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Domme Green Fairy 907's blog: "LRTM"

created on 11/27/2007  |  http://fubar.com/lrtm/b160513

The Alabama Crab Dangle

A passionate, "all or nothing" person, you are a sexual deviant! You are willing to try anything and everything, and the bedroom is your playground. Just be sure that your partner is as comfortable with the crazy stuff as you are. You both need to be on the same page in order to have the best experience possible.

February 17, 2009

Was my Son's 21 Birthday. I took him and his Friends to Eddie Sports Bar. Before either of them drank I suggested that we all eat, me being the designated Driver I stuck to Shirley Temples. After they both eat they first tried Long Island Tea, I took just a tiny sip and it was like 'Yuck' to me. There was another group there that discover that it was my Son's Birthday and that was when the drinks started flowing. We did play Pool between his friend, I were trying to teach my Son how to play it. After my second round of pool since my Son won, we had the game going that we played the winner. So I go in and played against my Son. I won cause he sunk the 8 ball so then his friend played me, he won and he asked why I wasn't getting my shots in I told maybe because I wasn't drinking. Also most of the waiting in between shots, my Son and his friend were doing shots or drinks and me? I forgot to bring my pain medicine and my spine started hurting bad, by besides my right chest just pierced shortly after midnight starting my Son's B-day, lol. I guess I better do my left one since it is suffering empathy pain of the right one. I know another drink that his friemd had order called the Cadillac, I tried a small sip of it finding it better than the Tea Drink. We enter Eddie's ar 10 pm and left at 3 am and when we got home. That was when I started to drink, so I got to party too. I did get buzzed until my Son's friend got loud waking his Mother up. I was trying to get his Friend to be quite but it didn't work unless we all wentoutside to smoke, lol. The whole Evening was fun and got funnier as it continue...

Hello 2009...

Goddess_Luna aka LRTM Cancer Horoscopes (June 21 - Jul 22) Yesterday | Today | Tomorrow Thursday, Jan 1st, 2009 -- This first day of the new year tempts you to withdraw into a world of fantasy, for your thoughts can easily float into conceptual realms where you are not bound by reality. At the same time, you cannot get away from those close friends and family who keep bringing you back to the present moment, making it difficult for you to fully escape. Resign yourself to living in two worlds now by balancing your subjective inner life with the objective outer circumstances. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2009 Love Forecast Optimism Leads to Opportunities by Jeff Jawer While the thump thump of the heart will never lose its lead role in the orchestra of love, a stronger supporting role than usual will be played the mind this year. That’s because Jupiter, the planet of optimism, is entering heady Aquarius in January where it will meet up with the Moon’s North Node on February 13. This uncommon conjunction of generous Jupiter and this karmic point can be a key to making meaningful connections. If you are in a relationship, this is a reminder that common intellectual, social and/or political interests may be the glue to keep you together as a happy couple. If you’re single, the chance of meeting someone of a like mind is increased. Joining a group or becoming more active in one is an excellent way to expand your social network. When we are joined by shared beliefs partnerships grow wider and become more flexible. Rather than being boxed in as a couple isolated from the rest of the world, concerns about others, alliances with organizations, and meaningful friendships provide the breathing room required to keep love alive. Jupiter also joins spiritual Neptune and compassionate Chiron in May and December, underscoring the importance of placing romance in a larger container. Recognizing that your happiness is a contribution to the community will bring you plenty of support from others. This may require giving up some old ideas about relationship that are bound up in fear, control, and jealousy. Aquarius is open-minded, as are Jupiter and Neptune, so the freer you are in your head the more space you will find in your heart. Respecting the individuality of your partner may be a difficult test at times, yet it can make the difference between simply going through the motions in an empty shell of a partnership or experiencing a living and loving alliance that renews itself on a daily basis. 2009 Cancer Love Forecast Higher Purpose Hopeful Jupiter in unconventional Aquarius occupies your 8th House of Deep Sharing to transform the nature of your relationships. Your boundaries may be stretched by unusual individuals or novel approaches to intimacy. Let your mind lead your heart—it takes imagination to absorb all the gifts that partnership can bring you this year. Common ideals and spiritual interests can bring you to a higher level of understanding with a mate by reinforcing your connection with a higher purpose. Jupiter’s conjunctions with Neptune on May 27, July 10 and December 21 offer moments of sublime delight, romantic fantasy and blind faith, allowing you to overlook down-to-earth matters necessary to sustain a long-term partnership. The Lunar Eclipse in practical Capricorn on July 7 in your 7th House of Others will, however, temporarily bring you back to reality. Love is a wonderful thing, but you need plans and commitment to assure its longevity. If you’re single, this event marks a period when a clear sense of purpose, self-respect and a willingness to talk frankly about your needs enables you to come out of your shell and pursue your desires more directly. (( Finally saying Good-Bye to 2008, I am looking forward to this year. I know things has been changing in my life quite rapidly. I always wished I was Psychic and now that has been coming true since November last year. Funny thing though on New Years Eve I should have stayed awake ushering the New Year but the Lord Soma took me in his arms after going shopping with my Son, we both got $100 from my Mother/Grandmother. So, we both got what we needed and wanted but as soon as we got 'Home', not our house (we've been living with another Family since October 2, 2008 due to alot of people renting Apartments all over the place). As soon as I got things put away I hit the bed and went out swiftly in Soma's Arms. My Son had awaken me 2 hours before midnight, I went out into the Family area for a half hour and Soma calls to me again. I went back to him and 6 minutes before Midnight my Son got me up again. I went outside with him and his Friend and his Friend's Girl friend. 2 minutes before Midnight they fired their TNT Poppers and my Son handing me the Gun and as I felt the clock ticking exactly at Midnight I fired the TNT Popper Gun and shouted "Happy 2009!" Being outside where we were I finally discovered the neighborhood that always had Fireworks. See in Anchorage it is against the Law to do Fireworks (well if we really look at Alaska it is against the Law all over Alaska for Firecrackers). What we had was like small magick poppers with streamers, that you can do inside the house. So we watch the show a neighborhood near us and what a show they threw. Then I knew why they can get away with the Fireworks, cause they are a rich neighborhood just along Hillside too. As soon as we all got cold, cause our weather has been hitting below 10 to 20 degrees below Zero, not the most pleasant weather for a winter, in fact the last time I remember the weather being this cold was back 15 years ago. I am looking forward to March and I'll be asking Mother Nature for the weather to warm up and just sleep through January and February except for February 13 since that may be a Day my True Love shall walk into my life. I just hope he wouldn't mind leaving Alaska, cause I don't think I can live another winter here. Also I'm still trying to let my left foot heal after breaking it on October 25, 2008. Man, breaking the longest toe bones in your feet takes a long time to heal if you are a Type 1 Insulin Pump Diabetic. My life is a roller coaster of fun and pain, lol... Not! But this year I feel very positive and defiantly have semi and precious stones that shall help with my Chakra's besides the fact of being into contact with my Guardian Angel Gabriel and others that I don't know their names yet. I am surrounding by them and other Spirits as well, I know it is weird. Hey, life goes on after we shed our Meat Bodies, some of us go home and a dew get lost here on the Earth's Plane. I am happy to see there will be a Luna Eclipse in practical Capricorn on July 7, that is my Birthday! So, I wish everyone and Spirits a happy 2009...))

Good-Bye 2008...

(( Now I can say Good-bye to 2008, a year that had a lot of ups and downs. Also I was still mourning a Death of my Ex's little Sister (that turned out to be my Life Soul Sister) up until July, when she asked me if there were hanging flower baskets in front of her's Apartment. When I answered 'yes'. She finally left our Earthly Plane or should I say her Spirit finally moved on? Speaking of my Ex in the beginning of July I discover my Ex was having an affair and using my Son to not tell me about it. My Son thought his Dad had the affair started in February but it really began the year before in 2007. As soon as she took him to an E.R., claiming he took 100 tablets of 10 milligrams of Valium (well that was a lie), in the E.R. they discovered that he was just drunk and they call the police. She would call and talk to my Son updating him about his Father but! As She claimed her love for Him (my Ex) she had already moved on with another man. I guess some women are not like me and other women that wait for their husband's to get out of jail. I always waited, but all of 2008 my mind was screaming at me about Him. So one day while my Son was out, She called looking for my Son. I said he wasn't in and she said that John was in Jail, I said I know, cause He calls here alot and I hung up on Her. I finally told my Ex due to Him using my Son in His lie, that the Us that we once were is now over with forever... Now it is time to close the Chapter of 2008...)) Goddess_Luna, Cancer Horoscopes (June 21 - Jul 22) Yesterday | Today | Tomorrow Wednesday, Dec 31st, 2008 -- Attend to unfinished chores early in the day so you can fully enjoy the pleasures of ushering in 2009 without worrying about what you should have done. Even if you plan a quiet evening at home, give yourself the space to dream about the changes that you'd like to see over the next year. There's no reason to hold back your vision; you can travel anywhere you wish in your mind. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Monday, Dec 29th, 2008 -- You might be a bit anxious today because you can sense that someone isn't being totally transparent with you. It's as if you know everything about a good friend and then you start to notice things that don't fit into what you thought was true. You may not know whether to disbelieve your recent perceptions or your previous assumptions. Don't force an answer; the rest of the story will be revealed in time. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Thursday, Dec 25th, 2008 -- This holiday season continues to be challenging for you because someone who is usually willing to do things your way might now appear to be fighting you. But upon closer examination, this isn't what's really happening. Take responsibility for your share of the conflict, even if you're not telling others exactly how you feel. What you don't say can stir up as strong an emotional response in a friend or family member as what you express openly. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Wednesday, Dec 24th, 2008 -- You may experience free-floating anxiety today because you are receiving erratic messages from the cosmos. It's hard to know exactly what to do in order to calm yourself down, because you would prefer to have a quiet day to yourself. But instead, not only must you finish all your last minute holiday errands, you must also be responsive to those you love who are expecting your help. Do the best you can, but don't take it as personal failure if you can't do everything you wish. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Tuesday, Dec 23rd, 2008 -- You may feel as if you recently overstepped your bounds and now you should apologize and retreat. But even saying you're sorry requires you to bring up your issues of insecurity. You probably weren't as out of line as you think and there may not be any reason at all to say anything about it. But talking about your vulnerability is an excellent way to build an emotional bond with someone you like. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Monday, Dec 22nd, 2008 -- A particularly intense person may seem like trouble today, yet he or she might enter your life now to act as a transformational catalyst. This person could reflect a part of yourself that you don't want to acknowledge. Even if you think that the status quo is worth holding on to, dynamic changes are already unfolding and your resistance is futile.

If you don't see me on...

Doesn't mean I am far away...

I have started Writing on a Site called 'webook' and I am in the mist of writing my first Erotic Horror (well not my first, I started years ago writing Erotic Horror and Erotic Fantasies) and even written 'No Holds Bar' downright very Sexual Stories. Thanks to my Ex.

I was to chicken to have ever put them up any where until I came upon another Site called Soulcast where I bared my Soul for all to see and I am a Member of FanFiction.

FanFiction scared me at first, due to you having to write our own Stories according to other Anime Fandom Stories. Though I haven't written there due to some of the Anime's I knew nothing about, I discover that 'Helsing' is on there, I have a huge crush on Alucard (the English Voice Actor). That I can easily let my Fantasies unfurl for him, letting him deeply drink from my veins on my lovely pale neck. Alucard is Sir Intrega's 'Lap Dog' or is it Him that she serves. For me, it would have to be give and take. Oh, yes Alucard is Dracula backwards, so is Alucard Dracula? I think he is... Most of my Erotic Horror Stories are Vampire's (well one Vampire really, he's been in my Dreams since I was 8 years old).

As a child, he chased me and helped me through 10 of most grueling years of fear from a Man that molested me at the age of 9 years old. I've maybe 47 years old but I am stuck at looking young on the outside, in the inside I am young by ten years. But by the age of 23 years old my Father made the comment, "you have lived a life of a Lady that is 43 years old", I was like "oh, gees, you think Dad?"

It wasn't his fault he was never there when I needed him, not like he was after I turned 20 years old. He was serving His Country through the Navy for 5 years and through the Air Force for 15 years.

Which landed me here in Anchorage Alaska, as my Parents live on Pentacle Peak 75 miles away from me.

If I wasn't 46 I would go after him and teach him alot of tricks... Why is it when I was 19 the older men looked good and occasionally I would go out with them? But these day there aren't very many good looking men past the age of 35. Like I said before, I am 46 years old and many guys have said I look in my late 20's, I will put up 1 picture for now or 2 to show you when I was 23 and 43. I would go out with a younger man, for some reason I don't. I guess it is do to with having a 19 year old son living with me for the time being. Maybe one day I will go for a young guy and like I said before, to teach them tricks I know. Till now there are always my fantasies.
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