that might aid me through the bright light when the first came. My unseen captor started the lashings slowly, increasing the intervals steadily. I cursed, threatened, or pleaded with each strike, as the pain grew less and less tolerable. "SHUT UP, YOU YAPPING CREATURE!" was the command I refused, when my teary, sobbing self continued to goad her, and stopped my flogging shortly after. I was still screaming for her death when I felt her erect nipples gently brush against my welted and sore back. I cried, begging for an answer as to why, as she pressed into me further, seductively tracing her hand along the mark on my chest. She faintly whispered in response, "because you're an… ANIMAL!" screeching me to near deafness with her final word, forcing a ball into my mouth, and strapping it into place. My muffled screams and failed banter bothered her no longer, as she literally threw salt into my wounds, and resumed my beatings. She granted me a reprieve sometime later, dropping my shackles so I could slump on the floor. When the lights went off, my pitifully mangled body found no solace from its agony. Hope was fading fast, as my mind desperately searched for anything to stir dreams of escape. As I felt the droplets of blood slowly dry as they trickled down my spine, a faint memory crept into my brain. From nowhere, I recalled how it felt when she first pressed against me, knife still to my throat. My heart surged when I contemplated how close my life came to an end. I had no idea why, but I was starting to get aroused thinking about the knife- it scratching me, keeping me in a helpless state, the unnerving sense of danger it brought, the total loss of control it caused. Yet, I became repulsed with myself when I noticed I had an erection. At first, I tried to beat such thoughts out of me seemingly in vain, when more insane ones came to replace them. The glimpse I caught of her during my hosing popped into my head. How hard her nipples were, how soft her skin was, how perfect her breasts felt against my back, and how I felt an inkling of her vaginal fluids against my leg started to get me really worked up. As my stomach churned, my mind brought me flashes of how it would feel if I had my way with her. For reasons unknown, no matter how ashamed it made me; I couldn't stop daydreaming of how badly I sought to fulfill my desires with her. My lust for strong women overrode my self hatred for pondering it, as I thought of how it would've been if she was like my dates, if my tongue would be delighted to taste between her legs once it pleasured her, if it felt divine to be inside her afterwards. I was reeling from the visions, yet felt an increasing urge for release nonetheless. Neither caring how much it hurt my mutilated body, nor paying heed to how my shattered spirit rebelled against the notion, I couldn't help but to start playing with myself. As the possible sensations took root in my imagination, I whispered the sweet nothings and dirty talk I would've been during the fictional situations: What if she raped me at knife point? What if she forced her groin in my face right after she shackled me? What if her gagging me was the prelude to mouthing me? What if she was here right now, and these were her hands, and I was using mine to caress her? The mild tap to my knuckles and testicles, just as I was inches from orgasm, was painful enough to make me cease masturbating. "You're not even human enough to fantasize about me like that," she sighed angrily. I was too engrossed with my warped, self-humiliating act to notice her return. I was now further frightened as to what else her reaction may entail, while she dragged my body across the room, and then leaned it against the table I saw earlier. I knew in my terrorized heart that the table had to have more restraints and devices to be used against me. As she reached down with key in hand, a thought of desperation crossed my mind. Just as she unlocked the brace on my left wrist, I used my last ounces of strength to grab both of her hands as I stood. We vied for power, though my movements were clumsier than hers. I somehow mustered enough force to wrestle her onto the table. I laid on top of her, rushing to tie her arms down with the leather straps affixed to the table. The thought that she could user her legs as leverage to escape came once I succeeded, so I fought her kicking feet to tie them down as well. I met her taunting with hateful prose, as I limped towards the door in search for a phone to call the police. My rage for what I just endured slowly turned into another force, one dragging my soul deeper as it gnawed at me: the hunger for revenge. I realized that through all her verbal abuse as I reached for the doorknob, she was now helpless and lay prone. I knew it would be gratifying to degrade her as she did to me. I closed the door and turned back, each agonizing step reminding me of what just transpired. It lifted a little bit of weight from my chest each time the cane connected with her nipples. While she still exhibited no remorse, not even offering a feigning apology, I removed her mask to mildly violate her with a kiss. I pulled my tongue back just in time to avoid real damage, as her teeth only mildly scratched its tip. I grinned and gave a faint laugh, as she spit in my face. Unflinching, I wiped it off, and bit her left beast for my trouble. I took her body as I wanted to in fantasy- only I was the one in control. She screamed rape, death threats, and her undying hatred for me, all to my pleasure. Her not submitting to me guided my vengeance to raise my heart to the heavens. My wrath guided my hands to dig into her sides, drawing just a little blood to raise my spirits higher still. I bit her right breast just a little harder than I did the left, leaving a deep impression that made my lust intolerable. I pulled out to meet her enraged comments with a surprise. She went silent when my semen spewed forth, and, as I watched each spurt hit her face, an unnerving sensation of guilt overwhelmed me. Before, I thought I would feel like a god with my actions. Now that they passed, I felt more ashamed than I did while I was wrecked on the floor. She still stared at me angrily, but she was no longer arguing nor fighting. I hated myself yet again. I whimpered as I undid her bonds, then cowered beside the table, eagerly desiring the most vile punishment she could dream of to release me from my shame. She wiped her face off with my shirt, and tossed it aside. She knelt down, grabbed my face roughly by the chin, saying with a slap, "Don't you ever do that again, sub-human." She moved in to kiss me passionately, before further rewarding me for finally realizing my place. +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= i have served my Mistress faithfully for quite some time now. i crave Her every whim, desire only whatever She wants, and love myself and Her more each time She uses me for whatever purpose my Mistress deems fit. i have been greatly rewarded for my servitude at times. i have only one fear: that i may one day bring disgrace upon myself by once again rising against Her.

The Building Blocks Of Your Nature You Have No Planetary Conjunctions. You have a great diversity of interests. You move from item to item in your daily life without a clear discernible focus. When one thing in your life isn't working out you don't suffer from being stuck on things being a certain way. You switch focus easily, and consequently are able to take advantage of changes in circumstances. You are not likely to get in a rut; your vast array of interests serve you well. You carry a wide assortment of facts and past experiences into every new situation. The Sun: That Radiating Warmth "Nature produces the greatest results with the simplest means. These are simply the sun, flowers, water, and love." – Heinrich Heine Your Sun is the warm, glowing core of who you are. It energizes everything it touches. To see how the Sun plays, fights and dances within you, look at how the planets, their angles, and the house of your Sun appear in your chart. When the energizing Sun powerfully connects (conjunctions), challenges (squares), and provokes (oppositions) the other planets, there is a tendency to energize the Sun in a vigorous manner so that your ego sits heavy and fat in the saddle. When the exuding Sun flows (trines) and supports (sextiles) the other planets, it gives warmth and confidence and a natural ebullience. Your Warm, Radiating Sun is in Aquarius Your vital and energetic glow is mental and detached. Very intelligent, you live in your mind, viewing the world and the experience of sex with an impersonal, fascinated stance. So intrigued by the whole idea of sex, you wiggle about just thinking of experiments and variations to try out on your most favorite and delectable friends. Observing and analyzing how the act turns out and how happy your friends are with the outcome, adds to your creamy knowledge base. This can include boy/girl, boy/boy, and girl/girl, and all the other variables available therein. You are good at techniques, but not so good at getting close to, because of your independent streak. A rather cool cucumber, any lover who may have designs on you, will be neatly sidestepped, but not before you taste the sap-filled treat! The Sun Exudes in the Sixth House You are a dedicated soul. You are dedicated to the task of turning your lover on so badly, that they beg for mercy, hot tears streaming down their face. You are committed to your partner and create a structured sexual environment around them with great orgasmic precision, much to their unending delight and torture. If your lover's actions begin to irritate you, channel your energy wisely by punishing them sexually until they get it, the way you want them to get it. Otherwise, you may find yourself getting cranky! Rest assured that your partner enjoys being tortured and corrected by you even if they pretend that this is not so. Your Sun supports (sextiles) Frosty, Plasmic Neptune You'll have many opportunities to be creative in this life. You can weave illusion as good as the Master Magicians Siegfried and Roy with their wild animal kingdom. You can get your baby to lay down, spreading his or her luscious legs with a mere clap of your hands. You can also get your baby to levitate with the onslaught of sexual feelings you cause to arise in their Levi's. Such skill! When they open their eyes, - poof! - you are gone. Did they just imagine that? Your Sun flows (trines) with Simmering Pluto You have a powerful aura that reeks leadership skills. If you were on "Survivor" you would win, hands down. (No, lower.) You know how to trigger others to do what you want them to do through subtle though ingenious methods and manipulations of the spirit and emotions. This flows in a naturally creamy way in you, so you can dominate your lover sublimely with clever, understated effort. Sexually, you can dominate and control your partner into soapy orgasmic oblivion, and at the same time will not have a problem stepping down and letting them torment you so silly, your brand new cotton sheets get soaked through and through! Your Sun flows (trines) with Mars' Sexual Urges Your physical energy is blended into your natural state of being, so much so that it is a good thing for you to be physically active in some form or another. If you can't keep things open and flowing in a nice physical way (which includes pleasuring your own lovely body), you'll start picking fights with your friends and family, growling and barking instead of speaking words. In general, being an all around pain in the neck. You are very confident and are a pleasure to interact with, especially while engaging in contact water sports. You are a most sought after sexual commodity in your local community, or should be! The Ascendant: Your Animal Skin "Oh, don't let's ask for the moon. We've already got the stars." – Bette Davis The Ascendant in your chart, (otherwise known affectionately to this astrologer as the "Rising Sign") is your own native animal skin you wear about your shoulders and through which you physically face the world. It is the sign that was spreading out its earthly influence all over the horizon, opening its legs and scenting you with its own musky peculiarities when you were born. This paints your personality with colorful symbols, richness and a certain vibratory chemistry. Your Animal Skin is in Leo You are quite the playful, flirtatious, and seductive beastie in bed! You aren't so much interested in a commitment per se, in the beginning, than a rocking and rollicking time with some romance thrown in for a ruby glow. You perform with sparkling flair and a more spirited ride could not be had! Too much seriousness can put the big kabosh on your mood, and that's when you kick that partner's booty right out of the bed. Laughter and appreciation can bring you to new orgasmic heights. The Moon: Feelings, Nurturance and Wetness "I think sex is better than logic, but I can't prove it." – Unknown Wherever the Moon is placed is where feelings abound and sometimes run amuck. It's also where you like to do what feels good to yourself, things that you certainly will do, whether alone or with a lover of great fortitude! When the Moon touches another planet it creates a swirling cocktail of milky needs and is to be tasted and experienced with great gooey gusto. When the Moon powerfully connects (conjunctions), provokes (oppositions), and challenges (squares) the other planets, this tends to give the Moon a more powerfully reactive state (much harder to control!). The flowing (trines) and supporting (sextiles) aspects are soft and dreamy, sometimes in a sweet, mellow way, other times in a lazy, indulgent and chubby way. The Moon's Emotions Undulate in Pisces With the Moon in Pisces, you respond in an intuitive and flexible way to emotional situations. Fluctuating and adaptable you can be whatever you or your lover wishes you to be. In times of distress, you tend to unconsciously float above your body because you just can't deal. You are sponge-like and will absorb trauma, heartache, and even another's nasty blockages. As you can imagine, this can make you feel quite sick and bloated! You are there for your lover, and will do just about anything your lover wants - whatever floats their boat is okay with you! If your lover is not sensitive to your needs, you may end up in some rather tough situations where there is no escape, except through the whim of your lover, who may be self-centered and not in an accommodating mood! Visions of tight latex clothing with discreet openings in strategic places come to mind. You have an active fantasy life, and may find that your fantasies are much juicier and more colorful than the humdrum and toil of real-life sexual encounters. The Moon Soaks the Eighth House With the Moon in the eighth house, your feelings are deep and keenly perceptive. You are so perceptive you appear to read the minds of others, stunning them, and making them feel naked with little goose bumps all over their plush skin. Diving into the psychological depths of yourself, your family, your colleagues, all of humanity in fact, is an irresistible lure for you. A natural born psychologist, you know just where to sniff. The quickest way into the depths is through the sexual psyche of your lover and yourself. Going downtown and doing some dissecting with your microscope brings rich meaning to your quivering nostrils! Explore the sexual depths by testing your own boundaries. This means doing things that scare you, making you sweat and tinkle. Vulnerability is a key, so if you are protecting your red, wet heart, you are missing the point of the game. Your Moon challenges (squares) Frosty, Plasmic Neptune You can project quite the fantasy on your lover and not even realize it! There are invisible tendrils coming out of your head, that twist and flex and braid, moving constantly. These tendrils are the apparatus that weave illusion for you. So good are you at this, you can find yourself making a partner that is a shmuck into a prince or princess, never mind going downtown where the musky scents play havoc on your mind! Discovery of the illusion is always painful and poignant, thereby leading to dark moods and sullen depressions. What you don't know is this is the energy great creations are made of, so when you start to value those soft but powerful emotions you have floating about you, you can start to get juicy and create some astounding stuff. Sexually, when you become conscious of the weaving-like magic you have pulsing through your energy field, you can create all sorts of titillating scenarios to seduce the unwary into stripping naked and vulnerable, having a mouth watering drug-like experience with you! Please, enter The Zone. Your Moon challenges (squares) Mars' Sexual Urges Oh, you're such a scratchy, irritable thing, sometimes! Why is everyone bugging you? Can't they see you're not in the mood? You'll put them in their place, the little flees, just to get them out of your bloody hair. Oh look, now no one wants to come near you, grumbling monster that you are! You might want to try learning a little self-control, in the sack and out, if you want your relationships to blossom like a scarlet hibiscus flower. Sexually, controlling this type of energy can lead to having lots of extra fuel for all sorts of gooey, slick and tasty activities, things you will not be able to do otherwise. So, get over yourself and start having fun! Your Moon supports (sextiles) Delectable Venus You are quite the soft charmer, pleasing as a raspberry flavored dewdrop on a green leaf. Everyone wants to lick you up quickly, with the tip of their tongue, while nobody else is looking. Sexually, you are adaptable and giving and a pleasure to watch becoming aroused, as you are quite sensuous and expressive. You are a bit spoiled when you don't get your way, since you are so used to getting it from your current lover, pampered thing that you are. That's when delicate spankings come in handy for your big moon. Mercury: Mental Expression "Love is the answer, but while you are waiting for the answer, sex raises some pretty good questions." – Woody Allen Your mental expression articulates and gesticulates in the birth chart where Mercury is placed. Look at the sign placement, the house placement, and the other planets involved with mischievous mental-case Mercury to see how you will experience your communications and thought processes. The powerfully connecting (conjunctions), challenging (squares), and provoking (oppositions) aspects tend to give Mercury's quicksilver tendencies a laser zap in consciousness. The flowing (trines) and supporting (sextiles) aspects are softer and more laid back, but they also speed up the brainiac synapses to a nice clip! Articulating Mercury flirts in Capricorn Mentally you think in a practical, disciplined way and have a conservative, calculated way of speaking. Your thought processes glide purposefully over your nerve fibers, specifically fertilizing the nerves for future use, even as the current situation is really being worked juicily. Manipulative with a secret lecherous side (you may try to hide in public), you like to maneuver people into compromising positions so you can take full advantage of them, in a kind, thoughtful way. How can they object to your sinuous handling? The fact is they are much too surprised to utter a peep! You can be so surprisingly nasty sometimes your friends may feel as if you slipped your gilded finger in where you shouldn't have! Mercury's Intercourse Reverberates in the Sixth House With Mercury's verbal intercourse echoing in your sixth house, everyday life is busy, busy, busy for you! You are like a little bee, buzzing about your duties with juicy stimulation looking for things to put in your honey bucket. Living in the moment has great orgasmic potential for you. Give it a try! When lovemaking you interact in an attentive and detail-orientated manner with your partner. You are game for some role-playing, dress up, and dominance/submissive scenarios. This fun sort of interaction can really wet your whistle – no surprises guests, though! Being informed is a must. If you fall into a routine with your lovemaking, break out of it and go outside with Nature and have decadent sex in your herb and vegetable garden to insure fertility of the coming season. Works like a charm! Your Mercury challenges (squares) Jupiter's Abundance A bigger braggart there is naught to be found on the spherical Earth! Your mind is a cup that runneth over with ideas, wisdom, and concepts. You are quite an eager beaver in sharing these juicy morsels with your audience, and will hold your listeners at rapt attention, whether they want to be there or not. In a charming, conceited way, you feel you are right about everything, even though sometimes your facts are inaccurate. One can safely assume that if you subtract about 50% hot air, then one will find the true kernels of truth and wisdom in your discussions. Sexually, try to feel the excessiveness so you can learn to control it. That way you can time-release it all over your receptive, digging partner, who will be happily yelling their little hearts out! Venus: Desire and Attraction "I can remember when the air was clean and sex was dirty." – George Burns Look at the sign placement, the house placement, and the other planets involved in the Venus pheromonal love dance to see how you will experience your wants and needs, give affections, and gratify your ravenous self! If you are a woman, Venus shows how you expose your femininity. If you are a man, the placement of Venus determines the type you are attracted to. Venus is also your "Inner Feminine," waiting to be contacted and explored for healthy emotional balance. When Venus powerfully connects (conjunctions), challenges (squares), or provokes (oppositions) the other planets, she tends to be more feisty and provoking, and has more liveliness. When Venus flows (trines) with and supports (sextiles) the other planets, she is very soft and creamy, indulgent and lazy. Enticing Venus is in Capricorn With Venus in Capricorn, you are reserved on the outside and a simmering pot of heady perfume on the inside, cream dripping down over the sides. Ah, but you keep this fact well hidden! You unveil your vulnerability to your lover with great care, taking your own sweet time and creating "tests" along the way to gauge your lover's net worth. When in love, you are dedicated and stalk the wild orgasm with great fortitude. Your desire nature burns smoldering and focused, as you seriously pursue this climatic delight with your partner. To you, it's not having an orgasm that is the goal, but how many you can stick under your belt in, say, 20 minutes. Or, better yet, a continuous climax will do the trick, too. Into the Zone for you! A well-trained partner will bring you to the last outpost where the wind whistles. Don't settle for less! Your Venus is frolicking in the Fifth House With Venus swinging her hips in the fifth house, you show affection by being playful like a puppy in heat, thrumming yourself against a warm, loving body that adores you. That's all you require to salivate with supreme happiness! You are also a miniature creation machine and can create all sorts of wonderful things. Sexually, pillow fights, tickling, wrestling games, water guns, laughing and dunking in the bathtub as you try to maneuver in a very tight but well-lubricated space, are all examples of fun that can end in breathless paroxysms of delight! You are not above throwing your voice so it seems as if your partner's sexual organ is talking, doing a comedic routine that ends up in mindless mating. Find someone who appreciates your lively, creative spirit! Your Venus challenges (squares) Simmering Pluto You have dark forces swirling about your fingertips. These dark forces respond to your thought patterns, wishes, and heaving desires. Your friends, family and lovers are subject to your turbulent though powerful emotional whims. You darkly toy with them in a painful, extravagant (though unconscious!) emotional way, like a Puppet Master leaving a messy path behind you, too preoccupied with self to look back. Tsk, tsk! Though this type of behavior creates bondage friendships and lovers, bound for life, it does not endear anyone to your thirsty soul, which is what you are really looking for. To handle this energy in a responsible manner, insert yourself in situations where your boundaries are challenged and heavily disrupted, so you can distinguish between rightful and wrongful invasion. Sexually, you can play with this energy in a positive way by clueing your lover in to where you are at (scary!), so you can get permission to go places where angels fear to tread. Your Venus supports (sextiles) the Uranus Wiggle You are a bonafide freedom lover. Anyone has only to just look at you to see that you adore the beautifully unusual and the exquisitely free. Opportunities to experience this freedom are offered to you throughout life, such as travel, meeting new people, and exposing yourself to all sorts of new, mind-expanding and wildly eccentric Houdini happenings! It is in your best interest to keep a pair of little white wings on your fireplace mantle, so that you can tie them onto your ankles when you are getting "that feeling" again. Sexually, stay away from the conservative types. Endeavor to make love with brilliance and eccentricity for a truly hashish experience! Your Venus flows (trines) the Midheaven, your Re Because of an open and pleasant bearing, others wish to hear what you have to say. As they watch you talk, your mouth moving and forming words, your pink tongue flicking here and there, your smile and wet teeth; they unconsciously start shifting from foot to foot. Of course they are listening to your sweet words, but hidden under the morass of superficial mental activity, there is some intense psychic movement going on in the loins! This allows you to charm an audience of one or one hundred, and maybe pick up a few bucks along the way, too. If you are smart, you will incorporate this lovely gift into your job or career, adding that special touch to a mundane business that turns it into pheromonal eloquence, and all in a socially acceptable way! Sexually, your partner loves taking you out to show off, because everyone looks at you, sighs heavily, and then they cross their legs to stem off those bodily tides. Yes, it's true! Your personal power and sex drive notifies you of its thrust through the birth chart where Mars is placed like a phallic prong. Look at the sign placement, the house placement, and the other planets involved to see how you will experience the Mars' battle of competition, assertion, along with the most favored rutting of champions! If you are a man, Mars signifies your exuberant masculinity. If you are a woman, where Mars is placed is the type that you are attracted to, the type that will make your jade gate open, your flower bloom. Mars is also your "Inner Male", waiting to be contacted and explored for healthy emotional balance. (Little secret: A woman in contact and working with her inner male cocky ya-ya is incredibly sexy and magnetic!)The planets that powerfully connect (conjunctions), challenge (squares), and provoke (oppositions) Mars, make him strong-willed and self-oriented (unless paired with Neptune). Like Zena or Hercules, the warrior stands vigorously! The planets that flow (trines) and support (sextiles) tone down Mars' gnashing teeth and manifest a more balanced and less rough use of these ambitious, squirting energies. This all depends on which planet chooses to combine with Mars and his sexual grapple to the pinnacle! Mars: Personal Power & Sex Drive "Sex is not the answer. Sex is the question. 'Yes' is the answer" – Unknown Look at the sign placement, the house placement, and the other planets involved to see how you will experience the Mars' battle of competition and assertion. If you are a man, Mars signifies your exuberant masculinity. If you are a woman, the placement of Mars determines the type you are attracted to.. Mars is also your "Inner Male," waiting to be contacted and explored for healthy emotional balance. The planets that powerfully connect (conjunctions), challenge (squares), and provoke (oppositions) Mars, make him strong-willed and self-oriented (unless paired with Neptune). The planets that flow (trines) and support (sextiles) tone down Mars' gnashing teeth and manifest a smoother and more balanced use of this ambitious, energy. Mars' Sexual Urge rises in Gemini With Mars in Gemini, you express your sexual energy in a versatile and brainy way. A mental warrior, you can hash it out with the best of them, dueling with juicy thrust! You are excellent with the techniques of verbal intercourse and one of the finest tastemakers around. You can be restless and bored easily, hence choose a partner that will mentally stimulate your curious mind with challenge, change and titillation. Listening to very juicy personal stories is captivating for you, the wheels in your mind whirring away at an awesome pace. Implementing new sexual techniques, after much titillating discussion as foreplay, is a special turn on that will have you squirming at the dinner table in anticipation! Mars' Sexual Urge beats in the Eleventh House With Mars in the eleventh house, your sexual energy plays out in an open-minded, friendly way, with a bit of aggressiveness added for a pepper streak. Your loins surge with the urge to make friends. The experience of sharing, within the boundaries of friendship, has a unique, intimate feel to it that is quite delightful to your cells. If your lover really wants to share intimate sexual relations with a good friend of the both of you, and you feel secure about the whole business, there are no hung up ownership problems here, and a nice refreshing way to look at sexuality, too! If you haven't thought of something like this before, perhaps you should consider it, in order to increase your friends' and colleagues' group resources, and of course the friendship bonding experience. Your Mars supports (sextiles) the Ascendant, your Animal Skin Ah, but it's exciting being you, isn't it? So courageous and bold, filled with proper enthusiasm about perfectly appropriate things. Physical exercise is a good thing for you to do on a regular basis, otherwise your cells begin to cry, and depression sets in. Should you find yourself in this type of situation, run to the bathroom quickly and masturbate! You might have to do this a couple of times. Of course if you have a willing partner close by, rough and ready, by all means, shag away! The point is to get the energy back flowing again, ridding yourself of all those irritating, scratchy blocks that are like rose thorns in your backside. Your Mars provokes (opposes) Frosty, Plasmic Neptune Your energy is very delicate and creative. Should you try to get your energy moving in the usual way everyone else seems to, you will get nowhere, very fast. Trying to be aggressive can leave you panting and weak, unwilling to exert another iota, sitting in a puddle of tepid, gray water. At this point, your eyes will begin to glaze over and the pulsating, kaleidoscopic fantasies begin, taking you far away into Never Never Land, where the hatchet of reality cannot reach you. (Or so you believe.) Therefore, you must shift your perceptive. This stellar shift requires the use of those fine, subtle energies that are inherent in your soft, beating body. These can only be infused with creativity, religious, or spiritual energies, because of their very nature. Finding an outlet that uses a form of these energies will be so inspiring to you, it will "carry" you. There would be no need for using force - the vibrancy of the Quest is the only fuel needed! Sexually, the best approach is done through subtleties and nuances that shift and pulsate in the air around you and your lover. Orgasms experienced this way are a golden mythical force of undulating warm honey, spread like a river around you! Your Mars supports (sextile) Jupiter's Abundance If you were a vehicle, you would be an eighteen-wheel truck, tooling down the highway, blaring your horn to the sports cars that weave in and out, in front of your cruising body. You have energy and stamina to fuel five human bodies, let alone just one teeny one. Sexually, you are a force to be reckoned with and not for the faint of heart. It's "in your face" type of energy, in more ways than one! Giving and plentiful, you expect your lover to take all you have to give and then some more of your congested, full flesh. Jupiter: Optimism & Abundance "Love isn't decent. Love is glorious and shameless." – Elizabeth Von Arnim Your optimism and abundance deliver the spiritual and material goods in the birth chart where Jupiter is placed like an overstuffed Titan. Look at the sign placement, the house placement, and the other planets involved in Jupiter's search for the sensual meaning of existence to see how you will experience your own optimism and abundance (and also the twinkling light on your spiritual path). Jupiter powerfully connecting (conjunctions), challenging (squares), and provoking (oppositions) the other planets magnify Jupiter's generous mood in an intoxicating, bloated manner. When Jupiter is flowing (trines) or supporting (sextiles) the other planets there is an excessive swelling. Jupiter's Abundance spills in Aries Your enthusiasm has a rapid, demanding, creative spirit! The gift of Jupiter for you is growth through experiencing the implementation of scads of creative entrepreneurial ideas that chug-a-lug through your body's system on a daily basis. Your creative ideas regarding the world of sexual experience are alive and pulsating, exuberant, and inventive, demanding that you plunge right in, giving it the energetic attention it so richly deserves! Jupiter's Optimism pours into the Ninth House Inspiration expresses itself in you by discovering adventures that await you, sparkling on the horizon and then teaching others about your juicy discoveries! It is an exploratory energy that invigorates everything it touches with a golden, exuberant light. Life and sex must stay fresh and invigorating, like a scrub down with pine needles, or your Light dims. Teach your lover what you know, offering tidbits of sexual wisdom like small juicy mango pieces, falling from your lips to their open, receiving mouth. Your Jupiter flows (trines) with the Ascendant, your Animal Skin You exude Mr. or Mrs. Happy vibes! Even with a straight poker face, your eyes twinkle with a merry, jovial light. Life offers you up a full plate of interesting, succulent experiences, which you eat right up, filling your little potbelly so it is stuffed like a turkey. With many friends and colleagues, your sphere of existence is populated with a large assortment of juicy and creamy possibilities. Endeavor to promote even more contacts, as it is through others that good fortune arrives at your door. In your sexual life, you are an irresistible, chewy kumquat, sweet and tart, a perfect combination for a delectable feast! After a smooth rendition of salacious eating is performed magnificently on your body temple, you must generously repeat the favor, and then some, pouring all the churned buttery energy you have to give all over your sweet lover, slathering them in love's sweet and sticky jam. Your Jupiter flows (trines) with Frosty, Plasmic Neptune Grande Master or Mistress of the ethers, you have been sent down here to inspire others. This requires a certain benevolent and spiritual self-sacrifice, but that's okay. You are up for the task! Artistic, creative, and deeply mystical, spiritual vibrations wing their way through your beating cells, like a warm, tropical fragrant breeze. Adept at illusion, you can be caught in its web and lost there, lost in the Land that Time Forgot. A reality check with a grounded partner who exudes scads of common sense is a must! Sexually, warm your energy centers/chakras. Warm them until it feels like warm milk and honey is coursing through you and your lover's cells, limbs, and loins. Cream will come out every orifice of your bodies, anointing you both in godly love and frosting. Saturn: Patience & Persistence "It's been so long since I've had sex, I've forgotten who ties up whom." – Joan Rivers Saturn sits like a Big Daddy on the natal chart, stubbornly insisting on work and responsibility! Look at the sign placement, the house placement, and the other planets involved in Saturn's authoritative, restrictive policies to see how you will experience your need for discipline and endurance. This includes being mentally flogged occasionally -- by yourself and others -- so you get the message! (Don't worry, it all works out in the end.) The powerfully connecting (conjunctions), challenging (squares), and provoking (oppositions) aspects tend to bust Saturn's iron nuggets (or yours!), causing frustration and tension but also making available great endurance and fortitude. The flowing (trines) and supporting (sextiles) aspects soften frustration and tension, leading to greater self-control...and ultimately sexual (and otherwise) successes. Saturn ties you down in Cancer You respond to structure and limitation in an emotional and assertive way. Tribal or family responsibilities, though burdensome and heavy at times, are the tasks at hand. At times, it may seem that your ability to express feelings and emotions is all locked up, and someone has thrown away the key. Endeavor to learn about your feelings and nurturing as great strength lies here. When imposed upon negatively in a sexual way, you will take it for awhile, not speaking up about how you feel. At some point, though, a rather extreme and uncomfortable explosion of feelings occurs. Speak sooner! Practice, practice, practice! Saturn has you under Twelfth House Arrest Responsibility and limitations express themselves in your unconscious. Large institutions and hospitals may figure prominently in your life, emotionally and mentally whipping you into sound, wise shape. Ouch! This is so you can give true authority and care as it is truly needed. Remember, service with a smile and a helping hand! No grumblers allowed! Fears abound in the backwoods of your mind, where you have them all shrink-wrapped and sealed in dinky boxes in the dank basement of Mr. Brain's warehouse. These are fears that hold you back, sexually and otherwise. You need to go into those dusty boxes and open them up, airing out the contents. (Phew, stinky! Wave your hand a bit to clear the air!) The only way for you to be free is to accomplish this task. Once you've done this, the gods will appear, and grant you holy strength and strong loins and a sexy ray of light will shine out through your steady, delectable eyes. Uranus: Individuality & Independence "Like a fierce wind roaring high up in the bare branches of trees, a wave of passion came over me, aimless but surging... I suppose it's lust but it's awful and holy like thunder and lightning and the wind." – Joanna Field Springing from the base of your energetic foundation, Uranus yokes and releases your core identity, sexual, and creative impulses. Look at the sign placement, the house placement, and the other planets that are electrified in aspect by Uranus. The powerfully connecting (conjunctions), challenging (squares), and provoking (oppositions) aspects tend to create a wiggly energy that is hard to contain and requires freedom to exist.. The flowing (trines) and supporting (sextiles) aspects blend nicely but still pulse the airwaves and your nervous system. Your Uranus Swings in Scorpio! Your generation's sexual kundalini energy is a powerful, perceptive laser that can penetrate all sorts of medium. Your spinal cord, once grounded and triggered gently, will create inspiration and dynamic ideas through the use of deep, enriching exploration of the psychological snake energy that lies curled in the sex organs in the area of the bottom and genitals. Get down there and check it out with a magnifying glass! If this suggestion made you shudder, you need to go there even more! Try Tantric sex or having a shaman open you up with sacred smoke blown into your body to open you up, before "getting down". Uranus is taking liberties in your Fourth House! Independence, eccentricities, and sudden change exhibit themselves in your nesting spot. Your home is a different place, a very unconventional pad. All sorts of characters meet there to discuss far out subjects and all sorts of freaky activities are performed there, too! Kundalini exercise: With a lover, fill up your tub with nice warm water. Add a scent or oil if you like. Light a candle or two and then shut off the lights. Take off your clothes and grab your trusty snorkels! Position yourselves underwater, breathing comfortably through your snorkels, and then joining sexually and quietly. Psychedelic! (Tip: the less wiggling, the better.) This can also be done alone and pleasuring yourself – it's still just as trippy! Neptune: Creativity & Illusion "Lovers, to bed; 'tis almost fairy time." – A Midsummer Night's Dream - Act 5, Scene 1 Artistry, creativity, dreams and illusion emanate from Neptune's fluctuating rainbow of colors. The powerfully connecting (conjunctions), challenging (squares), and provoking (oppositions) aspects tend to diffuse and confuse normal planetary energy patterns, boosting the likelihood of colorful, mystical and creative experiences. The flowing (trines) and supporting (sextiles) aspects are deceptive and hypnotizing, in a lazy, glazed, but inspiring way. Neptune does not respond to the practical, rational applications that motivate other planets. Instead, Neptune loves warm, energetic work on the body (which can be done through chakra/energy center work), creative endeavors, and mystical experiences, which are excellent channels for its very magical and sweetly psychotic vibrations. Neptune's Beguiling Bubble is in Sagittarius Your generation's sexual idealism and sexual receptivity is truth seeking and adventurous. This also includes going down the wrong trail, getting lost, and having to double back about three or four times. You approach your wildly creative dreams in an inspiring and enthusiastic way, and must remember that full sexual gratification cannot occur if you have left the scene. Neptune's Silvery Whistles are heard in your Fifth House Sexual fantasies and idealization play themselves out in your love affairs. Each lover is the perfect person for you, better than the last one, frothy with rosy-red juice from pomegranates, delivered to your doorstep by the gods and goddesses on dented aluminum platters. Or, are you so spiritual you cannot consummate with a potential partner? Beware of a tendency to let decent goods slip out of your hands, because everyone is a potential soul mate, and then ending up with nada. Sexually, you can seduce a certain type of innocent into your bed, covering the stained mattress with clean sheets, and stuffing your donkey tail into your pants. Don't forget to turn the smoke machine on - know one will know! Your Neptune supports (sextiles) Simmering Pluto A generational aspect that goes on for a trillion years (just kidding), it operates in the background unnoticed unless it touches a sensitive genitalia point on your lovely, pulsating body. At that point, you would feel certain effects taking place at a deep inner core, where a huge light-filled quilting bee is taking place, amongst the spirits and guides that hang out with you. No one will notice these happenings, maybe not even you, especially if you are doused heavily with food, alcohol or drugs (you know, the normal human condition). This miniature, magical Mardi Gras is actually occurring in your DNA, in the spiraling helixes of the gods. There, the helixes twist and turn to a vibrational song humans cannot normally hear; creating new, unbelievable strands that signify outstanding cosmic perceptions undiscovered by little dweeby men in their white, flapping lab coats. Short (or long) periods of autism or insanity manifest, and then, should your consciousness survive intact, evolution takes place with a soft, unnoticeable, undulating pop. Your Neptune flows (trines) with the Ascendant, your Animal Skin Fluctuating and clear, with oily rainbows undulating across the surface of your energy field, you change shapes. Have you seen how the squid changes colors based on how it is feeling, in the ocean water? Reflecting bright greens or blues, bright red if caught or confronted, rosy pink if in love; this is how you are too. Henceforth, your new name shall be Squid Boy or Squid Girl. While this may seem silly or insulting, it is actually quite powerful. Research the squid and see for yourself! A good totem to have. Sacrifice for others is the juicy name of the game for you, so leave moodiness and disappointment in a tin bucket at the town dump for the seagulls to fight over! If you explore the energy of giving with awareness, you will discover it is seductive and sexually exciting in a curious impersonal way. Now you know why all the Masters had no trouble at all giving selflessly to others. This is the secret they will not tell. Pluto: Personal & Sexual Transformation "Anything will give up its secrets if you love it enough." – George Washington Carver Look at the sign placement, the house placement, and the other planets involved in Pluto's scalding cauldron of death and birth to see how you will experience transformation and test your boundaries. Experiencing the ice-hot touch of Pluto may feel painful, but Pluto is really a diamond in disguise. Look for his gifts when the smoky, sulfuric air has cleared. The powerfully connecting (conjunctions), challenging (squares), and provoking (oppositions) aspects tend to fester and then erupt when in Pluto's scaly arms. The flowing (trines) and supporting (sextiles) aspects soften and smooth Pluto's continuous, controlling hold. Pluto wants your vulnerability. He also wants you to let go of that which you grip most deeply. Your primal scream will be heard throughout the galaxy when you finally do... Pluto Rumbles in Libra Your generation's sexual transformation will come about through intense focus on the Partner, balancing the energies in a continual dance of sexual interaction and fluctuation. Anything that encourages the fluctuation of this dance in an aggressive manner is a particularly provocative approach to get at those sexual fears and blockages faster than a speeding bullet! Open, honest, assertive communication in continual process is a major vibrational key for you. Pluto is Seething within your Third House Sexual power games and transformation take place in your communications. You are the Samurai Warrior of words. Very clever and sarcastic, you can twist an opponent into a pretzel with perfect, powerful, lilting, magical word usage. Minds become blank as others wait for you to finish your death-defying last word, or eeke out your final orgasmic utterance! You can sexually slay with your tongue if your lover does not behave, hopefully with enticing, quivering words into sensitive ear hairs or maybe via direct, vibrating manipulation! Your Pluto supports (sextiles) the Ascendant, your Animal Skin You have an oomph to your vibes that says "Strong will coming down the pike!" This particular vibration is also sexually magnetic, and attracts others who want to take a drink from your energy field, or better yet, you yourself. You take great delight in meting out the appropriate punishment to the boy-man or girl-woman that misbehaves. See? You are drooling even now, just in anticipation, don't try to hide that swallow from me! This is all very pleasant, until you actually start having sex. Then things can get quite heady, oral, gutsy and explosive. Your eyeballs will fall out onto the table, and then roll out onto the floor, and then your poor eyeballs will roll right out through the door!
I sit here comparing notes on "what I want to be when I grow up" from when I was a kid, and find myself notching yet another one from the list. Life's been an interesting ride so far, with so much accomplished, it'll be a fun challenge moving on to the other things on my list. Checking em off as I go: Comedian/Actor/Stuntman- back from 95-97, I was in CUTV's "Fright Night Friday," playing the leader of a psychotic, but extremely stupid biker gang. Most have no idea how much forethought goes into making stupid believable, and being amateurs playing with pyrotechnic effects had it's own rush. The cult following the show had gave me a taste of what fame is like, and it's fun. Vocalist/Bassist- notched this one off with several projects I was part of after my first go at college. Played live at a party when I was with the "International Department of Population Control," stirring up a decent mosh pit that destroyed quite a few "parent's belongings." Glad I wasn't the one to explain what happened to the fish tank and china set. Criminal Mastermind- Had enough of a taste of this one during my rough and tumble years. Mainly sold minor amounts of pot and LSD to support my own fix, and it ended up gaining notice by others higher on the food chain, which lead to larger fronts and picking up a few underlings. Dropped it all the first time I felt my daughter kick, thankfully before I broke any major laws. Being a Hero- Something I found out during a party back in the day, where a few friends admitted to looking up to me while we were in HS, inspiring each to achieve better in their lives while keeping them from pulling a Columbine. Just goes to prove my ability to cease caring about f***wads is awe-inspiring LMAO. Working on a Video Game- Currently the most recent to add to the list, thanks to my time moderating on Meez. I helped get a few new animations and hangouts in their chat roomz (having the alternate command for one triggered by my screen name as a result). More of a social game, since it's all avatar-based, but I think it still counts. Will probably go back to mod there once I get a little more free time on my hands- too much going on right now being the reason I quit. All things considered, I'm still young enough to pull quite a few more tricks out of my butt. Published author seems closest on the horizon, along with traveling the world, with quite a few others edging their way up. It'll be fun shooting for the moon and seeing where I get.
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