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An update....

Ok, to the earlier blog some have asked and some people haven't, but to those that di here is your scoop!! As some know I take a break from 8-9 to watch my show ...kinda a crime thing and watching for updates on important cases... So we push to last night around 9pm I seemed to miss something...so about 920 I start hearing screams from my hallway. They aren't the type you want to hear. As I exited my apartment, which is in a good area of Pittsburgh and was met at the door by the local police. They advised me of a man being shot...huh say what...not in my house you know. So for the next few hours it was interviews, crime scene and another interview till they left at 4am. In the midst of that time a lot went through my head not just in this, but in everyway. I tried to sleep, but each time I layed down the dread filled my head with fear, guilt, sorrow, anger in the end thankful for one reason; my son Isaac wasn't here for once. The calls had to be made to my family and ex cause the moment this thing hit the news which was quick would be bring about the calls from them. I do feel sorrow for this 22yo who lost his life, but I seen and felt it coming honestly for about a month since he moved in. The traffic increased in my small building, people I never seen, things that happened and my guilt came up by not saying a word to my buddy who is the property manager..this is more his home than anyones. Even though he and I are tight I felt I let him and the others cause I am the eyes here doing things most residents won't do to protect their home. Yet, I find myself each time I lay down the urge to go to every room, closet, under each bed...check the doors. I dont get this honestly, i've seen death, buried friends and family, etc...but this one was too close to me as in the bullets and death were at my doorstep. as self serving that may sound I need to step it up more mainly before I move for those still that live here. I do their security and it pisses me off that people had the codes that shouldn't of. There were ways to prevent it!! So at 630am my bud calls me and asks me to go to the scene cause he said he couldn't do it on his own and figured I had more stomach cause of my past...slowly I opened the door for him. It finally set in...the crime scene stuff, the blood and thankfully the coroner took the body, but you know what happened felt it knowing that a body was left here to just die!! I thought back to the same dread I felt in 1990 as a family member was left the same way in a hallway after a deal that went bad.... So here you have it the crap of the day!!

Cause I think so....

Hmmm been debating on how to kickstart my friends...but seems some are lazy upon their auto 11 kick only and taking the rates...and never returning anything....hello JA's have some common respect others need rated too not just your over sized ego a**es!! You say you want love but never returning it...and just for a fact rating my profile doesn't count. See you wonder why I use the word "lazy, ungrateful, etc..." OK, you received a gift which in this case is Auto 11's from some guy/gal. You then collect all the points off it from every rater!! Thus no energy spent...you never rate back the givers who spend maybe 2-3 hours rating your pics hmmm yes again no energy spent...ok wait you send out a 1 credit bling...wait that benefits you as well!! My lord I don't get some so...this goes to everyone....i've said this before so take it as you will, but dont send me a reply in a shout saying "huh or what"...If I said deleted it's that...you won't be rated from this person...you wont hear another word...now now...if you continue to work the problem with an arguement don't be afraid to get called out!! I will!! And to those that feel they can send bully's, blogs or ask their little friends to come down rate do it....not an issue...you making me noticable and their down rates gives me rates and points!! Tired of the lazy ones begging when i do rate them it's thanks and nothing more...well i'm not here collecting thousands just a good core of friends,...and those that give back as freely as I do!!
Ok so I was kindly told no one reads my blogs and by the one from last night they may be right...lol. So....for those loser types they can ignore this one, but to anyone that wants to start learning about me and maybe shed some light into who I am and why then you will know me a tad bit better. This first one is sorta about me and you ask wtfffff...I do ask myself that question daily..lol Ok so here I am at 38 an I feel settled in my life thus home and family first...ummm h*** no not really into clubbing and bar hopping, but I will do that occasionally. I just feel that being an adolescent in my late 20's through my 40's is not the direction I would want for me. I am conservative for the most part, but this far left thing has me wondering where this world that I was brought into went. Yes my faith is strong even though my actions often reflect differently. After the incidences of a few years ago in which left me penniless, homeless, etc...started a transformation and thus not tolerating the BS that wants to try to exist in my life. Three years ago after going through quite a bit brought me to the conclusion I would rather stay retired than to go through the heartache and physical demand that the workforce places on many...ever wondering will I still have a job tomorrow, find another that I can support myself or what will the future in this ever crumbling financial world bring. They compare this to a depression in all respects to the great one my parents went through, but as many said and I seen it in my own parents it changes one's views in how they now handle their finances...I have a great example...shhh she wont know..lol. My ex a great person she truly is fell in this trap that was spoken of just a few days ago. I was listening to a report about why another stimulus would be so bad for this country...yep hell with it..lol. It encourages people to spend more and yes helps the economy, but is it helping I think not. As the person reported what happened over the past number of years people bought houses(they couldn't afford), went into Home Equity lines of credit(HELOC's in which I did work in that industry), purchase their SUV's and purchase great flat screen TV's...I was like OMG that is my ex...and just as the public she is in the middle of another divorce and in a financial hardship...even my $650 for the support I pay monthly doesn't get applied appropriately, but she is trying so give her a lot of credit. So I gave you an example of millions. Ok back to me..lol...why I decided to retire for her reasons; on my first tour in the U.S. Navy I had back surgery at 20, became an addict, alcoholic and almost lost my career early, but they seen promise as did I. I stayed in for 10 more years and in 1997 after re-injuring my back I said enough. I need to look after my long term future of that, my son and then wife. Well, in the long run it paid off cause after having two more of those back surgeries in 2004(4 months apart) I said enough. After the one in June I went back to work after 10 days...The second in October I was back to work within two days...don't believe me have too many witnesses..lol. People asked, "Why would you do that?" Good question and yet simple. Called bills and child support, but at that time I could only pay my support making very little in my field. The military said oooo we will pay you for time to recover...I'll get to that. So by the end of November right before Thanksgiving I was homeless, lost my car(brand new) and had no where to go. A friend said hey stay at my house!! Cool!! I paid all the bills, paid everything when we went out and she never paid a thing; cleaned her mess of a house in which she never taught her children to be responsible. Yes and there was something else...she wanted me in her bed...ummm noooooo I am straight, but not stupid. I'd rather sleep on the sofa and deal. I really think it was her way to keep me down, have a man there and take as much without doing a thing. I spent many of nights in the basement sleeping in a non-heated area cause she would call me and tell me to go there so she can get her thing on with this man or that...trifling!! So, after a couple of months I said that's it and I can't do this to myself...ohhh yes and the drinking got worse she made sure it was on hand!! So, I told my family please pick me up and take me to the nearest VA Facility. They did and said I can stay in their temporary Outpatient rooms(Two Weeks) in that time I was in the VA's a** for what happened and never receiving payments at all. So after two weeks I was approved for a Vet's center out of the city for a month or two. Great!! Well the decision was right around the corner cause I worked on the VA to the point they got sick of seeing and hearing my voice...yep I got paid for life and back pay too...you say wow congrats ..awesome and to the haters they say different. Well to them I say, FU!!! I don't deserve it but surely I earned it. I spent almost 10 years in giving myself and in the process lost it all by not only my hands but lost it due to theirs too!! So, now as the economy is on the down, people are losing their houses(hate to say it, but true) I've decided now is the time to buy!! I was patient and waiting and was going to purchase, but after recent events ooo yes now is the time to gain where people are losing theirs. Oh, and to the people that want to blame this President for the entire mess, there were more to blame both parties so have an open mind it wasn't just one man or party that brought this on!! Pay Attention!! Lastly, in this section I will say this...just a thought to those that said it was just him. The out come in a presidents first four years of office is a direct reflection of what the prior president had done. Think I'm wrong, it has always been that way if you follow history. Part 2 is coming and in it is what some ask me what I am looking for as in friends or that of another!!

Clearing the air....

Well, I woke this morning to a couple of messages and hey it's cool we both have our opinion of what is acceptable and not, I though believe in taking care of others that sit there and befriend me. I do fall short just like others, but if called out on it I'm the type that works with that person(s) to resolve it until it needs to be called out before others so they don't fall into the same hole I have!! That being said it's not drama in regards to these blogs it's calling the attention of those like me who kick butt in rating and I have some of the best....they consistently throw their love out with no questions and as do I hope we may get some in return, it's only human. There were a couple such known groups that I kicked the love too such as WWS or the Shadow levelers...seriously when you kick between 500-700 rates to these idiots you would hope to get something. I don't have hundreds just barely over a hundred pics...you get the idea of where I come from. I posted as have a few others on my list a bully for Monday....these people bust their hump for me to help and they're amazing!!! I can't say enough or express the love I have for them in the Kick A** mentality they have... As to the lazy couple of groups and believe me the dysfunction in their personal lives is a direct reflection how they treat people here or they appear in their photo's says enough to me..lol. Are my blogs to create drama NO!! They are here to one as blogs were created to show many things of that individual whether their feelings/thoughts, creative aspects, information about their ongoing's and yes to occasionally chastise the ignorance of others that you tried to resolve in other ways(which I've tried). Yet, it's also to inform people out to hurt others whether in a physical sence or even to take advantage of others which the people I do post do. Their ignorance in taking advantage of others is a direct result of abuse and direct reflection truly into their hearts to take and take more from those that gave so freely. Most who know of me personally or not know that even on a hard day I still try to give the best and will continue that as a friend. As to those that get called out oh well that is my job to give back to people and warn them of wasteful POS that you've become here and probably to the real lives around you. We are asked in forms to rebuke others for their actions and in some cases take it out publicly and I do; and you can delete or block me for whatever the cause, but I will say this if I am one of millions to call you out I'm sure there are many others that will down the road see you for who you are and do the same. To the people that stay I'll give and keep giving...if I fall short let me know I'll make it up to you...seriously I fall short too, but always willing to correct it!!! ThX AgAin!!

Cause I said I would....

OK here it is Friday I posted a couple non-rater blogs yesterday and today my upcoming HH for Monday.... So to the unfinished bushiness today was good for me as most people that received those auto 11 blings out there. So woohoo to me and all the others that picked up on that!! So, there are a few though that still don't get it as I woke to a friends request to the a** that didn't rate back and blocked me ...he rated a few and wanted me back hmmmm uhh no JA!!! Another person from the same group which appeared as in viewing me did just that just view...ok a lazy F***. There was one today that never seen the two bully's I posted for Monday's HH or the blog I posted....hmmmm ok!!! To an old friend though and I will call out the trifling thing she is: http://fubar.com/user/1341652 Alluring Redhead who today had auto 11's and then came a begging I rated some of hers earlier this week and today another 560 which you know blew her up in points!!! She got hers and ran, deleted and commenced to block me!! can you say trifling unemployed and a user; and here she wonders why she can't get a man..lol And after all that I caught some person here I'll show you...ยท Donna rated your photo a '7'! 55 mins ago. http://fubar.com/user/446623 Donna who is a godmother ...he previous away message was sorry just a slip of the mouse now it reads NeverPissOffAnIrish woman, this 41 year old POS and that she is stopped by to rate me that and leave....and a Godmother/father if that I never rated her before... I think her and that previous JA team up as fruitless and nasty B******. That being said another day gone!!! More people to join my blog ranks, but to the real ones thanks you know I got you as well!!!

ok to make it clear....

It comes to me from some that they feel a bling takes the place of rating someone ....pure example and I'll leave her name out but will go into details!! This individual I rated today was hmmm I gave 531 rates as well as her profile. That is 3,192 just in my rating her during happy hour!! Wow, for a guy that takes the time to rate 5000 pics a day she received 10% of my daily. So, I let her know and say hey did what I did for you....a few minutes later she blings me 2k cause it's HH...which gives her 2k as well. So for my 2k she benefits 5,192 total...I say c'mon I have just over 100 pics...her reasoning is she has carpal tunnel, I can relate as do I and a trigger finger on my left middle finger and I am left handed thus my mouse is on the left. Also, my spine has been cut open 3x in my 38 years ty from serving this country. It becomes clear to me with some that their laziness or choosing to do little for someone that gives a lot and gives more to their groupies is a sad thing. If I stop by your page I'm going to kick ass as much as I or my body can tolerate!! Comments are welcome...if you take offence then delete yourself please!! I want a core of good people..consistent...not the lazy and insincere!! Just to let you know, yes I will continue to call people out and blog them and all!! It's called if you are a friend then you are still accountable regardless!!


I'll just post this one but I have quite a few more to come..I told you it was coming and warned many....I rate so much it gets crazy on my end, but I do it for everyone and would hope the same would be given..I dont have much maybe 100 pics not much....yet I rate and max it daily whether 4500-5000 a day...s pos below I rated about 189 and she turns around and bad mouth's me...so here a new one to view !! '*Nikki*- "Head Pinup@CellBlock69" & Pu$$ycat Playmate / Tattooed Angels http://fubar.com/user/1773320

The Saga Contiues....

Well, that time yet again to post to see who's paying attention or not.... More friends come and more to be deleted/go....kinda makes me ill when i've been rating certain ones week after week and nothing back. Yet, you rate and rate and the only time they do rate your pics is when you rate them first...c'mon we all like our pics rated but when i rate over 1500 some a day and I dont get to yours doesnt mean if you re-rate mine i wont get to you just means the next day. So, as i've stated before don't be shocked when I kindly say deleted and have a good one. Don't ask "HUH or WHY?" It just means you've been ignorant to long and ignorant to pay attention to a blog To those i'm missing get back to me please i'll make sure i rate the hell out of ya....
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