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Freak's blog: "Put On Blast"

created on 10/24/2008  |  http://fubar.com/put-on-blast/b254622

LOL You're not so bad

So I'm a bit riled up since last night and tonight I get this little crybaby punk wanting to start stuff about me.  Last night he's sending people messages claiming how I'm not helping someone who helped me in a contest.  Okay for starters MORON I wasn't ONLINE most of the day.  Just because my account is signed on does NOT mean I'm near the computer.  Maybe you sit at your computer 24/7 staring at the screen hoping any chick will hit on you and maybe make your pathetic life mean something for 2 seconds but I don't. 


This pansy is one of those who thinks he's such a badass.  He's the bad boy of Fubar because his account got locked.  Um dude...PLENTY of people have gotten their accounts locked.  It doesn't make you a badass.  It means you did something stupid.  But I've had to laugh.  This pathetic punk HATES me because I made a mistake and kind of got in the middle of something.  Long story to that but regardless that issue is over and done with.  Anyways he decided to pick sides on that even when he WASN'T involved in it.  It had NOTHING to do with him.  So he wants to hate me for it.  Now mind you both of the people actually INVOLVED are cool with me today, talk to me and are friends with me.  So tell me how it makes sense for a person to continue to hate on me for something that did NOT involve them?  Oh wait I forgot he's a pathetic punk that mommy and daddy has to support. 


This is the same punk who tries to rip on people for being stupid and calls people things like "hipacrite".  Um what?  You have the nerve to call ANYONE stupid when you can't spell the word hypocrite???  Or the times I've seen his status calling people stupid and he'll put things like say your stupid.  Um dude it would be you're.  I'll tell you who it is but you'll go huh?  Who is that?  I will say this I don't fear Hurricane(s) especially not pansy ones that start crap over NOTHING.   A punkass who wants to start drama with a friend of mine and go to them trying to complain about me and trying to rip on me and say I'm not nice.  Well duh when dealing with an idiot like you I'm NOT nice. 


He's a clueless moron.  He can't grasp the fact that just because people didn't get along in the past over a situation doesn't mean they can't get along now.  See if he had a clue he'd know ADULTS can work out problems and still get along.  But I know being the pansy he is that's quick to block people (even though he's supposedly such a badboy and a badass, um last I knew a badass/badboy would have no problem going back and forth with someone instead of running and hiding right away) that he can't understand that.  And here's a clue for him...people don't hate him, they just don't give a damn about him.  BIG difference there.


I decided to do an edit here to show some of why this person is an idiot.  Tomorrow I'll add a screen shot of it, but I am going to edit out any names to protect some people.


Remember he bitched to a friend of mine about me and this is part of what they told him back..."dude i don't wanna hear it about freak. you don't like her and are going to look for any reason to try and hate on her. so don't come to me about it. which for your info freak has hardly been on today AT ALL. "


The response from this moron?  "Don't come to me about Freak and how f*cking nice she is Especially when you and i ?BOTH know she was stalking you from another proflie .... your a f*ckin hipracrite.... it WAS YOU calling her a unibrow bomber ... or what ever the f*ck it was ... and now your kissing her a*s... PLUS i remember you bitching about point whores ... now your all auto 11's and sh*t WHO'S THE F*CKIN POINT WHORE NOW! You where blocking people for that shit ... now your f*ckin asking people to .... WTF" 

Now correct me if I'm wrong but WHERE in the first response did it say anything about me being nice?  See like I said the dude is a MORON, he's not a badass/badboy.  Notice he's too stupid to even finish his thought.  Now you're asking people to....WTF <---My guess is this is where he freaked out because he was too stupid to finish it.

DJ Jabba The Hut

Originally I wasn't going to give this piece of crap the time of day but after finding out something I will. This dude is pathetic. Within days of talking to chicks on here he is instantly in love with them, wanting them to move out there with him and so on. I came across his path not long after I created an account on here. He was trying to basically buy me. I was in an auction and he bid one thing and then wanted it to be higher so he bid a happy hour. Fine with me. Well then he kept dragging his feet to pay up. It was oh well tell me when you want to book the HH. Um dude that doesn't matter to you. You give me the gift HH and then I book it for when I want. That's how it works. Well he got pissy because I was going to use some of my other 11s on other people. Mind you this was back before everything rate-wise was re-setting like it does now. So he tried to cop an attitude with me and I was like forget it than. Save your money and I'll remove your name from my page. Instead of responding back he blocked me. And apparently has hated me since. This dude has the nerve to tell other people (not me) that they need to lose weight. Um when you make Jabba the Hut look skinny you have NO ROOM to talk. DJJabbaTheHut

@ fubar DJ John aka Jabba The Hut is easy to tell...he's the hippo in the picture. So feel free to stop by and tell him what a punkass bitch he is. Oh wait...let me give you the other real reason he deserves to get put in his place. He has told someone else that if he EVER saw me he'd punch me. Um excuse me? Bring it on mother fucker. I'd like to see you attempt that. Sorry but any BITCH (won't call him a man since he's not one) who says he'll punch a woman for no reason is a piece of crap in my mind. DJJabbaTheHut

@ fubar So feel free to hit up his page and let him know what you think. Like a coward he's got me blocked. Oh thanks to new info let me add in...this is the same man whining that he'll be living with his mother and son because then with his son around he won't have any privacy. Seriously what kind of parent whines about having their kid around?? Shouldn't you find joy in that and be glad to spend time with them??

Gotta love idiots

Now I'm pretty laid back on who I let on my list (which sometimes as you'll see is a mistake). I hate idiots. Seriously, have a little common sense. If you're just some pathetic perv on here who is only out for perv pics don't make it as obvious. Don't let the first words out of your mouth be... 3355856589.jpg Is it too much to at least say hi and fake some conversation first before you show the truth about yourself?? But apparently shouting me that wasn't even. The moron then needed to fu-mail me asking the same thing. 2383352493.jpg And then he wants to come back trying to blame me for it?? Sorry but it's not my fault you're a damn idiot that can't grasp the fact that just because my name is Freak doesn't mean I want anything to do with you sexually. It doesn't mean I'm some whore who is going to show every part of myself to ANYONE and everyone. So screw you for wanting to be a closeminded jackass. 4197711893.jpg Yes I should change my name because you're a damn moron that is too stupid. That you think my name means I'm going to instantly want to perv talk you or show you naughty pics. Sorry but it doesn't work that way. Sorry you're an idiot that can't grasp the fact that the word Freak doesn't instantly mean whore, slut, willing to show naughty pics to you, etc. And now even as I type this I've got another response from him so...we'll see what's next. The latest response from him...."sorry for your loss, i wanna personnaly send my condolences. I did not want to have coputer sex or anything just wanted to see something interesting on friday b4 i get off work." Gee maybe you're sorry because you realized what an f'n idiot you were. Or that you were a jackass. Hmm maybe that should have been the first words out of your mouth after I told you that in my FIRST message. As for seeing something interesting...you're online, go google interesting.

Top scammer

So we've all seen lots of people in the top scores offering bux for rates. I hit up a few of them and they pay up once I'm done. Never been a problem. But today...one I hadn't really rated before decides to be a punk. Claims I only rated 200 pics when I rated 2500. So here's some fun little proof below. All before he downrated me and then blocked me. LOL Now it cracks me up cause this fool says ohh I've checked 2 pics in every folder and didn't see your name except in the one. Well you also had a HH which would have gotten you enough people rating to knock me off those lists since I rated BEFORE your HH. So nice try there buddy. And you're trying to tell me not ONCE in the hours before that when I rated you look at your tab even once? BS. So he got pissy when I even gave him screen shots of random pics in each folder showing pics rated. "Oh I can rate one pic and do that too". Um yes but you haven't seen me RATE one pic on your bartab in the past hour when I just took these screen shots so explain that one? Oh you can't. Then he says well give me a screen shot of your name on the side as proof. Um are you that stupid? Your name on the side doesn't prove you rated a pic. It proves you LOOKED at a pic. So I'd advise you to avoid rating ANY pics from this fool. I have an open folder with all the screen shots. At the very top you can see the name of the folder. I randomly picked a pic and gee it was rated without me clicking anything else. 1777983243.jpg 3962773390.jpg 1640343548.jpg 1276091103.jpg 3156127566.jpg 2667885406.jpg Oh no you rated me a 1. Um dude that doesn't phase me like it does you. 2139021922.jpg So there ya go. Feel free to pass on word to others that they might wanna avoid rating any of this punk's pics.


Just wanted to make a quick blog saying Happy Thanksgiving to everyone. Enjoy the day with family, friends or whoever you choose to spend it with. Make the most of the day because tomorrow or even next year isn't a guarantee. Be thankful for what you do have. For a moment don't worry about what you don't have or what could be better and so forth. Leave the drama for another day. I am thankful for all of my friends that I have met on here and in real life. Whether we talk a lot or hardly at all...thank you. Okay edit...I just wrote this poem today. I don't think it's good at all but eh I'm a sucky critic of my own work. We’ve never hung out or even met face to face, But in the end I can still call you one of my friends. Just words on a screen and a profile on a random site, Yet you still impact my life like a real life friend. We laugh together and vent to one another, Everything like a real life friendship just through words. I may not see you in person daily or even at all, But it never chances the fact that a friend is what you are called. We’ve accepted each other for the good and the bad, Been there to help one another like friends do. I wanna thank you for being the friend that you are, For being a part of my life in the ways that you are. Online or face to face a friendship can exist, And either way in the end…a friend is what you are to me.

Help a Cubby!

Okay if you don't know who Cubby is what the hell is wrong with you! Wait...that's another topic for another day...right now...looking for help for a friend! Even if you just rate the pic that'll help! And while you're there leave at least one comment saying you did. If you feel like leaving a few comments...great! tn_3917499385.jpg


So apparently there's a group (okay more like 2 guys) running around this site...truth rating people. Now I don't care about being downrated. I don't think I'm a 10 and I'd be willing to bet majority of people on this site don't think of themselves as 10's. So I find it funny that these 2 dorks are so outraged at people being rated 10s who don't deserve it. So they have to set out and bring truth to the world. Says who? Your opinion? Here's a newsflash Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum...you might think someone is a 5 but another 98 people might think that person is an 8. It's your opinion sure but that doesn't make it the truth. And I really find it funny that neither guy is model quality or even close. So isn't that the pot calling the kettle? Oh but wait...they don't care if you downrate them or what you think. But yet they care what other people think about other people?? Am I the only one not seeing the sense in that?? "I don't care what you think of me but I care what you think of that person over there who I don't know at all". Um....yeah, okay. Plus I hate to tell these 2 dorks but there are plenty of ugly cocky people out in the world who aren't on Fubar getting rated "10's". Like I said...most people on this site aren't really going OMG I'm a 10.14...I am soooo hot! Those that are thinking they are all that...would think that with or without ratings on this site.


I love dealing with idiots. And I have NO problem putting them on blast. I'll have a screen shot for this one later. I'm doing too many other things right now to load the pic into photobucket and then on here. Anyways...last night I had my status as something along the lines of can I have your fu-bux please. Something to that extent since I'm going for spotlight. I get rated by this guy and a friend request saying he'll give me 800k to JOIN his lounge. Nothing else was said in the request or asked for in order to get the bux. He's lucky as hell I didn't screen shot that. Anyways...I join and stayed a bit until I called it a night. He was asking me about djs and promoters. Um...dude we said for me to join. NOT work for your lounge. Anyone who knows me knows I hardly go into lounges on here. But I was like I know at least a couple people that do dj and promote but I'm not sure any of them are looking for a lounge but I'd look into it. So most of today I haven't been home. I finally come home to a message about how he wants his bux back because obviously I can't be trusted and if I don't give them back he'll go to support. Um for starters idiot...support won't do anything. Support doesn't get involved in disputes between members. And technically if they did on this one they could look back on things and see you said 800k for JOINING, not for becoming an active member, not for becoming a staff of the lounge or anything else. I basically told the fool he could have his bux back because I don't need them that badly. Although that sucks for me...NOT because I'm losing the 800k but because it costs me like 160k to pay him. I'll add more to this later. Like who the idiot is, what lounge he is part of and so forth. Bottom line is...don't come at me saying I can't be trusted when YOU asked for one thing and I did that one thing but you expected more.
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