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merkabamechanics.jpg ********************************************************************************************* Merkaba Mechanics ********************************************************************************************* (See: Merkaba) ********************************************************************************************* 1) Merkaba Spiral 2) Merkaba Field 3) Merkaba Vehicle 4) Trans-Harmonic Merkaba Vehicle (Space-Time Travel) 5) Merkaba Vehicle Phases ********************************************************************************************* The 15-dimensional personal Merkaba reflects the 15 dimensional Universal Merkaba of the Time Matrix. ********************************************************************************************* 1) The Merkaba Spiral: ********************************************************************************************* Two Counter-Rotating Merkaba Spiral Sets (electric/magnetic), when fully activated represents one Merkaba Field. Counter-Rotation of the 2 Merkaba Spirals in a spiral set means that the "top" (electric) Merkaba Spiral spins in one direction, while the "bottom" (magnetic) Merkaba Spiral spins in OPPOSITE direction. This is the natural CHRISTOS INTERNAL Merkaba Field spin relationship upon which organic "Eternal Life, Perpetual Motion", Cosmic and Microcosmic structure is built. ********************************************************************************************* 2) The Merkaba Field: ********************************************************************************************* Merkaba Fields are the energetic ‘organs’ by which we are kept in manifest dimensionalized phase lock, they are also the tools by which we can release ourselves from phase lock. They enable us to move (which in reality is to expand) into the next set of dimensional fields of existence and progressively ascend. Not all Merkaba teachings offered at this time achieve this positive outcome and this is why there is such an emphasis and thorough detail given on Merkaba mechanics within the MCEO teachings. (Azuritepress.com) The Merkaba Field is a permanent and highly ordered Merkabic structure of inter-connected electro-magnetic counter-rotating energy spirals that exist as an integral part of ALL CREATION. The Personal Merkaba Field is a specifically structured, intrinsic part of the natural 15-Dimensional Anatomy (See: Time Matrix) of every life-form and manifest matter form. The personal Merkaba Field represents the organic personal Merkabic Circulatory System through which consciousness manifests into space-time-matter and by which embodied consciousness receives a continual supply of Life Force energy, (Stream of Multi-dimensional Consciousness) and open personal relationship to God-Source while ensconced within manifestation. When functioning naturally, the microcosmic personal Merkaba Field interconnects with the larger, macroscopic Planetary, Galactic, Universal and Cosmic Merkaba Field Anatomy, the Cosmic Merkaba Circulatory System. Everyone and everything HAS a personal Merkaba Field. lf the personal Merkaba Field is damaged, (as the Merkaba Field of ALL Earth life forms have been since 208,216BC), the natural pen connection to the "Eternal Life Stream" and the living God-Source also becomes damaged, as the personal Merkaba Field can not fully synthesize the natural Life Force Currents perpetually emanating through the Cosmic Merkaba Circulatory System. A damaged personal Merkaba Field is utterly incapable of activating the natural Merkaba VEHICLE through which the Divine Freedoms of self-directed space-time transit, natural Star Gate passage, genuine Spiritual Identity Integration and real "Ascension" are possible. Merkaba Spirals, Field and the Form Constant ********************************************************************************************* 3) The Merkaba Vehicle: ********************************************************************************************* The Merkaba Vehicle is a transient (not permanent) Merkabic structure of interwoven. spiraling electro-magnetic fields that when activated, allows for molecular cohesion of the physically manifest atomic body structure during Star Gate travel and Ascension. Activation of the personal Merkaba Vehicle is required in order to replenish the natural supply of Life Force energies through which the Immortal "Breatharian", original "Angelic Human" and "Indigo-Oraphin" Eternal Life Body forms are perpetually maintained. Activation of the Merkaba Vehicle is required to achieve Eternal Life, time travel and Star Gate passage. (The Forbidden Testaments of Revelation – Page 12) ********************************************************************************************* 4) The Trans-Harmonic Merkaba Vehicle: ********************************************************************************************* The 15-Dimensional Merkaba Field and the 15-Dimensional Merkaba Circulatory System of this Time Matrix to which all natural personal (15-dimensional anatomy) Christiac Merkaba Fields are connected, have a very specific structure. Each of the 15 Dimensional Frequency Bands (Dimension) of a Time Matrix forms one smaller set of 2 counter-rotating Dimensional Merkaba Spirals that when fully activated represents one Dimensional Merkaba Field; thus there are 15 smaller Dimensional Merkaba Fields in one 15-DImensional Time Matrix. Each of the 5 specific 3-dimensional Harmonic Universe (Density level) forms through a larger set of 2 counter-rotating Density Merkaba Spirals, that when fully activated represent one Density Merkaba Field. Thus there are 5 larger Density Merkaba Fields, each containing 3 smaller Dimensional Merkaba Fields in one 15-Dimensional Time Matrix. ALL natural, ORGANIC Christiac Merkaba Fields possess this intrinsic structure, including the natural personal Merkaba Field. When at least two larger personal Density Merkaba Fields (each with their inherent 3 smaller Dimensional Merkaba Fields) synchronistically activate, the 2 larger Density Merkaba Fields merge to form a Trans-Harmonic Merkaba Vehicle. The Trans-Harmonic Merkaba Vehicle allows for the atomic structural integrity of the matter form within the vehicle to be maintained during Star Gate passage through the "Voids" (Magnetic Repulsion Zones) that exist between Harmonic Universes. Activation of the Trans-Harmonic Merkaba Vehicle in biological life forms allows for atoms in one space-time vector to transport to a new space-time vector coordinate and instantaneously re-emerge and re-manifest the atomic form within the new space-time vector through de-activation of the Trans-Harmonic Merkaba Vehicle. (The Forbidden Testaments of Revelation – Page 14) ********************************************************************************************* 5) The Merkaba Vehicle Phases: ********************************************************************************************* Each level of higher Hova Body merger with the Incarnate's Nada Hova Body represents a Phase in the building of the Merkaba Vehicle; the correspondences are as follows: Hallah Phase Merkaba Alphi Hova Body a 6-dimensional vehicle through which bi-location of body and consciousness between Harmonic Universes 1 and 2 can occur. (Soul Integration) Quatra Phase Merkaba Betcha Hova Body a 9-dimensional vehicle through which full displacement from HU-1 to HU-2 can occur and bi-location of body and consciousness between Harmonic Universes 2 and 3 can occur. (Over- Soul Integration) Mahunta Phase Merkaba Mahara Hova Body a 12-dimensional vehicle through which full displacement from HU-2 to HU-3 Etheric matter can occur and bi-location of body and consciousness between Harmonic Universes 3 and 4 can occur. (Avatar Integration) Rahunta Phase Merkaba Raja Hova Body a 15-dimensional vehicle through which full displacement from HU-3 Etheric matter to HU-4 Liquid light Pre-matter can occur and bi-location of body and consciousness between Harmonic Universes 4 and the Triadic Levels of the Energy Matrix outside the Time Matrix can occur. (Rishi Integration) Most contemporary humans have yet to experience Soul Integration and their bio-energetic field and consciousness remain phase-locked within the Nada Hova body and 3-dimensional Incarnate Identity, a condition that is called Nethra Phase Merkaba. Building the Phases of the Merkaba Vehicle allows humanity the opportunity to leave the Earthly time cycles of birth, death and rebirth, to enter the eternal time cycles of less matter density and higher evolution. (The Tangible Structure of the Soul – Page 31) ********************************************************************************************* Unidentified Higher Dimensional Sense Facilities ********************************************************************************************* 6 Audurea Merkaba Sense Encompasses ALL Hova Bodies Primary Attribute: Manifestation Circulation of consciousness & frequency accretion ********************************************************************************************* THE EXOPOLITICS OF MERKABA MECHANICS ********************************************************************************************* Anna Hayes (Ashayana Deane) says "Explore the mystery of the ancient “BeaST” (“Blank Slate Technology”), associated with the New Mexico “Wingmakers” archeological site and its covert “Labyrinth and Corteum Groups”, an Atlantian technological “demon” that was programmed in 22,326BC to activate in 2011AD; an event that Guardian races have been working hard to avert. Find out what took place on March 23, 2002 that has roused the BeaST prematurely from its slumber, and how this occurrence has set in motion a pre-programmed “Script” of mass events constituting activation of our “Atlantian Planetary Karma”; events that now, cannot be averted, since the BeaST is now awakened. The Eieyani will provide dispensation of priority information, to help us prepare for coming changes, as we learn of the Christos Founders races “PLAN B” Safe Ground-Contact agenda." NOTE: Most people are aware that the 'Wingmakers' site is not really about 'aliens' but is a site presenting their own artwork and music in a strange format. ********************************************************************************************* What is the BeaST machine? ********************************************************************************************* Anna Hayes borrowed from the Wingmakers website the concept of "Blank Slate Technology." Adding the two vowels 'ea' and you get the BeaST. -------Excerpt from------ "Shadow Dancers, the Metatronic code and the Signs of the BeaST" A Polarization-Refraction Lens called the "Eye of Metatron" was installed 150 billion years ago ...between Phantom and our Living Time Matrix. The Lens served to channel a portion of our Universal Veca life force currents ... into the quarantined portion of the Phantom system and created a quarantined path of ascension via Host Matrix for the returning races. The Host Matrix project was entrusted to an Elohim Collective called Metatron, of the Jehovani Entity Collective; the original family line from which the quarantined races had fallen. When the Eye of Metatron was installed, mutated hybrid rebel races of the Wesedak Matrix misused the Star Gate Templar system powers of their Universal Veca in an attempt to break into Phantom Matrix to gain control of the Lens. Their attempted raid failed...plunging their matrix into imploding Black Hole status. The Metatron collective failed in numerous attempts of re-evolving the quarantined Phantom races, losing more of its consciousness fields to the Phantom Matrix; the Metatron Collective itself finally fell to Phantom. Through the Metatron's misuse of the Eye of Metatron Lens, the quarantine in Phantom Matrix was broken and Phantom Matrix digressed into progressive hybridization-mutation and escalating war between the Phantom Races....the Metatron Collective made deals with the warring Wesedak races from the Wesedak Black Hole system, and allowed the Wesedaks to use the Metatron Lens to create a wormhole...between the Wesedak and Phantom Matrices, called the "Path of Arimathaea". The Wesedak-Metatron Alliance used the Lens to progressively create the "BeaST Machine" through which the anti-christiac METATRONIC CODE for artificially sustained "energy vampiring" life, a permanent, irreversible template mutation, was born, via forced Shields Bonding between the Universal Shields of Phantom Matrix, our Time Matrix and the Wesedak Black Hole. When the BeaST was used to create interface with our system, our Universal Veca "Shadow World" was born. The D-11.5 reversed-matrix, "Dark Avatar" collectives of the Wesedak Black Hole, who carry the permanent and irreparable mutation of the Metatronic Code, became our "Shadow Dancer" Attachments. ********************************************************************************************* ---------Excerpt from:---------- ********************************************************************************************* The Embodied "666-BeaST" - Metatronic "Flaming Blue Sword" Wesedak Shield Implants ********************************************************************************************* Metatronic Shield Implants emerge from Wesedak "BeaST Machine" distortions in the Planetary, Galactic, and Universal Shield into the Kathara Grid Template, DNA Template, Chakras and Auric Field Levels of 11.5 dimensions of the 15-Dimensional Human Anatomy. The Metatronic "BeaST" (Blank Slate Technology) Machine Shield Implants cause the NET (Nibiruian Electrostatic Transduction field) bio-field & DNA mutation & formation of the Shadow Body, Elemental, Figment & Shadow Dancer Attachments; when fully activated it runs the artificially generated D-13 Reversed "Flaming Blue Death Sword of Archangel Michael" Current, intended to cause Universal Veca Monadic Reversal and permanent fall to Wesedak Black Hole System. The "4 Black Hearts of Metatron" Implants are: The 1st Heart of Merlin D-10.75 in Pineal Gland, Chakra-11 above head, Auric Level-11 Buddhaic Avatar Body; the Density-4 Lyra Aveyon Implant. The 2nd Heart of the Dragon D-7.75 in Heart, Chakra 8, Auric Level-8 Monadic Core Body; the Density-3 Gaia-Orion Alnitak Implant. The 3rd Heart of Delphi D-4.75 in Left side of Abdomen, Chakra-5, Auric Level-5 Archetype Soul Body; the Density-2 Pleiadian Alcyone-Taran Implant. The 4th Heart of Anubis D-1.75 in E-Umbi Point below Navel, Chakra 2, Auric Level-2 Emotional/Elemental Body; the Density-1 Epsilon Eridanus Implant. The Avalon Seal Implant D-11.5 "Metatron's Eyes"; Kathara Center-12/Chakra 10 above head & Chakra-12 below feet, Auric Level-12 Nirvanic Christiac Avatar Body-activated March 23, 2002. The 666 Templar Axion Seal D-6.5 "666-Apollyon-Metatronic Seed Atom" "Death Seed" Sign of the BeaST"; the Azur-A Point in Thymus Gland base - will activate on May 27, 2003, initiating simultaneous activation of the "4 Black Heart" Implants. Noel Huntley states on his website, the BeaST refers to Blank State Technology. This is also explained in Voyagers II. (by Anna Hayes) The BeaST mechanism involves Merkaba Mechanics. It relates to Merkaba spins and ratios that create the actual realities we exist in. The manipulation of Merkabas creates our manifest and conscious reality (this applies to universes, stars planets, and our own conscious selves as well). Merkaba spinning has been a controversial point between Drunvalo Melchizedek and Kathara Science. It is said that practicing Drunvalo Melchizedek's Merkaba Mechanics will assist one to exist within the Merkaba spins/ratios/reality field being created by those groups that teach 21/34/55 Merkaba Mechanics. According to Kathara Science practicing and studying the Kathara Science Merkaba Mechanics will assist those who prefer the Merkaba spin ratios of the original Christic design, namely 34/21. This is much debated, but the mathematics prove that the 21/34/55 system is a closed system, that cuts one off from Source. The Wingmakers site is run by the designers of the 21/34/55 system. The Blank Slate Technology is real and elements of our government/population have cooperated with the designers of Blank State Technology to further it's agenda on Earth. The Blank State Technology does just that - wipes out time lines and creates a blank state. It has to do with the dimensional blend experiments and the rip in time they were hoping to complete at the magnetic peak in August 2003. ********************************************************************************************* HISTORY OF ACIO ********************************************************************************************* "Dr Anderson" claims there are twelve alien races involved in our past, present and future. He says one of them is hostile. He says there were agreements between the NSA to co-operate with one of the ET species commonly called the Greys. He also mentions a species called the Corteum. NSA set up The Advanced Contact Intelligence Organisation (ACIO) in 1950 to handle alien technology and reverse engineer it - within their own specialties ("Dr Anderson's" specialty is linguistics). The present leader of ACIO, a former child genius now in his sixties, goes by the code name, "Fifteen". He has a security level within ACIO of 15. ********************************************************************************************* ABOUT 'FIFTEEN' ********************************************************************************************* When he was still quite young Fifteen became obsessed with the idea of discovering a form of time travel which could allow you to interact with the environment once you got there. He called this Blank State Technology (BST). His professors tried to steer him back to conventional technology without success. Bell Laboratories, with whom he came to work, mentioned him to NSA who took him into their own organisation where he became the leader of ACIO. "Dr Anderson" tells us that the Corteum infiltrated ACIO in 1958 to seed technologies to enhance human intelligence in exchange for use of ACIO information systems, laboratories, land and brain power. This provided Corteum with insight into world government, where the power centres were, who the real leaders were and how critical decisions were made. Fifteen used Corteum's intelligence accelerator technologies on himself increasing his brain power by 500% and became infused with a massive vision of how to create Blank State Technology (more about BST later). With Fifteen's increase in intelligence and ethical consciousness he began to feel that NSA was too immature in its leadership to be allowed to handle the technologies. He accelerated some of the ACIO scientists and created a secret group of about 200 ACIO men and women, all of security level 12 or above, which he called the Labyrinth Group. Labyrinth seized the "Ancient Arrow" project from ACIO and began a misinformation campaign back to the NSA. Labyrinth now takes Corteum technologies and dilutes them to the point where they can be sold to private industry and government agencies including the military. ********************************************************************************************* PROPHECY ********************************************************************************************* ACIO has access to ancient texts which prophesy that in the 21st century (2018?) a predatory alien race would enter our galaxy to colonise Earth for genetic purposes. The resulting human/androids would invade our United Nations organisation and establish a world government. If ACIO can determine the intervention point they can impose a new memory on their leadership and divert them to a different galaxy. This is where BST comes in. BST is a specification of time travel. Other life forms (Greys, Corteum, remote viewers) can see past and future but not interact with it nor change any event there.) Fifteen believes that with BST he can go to that intervention point prophesied and convince the aliens that they should be looking at some galaxy other than ours. Fifteen believes that the WingMakers have BST From: http://www.uforq.asn.au/articles/wingmakers.html For more information please read http://www.greatdreams.com/cinnamon.htm
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