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On June 7th I went seen my Shirk and I was there for 1 1/2 talking to her about stuff going in life now and what happen in my past.Well In last 2 weeks I been having keep mood rate dairy from 1 to 10.1 for been in great mood and 10 for wanting kill myself since I started the the rating is not looking and I have put on the danger list with my Shirk and my family has watch me make sure I don't snap.It hurts when ur husband has tell ur friends and family that his wife is dangerous and came go off the deep end anytime.I been dealing with problem since I was little girl when I was 7 years old I try kill self by using a jump rope,so I walk over to a tree and climbed up tied the jump rope then I put around my neck then I made my mom was looking and I push off the tree limb.I miss judge distance of trying hanging myself cause my feet was 2 feet from the ground the rope started cutting into my neck and choking me I decide I wasn't able don't I swing my leg over to tree and pull myself up and was barley able cry to mom.She hear heard my muffled cry and she started screaming and said what was I thinking,she got ice pack for my neck lay it across my burned neck and reduced to swallowing in neck.Let say I wasn't able to speak good for couple days and still till i bare I the scar were I try kill myself.I have people tell me clean ur neck and I tell them it a scar from my past.I my wording I have dyslexia so if anyone leave a hateful comment it will be deleted and you will be blocked this goes for my friends as well I'm not taking anyone more bs.

Now it been 3 days since I was rushed to the er for an seizure attack that last over 20 minutes.When the paramedic's can in my home they were to my mother and boyfriend.My bf was trying help before that jerk from his arms and I was complete helps couldn't anything about.I pull me through the pull kitchen and then my living.They wrapped there arms around me and it made me throw up on my closes they give a shit. then grab my arms so tightly to were it was hurting me and forcing me to walk when I was unable to even stand on my own two feet.Then they put me the gurney hard.Well I was in the they talked to hateful and rubbing my chest bonr so hard it was hurting me.Then my started rolling back and Tony O. put finger on my right told me quite faking my own seizure,well the other male paramedic put more rubbing pressure on my chest bone again.The male paramedic rammed the iv into my left arm that wont's the worse put I passed out and Tony O. break the small salt instead of waving h sticks up in my left nostril in a hateful tone told to breath I was breathing it in and keeping at me it started making feel dizzy.My eyes were blurry and I felt sick The female paramedic looked a told me you better throw up on me in a hateful tone.I final got to the emergency room they wheeled me into a room.They move the hospital bed I was so weak they did lend hand help move over they keep saying move,My mother and father came into the room and talked to me I told how I was treated by the paramedics and it made my father furies how I was treated by the paramedics on the way to the hospital,So he went to the nurses station and demand to talk to there supervisor.He came into the white pink paper and interviewed want happen and my father furies how I treated.He told us he would talk to them.That was the last time I seen him.Well the next day I started to notice bruise on my chest and my collar bone,I asked mother to look and she the bruises as well,then started look for bruising we found more on arms and over my arm pit.I left and went straight to my father and showed the bruising marks.I final went and showed my boyfriend the marks he was mad about it,after I showed everyone I grabbed up my cell phone started taking pics of bruises.Well early today I looked again the bruises had let bit dark,so stared checking my arms again and found more bruises there one on ribs.I over to my friends place showed her what they was horrified about the bruises,she asked me who did it my mother told who didn't and it made her mad as well.I waked back to my place to get go to store,so I went back over my friend's place and my cousin was we showed her that my friend started counting the bruises.I have 7 bruised marks and where the iv was put in my left cased a huge bruise I'm free bleeder and the paramedics did not me ask if I was free bleeder.The area they put iv is has closed all the way I'm just glad I haven't bleed from the area.I hope this don't to anyone else there so post help people not hurt the patient or yell at the patient,it needs to be stopped I standing up for myself and any other who been the some way hateful paramedics.    



..I and my mom left the trailer right after 5:30 pm headed to McDonald's well everything was going good I was smiling and having good time just been out.Well we arrived at McDonald's  I got out of car with my cane in hand we both head to door.I and my mom put are orders standing looking around and I noticed how people just stared at me cause of my cane I'm having to.Well I told my mom I was found a table for us and I sat down well I forget my straw well be fussed who get the straw I won so I walked over and get me a straw.That when it all started going down hill I start to gasp just for seconds for air and I told my mom I need medicine I'm glad I told her bring it well I waited and took the first pill I don't have no problem taking it then I went take the second and I had trouble swallowing the pill.After I took my medicine my whole right side started to jerk a little I told my give me 10 minutes for medicine to work and the jerking will stop.It didn't the jerking got strong till I started swing back and forth in front of my face while still trying to eat my food.That when I made decision go to the er cause we just right below the hospital she my throw everything and made sure I got to car safe.It only 5 minutes and I was in the er trying to my name for greeter to give to nurse I only able give out 3 of first letters of my name that when a petite mal seizure came on and I was took back to a room.The er said I wad having a breakthrough seizure it really hard say much about it and he asked he long had been going I timed the seizure at 30 minutes.In which had put me in serious danger already when I had past the 10 minute mark.My dad told by someone this type had another name the killer seizure once it starts it don't stop I was very lucky mine did stop cause I easily dead in the er room in front of my mom.The doctor checked me and him asked lift my right leg I was unable too which meant I was still having the seizure,he handle my leg and fell right back on the bed just like dead weight then tested my left leg no problem with my leg which meant the seizure was attacking my right side.They did blood make sure that was it was then they give horse size pills to kill the pain I would have after seizure.

Plus too my dad is planning to on web page based my tattoos called my road map so we got that I have the posted in bullt. for all check out.

My Seizure Log




August 23, 2009.  I don’t recall the time it was I do remember it was dark outside of our trailer. I was sitting on the other side of the table chatting with away with dad.  I noticed my right hand started to shake after a few seconds my right leg started to shake , and then my whole body started to shake.  Dad walked over and hold my hand during the attack.  I don’t recall how long it lasted.




August 25, 2009, 10:40 am.  I went use the bathroom and I looked in the mirror and the lower part of my eyes were jerking and I could see the jerking motion.  Then my hands started to shake.  This lasted for 2 minutes.




August 26, 2009, 11:00 am.  My dad and I were on are way to the Morganton Library.  We were just talking about stuff when I was younger.  Then I felt my right cheek draw up and it got tight.  I looked down at my legs and my hands were shaking.  I heard dad asking if I was alright.  He told me that I had shook all over at the stop light.  After the attack I looked over at the car clock.  It was 11:02 am.




August 28, 2009 ,1:30 pm.  Dad and I went to the Pinehurst Clinic.  We got out of the car and we walked to the front entrance.  We went to the check in area, we went to the check in area and I began to feel weak and dizzy.




We went to Dr. Ostmann office and talked to Alice, the office manager, and told her I was 30 minutes late for my appointment.  Dad was talking to Alice about how far we had traveled and how long it had taken us get Pinehurst.  Well Alice said she would talk to Dr. Ostmann see if she could work me in and then I started to shake at her desk.  Dad held on to me and Alice got a nurse.  The nurse asked dad if I need a wheelchair dad said, “Yes.” so they got me a wheelchair.  Alice went to talk to Ostmann after I was put in the wheelchair and she came back said “She will see just go in the waiting area A."  (It lasted about 40 seconds)




September 15, 2009, 2:30 p.m.  Dad, Daniel and I was at Valdese Library on the computers. After our time was up dad asked if I wanted to go outside and smoke and I said, "Yes."  We stood out front and talked for a good few minutes.  The next thing I can recall dad was holding my arm, asking if I was okay, and I said “Yes."  It lasted for a minute




September 23, 2009, 11:am.  I was in the kitchen talking with dad and I was enjoying it.  When I felt a small shake come on I set up my web cam program on my mini lab and started recording the attack.  After a few seconds the attack started again.  After the attack I was able stop the recording of the attack and the time on the recording read minute and half.




*Sorry the video was lost cause my mini lab quite working.*




September 25, 2009.  I was at Caldwell County court house with dad and Daniel.  I needed use the restroom and as I walked to it I checked the time on my cell phone and it was 10:15 a.m.  As I started walking down the stairs I started to shake and almost lost my balance.  I held tightly to rail and slowly made my way down rest of the stairs.




September 25, 2009, 12:15 pm.  As I was coming back into the court house from smoking a cigar, I decided to take the elevator instead of the stairs.  As I walked over to Daniel without warning I started to shake and Daniel grab me.  He slowly walked me over to a bench and sat me down.  There were two people in the hall who asked what was wrong with me and Daniel told them I was having a seizure.  It started at 12:20 and ended at 12:23 pm




September 26, 2009.  My dad and I was at the Valdese Library doing are normal stuff on the computers.  When our time was up on the computers we were starting to leave the library when I turn around to head to the restroom.  On my way to restroom my body started to jerk with each step I took.  I final reached the wall to the restrooms and I had to lean against the wall for a minute.  It was 1:45 p.m. when the attack stopped.




September 26, 2009,  2:30 p.m.  Dad pulled into the driveway and everything was okay until the lower part of my eyes started twitching as I walked into the trailer. We all stand around talking and then I walked over to the kitchen table.  As soon as I reached the table I had to grab it.  My eyes closed and I could hear dad talking tome saying, “Open your eyes up.”  He timed the attack and told me it lasted a minute.  He also said, “It was the strongest one I had yet.”




September 27, 2009.  Some time this morning Daniel told me and my dad I jerked twice in my sleep and kicked him hard in his leg.




September 27, 2009, 1:45 pm.  I walked to my room sat down beside Daniel and we started watching a music video.  We just sat there talking and watching the video.  After the music video was over I left the room headed right back to the kitchen.  I looked at the table and noticed my right hand was shaking a little.  Shortly after that I turned to dad asked for a cigar.  After he handed me a cigar my right hand started shaking again.  So I moved over to the arm chair we have in the kitchen and lay back in it.  My hand stopped shaking after a few minutes.




September 27, 2009, 4:10 pm.  Daniel, my mom and I rode to Wal-mart.  We walked around the store for a few minutes and final went to the check out line I started to shake a little so I held on my mom’s arm as we walked out.  I took hold Daniel’s arm as walked back to the car.




4:20 pm We stopped at my foster Aunt’s house and my mom and I got out while Daniel stayed in the car. So I walked around outside my foster aunt’s house talking to my cousin and my friend that was there with his wife. I walked back over to my mom, my foster aunt and my friends’ wife. We started talking and then my mom grabbed me holding me tight. Then I started to shaking in her arms and my foster aunt asked mom want was doing on my mom told her I was having a seizure. The time was 4:27 pm and didn’t stop until 4:29 pm. Then 2 minutes later it started again this time my body was jerking It lasted for 30 seconds that when my mom asked for my other cousin come out and she say good bye to use. James came out said “Hey I’ sorry I have leave now and go to church.” My mom and I said are last good byes to everyone outside of my foster aunts house and headed back to the car.




4:33 pm We walked back to the car I opened the car door and was getting ready sit down in passer sit down when I told my mom to grab me.  Right after she hold my arm I started to jerk violently and came close bashing my head against the car.  (It lasted for 30 seconds)




9:11 pm I was getting dinner finished up and I went to the fridge to get the ketchup and mustard out. At 9:12 pm I fell to my knees and I most have knocked down a bottle of water out of the fridge. Before it got even stronger I cried out to Daniel and my mom. All I remember is holding me in his arms.  (I don’t remember the how long it lasted)




September 28,2009 11:45 am My dad and I just walked into Valdese Library and we went to the computers and sat down. After sitting for a for few minutes my right hand started to shake it lasted until 12:00 pm I had to cover up my hand a few times to keep people from looking at me.




1:54 pm We were heading back home from the library and have been on the interstate for about 5 to 10 minutes. When I felt the lower part of my eyes twitching it only lasted about 20 seconds to 30 seconds.




2:05 pm My dad had just got off on exit 104, then he turned left at the light. We drove by his work place and passed Liberty Middle School and dad stopped at the light. Then I remember dad shaking and he looked at me ask if I was okay. I said “Yeah” I looked and we were at the other stop near the road we took get home. Before dad turned left he told me  “Honey you blacked out”.




*note no attacks this Daniel said I sleep alright




September 30,2009 9:59 am or 10:02 am My right arm jerked and my elbow bashed into Daniel’s nose while he was a sleep. He woke me an said “Hey honey you hit my nose.” I opened my eyes and looked at him and I told him I was sorry for hitting his nose. So I decide to get and walk around in the trailer.




2: 49 pm My and I had just pulled into the yard and I seem my dad in his car getting ready leave for work. He was saying something to me I couldn’t hear him well. So he motioned  me walk to over to his car. As we talked I started jerking holing on to the car. He told me my eyes were pen pointed and I was unaware. He timed it at a minute. After it happen I lay over half way in his car while my mom was holding me.




2:51 pm My mom helped me into the trailer and sat me down in my favorite. I was still having small jerks and then I told her go head and go next door to are friends. To help out Ethan with same stuff and I told my mom I would be okay.  (The small jerks it lasted for a minute)




October 2,2009 12:05 I went to Ingles with my mom and Daniel’s mom Melvine. I told then I was run into the store and to a few things for dinner. I got out of the car and walked around the front of the car. I jerked for 10 seconds and just keep on walking to the store, I went into the store and I walked to the meat section and picked up 2 packs of meat and turned around and headed to the check out lane. Everything was going good, until I got back to Melvine’s car and I dropped every thing in my right hand. I grabbed hold of her car window and I could hear her calling to me, but I was unable to answer back to Melvine. Then I heard her yell for my mom and then it went quite. When it was over my mom was behind me holding me up. My mom helped me back in the car and I lay my head in Melvine’s grandson car seat. I looked at the time it was 12:14 pm




7:18 pm My dad asked me if I would cat can food night and I said “Sure” I walked over and bent down the cabinet and reached in. I grabbed 3 cans then I dropped them, I started to shake, my dad had just lay down for the night with ear plugs in. I cried out for help and he ran over to me and he was unable to pick me up. My dad calls out to Daniel in are back bedroom I remember Daniel running into the kitchen were I was laying at. Daniel picks me and check me over with my dad still beside me. The attack lasted for 30 seconds. After the attack happened I had to run straight to the bathroom.




October 5,2009 12:05 pm My dad and I was heading into the Morganton Library and we started to talk and he asked if I had my cell phone on me I sad “Yes”. I went I reached and grabbed my car charger and hooked up my cell phone. After I hooked up my cell phone I dropped it and I started to jerking. My dad was talking to me and I just keep jerking. Dad timed it at a minute.




4 minutes later at 12:09 pm We were at a stop light and my right hand balled up into a theist and I started to jerk worse then the first one. While at the stop light my dad put his arm around and all I remember is the light turning green. Again timed at a minute




12:15 pm We were at Cash Point ATM my dad watched me walked over to the ATM and I got my money.  We talked few for minutes and asked how much more I needed for the money order. I tried to say $32.00 dollars was unable say it right. After the 4 or 5 time I was final able say $ 32 dollars. I just started to crying and my dad told me it be alright, in truth I know he was just trying comfort me.




October 6,2009 10:00 am or 11:00 am I got up and walked around front of my bed and I jerked for few seconds. Then I walked at out my room headed into the kitchen and I jerked twice both were 40 seconds each.




1:59 pm My mom and was at her doctor’s appointment, so we decided to take a walk and we walked for 15 minutes looked at the Caldwell River behind Greenway Family Practice and few other buildings beside them. After we walked back to doctor’s office I was dizzy and my legs were twitching, so I lend against a building and my legs twitched for 30 seconds.




3:34 pm My mom and I were at McDonald’s getting something to eat and I started to jerking for 30 seconds. My mom sat me down in a booth and got the drinks for me. The upper part of left arm and chest stayed sore for a 10 good 10 minutes after the attack.




5:39 pm My mom and I had been walking a few stores just at stuff for my birthday next month. As we were walking out of Burkes Outlet I started to jerk my mom moved me over to a bench and sat me down and the jerking lasted for 45 seconds.




5:43 pm We were walking pass Rue 21 clothing store and I jerked so hard I almost lost my balance and during the jerking everything went dark. I felt my mom grabbing me and leaned me against the store’s window until it passed. It was a 30 second attack




8:46 pm I was outside just talking to Daniel and listening to him talking to his sister in law Ashley on my cell phone. We were standing behind my mom’s car when I felt dizzy and that when the jerking started. Daniel hugged up to me and told his sister in law Ashley he had to go cause I was having a seizure. A few seconds later another one had started. After the second my mom was standing behind me holding my sides. They both lasted a minute each. They both walked me in the trailer and I had to pee again after the attack. After I used the bathroom the I went and lay down on the bed and told them my throat was sore and I had a funny taste in my mouth.




October 8,2009  10:50 am I was a sleep and I started to shake in my sleep, so I rolled over and the shaking didn’t stop. I don’t remember how long my body shake lasted, but I woke up my right hand still shaking and the time on the computer readied 10:56 am




11:00 am I grabbed my socks and tennis shoes and I put them on went to the kitchen for a minute, I walked back to my bedroom and picked up my Johnny Blaze. I headed out the front with JB in my right arm. After I walked down the steps I put JB  down on the ground and I sat down on the front steps. After 10 minutes sitting on the steps I got up and walked around the front of the trailer. As I was walking I felt very dizzy and shaking again, that when JB ran up to me and bite my tennis show. So I decided go sit back down on the front steps. After sitting for few more minutes I picked Jb up and walked back into the trailer we were outside until 11:30 am.




7:05 pm The last hour and 10 minutes at the library I had been having off and on shakes. This was the first time the shakes lasted so long and so strong. A woman beside me with her autism son keep staring at me I guess she though I was making fun of her son. I would never do that to anyone I have a autism cousin.




7:55 pm I was walking back to the front of Valdese Library looking for dad when we meet up and we were not far from my dad’s car. Out of the blue a very strong jerk started and my grabbed me and the jerks were so strong my dad almost his balance a few times. I could hear my dad talking to me and group of kids across the parking lot playing and screaming. After the attack my dad asked me questions where we were. I said “The Library” after that dad walked me back and told me note it lasted a minute and half.




October 9,2009 12:30 am I was at my dad’s bed giving his cat Patches love before I went to bed. I took a couple of steps from my dad’s bed and got really dizzy, I came very close knocking over the cat’s tower condo. When I felt my hand touch the condo my dad grabbed me. I put my hand over my forehead and my dad told me to uncover my face so he could see my eyes. He checked my eyes and they were dilating fast from wide and narrow small. (It lasted 30 seconds)




1:00 am to 4:28 am Daniel reported during the time I was twitching through my sleep and he woke me up 4:28 am. I got up and he told me what had happen to me in my sleep.




3:28 My mom and I stopped at Jack B Quick store and got me some smokes I talked to store for a few minutes then headed out of the store. I keep hearing someone say Hey over and over again. My mom walks over to a car and is talking to guy that she know when she worked at Burke Mills. I was standing my mom car when my left leg froze and I can’t move. I final was able move my leg and I just opened the car door when a jerking attack hit I remember people and my mom running to the car asking if they could help and if I need a ambulance. My mom told the store no it would pass and she told another person I was having a seizure. After the attack the guy my mom was talking ask if I was okay my mom told him I be okay. I sat down in the car and told mom tell the store clerk I was alright. I don’t how long it lasted didn’t have my phone on me.




October 11,2009 I don’t know what time it was but during my sleep I was twitching and shaking off and on during my sleep most of the morning.




6:15 I had just buried my kitty Harley Quinn 15 minutes I was sitting in the kitchen talking to my mom when my whole jerking and shaking. I lean back in the chair and hold on the arms of the chair. My mom walked out for a minute and then she came talking me. I can just feel my whole body jerking and shaking they were mild ones. It lasted for about 3 minutes.




October 12,2009 Early this morning this my right foot tighten up and my toes stared to curl inward and it woke me up. I told Daniel my I can’t move my right foot and it was very painful. Then my left cheek stiffen for 30 seconds then my lips smacked for 5 seconds. Daniel rubbing my foot for 10 minutes that when I noticed I couldn’t feel the bottom of my right foot. I asked Daniel if he was rubbing the bottom and he said “Yes” I cried out I can’t feel you touching the bottom, so he rubbed harder no change I fall back a sleep and when I woke later this afternoon I was able to feel the bottom of my foot. It all lasted 10 minutes and the pain was level 8.




8:10 p.m. 10/13/09.  TK experienced a sharp pain in the right forward side of her forehead.  At 8:12 she collapsed on the floor, her left eye dialating with her right eye staying the same, the left eye tearing up but neither eye blinking.  At 8:14 she started mild tremmers and stopped breathing, to which I responded by slapping her face, which brought her out of the seizure.

The sacry part is seen what going on,but not been to speak or move. After my dad slapped my face I screamed out what happen and he was cring and just holding tight he could and Daniel was right there beside me scared as hell.

So if u see some one make funny of seizure bitch slap them cause it;s not a laughing matter is very serious and dangers cause I came close to death last night if wasn't for my dad and Daniel been there. Ty for saving me

 I have what is called Chiari Malformtion where lower part of my brian is falling down into my neck canal and putting pressure on my spinal cord. Here is informtion on the different types of Cm there only 4 types.Believe it's very scary and painful.The worse part of it all is sitting there can't doing nothing when a tremor starts so bad ur in unbelieve pain.Lats night I had 2 tremors that went to a mild serizure my dad and my finace wasn't able really do but watch make it didn't get any stronger.I refused go er cause most of last 5 to 10 mins that all.I still know what going on when it's happen and I just cry cause there nothing the can do for but just watch and make sure i don't hit any when they start.I like I said it very scary and painful that is no joke.Soon as I get my new laptop Im do video blog of the tremors so u can see what really going on believe it a scary thing seen when someone able look around and still about talk but shaking so bad it not funny.I hope the information will help understand some of what doing on with me.

Chiari Malformation

Chiari (kee-AR-ee) malformation (CM) includes a complex group of disorders characterized by herniation of the cerebellum through the large opening in the base of the skull (foramen magnum) into the spinal canal. The herniated tissue blocks the circulation of cerebrospinal fluid in the brain and can lead to the formation of a cavity (syrinx) within the spinal cord. There are three main types of CM. CM1, the simplest and most prevalent form, is generally considered to be a congenital malformation, although acquired cases are recognized. (See diagrams below.) It is rarely apparent at birth. CM2 and CM3 are more severe congenital malformations that are apparent at birth and associated with complex defects of the brain and spinal cord.
Patients with CM1 may experience no symptoms. When symptoms are present, they usually do not appear until adolescence or early adulthood, but can occasionally be seen in young children. The majority of patients complain of severe headache and neck pain. Other common symptoms are dizziness, vertigo, disequilibrium, visual disturbances, ringing in the ears, difficulty swallowing, palpitations, sleep apnea, muscle weakness, impaired fine motor skills, chronic fatigue and painful tingling of the hands and feet. Because of this complex symptomatology, patients with CM1 are frequently misdiagnosed.How common is Chiari Malformation?
Until recent years, CM1 was regarded as a rare condition. With the increased availability of magnetic resonance imaging, the number of reported cases has risen sharply. Current estimates range from 200,000 to 2 million Americans with the condition. Genetic studies spearheaded by Dr. Milhorat support a hereditary tendency with a transmissibility rate of 12 percent. Women are affected three times more often than men. Approximately 3,500 Chiari operations are performed each year in the United States.

Yes there is a huge ass chance I may have a operation for cm type 1


Hypopituitarism Hypopituitarism happens when the pituitary gland fails to produce one or more hormones that are used to manage other glands in the body. (If the pituitary gland is failing to produce two or more hormones, it is called multiple pituitary hormone deficiency ; if it fails to produce any hormones, the condition is called panhypopituitarism .) Symptoms of Hypopituitarism Symptoms of hypopituitarism will vary depending on which hormones are not being produced. Not everyone will have all the symptoms listed below. Among the possible symptoms are: * Constipation * Diabetes insipidus * Difficulties conceiving a child * Disturbed vision * Dry skin * Fatigue and a lack of energy * Greater sensitivity to cold * Headaches * Impotence in males * Irregular monthly periods (oligomenorrhoea) or no monthly periods (amenorrhoea) in women * Low blood pressure and dizziness on standing * Lower sex drive * Muscle weakness * Paleness * Reduced body hair * Weight gain Causes and Risk Factors for Hypopituitarism A variety of things can cause hypopituitarism, including: * Accidents or injuries such as those associated with a fracture of the base of the skull * Autoimmune disorders of the pituitary gland * Complications of surgery or radiation * Hemochromatosis, a disorder in which the blood has too much iron * Infections such as meningitis, malarial or pituitary abscesses * Interruption or total blocking of the blood supplying the pituitary gland with oxygen. This causes the tissues of the pituitary gland to die. This can be caused by pituitary failure or severe bleeding. It can also be caused by poor circulation due to diabetes or sickle cell anemia. * Tumors of the hypothalamus gland * Tumors of the pituitary gland such as adenomas or craniopharyngioms Diagnosing Hypopituitarism Symptoms of hypopituitarism tend to be general and can resemble other conditions, including anorexia nervosa, chronic liver disease and hemachromatosis. An accurate diagnosis is essential before treatment is started. If hypopituitarism is suspected, a doctor may order: * Magnetic resonance imaging scans * Blood tests to measure the amount of different hormones in the blood. In particular, tests should be done for thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) and ACTH. A lack of these hormones can be life-threatening. Prolactin levels may also be measured. Treating Hypopituitarism Once the missing hormone(s) have been identified, treatment consists of replacing the hormones produced by the target glands. If the causes of the lack of hormones is a pituitary tumor, surgery may be needed as well. Some endocrinologists also prescribe drugs that work with dopamine (dopamine agonist drugs) such as bromocriptine, pergolide or cabergoline to treat prolactinomas. Radiation may also be used in addition to surgery and drug therapy. Resources at Cedars-Sinai * Cedars-Sinai Pituitary Center
Pituitary gland failure or apoplexy is the sudden failure of the pituitary gland. This can happen because of severe bleeding or a loss of oxygen to the tissues of the pituitary gland causing tissue death. These events can happen either within the pituitary gland itself or within tumor inside the pituitary gland. Symptoms of Pituitary Gland Failure The most common symptoms include sudden severe headache with nausea and vomiting, double vision or loss of vision, change in mental status, loss of eye muscle control, and meningismus (symptoms associated with irritation of the brain and spinal cord). Other symptoms can include fever, pituitary failure, loss of consciousness, hypothalamic failure and death. Causes and Risk Factors for Pituitary Gland Failure Pituitary apoplexy tends to occur most often in large tumors, macroadenomas. Pituitary apoplexy sometimes occurs as a result of bleeding into a normal pituitary gland; this most often happens in patients who have diabetes mellitus. Treating Pituitary Gland Failure It is usually treated by surgery soon after the symptoms occur. Resources at Cedars-Sinai * Cedars-Sinai Pituitary Center
Hypopituitarism is a disorder in which your pituitary gland fails to produce one or more of its hormones, or doesn't produce enough of them. The pituitary is a small bean-shaped gland located at the base of your brain, somewhat behind your nose and between your ears. Despite its size, this gland secretes hormones that influence nearly every part of your body. In hypopituitarism, you have a short supply of one or more of these pituitary hormones. This deficiency can affect any number of your body's routine functions, such as growth, blood pressure and reproduction. Hypopituitarism is a rare disorder. Treatment for hypopituitarism involves taking hormone replacement medications. If I don't go back on the hormone I will age fast and die at a young age the doctor could not say how long and or when.I thought let everyone know about this I very shocked when i was told about the message I have been fighting this problem since I was 4 years old.Plz don't feel sorry cause I the don't help I know I great time and great people I come to love.
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