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423324's blog: "Palin is a joke"

created on 09/05/2008  |  http://fubar.com/palin-is-a-joke/b243410

Palin's religious views

In an interview this week with the Christian Broadcasting Network, Palin was asked to “clear up exactly what you believe in” about her religious faith, including her involvement with Pentecostalism. Palin responded by speaking generally, but extensively, about how she counts on God for strength, guidance and wisdom. “My faith has always been pretty personal,” she said. She did not talk more specifically about her church affiliation or her beliefs, but I will. I have two videos of her in my stash at her Pentecostal church. The first shows a visiting preacher from Kenya praying fervently over Palin asking God to favor her campaign for governor and protect her from “every form of witchcraft.” The second one shows Palin at an event in June praising the African preacher’s prayer as “awesome” and “very, very powerful.” She is also seen nodding as her former pastor from Wasilla prays over her and declares that Alaska is “one of the refuge states in the Last Days,” a piece of prophecy popular in some prayer networks that predicts that as the “end times” approach, people will flock to Alaska for its abundant open space and natural resources. Palin has had long associations with religious leaders who practice a particularly assertive and urgent brand of Pentecostalism known as “spiritual warfare.” Its adherents believe that demonic forces can colonize specific geographic areas and individuals, and that “spiritual warriors” must “battle” them to assert God’s control, using prayer and evangelism. The movement’s fixation on demons, its aggressiveness and its leaders’ claims to exalted spiritual authority have troubled even some Pentecostal Christians. Palin delivered an enthusiastic graduation speech for a class of young spiritual warriors in June at the Wasilla Assembly of God. In one of her first acts as governor, Palin appointed Patrick Donelson, a pastor and fishing guide who helped found a spiritual warfare ministry, to the only seat reserved for members of the clergy on the state’s Suicide Prevention Council. Bishop Thomas Muthee, the Kenyan preacher shown on the first video anointing her as she ran for governor, is celebrated internationally as an effective spiritual warrior who led a prayer movement that drove a witch out of his town in Kenya. The removal of the witch, Bishop Muthee says, "resulted in a drop in crime, alcoholism and traffic accidents." Ugh.. You gotta be fuckin' kidding me! Religious leaders in Alaska, including Mr. Donelson have declined interviews, with several media outlets, saying they had been told by the McCain-Palin campaign not to talk to members of the news media. However, Russell P. Spittler, provost emeritus at Fuller Theological Seminary in Pasadena, Calif., and an eminent scholar of Pentecostalism, said, “Most Christians would accept the view that there are forces and powers in the world that oppose Christian virtues.” But, Mr. Spittler added, “Spiritual warfare makes a religion of identifying demons by names and ZIP codes.” The goal of the spiritual warfare movement is to "create a theocracy." “One of the imperatives of the movement is to achieve worldly power, including political control. Then you can more effectively drive out the demons. The ultimate goal is to purify the earth.” Palin's relationships with practitioners of spiritual warfare goes back many years. Mary Glazier, an Alaska Native who helped bring together the prayer warrior networks in the state, told a prayer conference in June that Ms. Palin “became a part of our prayer group out in Wasilla” when she was 24, and that “God began to speak” to her about entering politics. Of course Glazier is declining interviews as well, after she was told been told by the McCain-Palin campaign not to talk to members of the news media too. The hypocrisy that prevails in everything Palin says is unbelievable. This woman is a demonstrable liar, a religous zealot/fruitcake and quite frankly, just scary as HELL

Lies in Palins speech

Sarah Palins speech before the RNC has most Alaskans embarassed, disgusted and furious. Seems this woman can't EVER tell the truth about anything as has been her Modus Operandi since taking office. She's vindictive, deceitful, conniving and a demonstrative world class liar.. I've already told you about her very shady background and less than desireable behaviour in the 90's. Now I will address the lies she hopes the American public are stupid enough to believe. I'll begin with a few easy whoppers and move on to the more sinister, shady dealings which may require more explanation in my next blog.. First of all "I put that plane on Ebay" and "I made a profit".. ughhh.. This is TOTAL bullshit. She's referring to a private lear jet the previous Governor (Frank Murkowski) purchased in order to travel a state twice the size of Texas with very few roads (you can't even drive to the capitol here) for 8 million bucks. People in the state thought that was extravagant so she used this as ammo against Murkowski (along with the promise of an all Alaska gasline I will address in another blog) to beat him in the primary. This is actually the ONLY campaign promise Sarah ever kept, but the truth is SHE never put it on Ebay, it was sold at a huge loss and in fact, she actually wanted to keep it! Shortly after taking office (and a few rides in this plane) people began to question why she was flying around the state in this 8 million dollar albatross she promised to get rid of. Her response was "it doesn't make sense for a Governor to ride in 4 seat propeller driven aircraft when their travel demands are so widespread". Voters were furious and demanded something be done about that plane, so after arguing to keep it for months she finally decided maybe she should at least keep ONE of her promises and appointed a 5 member board (at a cost to the state of $385,000) to investigate the best way to sell this plane. After cashing their 385k check these imbeciles (all friends and supporters of hers) decided "Ebay" would be the best way to sell it. The problem was that since this "board" was composed entirely of millionaires, none of them had ANY experience with Ebay, so they decided to hire another company (more friends of hers from her church) to post it on Ebay at a cost of $150,000. So there it sat on Ebay month after month waiting for a buyer, I guess there isn't a big Ebay market for lear jets, something that obviously never dawned on any of these high paid advisors or our illustrious leader who "put it on there". Since you have to pay a percentage of the cost of the entire item of this size to market it on Ebay, the cost of selling it was rising rapidly so it was removed from Ebay and another group of advisors was hired to sell the plane. This was a private enterprise that "supposedly" dealt specifically with selling lear jets. This company was paid 100k to try and find a buyer along with a %15 finders fee if they succeeded. They didn't. Finally a local resident of Valdez (Larry Reynolds) heard he could get the plane for 3 million (a 5 million dollar LOSS + almost another million in consultation fees) and decided to buy it. So SHE never put it on Ebay, SHE wanted to keep it and it definitely was NOT sold for a profit. I told the Congress, "Thanks, but no thanks," on that Bridge to Nowhere. Also total bullshit. During her campaign for Governor she is on the record speaking to the residents of Ketchikan saying "You're not nowhere to me" and "I will make sure you get your bridge". This was an easy statement for her to make since she was involved with taking money from the same group (VECO) that the now federally indicted Senator of Alaska Ted Stevens was. The people of Ketchikan danced around with glee and gladly cast their vote for Pathological Palin. However, when Ted Stevens was indicted, Palin decided it might be a good idea to distance herself from him and ties to the VECO money she had hanging around her neck. The most noticeable tie was this bridge, so she suddenly became against it. Or did she?.. Another case of her not telling the truth or disclosing the facts, much like when NO one in Alaska EVER knew she was pregnant (including her aides) until she supposedly gave birth (quite a trick for a 97lb woman who could hide behind a toothpick). She wants people to believe she cut the funding for the bridge but it simply isn't true, all she did was remove herself from the funding the now indicted Ted Stevens had set up. Congress had already gotten rid of the "earmark" before she became Governor, however Alaska still received the 398 million set aside originally for the bridge, under a different earmark her own lobbyist group set up which she spent on other road construction projects that were not high profile.. "If our state wanted to build a bridge, we were going to build it ourselves." Apparently not! Her own lobbyist group has secured 58 million through Congress for the bridge project outside of what Ted Stevens had done, which in another act of complete stupidity they used to build the infamous 8 million dollar a mile "road to nowhere" that just dead ends, because of course there's no bridge to cross. It's just asinine. “I have protected the taxpayers by vetoing wasteful spending ... and championed reform to end the abuses of earmark spending by Congress". More total bullshit.. As mayor of Wasilla, Palin hired a lobbyist and traveled to Washington annually to support earmarks for the town (population at the time of less than 3500 mostly meth dealers and pot growers) totaling $27 million. She increased the long term debt of the town by 69% thanks to all the expansions she went ahead with she promised she wouldn't. The fact is she left the town 60 million in debt.In her two years as governor, Alaska has requested nearly $750 million in special federal spending, by far the largest per-capita request in the nation. "I cut taxes in Wasilla", well it seems she likes to tell half truths and only part of the story ALL of the time. She did cut property taxes, which at the time were the highest in the nation (this also eased her own tax burden on her million dollar house) but in the same bill raised the sales tax in order to build a skating rink the voters had twice rejected. I guess when a "hockey mom" wants a rink built it doesn't matter what the voters think, in fact to Sarah Palin it NEVER matters what the voters think, something she had proven time and time again in her 1 1/2 years in office. I will address these issues in a future blog.
This woman is a piece of work and continues to be an embarassment to our state. I've already addressed 4 big FAT lies she threw out during her RNC speech, now I'll focus on a few more she continues to try and push down Americas throat. It's obvious (as has been to Alaskans for some time) that this woman is a compulsive, repetitive, demonstrable LIAR, who refuses to come clean or be questioned about ANY of her inconsistent statements, lies, etc.. 1. She lied about the firing of the town librarian and chief of police during her term as mayor in Wasilla. Strangely reminiscent of "Troopergate" this woman LOVES to throw her power around. When asked about these actions by the Anchorage Daily News (adn.com) Patholgical Palin responded that she planned to meet with Stambaugh and Emmons that afternoon. She also disputed whether they had actually been fired. ''There's been no meeting, no actual terminations,'' When the Anchorage Daily News contacted the chief of police that same day he showed them her letter stating ''Although I appreciate your service as police chief, I've decided it's time for a change. I do not feel I have your full support in my efforts to govern the city of Wasilla. Therefore I intend to terminate your employment". "If that's not a letter of termination, I don't know what is" Stambaugh said, and of course he WAS fired. She also sent out letters to 6 other state employees (in her first month of office) asking for their resignations, but when an impeachment was considered by the city council over these actions, she backed off and called the letters "tests of loyalty" 2. She continues to lie about her previous statements on climate change. Here's what she told Charlie Gibson last week: "I think you are a cynic because show me where I have ever said that there's absolute proof that nothing that man has ever conducted or engaged in has had any affect, or no affect, on climate change. Here's what she told the Anchorage Daily News last year, "I'm not a doom and gloom environmentalist like Al Gore blaming the changes in our climate on human activity." So which is it Sarah? Ya don't believe in dinosaurs so I'm pretty sure you're clueless towards this type of science as well 3. She lies about taking a pay cut as mayor of Wasilla stating "As mayor I took a voluntary pay cut, which didn't thrill my husband" As usual the reality is entirely different, as a city council member she voted against hiking the mayors salary from 64k to 68k. However when SHE became mayor her salary magically went up to 68k AND she actually asked for more. Since the council was closer to impeaching her than giving her a raise she decided to back off that appeal as well while continuing to cash her larger paychecks 4. She lies about her "alleged" tolerance for homosexuality. Here's what she told Charlie Gibson "Oh, I don't -- I don't know, but I'm not one to judge and, you know, I'm from a family and from a community with many, many members of many diverse backgrounds and I'm not going to judge someone on whether they believe that homosexuality is a choice or genetic. I'm not going to judge them." This is TOTAL bullshit Her psycho church is promoting a conference that promises to convert gays into heterosexuals through the power of prayer. There is no way that a person who is indifferent to the question of whether homosexuality is a choice or genetic can support a conference of crackpots, psychological renegades and far-right Christianists seeking to "cure" gay people. Palin is on record seeking to strip gay couples of all rights in their relationships, although she was FORCED by constitutional mandate to grant equal benefits to gay couples who are employees of the state government in Alaska. Then she supported a non-binding referendum for an Alaskan constitutional amendment to deny state health benefits to same-sex couples which of course never passed but she sure tried! 5. The mythical gas pipeline she lies about constantly. Here's what she said during her speech at the RNC “And when that deal was struck, we began a nearly $40 billion natural gas pipeline to help lead America to energy independence." Ummm... Not even CLOSE to the truth.. First of all this pipeline as it sits (running through Canada instead of Alaska) will NEVER be built. It's not possible for numerous reaons including the Canadians themselves stating it will NOT be run through their land. She sold Alaska out of this pipeline and it will be her downfall. The fact is this pipeline is about as reality based as Dubya's infamous "Mission Accomplished" banner. The pipeline exists only on paper since she decided to bypass the infrastructure Alaska already built to run it and send it through Canada. The first section has yet to be laid, federal approvals are years away and the pipeline permits could not be completed for at least a decade and the permits to actually TAP the gas will never be given to TransCanada since they are held by the Port Authority. In fact, although it is the centerpiece of Ms. Palin’s relatively brief record as governor, the pipeline will never be built and the state could lose up to $500 million it committed to defray regulatory and other costs. At her own news conference declaring a commitment to build the pipeline, she was forced to concede later she had been ahead of herself: After some of her aides offered a more restrained assessment, she dialed back her exuberance, saying, “We’re not turning dirt yet.” Under the most optimistic circumstances, dirt is not expected to be turned for years. TransCanada’s plan calls for it to file an application with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission by the end of 2011, and to have the pipeline operational by late 2018. The company is not obligated to proceed with the project even if it clears all the financial and regulatory hurdles. In assessing the state of the project, Mr. Galvin, the state revenue commissioner, avoided the characterization that Ms. Palin employed in her convention speech. I can only assume Mr. Galvin has an interest in telling the truth which is something Sarah has yet to do in any political office she has held 5 more whoppers to be revealed in my next blog
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