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What is your favorite Primary song? oh goodness i have so many i wouldnt even know where to begin! i guess just look at my song list on my profile and see for urself what music i like haha...
What was your favorite subject in school? ART! haha.. What is your favorite flavor of jelly beans? eww... jelly beans... gross... those are made out of insects and stuff eww!
Which flavor of ice-cream do you prefer? Cookies n' Creme Always!
What do you think is your very best feature or characteristic? i am very patient.
What is your strongest talent? to see past the pain
Do you play a musical instrument, if so which one(s)? hammer dulcimer and the piano :)
What do you usually do when you have leisure time on your hands? depends on the day...
What is your favorite season and why? Fall and Winter... i love fall with all the trees changing colors, Halloween and Thanksgiving and the nip in the air knowing winter is coming... and i love winter because of the pretty snow so i can cuddle up in front of the fireplace with snuggly blankets and pillow drinking hot cider or hot chocolate with lots of marshmellows and of course CHRISTMAS.. yes i am still a kid at heart haha
If you could go anywhere in the world where would you go? to Colorado Springs!!
What is your favorite color? Cobalt Blue
What is your favorite home cooked meal? Angel noodles with Pesto or Chicken Alfredo.... YUM!
What is your favorite grab and go meal? Subway!
Do you prefer to wear pants or dresses? depends.. pants if its an ordinary day, but sometimes i'll wear a summer dress if its really warm out
How many siblings do you have? 1 brother
What is you favorite snack? tortilla chips with sour cream
If you could be any animal which one would you prefer to be and why? A wolf.. they are the most beautiful creatures ever made, they are loyal to end when they have found their mate and very family oriented
What kind of vehicle do you drive? my lil pickup! <3 her!
Do you have pets? i do! my 2 cats Kitters and Mushu and my lil dog Bella... wouldnt trade them for ANYTHING
When was the last time you visited a park and what did you do while there? visited Glacier Park a few months ago... love driving the Going-to-the Sun road, so pretty :)
What is your favorite sport to watch? sports are so boring... sorry sports fans!
Which sport do you most enjoy actively participating in? hmm.. none
What do you usually do when you meet someone for the first time? shake hands and say hello.... common courtesy in my book.
If you have to dress and leave in a hurry what is the one thing you can easily cut out of your routine? probably doing my makeup... makeup isnt always a priority, just something that makes me feel pretty...
Do you plan to go to college? been to college, graduated with an AAS degree in goldsmithing and jewelry design... plan on going back again next fall to do the entrepreneaur program...
What job do you think you would most enjoy as an adult? work from home getting my jewelry business off the ground and starting my own Inn one day...
Do you hope to have children of your own? If so how many? I have the best and most beautiful 2 daughters in the world that i could not be anymore proud of!!!!!
What was the last thing you ate? deer steak burgers last nite... nummy nummy!
How many books have you read this past year? about 5 or 6. they were big books!
Do you have relatives in other states? If so, which ones? i have family all over, but mostly in michigan... good thing for FB or i would never know any of them haha...
Are you ticklish? yes but tell anyone... sshhh...
What size shoe do you wear? 6
How many pairs of shoes do you currently own? u dont ask a girl that!!
Which one fashion accessory do you like better than others? my jewelry. nuff said.
If you were called on to serve a mission where would you least like to serve? doesnt matter, if the Army told me to go somewhere, i usually had no choice.
What age do you consider old? when i finally tell myself i feel old...
Are you looking forward to your birthday? eh, i guess... not looking forward to being 35 but its whatever...
Do you prefer pens or pencils? depends... if i am taking notes i prefer a pen, if i am drawing i prefer a pencil...
Do you like your handwriting? sure.......... its legible haha...
Were you named after anyone? Erin Gray from "Silverspoons" and if u remember that show then u are as old as me haha....
When did you last visit the zoo? not since i lived in Colorado Springs
Have you ever stayed on a farm? um... no... but at one point when i was a teenager i lived in a house that had so many animals i felt like it was on a farm haha...
Have you ever been horseback riding? of course! i love horseback riding :)
Have you ever been water skiing? nope
What do you most like to do in the snow? build a snowman, snow mobile and have snowball fights :)
What is your favorite all-time movie? Dream a Little Dream
Can you change a tire? oh gee.. i dont know... i was only an Engineer heavy equipment operator in the Army for almost 12 years...........
Is your house more clean or more messy? CLEAN
Do you prefer a bath or a shower? oh how i miss long soaks in the tub.........
Do you drink alcohol? not anymore!
If you had to be stranded on a deserted island with one person who would you want that one person to be? hmmm... well i wouldn't mind bein stuck on a deserted island with my number 1 on here ;)
Which animal would you most like for your pet? a wolf!
Do you like sweet treats or salty treats? sweet!!
Have you ever sung in the shower? haha yes... get the best acoustics in the shower haha...
Do you find it easy to save money? nope, not when bills have to be paid and priorities to take care of and a pickup that needs TLC...
Do you have more friends that are boys or girls? i think its about equal...
Which do you prefer you had - straight or curly hair? well God grant me curly hair when i hit puberty (thanks for that), but i prefer it straight when possible...
What color eyes do you most like? brown eyes...
What would you say is your normal exercise routine? walking my dog... my tummy pain issues are to bad to do full workouts like i used to... hopefully that will change in the future
Have you ever had acrylic nails? yes i hated it, they drove me nuts.. i prefer to grow out my own and take care of them...
Have you ever colored your hair? if anyone knows me well, they would know my hair is not naturally black haha...... can anyone guess what my real hair color is?? ;)
What do you do when something funny happens? um.. laugh? thats usually the normal reaction....
How do you earn money? my business... and very soon SSI... sad its come to this right now... i had a prosperous future with the Army and getting my AAS degree to become a proffessional jeweler....
Do you like to dance? OMG do i ever!!! and i miss it soooooooooooo much!!!
Where do you keep your spending money? in my bank account......? to easily spendable, stealable and losable in my pocketbook......
Do you save trinkets and mementos? yes. to many. all locked away in my storage shed till i get my own place again....
Did you have a favorite toy as a child? hahahaha my brother's!!!
Do you like drinking from the cup or a straw? cup.
Do you like ice in your cold beverages? sometimes... i put a couple ice cubes in my carmel latte that i get from the gas station sometimes... its always to hot to drink!
What is your favorite sandwich? Turkey!
Do you carry floss in your purse? no... thats just weird.
Where is the fartherest you have ever traveled? From Australia to the States 2 years after i was born.....
Do you have family members who live in another country? I dont think so... if i do, then i need to get to know them really well so i can come visit haha....
Which family member do you most resemble? i look like my mom and take after my father.. how does that work?
Which family member are you more like? none of them thank God....
What is the weirdest thing that has ever happened to you? gettin forced out of the Army... its also the most saddest and tragic... but then again, the good Lord might be protecting me from something that could happen in the future because every which way i tried to stay in was slammed closed in my face... makes one wonder....
Do you live in a house, trailer or apartment, etc.? mobile home, temporarily, my mom's. but its a verrrrrry nice one and she takes very good care of it :)
Have you ever won anything? If so, what did you win? i've won a few awards, certificates, and coins from all my army experience stuff... my most proud was when a piece of reticulated fine silver necklace and earring set i made last spring for college won second place in an art show :)
Do you prefer fresh air or air conditioned air? depends... fresh air if its nice and cool... AC if its hotter than a snake's ass in a wagon rut outside haha....
Do you prefer mountainous or flat regions? MOUNTAINS!
What is your favorite reading material? books...
Name all of the pets you have ever had? Kitters, Mushu, Bella (currently)... Tommy, Maggie, Sarah, Cody, Charlie, Tigger, Cinder (kitties over the past many years...) Mesa, Pepper, Rufus and Cheyenne (dog's i've had over many years...)
Do you mow the lawn at your residence? sometimes.
Have you ever been in a musical drama or play? If so, what was it? Used to be in drama way back in high school, it was kinda fun... then i fell off the wagon and got involved with the bad kids from school and dropped out of it haha....
Have you ever visited a planetarium? if so, where? um... does the Smithsonian count?
What is your favorite childhood memory? driving up from SoCal to here in Montana every summer to visit my aunt and grandparents... it was alot of fun...
What is your favorite fruit? cantelope!
What color of clothing do you most like to wear? is it weird if i say black? i like black.. it suits me. no i am NOT goth. other colors just get dirty to easy, and black looks good on me :) if i were goth i'd be wearing black nailpolish and black lipstick and have streaks of weird colors in my hair and have an eyebrow ring haha....
What is your favorite cereal? dont like cereal, upsets my tummy...
What is your favorite breakfast? waffles :)
Who do you spend more time with? my dog haha...
What is the longest car trip you have ever taken? i have no idea... i've been on so many haha... probably the round trips i took from C Springs to here and vice versa....
Do you know how to iron your clothes? um duh... i used to have to iron my uniform EVERYDAY when i was active duty... AND polish my boots :)
Can you sew a button on your clothing? really.......? of course.
Have you ever cut your own hair? i trim my own hair all the time.
Are you creative in any way? If so, which way(s)? yes i am, i am artist and a singer and a multitasker... <--- that is a talent haha...

Ask and I'll answer

1.Height: 5'3" (my height is cute, not short :))
2.Shoe Size: 6
3.Sexual Orientation: STRAIGHT! (God made Adam and Eve, NOT Adam and Steve...)
4.Do you Smoke? yes... but just cigarettes (yes i know, very very bad habit..), not that other crap that people keep tryin to get a card for to do legally.
5.Do you Drink? NOPE!
6.Do you Take Drugs? only ones perscribed legally by a licensed doctor for my pain.
7.Age you get mistaken for: hahaha... depends on the day... mostly about 6 years younger than what i am lol.... which i will take the compliment for what its worth lol...
8.Have Tattoos? of course! i'm not a nun lol... i have 6 :)
9.Want any tattoos? tattoos are addicting so yes i want more!
10.Got any Piercings? just my ears and my nose
11.Want any piercings? i'm happy with what i have..
12.Best friend? a couple... never get to spend much time with them tho :(
13.Relationship status: single, divorced... whatever...
14.Biggest turn ons: sexy eyes, a "come-hither" smile, good hygiene, soft hair, soft and sexy voice, how they treat, respect and romance a woman, a good sense of humor, shows self confidence, intellectual and well educated, loves my daughters, likes animals, has goals and dreams, open and honest with their thoughts and emotions, and most of all wants to dance!!!
15.Biggest turn offs: THE OPPOSITE OF ALL OF QUESTION 14.
16.Favorite Movie: "Rock Star"
17.I’ll love you if: oh no no no no no! there is no such thing as "i'll love u if..." unconditional love should be given freely without stipulations, other than that its not real love.
18.Someone you miss: my bestie.
19.Most traumatic experience: my entire teenage years...... nuff said.
20.A fact about your personality: compassionate, love deeply, but get hurt easily.
21.What I hate most about myself: a worry wort like no tomorrow lol....
22.What I love most about myself: that i am ME and no one else!
23.What I want to be when I get older: well when i finally get grown up (lol) i want to be an InnKeeper.
24.My relationship with my sibling: non existent.
25.My relationship with my parents: with my mom its good
26.My idea of a perfect date: for him to come to my house and pick me up with a flower in hand, then to go to a nice dinner and just spend time talking and laughing, maybe a lil dancing and then go for a nice long walk afterwards... and for him to take me home leaving me with a sweet kiss before a goodbye for the nite..... PERFECT.
27.My biggest pet peeves: liars, cheaters, users and abusers.....
28.A description of the girl/boy I like: well he's about 5'7" with dark hair and deep brown eyes and plays the guitar... ya, he makes me melt ;) :) <3
29.A description of the person I dislike the most: our president. nuff said.
30.A reason I’ve lied to a friend: was a long time ago. i didnt want to hurt them, but that was a stupid and childish reason and i wont ever do it again no matter what the outcome will be.
31.What I hate the most about school: kidding? i love school now, wish i wasnt graduating yet lol...
32.What my last chat message says: "hahahahaha...."
33.What words upset me the most: "i hate you" and the "C" word.
34.What words describe me the best: shy, soft spoken and a worrier LOL...
35.A wish that I’ve wished for repeatedly on 11:11: lol i dont make a wish at that time... just on shooting stars and throwing a coin in the wishing well lol....
36.What I find attractive in girls: attractive? um.. ok... i can admire a beautiful and accomplished woman from afar. for them to be considered my friend? she has be to open and honest, fun and a good listener... i guess when it comes to girls i just get along with ones where we just "click"....
37.Where I would like to live: COLORADO SPRINGS!
38.One of my insecurities: i have a hard time trusting and i make mountains out fo mollhills to easily.
39.My childhood career choice: lol i wanted to be a vetrinarian.
40.My favorite ice cream: cookies and cream :)
41.Who I wish I could be: i dont wanna be anybody but ME.
42.Where I want to be right now: refer to question # 37.
43.The last thing I ate: mac and cheese and hot dogs last nite for dinner lol... yes i eat cheaply these days lol...
44.Sexiest person that comes to my mind immediately: Ian Somerhalder!
45.A random fact about anything: trying to find a job in this economy SUCKS. LOL.....

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