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Ok, so im a lil taken aback by how fuckin ballsy some of you guys think you are and how stupid you think some of us girls must be.


Guy 1 - Most recent, been dating(?) this guy off and on since feb. Hang out, get drunk, be stupid, whatever, mess around, but never really fucked...so I'm thinkin ok, maybe this is one that isnt just tryin to fuck me, awesome. Now this has been goin on since FEBRUARY, with a couple of small breaks, a month or so when i moved to dallas, and a couple of weeks when I was somewhat seriousa bout someone else (guy 2, whom I'll get to in a minute) And i told guy one about guy 2...when things didnt work out, per se, We started kickin it again. Hes always tellin me, how he likes me and how different I am, and how he can just be himself and its cool...SO last weekend, I go over there after work, at like 11pm and hang out with him, he mentions that we are pretty much together at this point..and i didnt argue...asked me to come over on my days off...tues and wed... i tried once to get ahold of him on tuesday evening after he got off work, no answer. I didnt bother with wednesday. Dont hear from him till this morning really...he chats with me for a few minutes and tells me that hes back with his ex girlfriend (whom ive had to listen to more than a few rants about). Im like ok, thats cool. But really tell me how you can so easily commit to someone who has already fucked ya over once, but you cant commit to someone who has given you no indication that they are out to try to fuck you over in anwyay, and has been honest with you about everything. Whatever, hope it works out THIS time, thanks for wasting MY time.

Guy 2- Dont know this guy like for real for real in person, but spent quit a bit of time on the phone and internet with him...tells me alot of stuff about how he feels about me, thats pretty serious, then suddenly decides that he feels the same about no only just someone, but soemone that I can consider, althought i havent known her long, a pretty damn good friend. Doesnt tell me, I have to ask him, then suddenly he shuts down totally and i def dont hear from him every night like i was there for a bit. Yea it kinda pissed me off i guess for a bit, but its whatever, I aint mad at ya. Like for real.

Guy 3- Now this one gets the GOLDEN FUCKIN STAR OF ASSHOLE...if there is such a thing, i would send it to him. This one would take way too long, so im just gonna say that I spent 8 fuckin months listenin to his long drawn out complicated dramatic fuckin fairy tale nightmare, lying to me from DAY FUCKIN ONE, people. And i was emotinally checked out of this one as far back as Thanksgiving, mind you. I put up with it, honestly because at the point it had gotten to, it was comical and gave me something to do...was a cool guy to hang out wtih as a friend really and thats more what it felt like after all the lies. I knew I could not trust this person. Anyway, a month ago, lil less maybe, he comes over here and stays for 3 days, talkin to me about how he wants us to fix up his house, how hes going to put me on the deed to the house so i have some protection, how we are goin to get married, goes as far as to plan WHERE we are going to get married. I take him home, and he gets online and tells me hes goin to his aunts and he will be home later. I decided to drive by whats going to be my house to see my kittens and there is some strange car in the drive way. I leave. I dont say shit, i dont start shit..i just drive home I call him, no answer. i did NOT blow up on this mans answering machine, in fact, I SAID NOTHING. I laughed once, thats it. Kinda that "I know you are full of shit, im glad i didnt believe a word outta your mouth over the last 3 days" laugh. Well come to find out, hes moved some MARRIED woman who he even went as far as to bitch about her callin him all the time to ME, sayin how he didnt get involved with married women and shit, Ok, this woman is moving into his house. Now unless she got a Divorce in the last month and a half that shes been knowin him, WHATEVER. So, I dont even say shit. Seriosuly, when the fuck did i get so passive!! I leave it alone, friends, cool. Im serious when i say ive been emotionally checked out of this one for a WHILE. Theres just been too much bullshit from him from the start for me to ever be capable of trusting him. Who the fuck kind of person thinks they can do that to someone and think they are gettin away with it, IN the end, he finally realized ive been onto this ENTIRE LIE for a while, but he thought he had me fooled. My bad on that one for not sayin anything right?

Oh and this time last year, I was dealin with my ex of 11 years and I tryin to get back together, he sends me off to my parents house to get myself together, cuz i was all fucked up, then cheats on me with the 20 yr old, 10x as FUCKED UP as i was and have ever been version of me and gets all sucked back into drugs and all sorts of other bullshit.


is it me? SEriously?! WTF IS GOIN ON! I know alot of guy 3 was me jsut letting it go on. Guy 2, I dont know wtf, its cool man, feelings change....guy 1, um, im lost. and the ex, well, ex's r ex's for a reason, thank god he fucked me on that one and i figured it out.


So yea....opinions? Comments?



(this one was for Jason, i doubt he ever knew)


You don’t look at me the same way anymore
We don’t share the laughs and good times like we used to
Silently suffering, neither one wanting to admit what is wrong
Damage done, seems repaired, but often I’m left wondering.

That look…
That soft touch…
The gentle words…

Aren’t for me anymore.

Wasting our time, trying to fix this mess
Should have left it alone, and gone our separate ways.
What’s done is done, and now we can’t turn back time.
I had only hoped that one day it would be the same.

Your smile…
Your kisses…
The shine in your eye…

All for another now, I know this is true.

She’s what you have always wanted in a girl.
Perfectly pretty, smart, funny, and sexy.
Something I have never been.
Why are you wasting our time telling me I am the one?

I love you, baby…
You’re the only one I want…
I’m so glad we are together…

Something tells me your only saying what YOU think I need to hear.

Just tell me the truth, don’t drag this out anymore.
You make her feel cheapened, and I am just a bystander now.
If she’s what you want, then who am I to stand in your way.
End it now; don’t cause either of us any more pain.


Push it, Hold it

Push it down, make it hurt
Its just one more scar
Its just one more wound
Only this one is visible
This one is self-inflicted
To make the rest go away
     Is it working?
       Am I bleeding?
         Yes, I am.
Then it’s working
Push it down, just a lil bit more
Drag it across this porcelain skin
Push it down deeper, kill the pain within
As the blood comes to the surface
The tears stream down my face
Senses are dulled, pain is erased
Numbed to the world, I can’t feel it
Taking out the pieces that hurt
Cutting out the past, the things I cant forget
     I am not a whore
       I am not worthless
          I’ll cut that out too
Crimson blood, spilling over the edges
Hold it down, it’s almost over
Can you hear me whisper?
You never listened before
Maybe now you will
Once I’m gone, will it matter?
It will not
I already know the answers to the questions I ask
I already know why this happened so fast
    You could have taken time to listen
      You could have given me a moment
        Too damn selfish.
That’s what they will say about this
Too selfish to deal, so I took it away
But its not my fault, you couldn’t be bothered
It’s not my problem that you couldn’t care
It’s yours now
Here, Take it!
So deal with it, as you used to tell me
I’m not scared, but you should be
26 cuts along my arm
One for you
One for me
One just because
One to numb
One to feel
One for tears
One for screams
One that I needed
One that I wanted
One to see if I still bleed
One to make sure I’m alive
One to make me cry
One chases it away
One brings it closer
One for the darkness
One for the rain
One for the chaos
One for the pain
One not to scar
One to scratch the surface
One because it’s been so long
One to penetrate
One to mutilate
One because it hurts
One for you
One for me
26 tiny little jagged slices
Each a reminder to myself
**And this one is for Chris...He will read this one. Promise!!***
Fuck you.
Fuck you because

You’re a liar.
You’re worthless
No wonder you get your heart ripped out and stomped on repeatedly.
You coward.
You said what you thought I needed to hear,
Simply to get your way, once again.
Because your too afraid to admit what is true.
You can’t accept what you know in your heart.
You can’t face your own fucked up reality.
You sniveling little bitch.
You make me sick.
“Why does no one love me?”
I wish you could step back and watch yourself in action
Then you would see why you question these things.
You make me question the bane of my very existence
You make me question my heart.
You should be the one questioning.
You should be the one asking yourself why.
But you think you know.
Know it all.
World wrapped around your finger.
Well, let me pull the string that sends you flying into oblivion.
Like the lost cause you already are
Head case.
So sad.
Maybe one of these days, you’ll wake up and see
What everyone else is already aware of
Your lies, your games, and your manipulations
Will catch up with you one day.
Then you really will cry.

More Poetry

One Night Stand

sitting side by side in the dark, so close, almost...
fingers brush an arm, there is the spark, finally...
holding my breath, waiting to see what is next, unexpected...
i know i want you, yet i am not allowed, forbidden...
i have had a taste, ive been wanting more, craving...
our eyes locked, as you pulled me closer, anticipating...
you took my hand in yours, so warm and strong, inviting...
leading me into your room, whispering "its ok", trembling...
waiting so long for this, i can barely speak, excitment...
teasing me with your words, teasing me with your touch, testing...
no resistance, no hesitation, giving in...
lips meeting, clothes falling to the floor, feverishly...
stumbling to the bed, flesh meeting flesh, seduction...
quietening the voice, telling me this is wrong, ingoring...
not caring this time, ive wanted this too much, wreckless...
secret shared, a memory now, fading...
desire flooding me, when i hear your voice now, uncontrollable...
this one night stand, this one time indescretion, unforgettable....
Except for you...
Prick, barely puncturing the surface of me,
I feel the sting of pleasure, knowing what is coming.
The warmth, feels like velvet against my skin, only there is nothing is touching me, except you.

Tumbling thoughts and emotions
A cascading waterfall of feeling, only its caught and numbed before i can fully taste it.
In a matter of seconds, there is nothing. Except you.

Vision is blurred, my mouth is dry.
I cant focus on anything, thoughts are coming and going so fast, i cant keep up.
My mind goes blank, no thoughts or feelings. There is nothing. Except you.

Blinding hot white, almost like a burning snow
Static vision and nervous laughter, just at the thought of you.
Too bad "YOU" dont actually exsist, nothingness in reality, except for you.

Dark and lonesome, youre gone now.
Nothing left except the lingering feelings of the momentary bliss.
Your hot, addictive kiss, starts the yearning. I want nothing, except for you
What has become of me?
Floating in the darkness, feeling nothing
on purpose
I do this to myself, to make it all go away
I like it numb.

I have failed.
I have fallen into this darkness that I do not think I can ever recover from.
I has my heart, my soul, my body and mind.
I cannot live without it.

This addiction has completely consumed me.
I am no longer myself.
I have turned into a horrible person, that even I hate.
No wonder I try to kill myself with each shot.

Will this be the one that does it?
Load up a bigger one and make a wish.
That didnt do it either.

Then one day, I woke up from a 4 day binge,
and decided I didnt want to die.
I do want to live.
I want to be the person I used to be.

I want so bad to be the girl that could make jokes,
and write heartfelt poems,
and love to the ends of my fingertips.

Now my arms are bruised, my heart is black.
But the bruises have faded, and my heart is full of hope.
I wish for happiness now, instead of death.
I just hope I am strong enuogh to continue on this wonderful path.

Beating Demons
Countless pill bottles, empty.
Wine bottle, knocked over on the floor
Strewn about the table
Mirror with a razor right beside it, whispering
Pipe is staring me in the face
Rig is calling my name

Moving on

With one addiction kicked,
And another to deal with in every way,
There is still the one I can’t get enough of,
Antagonizing me everyday.
Forcing my insanity,
Driving my will to carry on.

Broken promises
Too out of it to fulfill them
Tired of this hazed life
Ready for a change
Time to move on and get a grip
Leave this crazy life behind me

Can I get out of it?
Can I beat this monster?
Can I live and be happy, for once not in a drug-induced euphoria?
Can I?
I think I can, this time.
I know I want to so badly.


Im about to dump a bunch of poetry in here...I want comments dammit!

Have you met crazy yet?
Let me introduce you.

Happy, or so it seems on the surface.
But what is really flashing in those crystal blue eyes?
What is she really thinking?
Plotting your murder? Grocery list? Book she’s reading?
Mundane tasks to her.
Thinking of that person she lives for, the one she loves to hate?
Wondering what the weekend has in store?

Simply Complicated
Purplish hair, tattered jeans
Collared and choked, in so many more ways than the physical.
She always wants what she can’t (or wont) have, and is never happy with what she’s got.
She plays the part well. But those that really know her, they see beneath the façade.
And the one that should know her best; has no idea. Not a fuckin’ clue.

Homicidal maniac.
She would kill you in a second. With a sickle. Or a hatchet.

Since it’s inevitable that she’s fucked up on something
Drunk at noon? It’s 5 o’clock somewhere.
Or is it one of the many rainbow colored pills scattered about?
Xanax, Barbitals, Opiates. She has her pick, that’s no question.
What has she chosen to haze the daily grind?
A cloak of sorts, to conceal herself from reality.

Can’t, or won’t sober up, because then she’s really at rock bottom.
How many more days will she continue on this path?
Is it self preservation or self destruction?
A little of both one might say.
She’s always said you can’t be really crazy, if you’re aware of your mental state.
Cuz real crazies have no idea.
Now she’s 2nd guessing herself. Again.

Homicidal maniac.
She would kill you in a second. With a sickle. Or a hatchet.

Makeup caked lashes, fight back tears, poised to spill over the edges
Of those perfectly lined eyes.
Keep those wine colored lips, formed in a solid, unidentifiable smile.
So no one sees her scars
Self inflicted, mostly. No, all of them.
No one else has hurt her, except herself.
In a while.
She doesn’t let them get that close anymore.

Laughing so hard, to cover up the screaming sobs
Can’t show how bad it really hurts
To know you’re that fucked up and on the edge
One wrong move, and it all crashes down.
One right one and its all over.
What direction does she pick?
She will never know, because it’s not in her to make that choice.
That’s too easy. To simple, she likes it hard.

Homicidal maniac.
She would kill you in a second. With a sickle. Or a hatchet.

So, now you have barely scratched the surface.
You defiantly don’t want to go deeper.
Do you?
Let it All Go
As I sit here, all alone, with just these fucked up thoughts that wont stop,
I can’t help but wonder am I really doing the right thing?
Is this what life is supposed to be?
Does growing older mean growing colder?
How much longer can I hold back this urge to just let it all go?

Let it all go
Let it all go
Let it all go

You know how much you mean to me.
Do you ever question that?
If you do, then that makes me want to hate you.
Do you sit and think about me like I do you, constantly?
Are you ok? Or are you just telling me that to make me not worry?

Let it all go
Let it all go
Let it all go

These tears are constantly on the verge of spilling down my face.
Nothing takes away this pain; nothing can take me out of this dark place.
I cry as I sit here writing this.
I cry for me, I cry for you, I cry for us.
I cry for what we have lost and what we might not get back.

Let it all go
Let it all go
Let it all go

I wish I was strong enough to make it through this mess.
But I don’t see how I can; you were always the one to lead the way.
Now you’re gone. And you will be for a while. At least one day you will be with me.
One day, you will come home to me. But will you still love me the same?
Its questions like these that are making me crazy. Fuck that, its making me insane.

Do I dare?

Let it all go
Let it all go
Let it all go
The words you spoke couldn’t have been true,
The things you said just didn’t make sense,
You twisted me around your finger with your lies,
You manipulated my heart with your words.

Did you think I wouldn’t figure out your game?
Did you think I wouldn’t realize that you’re full of shit?
Did you think I wouldn’t know deep down that you aren’t real?

I guess you did, you played it so well, or so you thought.
But you lose this time.
You wont take what you can’t have and torture me anymore.
You wont make me feel so unsure of the one thing that’s certain.
You wont make a fool out of me.


Like a virus; infected, consumed, completely.
I let you in, only to have you rip me apart.
I let you know, only to have you forget it all.
I let you get close, only to pull myself further from you than I ever wanted.

Play your game on someone else. I can see straight through your lies now.
Don’t look me in the face and attempt to convince me of this.
Please don’t twist the knife any further. It hurts enough already.

I’m begging you to take back what you said.
I’m forcing myself to forget it.
To forget you.

Once and for all.

I wont punish myself with you anymore.
I wont give in to your lies and deceit.
I will forget you.

I will not love you anymore.

my first auction!

Thanks to the lovely ^sin^ i am in my first auction..please click this picture and place a bid if you can! tn_3587206276.jpg
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