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16 April 2009 8:48am / Writer: Worm Miller / Artist: Sean Wilkin / Views: 9319804.16 Last xmas, I happened across my dad searching for his reading glasses while they were already perched atop his head, and I thought, “If I didn’t know any better I’d say my dad was stoned.” He wasn’t of course. He’s just transitioning from middle-aged into senior discount land. But more and more lately my parents have been reminding me of potheads, and it’s dawned on me… Old people are in essence stoned at all times. What used to seem like the sad ravages of age are a lot less alarming if you just imagine the person being high. Then it’s kinda adorable. Hell, I can really relate to my grandparents now. I too have walked into a room with a purpose, only to find myself standing there at a total loss of what that purpose was. I constantly forget where I put my mail, or the point of stories I’m telling halfway through. I’ll drive well below the speed limit, wondering why everyone else is being so aggressive. I’ve stared at a tree, just enjoying the look of the damn thing. I've definitely gotten obsessed with a particular kind of bread. And I love hot baths and shitty TV. I think I could have a ton of fun with my grandparents if I were blazed: rocking chairs outside, blankets on our laps, talking about how they keep their lawn so healthy. Dude, do a big ass puzzle! Or bingo at the rec! That would be amazing. I might lose them when I wanna get an assload of buffalo wings and play Mario Kart all night, but they’d probably be ready for bed around that time anyway. This epiphany has also made me realize that if old people are stoned, then little kids are drunk. Hanging with my nieces and nephew is eerily similar to showing up late (and sober) to a party. I get to hear the same stories over and over again, told with the bare minimum of sense-making at the loudest possible volume. The short attention spans and tempers. The spilling of drinks and accidental breaking of shit. Not to mention the occasional fights and passing out on the couch. It’s uncanny. Though unlike my genius plan for my grandparents, I’m not sure my brother would appreciate me getting shitfaced before I baby-sit.

Have You Ever?

Have you ever watched the sun go down... and your thinking bout the world spinning round... have you ever been high as fuckkkkkkk your in the bathroom window talking to yourself... and your dogs looking at you like you need help... have you ever been high as fuckkkkkkk then you feel your heart pumpin really fast... and your convenced that your gonna have a heartattack... have you ever been high as fuckkkkk you close your eyes and your on a chicken farm... the only promblems is the chickens have human arms... have you ever been high as fuckkkkk and then you say thats fucked up why do the chickens have human arms? you need snacks so you walk to the cornor store but your scared cause you think that they will know your high... so you walk around the block to buy some time finally decide to go in the store... but your so high you dont know why your there anymore so you just buy a pack of gun and get the hell out of there your walking home and your mouth is dryyyy shoulda bought some juice and snacks but you were to high You think about ketchup chips.... and for some reason the game battleship you start thinking about how much fun it wass t o play games like battleship... when you were a kid and how we get older we forget how to play... and just enjoy ourselves so you say guess what im going to make up a game right now it involves a baseball bat and a porkypine and im going to try to kill a porkypine with a baseball bat... but then you dont know where to find a prokey pine so you go on ebay and you do a serch and people dont sell porkey pines on the internet and you say you know what world? you got me cornored again im gonna roll another joint Have you ever ate a whole bag of crackers... that they were so old that they wernt crispy anymore... have you ever been highhhhhh assssss fuckkkkkkk
Marijuana Ruling Faces Review POSTED: 6:59 am MST January 7, 2009 PHOENIX -- The Arizona Supreme Court agreed Tuesday to review a lower court's ruling that there is no constitutional right to use marijuana for religious purposes. The state Court of Appeals' July ruling upheld the conviction and sentences of Danny Ray Hardesty in Yavapai County for possession of marijuana and possession of drug paraphernalia. Hardesty argued that he was entitled to use marijuana under religious freedom protections of the state and federal constitutions. The Court of Appeals acknowledged that courts have ruled that use of peyote for a bona fide religious belief is a defense to prosecution. But the ruling said marijuana use is more pervasive and that the uniform ban on possession and use is a legitimate restriction imposed by government.
The Top Ten Reasons Marijuana Should Be Legal High Times. Posted September 1, 2007. Prohibition has failed to control the use and domestic production of marijuana -- it's time everyone faced this and the rest of the compelling arguments for legalizing it. Tools Editor's note: There are millions of regular pot smokers in America and millions more infrequent smokers. Smoking pot clearly has far fewer dangerous and hazardous effects on society than legal drugs such as alcohol. Here is High Times's top 10 reasons to marijuana should be legal, part of its 420 Campaign legalization strategy. 10. Prohibition has failed to control the use and domestic production of marijuana. The government has tried to use criminal penalties to prevent marijuana use for over 75 years and yet: marijuana is now used by over 25 million people annually, cannabis is currently the largest cash crop in the United States, and marijuana is grown all over the planet. Claims that marijuana prohibition is a successful policy are ludicrous and unsupported by the facts, and the idea that marijuana will soon be eliminated from America and the rest of the world is a ridiculous fantasy. 9. Arrests for marijuana possession disproportionately affect blacks and Hispanics and reinforce the perception that law enforcement is biased and prejudiced against minorities. African-Americans account for approximately 13% of the population of the United States and about 13.5% of annual marijuana users, however, blacks also account for 26% of all marijuana arrests. Recent studies have demonstrated that blacks and Hispanics account for the majority of marijuana possession arrests in New York City, primarily for smoking marijuana in public view. Law enforcement has failed to demonstrate that marijuana laws can be enforced fairly without regard to race; far too often minorities are arrested for marijuana use while white/non-Hispanic Americans face a much lower risk of arrest. 8. A regulated, legal market in marijuana would reduce marijuana sales and use among teenagers, as well as reduce their exposure to other drugs in the illegal market. The illegality of marijuana makes it more valuable than if it were legal, providing opportunities for teenagers to make easy money selling it to their friends. If the excessive profits for marijuana sales were ended through legalization there would be less incentive for teens to sell it to one another. Teenage use of alcohol and tobacco remain serious public health problems even though those drugs are legal for adults, however, the availability of alcohol and tobacco is not made even more widespread by providing kids with economic incentives to sell either one to their friends and peers. 7. Legalized marijuana would reduce the flow of money from the American economy to international criminal gangs. Marijuana's illegality makes foreign cultivation and smuggling to the United States extremely profitable, sending billions of dollars overseas in an underground economy while diverting funds from productive economic development. 6. Marijuana's legalization would simplify the development of hemp as a valuable and diverse agricultural crop in the United States, including its development as a new bio-fuel to reduce carbon emissions. Canada and European countries have managed to support legal hemp cultivation without legalizing marijuana, but in the United States opposition to legal marijuana remains the biggest obstacle to development of industrial hemp as a valuable agricultural commodity. As US energy policy continues to embrace and promote the development of bio-fuels as an alternative to oil dependency and a way to reduce carbon emissions, it is all the more important to develop industrial hemp as a bio-fuel source - especially since use of hemp stalks as a fuel source will not increase demand and prices for food, such as corn. Legalization of marijuana will greatly simplify the regulatory burden on prospective hemp cultivation in the United States. 5. Prohibition is based on lies and disinformation. Justification of marijuana's illegality increasingly requires distortions and selective uses of the scientific record, causing harm to the credibility of teachers, law enforcement officials, and scientists throughout the country. The dangers of marijuana use have been exaggerated for almost a century and the modern scientific record does not support the reefer madness predictions of the past and present. Many claims of marijuana's danger are based on old 20th century prejudices that originated in a time when science was uncertain how marijuana produced its characteristic effects. Since the cannabinoid receptor system was discovered in the late 1980s these hysterical concerns about marijuana's dangerousness have not been confirmed with modern research. Everyone agrees that marijuana, or any other drug use such as alcohol or tobacco use, is not for children. Nonetheless, adults have demonstrated over the last several decades that marijuana can be used moderately without harmful impacts to the individual or society. 4. Marijuana is not a lethal drug and is safer than alcohol. It is established scientific fact that marijuana is not toxic to humans; marijuana overdoses are nearly impossible, and marijuana is not nearly as addictive as alcohol or tobacco. It is unfair and unjust to treat marijuana users more harshly under the law than the users of alcohol or tobacco. 3. Marijuana is too expensive for our justice system and should instead be taxed to support beneficial government programs. Law enforcement has more important responsibilities than arresting 750,000 individuals a year for marijuana possession, especially given the additional justice costs of disposing of each of these cases. Marijuana arrests make justice more expensive and less efficient in the United States, wasting jail space, clogging up court systems, and diverting time of police, attorneys, judges, and corrections officials away from violent crime, the sexual abuse of children, and terrorism. Furthermore, taxation of marijuana can provide needed and generous funding of many important criminal justice and social programs. 2. Marijuana use has positive attributes, such as its medical value and use as a recreational drug with relatively mild side effects. Many people use marijuana because they have made an informed decision that it is good for them, especially Americans suffering from a variety of serious ailments. Marijuana provides relief from pain, nausea, spasticity, and other symptoms for many individuals who have not been treated successfully with conventional medications. Many American adults prefer marijuana to the use of alcohol as a mild and moderate way to relax. Americans use marijuana because they choose to, and one of the reasons for that choice is their personal observation that the drug has a relatively low dependence liability and easy-to-manage side effects. Most marijuana users develop tolerance to many of marijuana's side effects, and those who do not, choose to stop using the drug. Marijuana use is the result of informed consent in which individuals have decided that the benefits of use outweigh the risks, especially since, for most Americans, the greatest risk of using marijuana is the relatively low risk of arrest. 1. Marijuana users are determined to stand up to the injustice of marijuana probation and accomplish legalization, no matter how long or what it takes to succeed. Despite the threat of arrests and a variety of other punishments and sanctions marijuana users have persisted in their support for legalization for over a generation. They refuse to give up their long quest for justice because they believe in the fundamental values of American society. Prohibition has failed to silence marijuana users despite its best attempts over the last generation. The issue of marijuana's legalization is a persistent issue that, like marijuana, will simply not go away. Marijuana will be legalized because marijuana users will continue to fight for it until they succeed.


OD MADE WEED. Genesis 1 "The Beginning" 3 And God said, "Let there be light," and there was light. God saw that the light was good, and he separated the light from the darkness. God called the light "day," and the darkness he called "night." And there was evening, and there was morning—the first day. 11 Then God said, "Let the land produce vegetation: seed-bearing plants and trees on the land that bear fruit with seed in it, according to their various kinds." And it was so. The land produced vegetation: plants bearing seed according to their kinds and trees bearing fruit with seed in it according to their kinds. And God saw that it was good. And there was evening, and there was morning—the third day. 29 Then God said, "I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food. And to all the beasts of the earth and all the birds of the air and all the creatures that move on the ground - everything that has the breath of life in it - I give every green plant for food." And it was so. 31 God saw all that he had made, and it was very good. And there was evening, and there was morning - the sixth day. Photobucket
Liberty: people deserve freedom to use marijuana. The first and most basic reason that marijuana should be legal is that there is no good reason for it not to be legal. Some people ask 'why should marijuana be legalized?" but we should ask "Why should marijuana be illegal?" From a philosophical point of view, individuals deserve the right to make choices for themselves. The government only has a right to limit those choices if the individual's actions endanger someone else. This does not apply to marijuana, since the individual who chooses to use marijuana does so according to his or her own free will. The government also may have a right to limit individual actions if the actions pose a significant threat to the individual. But this argument does not logically apply to marijuana because marijuana is far less dangerous than some drugs which are legal, such as alcohol and tobacco. SUMMARY: Individuals deserve the right to decide whether or not they should use marijuana. The government should not tell individuals what to do as long as they do not harm others. Cost: keeping marijuana illegal is expensive. The second important reason that marijuana should be legal is that it would save our government lots of money. In the United States, all levels of government (federal, state, and local authorities) participate in the "War on Drugs." We currently spend billions of dollars every year to chase peaceful people who happen to like to get high. These people get locked up in prison and the taxpayers have to foot the bill. We have to pay for food, housing, health care, attorney fees, court costs, and other expenses to lock these people up. This is extremely expensive! We could save billions of dollars every year as a nation if we stop wasting money locking people up for having marijuana. In addition, if marijuana were legal, the government would be able to collect taxes on it, and would have a lot more money to pay for effective drug education programs and other important causes. SUMMARY: We would have more money to spend on important problems if marijuana were legal. Failure: prohibition doesn't help. The third major reason that marijuana should be legal is because prohibition does not help the country in any way, and causes a lot of problems. There is no good evidence that prohibition decreases drug use, and there are several theories that suggest prohibition might actually increase drug use (i.e. the "forbidden fruit" effect, and easier accessibility for youth). One unintended effect of marijuana prohibition is that marijuana is very popular in American high schools. Why? Because it is available. You don't have to be 21 to buy marijuana -- marijuana dealers usually don't care how old you are as long as you have money. It is actually easier for many high school students to obtain marijuana than it is for them to obtain alcohol, because alcohol is legal and therefore regulated to keep it away from kids. If our goal is to reduce drug consumption, then we should focus on open and honest programs to educate youth, regulation to keep drugs away from kids, and treatment programs for people with drug problems. But the current prohibition scheme does not allow such reasonable approaches to marijuana; instead we are stuck with 'DARE' police officers spreading lies about drugs in schools, and policies that result in jail time rather than treatment for people with drug problems. We tried prohibition with alcohol, and that failed miserably. We should be able to learn our lesson and stop repeating the same mistake. SUMMARY: Prohibition does not work. Education and treatment are better ways to address the drug problem. There are plenty of other reasons why marijuana should be legal. Just to name a few: Medicinal use: Marijuana can be used as medicine because it helps to stimulate apetite and relieve nausea in cancer and AIDS patients. Hemp: The hemp plant is a valuable natural resource. Legalizing marijuana would eliminate the confusion surrounding hemp and allow us to take advantage of hemp's agricultural and industrial uses. Religious Use:Some religions instruct their followers to use marijuana. Just like Christianity and Judaism instruct their followers to drink wine on certain occaisions, some Hindus, Buddhists, Rastafarians, and members of other religions use marijuana as part of their spiritual and religious ceremonies. These people deserve the freedom to practice their religion as they see fit. The First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution says that the government cannot 'prohibit the free exercise' of religion, and so marijuana should be legal.
Proposition 420 The U.S. H.E.M.P. Act United States Homeland Economic Management Provisions Act A proposition initiative by Kenneth Bykerk, Citizen (ConquerorWyrm@hotmail.com) Section 1: Medicinal Cannabis PURPOSE: To allow for patient prescribed use, cultivation and possession for personal medicinal use of cannabis products; The patient should be the one to decide whether or not they need or would like to use cannabis as a medicine of choice for pain management, appetite stimulation or any other ailment which cannabis has been suspected or proven to assist with. PURPOSE: To establish the method of use and the dosage of medicinal cannabis use. Being that dosage amounts work differently for each individual, even for the same individual at different times or for different reasons or through consumption methods, and that potency is both non-lethal as well as uncontrollably variable depending upon the product acquired or cultivated, it is impossible to prescribe specific 'doses'. Therefore, the patient must be in charge of their own dosing and the method of consumption. PURPOSE: To establish the amount of cannabis to be either cultivated or possessed by a private citizen for personal medicinal use. Recommended amounts would be roughly one pound or up to a dozen live plants per adult individual to be allowed within a private residence, an amount allowing for lack of ambulation and/or inability to acquire cannabis for medicinal use. Section 2: Legalization PURPOSE: To allow for adult individuals to possess, cultivate and use cannabis without fear of prosecution. The Private Citizen should be the one to decide whether or not they need or would like to use cannabis as a recreation or medicine of choice without of Federal, State or Local prosecution. PURPOSE: To establish the amount of cannabis to be either cultivated or possessed by a private citizen for personal use. Recommended amounts would be roughly one pound or up to a dozen live plants per adult individual to be allowed within a private residence, an amount allowing for lack of ambulation and/or inability to acquire cannabis for medicinal use. PURPOSE: To establish an immediate amnesty for all individuals currently incarcerated on non-violent cannabis related charges. It is cost prohibitive as well as morally suspect to incarcerate a single tax-paying Citizen at the tax-payer expense, both in costs associated with incarceration, loss of tax-revenue and destruction to the core concept of the American Family. Issue immediate release and complete pardons for all Citizens currently incarcerated in the United States. Section 3: Industrial and Economic PURPOSE: To allow and encourage hemp production and cultivation for use in all available spheres in which said product may be established as an economically viable product; Encourage the exploitation of hemp/cannabis in all industrial or marketable capacities and encourage both Individual as well as Corporate participation. PURPOSE: To establish hemp/cannabis as a National Security Resource. Recognizing that hemp/cannabis cultivation is to be essential to National Economic Security, establish 'protectionist' measures to ensure domestic cultivation as well as manufacture of all processing and cultivation machinery to be done within the borders of the United States. Non-U.S. hemp products as well as equipment for the cultivation and/or processing of hemp/cannabis should receive restrictive and prohibitive tariffs. Goal is to ensure U.S. dominance in the hemp/cannabis industry as well as ensure required equipment production is not outsourced to potential strategic or economic competitors. PURPOSE: To establish and allow for taxation of hemp/cannabis related products. Developing a method of taxation specific to hemp/cannabis consumption separate from all other taxes or duties and to establish permanently flexible rates of taxation to allow for economic stimulus. Recommended allowed variable rates of taxation for a Federal hemp/cannabis tax should range between 5 - 10%. Recommended allowed variable rates of taxation for State Governments should range between 2 - 5%. PURPOSE: To identify, establish and declare where monies received from the taxation of hemp/cannabis related products are proportioned. Establish a permanent and unchangeable description of for the disbursement of Federal revenues received from hemp/cannabis taxation as detailed below: DISBURSEMENT OF FEDERAL HEMP/CANNABIS REVENUE A: 5% to State and Local Police Departments nationwide. PURPOSE: To double the relative pay of all State and Local Police Officers within a decade from enactment of this proposal. A percentage of the total revenues acquired from the taxation of hemp/cannabis would be set aside with the intended goal of providing a means to double the relative income of all State and Local Law Enforcement Officers within 10 years after then enactment of this Proposal. PURPOSE: To establish a continuing and ever-growing fund for the continuous upgrade and purchase of necessary equipment nationwide. A percentage of the total revenues acquired from the taxation of hemp/cannabis would be set aside with the intended goal of upgrading critical equipment of Law Enforcement Agencies nationwide, with emphasis given to those departments, rural or urban, most in need. Purpose: To provide additional funds for continuous training and education of State and Local Police Officers nationwide. A percentage of the total revenues acquired from the taxation of hemp/cannabis would be set aside with the intended goal of funding on-going training and educational programs for those employed in State and Local Law Enforcement Agencies. B: 5% to Fire / Safety / Emergency Departments and Organizations Nationwide. PURPOSE: To double the relative pay of all those who serve as Fire / Safety / Emergency personnel within a decade from enactment of this proposal. A percentage of the total revenues acquired from the taxation of hemp/cannabis would be set aside with the intended goal of providing a means to double the relative income of Fire / Safety / Emergency personnel within 10 years after then enactment of this Proposal. PURPOSE: To allow for growth in numbers of trained fire/safety/emergency personnel nationwide. A percentage of the total revenues acquired from the taxation of hemp/cannabis would be set aside with the intended goal of recruiting and Training of Fire / Safety / Emergency personnel. PURPOSE: To allow for continuous purchase and upgrade of fire/safety equipment nationwide. A percentage of the total revenues acquired from the taxation of hemp/cannabis would be set aside with the intended goal of upgrading critical equipment of Law Enforcement Agencies nationwide, with emphasis given to those departments, rural or urban, most in need. PURPOSE: To allow for the development of Citizen Emergency Preparedness training programs nationwide A percentage of the total revenues acquired from the taxation of hemp/cannabis would be set aside with the intended goal of establishing Citizen Emergency Preparedness programs nationwide so as to better and more appropriately deal with National and Environmental emergencies. C: 27% to Education PURPOSE: To double the relative pay of all Public School Classroom Educational Professionals (Teachers) within a decade form enactment of this proposal. A percentage of the total revenues acquired from the taxation of hemp/cannabis would be set aside with the intended goal of providing a means to double the relative income of Public School Education Professionals (Teachers) within 10 years after then enactment of this Proposal. PURPOSE: To allow for continuous training and hiring of Public School Education Professionals (Teachers) achieve a 20:1 maximum Student/Teacher ratio nationwide. A percentage of the total revenues acquired from the taxation of hemp/cannabis would be set aside with the intended goal of Recruiting, Training and Hiring of Public School Education Professionals (Teachers) so as to achieve a maximum Public Classroom Student (K-12) to Teacher ration of no greater than 20:1 nationwide. PURPOSE: To allow funds for continuous purchase and upgrade of modern and basic educational materials for Public School classrooms nationwide. A percentage of the total revenues acquired from the taxation of hemp/cannabis would be set aside with the intended goal of providing an continuing fund with which to purchase modern teaching and educational materials for Public School classrooms nationwide with emphasis given to those Public Schools, rural or urban, most in need. PURPOSE: To allow funds for continuous building of new schools as well as upgrades and repairs to existing schools across the United States. A percentage of the total revenues acquired from the taxation of hemp/cannabis would be set aside with the intended goal of Renovating and Building new Public Schools nationwide with emphasis on those Public School Districts, rural or urban, most in need. PURPOSE: To establish College Incentive Programs. A percentage of the total revenues acquired from the taxation of hemp/cannabis would be set aside with the intended goal of developing College Incentive and Grant programs and to implement such programs. D: 27% to establish Universal Health Care PURPOSE: To establish a general fund from which all United States Citizens receive 100% Universal Health Care. A percentage of the total revenues acquired from the taxation of hemp/cannabis would be set aside with the intended goal of establishing Private Health Accounts for every U.S. Citizen. Citizens would have available to them $X amount per year to spend as they choose on medical procedures. As an example, each citizen would receive $100,000/year. Annually, this amount would not accumulate but reset. Assumption is that balanced between that majority who would not need their entire annual account amount, there will be enough to allow for those who need more expensive treatment than the standard annual target allotment to surpass that amount without penalty to either that individuals Personal Medical Account or to the availability of funds for any other Personal Medical Account. PURPOSE: To allow each U.S. Citizen to access their Personal Medical Accounts for medical procedures of their choice at Medical Facilities of their choosing. U.S. Citizens would have choice in what Medical Professional of their choice with the goal of encouraging fair market rates on medical procedures through competition, to allow for choice of medical facility to receive treatment, and to allow for choice in medical procedure needed or desired. PURPOSE: To assure continued opportunities for the Insurance Industry within the health care community. As it is unable to assure that any Industry has the right to exist beyond the market need for that Industry, the established Personal Medical Accounts will eliminate the need for Private Health Insurance. The Insurance Industry, if it so chooses, may continue to offer that service regardless loss of profit or need. The Insurance Industry is encouraged to establish and offer as a service for sale the Management of Personal Medical Accounts. E: 27% to Infrastructure Upgrades PURPOSE: To fund development of an alternative bio-fuel and delivery systems nationwide. A percentage of the total revenues acquired from the taxation of hemp/cannabis would be set aside with the intended goal of creating an "Apollo Program" focused on the development of a viable hemp-based uniform bio-fuel similar to the Nation of Brazil's use of cane-based bio-fuel. Goal is to eliminate national dependence on fossil-based energy sources. PURPOSE: To establish needed infrastructure upgrades nationwide through locally awarded Contracts. A percentage of the total revenues acquired from the taxation of hemp/cannabis would be set aside with the intended goal of promoting, through Locally awarded contracts, nationwide upgrades and repairs to the nation's infrastructure (such as electrical grids, waterways, highways, bridges, levees, etc.). F: 9% to Military Veterans and Active Service Families PURPOSE: To ensure that families of Active Service Military Individuals are provided livable and sustainable funds. A percentage of the total revenues acquired from the taxation of hemp/cannabis would be set aside with the intended goal of providing a base of funds to financially assist the families of Active Services Military Personnel to ensure that such families never have to resort to conventional welfare programs or 'pay day' loans to pay their basic support expenses. PURPOSE: To establish a program to assist Veterans who are homeless. A percentage of the total revenues acquired from the taxation of hemp/cannabis would be set aside with the intended goal of establishing a 'rescue fund' to assist Veterans who are homeless. PURPOSE: To establish a fund to ensure Disabled Veterans are provided a livable pension. A percentage of the total revenues acquired from the taxation of hemp/cannabis would be set aside with the intended goal of establishing a pension fund to offer compensatory assistance to Disabled Veterans. PURPOSE: To establish a "Fallen Soldier" fund to assist families of fallen Service Personnel. A percentage of the total revenues acquired from the taxation of hemp/cannabis would be set aside with the intended goal of establishing a fund to partially compensate and assist the immediate families of Military Personnel who perish in the service of the United States.
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