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Location: N.O.R.A.D. Rocky Mountains “neutral”

06:00 M.T. Tuesday


As the sun starts to peek over the top of the mountains a young woman gazes out over the horizon, her long black hair gently swaying in the morning breeze. “May I join you?” says a voice from behind her. Startled she quickly turns around only to see the Senior General, but with a grim look on his face.

“Why, of coarse you may, Senior General Sir, I’d be honored.”

“You can just say sir, ma’am.”

“But of course, sir.”

As they stand there the General turns toward the lady, “So has it been found yet?” “No, it hasn’t been yet, and it concerns me.”

The General asks with a puzzled look, “Why’s that?”

The women looked back at the man with a look of death, “You remember War walked through there one day.”

“Yeah, what’s this about?”

“When he walked over the area…….he…..collapsed.”

The General face was stricken with fear, “Are you serious?”

The women nodded her head, “At first we just thought that it was close to the ground’s surface, but now we have dug 500 meters into the mountainside.”

Before the General could reply a communications office had ran through the door and kneeled before the lady. “Excuse me ma’am, but you are the one overseeing the excavation, are you not?”

“Yes, so do you have information for me?”

“We just received word from the excavation team, they send word saying they found it and they need you ASAP.”

“Well,” interrupts the General, “sounds like you better get down there.”

“Yeah!” the women turns grabs her black coat off the railing and started to head for the door. Before she got there the General says,

“One more thing, Lady Tsunami,” Tsunami looks back over her left shoulder, “I’ve been ordered to send two battalions to that locations.”

Tsunami looks back at the door, what, two thousand soldiers for one man. A smile appears on her face, “This one could be interesting.”








Location: Denver, Colorado “Death’s Kingdom”

Time 08:00 Tuesday


“She’s here!” the Captain shouts as a black SUV pulls up to the drive. He reaches out and opens the door. “Welcome, Lady Tsunami.”

“Oh please, Tsunami will do.”

“Yes ma’am.” As they start toward the cave entrance Tsunami glanced over to the camp were the soldiers were staying. “So Captain, do you believe all these men are necessary?”

“The men and I don’t think so, but The Resistance has gotten braver as of late especially over the past couple of seals, and it appears that War is taking no chances with this seal considering the power readings.” When the Captain finished they had reached the top of the tunnel,

“This is as far as I go, farewell Lady Tsunami”


As Tsunami sat on the cart to take her back to the excavation site a Private approached the Captain. “Sir, why do you act so proper to a women?”

The Captain smiled, “She is the only woman to have total resolve.”

The look on the Privates face was one of a puzzled child, “But sir, I thought that any women who showed that was sent to War’s Domain to be broken?”

“She was, no one could figure out to get her to give. Even War himself tried, but no matter what he tried she would always turn him down. So War out of a sign of respect appointed her top the position she is in now so he can keep an eye on her.” The Private’s face went even more puzzled, “Why?”

The Captain smiled, “Some believe that War fears her.”


As Tsunami rode the cart to the bottom if the tunnel she notice that the mountain side walls were unusually solid which was strange enough considering that most tunnel walls were soft from the seal sucking the earth’s power from around it. But on top of that from what she was noticing the rocks seemed to be banding together and getting denser. This was truly strange because usually only the actually sealing chamber looked like bedrock. The cart had reached the bottom of the tunnel Tsunami walked over to waiting Chief Engineer. “Thank you for coming on such short notice.”

“Not at all, so tell me what is the problem?”

“Right, this way please.” The Engineer escorted Tsunami out of the tunnel and into the excavation area. The only lighting at this depth was the lights they hung from the ceiling and from the equipment the scientist were using. “Well, it looks like the normal sealing chamber.”

“Umm, no reason to say your wrong but this is only the outer chamber. The only way into the sealing chamber is through there.” The man pointed to an opening in the bedrock’s inner shell.

“Well come on lets see what the problem is.”

“Very well, this way please.” The man began to lead Tsunami to the door. Before she could enter she saw something new. A crew member, she made a habit of recognizing face and this one was new, “Is this your first summoning?”

The man, taken surprise, drop the device we was using, “Yes ma’am, sorry.” Tsunami smiled and knelt down to pick up the device, “There’s nothing to be sorry about.”

After she handed the device to the worker he asked, “Ma’am what exactly are we digging?”

Tsunami looks back at the worker, “What’s your name?”

“My name is Jim.”

“Well Jim, what does your knowledge from being here?”

“I only know what the books say, and the books say that you dig these holes in search of the rarest stones are planet has seen.” The smile on Tsunami’s face grew bigger, “Well your only half right, follow us and I’ll show you the truth.”

“Y-yes ma’am.”

The three of them entered the room; in there it was pitch black no one could see one inch in front of their face. “I assume you have some sort of lighting for this room.”

“Yes ma’am of course.”

The chief worker signaled to a worker outside who set up a light outside the room. “You’ve got to be kidding, there is no way that one light is going to enough to light this room.”

“Ma’am this is the reason we called you, okay Tom hit it.”

The man with the light flipped the switch Tsunami was struck with aw by what she saw; the entire room was coated in diamond. Jim looked over to Tsunami’s amazement. “So what so different about this one?”

“Well usually the sealing chamber is only as hard as the ground outside, but it seems that the force from this seal has turned the ground into solid diamond.”

Jim looked around the room, “So where is this seal?”

Tsunami looked for a few seconds, “Over there.”

Jim looked to where she was pointing, imbedded into the wall on the far side was signs and symbols that were glowing, “Hmm interesting.”

Jim looked back at Tsunami, “What’s interesting?”

“Well usually the symbol glow when the woman who can release it is in the area, of course this area varies from seal to seal so there is no telling how big or small the area could be.”

Tsunami approached the seal, “Well let us see what you have to say.”

Suddenly a loud crash is heard from the surface of the tunnel. The three of them run out of the room, “What’s going on, report!”

“Ma’am the Resistance is attacking.”

Tsunami’s was set aside as she thought to herself, why are they attacking now, “Get me a visual, now.”


An office click button,

“Here you go ma’am.” Tsunami was horrified by what she saw; the Resistance had managed to sneak tanks into the area and had destroyed the patriot missiles bunkers, now the tanks were coming here and the soldiers were fighting. Tsunami quickly turned around, “Quickly we need to find the women who opens the seal and then get her and the rest of us out of here.”

When she turned around she saw Jim as he sneaked around a corner, but without skipping a beat “Okay, groups one and two go up and assist the injured, group three set up a perimeter around the opening and let no one in while I deceiver the code to figure out who it is!!!”


Eight workers quickly ran to the cart and started up the tunnel. Tsunami ran back to the seal, while four workers used the heavy equipment to make a barricade to defend the room, the walls echoing the sounds of the battle going on up on the surface. She began reading, the formula for the seal was complicated for it was sealed using all the elements. As she read it the sounds of the fight were growing closer and closer. “Ma’am, we’ve just received word, the Resistance has reached the base of the mountain, and it’s apparent that they are heading towards the tunnel entrance!”

Tsunami read the inscription faster, but the more she read the more confused she became. The words seem to depict a riddle of some sorts. “The force that levels trees and cleans the land can start from the ocean or a cliff overlooking the sea.” Tsunami thought about this and then it hit her. “Tsunami!?”

One of the guards overheard her, “What did you say?”

Tsunami looked back, “The inscriptions, it says that I’m one who can release it!”

 “But that’s impossible, you haven’t even...”

“Yes, I know that,” but that’s not even the half of it, she thought to herself, could I even do it despite that, I mean considering what I am.

The echoes of the battle snapped Tsunami out of her trace, but as her eyes glanced at the stone she could feel herself get drawn into it. “I’ve got to…”


Tsunami looked back at the guard, “I’m going to do it well at least I’m going to try to release it.”

Before the guard could even say anything she had placed her hand on the seal. Before she knew what was happening but she could feel pain and it was growing, not only that but she could feel something stirring within the seal. “Awwwwww.”

“Ma’am what’s wrong?”

The guards looked to see a horrifying site. The seal was fighting against Tsunami’s hand and killing her for it. “Why, why is it doing this?”

When she tried to pull her hand the seal wouldn’t let go. She quickly looked over the seal then she thought of something, it gave two clues so what if it takes both hands. As she thought that the seal flickered, when she noticed it she had enough. “Alright you hellish object if you want to fight with power I’m happy to oblige.” She put her over hand on the seal and began to pour her own power into it. The guards ran to her, “Ma’am, the rebels are here, they’ve reached the cave entrance.” Tsunami gave the guards a look of almost death itself, “I’m not going anywhere, mainly because I can’t, the seal is holding me here so if you can hold them off a little longer I should be able to release him, just give me a little more time.”

All but one guard went back to the barricade, “Ma’am if I may ask, how can you have that kind of power I thought only the leaders had that much power?”

“Well I have power yes, but I can’t tell how I got it, I’ll have to kill you after if I tell you, but I can tell you this, War does fear me because of it.”

The echo of a gunshot rang through the room. “Quickly, get to the outside and defend me, all I need is a little more time.”

“Yes, of course.” The seal started to react to the power Tsunami was pouring into, I don’t know if can hear me spirit of the seal, she thought to herself, but if you can I wish for you to do what you please.

The seal answered back through her mind, now you know that’s not how it works, I’m supposed to do one wish that you want from the bottom of your heart so lets see what do you want more then anything in the whole world, come on tell me. Okay if you want to know, the thing I want more is a world of peace, one where all species of human can live together, even me.

I see, very well I shall complete this one request.

A huge thump rang through the cave and to the outside. One of the guards came in; Tsunami was out of breath, “So… what’s …the status?”

“Well, both forces have stopped and were …. Hey what’s going on with the seal?” Tsunami looked back at the seal, and when she did she couldn’t believe her eyes the runes on the seal had disappeared and she could feel the power radiating off from the stone, “This is it,” Tsunami spun around, “quickly everyone we need to get out of here.”

The workers ran for the emergency exit. As Tsunami ran for the door she could hear a voice ring through her head, wait, if you go you’ll die.

“Why must I stay, if I do I’ll die in here.”

You won’t die from me, but from exhaustion, you’ve reached your limit.

Tsunamis stopped and sighed, very well.

Suddenly the room was quite and peaceful, then suddenly it was a riot the sheer force of power was surrounding her, but it wasn’t crushing her, she was amazed. All of this power and not even drop of it was touching her but she could feel the pressure as it was tearing the room apart. Tsunami’s eyes were feeling heavy, he was right I did use too much energy so its time for a quick nap.

As Tsunami passed out, the rest on the outside of the cave were starting to realize what was going on.

The earth began to rumble under the soldiers’ feet it was coming from the direction of the cave, “Alright men this it, its coming so get ready.” Not only the soldiers but the rebel fighters had turned their attention to the cave entrance. Every part of the ground shake as the power from the seal was starting to be felt. After that every ten seconds there was explosion each one greater than the last. Then technical officer from both sides shout, “Sir, the power has reached critical levels it could go at any time.”

BOOM both sides quickly look back at the cave, the top of mountain had exploded, the shockwave hit them but it was more than the energy from the explosion but now they could feel the full power of seal which was now broken. As they stood there in amazement from the sheer force they all heard a voice, “Now, by order of this young lady’s wish, I hereby sentence him to an eternity….in HELL.”

The men gasped in horror as a dust cloud raced down the mountain side. They could feel the murderous intent for which they feared they would receive. Meanwhile back in what was the room Tsunami had become a little conscience she saw the figure of two people looming over her talking to each other, “So this is one who released him?”

“Yes, the boss says we need to bring her with us.”

With what little strength she had left she grab one of man’s leg, “I don’t care what you do to me, but if you plan on living you will NOT remove my necklace.”

Back outside the energy wave had reached the base of the mountain, it surrounded the main battlefield. Those on the outside of the dust could only stand and watch in true fear as they heard the screams of those who were on the inside were being killed. As they kept watching the dust started to settle. The sight was truly something to see not only the bodies but the entire area was stripped down to the dirt. Not even the grass was left, but what was even more amazing was the fact that all the rebel fighters that were in there didn’t have a scratch on them. “What’s going on?”

“I don’t know….hey wait what’s that over?”

The group looked over to where the epicenter of the cloud was at. As the dust cleared they looked with sheer horror as one man stood there, and not even the ground where he was standing had been altered one bit. “Only 2000 troops, that’s….an….insult.”

After saying that, the man collapsed. “Don’t worry men, he fell from exhaustion quickly grab him, we have his summoner, so grab him and let’s pull out.”

Reaper Part 1......3/3

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Hey Reaper are you awake, my spell should be wearing off by now.

“Hey are you sure you didn’t kill him Tsunami. Especially considering what we had to do to get the convulsions of lighting to stop. How fast do you say it hit him?”

“Ten minutes.”

“You should die for doing this; you’ve condemned another soul to the executioner’s block.”

Reaper a wakened and pinned the guy against the wall, “Do and I’ll kill you okay.”

“Reaper that’s enough. I’m just glad you’re alright.”

Reaper looked back at Tsunami she was all smiles, “Please just let him down.”

Very well.

Reaper let go of the man, “Just fair to warn you say that again, you’ll die faster then you can blink got it?”

“Yes sir.”

They walked out of the little room they were in. Reaper felt around his body, “Why was my body in so much pain. And I feel like I have yet another sealing instrument on me. Huh, what’s this?”

Reaper pulled out a Rosario from around his neck, “What’s this for?”

Don’t pull it off


Because if you do your pain will come back tenfold.

I see.

Reaper looked around. They were in what looked to be a hospital, “Where are we?”

“The only place to treat your condition and the only safe haven till your power subsides, The Monster Realm.”

They left the hospital the land in front of them was vast but wasn’t very populated, “So this is where the monster breeds have hidden themselves.”

“Yes, in fact this is my home. I grew up here. We’ve been taught how to blend in to the human world. But when War came he could sense our power even when we were in disguise. So we all retreated back behind the barrier.”

“If that’s the case how is it that you ended up where you did?”

 “That’s because they don’t carry enough blood to sustain us vampires.”

“Vampires, you mean there are more of you than just you?”

“Well there is one more vampire in this world. And I know that the other one are here.”

“How could you know that?”

“That’s because that other vampire is you. You see you’re the first person that I’ve ever bitten so I couldn’t control the flow of the blood of us both, and it seems a great deal of my blood poured into your system, which would explain why it hit you so fast.”

As they continued down the road Reaper tried to look around, but it was difficult for it was night. Tsunami looked up at him, having trouble seeing.

Yes, what are saying you can see?

Yep. The only reason you can’t see is you’re not a full vampire so you have the eyes of a human. This is how we tell if someone is human or not.

As they continued down Reaper’s eyes adjusted. He saw wherever they walked people stopped and looked at them. Why do they stop and look at us.

It’s because we are vampires. You see vampires were thought to be extinct. War and the rest of them hunted them down and killed them. The only reason I survived was because of the Rosario we both wear. It not only keeps our powers from hurting us like other vampires went through during their transformation into a full blooded vampire. But it also suppresses our power so no one can detect it. You see, to War I am nothing but a human woman who keeps him from what he wants.

Reaper pulled out his Rosario he notice that his was different from the one Tsunami was holding. Why is mine different than yours?

It has to deal with the rank of the vampire. You see monsters are rated by how much power they have for there respective breeds. The reason War focused on wiping out the vampires is because we are the strongest of all monsters so out of fear that one of us could be strong enough to defeat him War killed us off. But you see there is a ranking of vampires, E-S rank. The style of the Rosario represents how much power they contain. Mine has the largest rosary bead so I’m an A- ranked vampire. Now your Rosario has the largest bead as well, but you also have what’s called a rosary bead line around the outside wall of the Rosario which if your power doesn’t go down will make the first S-ranked vampire to be seen.

Why do you say the first?

An S-ranked vampire has only appeared in myth and legend. But we kept that Rosario just in case an S-ranked appeared, since the other Rosarios couldn’t stop you from groaning in pain, even in your sleep. So with the other those not working we placed this Rosario on you and your pain subsided. So you’re the first person to ever wear it.

I see. So where are we headed?

It’s been along time but I’m heading for my home.

They put their Rosarios back and continued down the road. They could both see a large mansion in the distance. I’m…I’m home.

So this is your home?

Actually this is the home for all vampires, so this is your home to.

I see, hmmm. Who’s that standing in front of the gate?

Oh that’s just the guard. All you have to do is show him your Rosario and he’ll let you pass.

As Tsunami had said, when they showed their Rosarios the guard opened the gate.

When they entered the mansion a tear came to Tsunami’s eye, “It’s been over 35 years, but I’m finally back home.”

“So if you’re a vampire, just how many centuries have you seen go by?”

“I’ve lived for almost 650 years but like all vampires I retain my 20’s look. Now come this way we need to get to bed so our powers recharge for tomorrow. After all we still need to train don’t we?”

Reaper looked back at Tsunami, “Yep, after all I have to learn to control this new power you’ve given me. So where are we going to sleep at?”

“Well considering that there’s only one of each gender of vampire the house has probably only one room. You see the house changes the number of rooms to sleep depending on the number people of the same sex, but since there is only us two and we’re of the opposite sex there’s only one bed, and it would be this way.”

They walked up a staircase to the top of the mansion. Tsunami opened the door to the master bedroom. The room was decorated in old world furnishings, the bed was bigger than a king size. Candles were used to light the room. And the bed had a golden frame with red sheets and blankets. “Oh yeah, this will be the best to sleep in here.”

Tsunami took off her coat and laid on the chair, “Oh there’s one more thing about this place. In here you don’t have to wear the Rosario for the building is line with a power sensing radar jam which means they can’t sense you. But you’ll transform into a full vampire. Here I’ll show you.”

Tsunami took off her necklace, her hair turned silver, then she closed her eyes and when she reopened them they were red but other than that she didn’t change much, well none that Reaper was willing to say, her chest had also grew in size, even though she was already fairly gifted, he didn’t give it much thought, he drew the conclusion that they grew so it would be easier to attract a human victim. “You see this is the true form of a vampire. We’re so close to being human that we really don’t need the Rosario to blend in. Why don’t you take yours off? You don’t need to worry the mansion’s magic will keep you from feeling any pain.”

“Okay, I guess from your explanation earlier, this will decide whether or not I’m what you say I could be.”

Reaper removed his necklace it felt like a huge weight had been taken off his shoulders, his hair and eyes also changed to that of Tsunami’s but like she said he felt no pain, but what he did feel was extraordinary new power following through him. He could tell that his vampire power was beyond Tsunami’s, far beyond. Tsunami smiled, “So this is an S-ranked vampire. Your power is the greatest I’ve ever felt. You truly know no bounds to your limits do you?”

Tsunami continued to undress herself. When she was almost completely naked she saw something different from other men. Reaper had turned around to respect her privacy, “What’s wrong? Most men in this world want to see me like this, in a room just me and them. Then on top of that I’m almost naked, even War would be staring at me.”

“But I’m not like most men, you see when I died all those years ago I wasn’t sent Heaven or Hell, I was sent to the Purgatory.”

“Yeah, I remember you saying you came from there, just what is that place?”

“It’s a place where only a one person has ever stayed, me. Back when that happened, I was approached by both deities they gave me an offer, I could go to which ever plane I wanted to go, or I could be the ruler of this plane and therefore have a land to call my own but in return I watched over the souls that had committed terrible sins in there lives. I chose the latter of the two. So, for over 10,000 years I’ve dealt with the souls who have committed sins and those who wish to cross over to Heaven through repentance. And through all those years you wouldn’t believe how many women tried to use their bodies to seduce me to get an easier sentence for their sins.”

Tsunami put her arms around Reaper, “So you carry a heavy burden I understand that. But you see I’ve grown fond of you.”

 Tsunami took off Reaper’s coat and put it over hers. “So what happens after you defeat War? Oh and you can turn around I’m in bed now.”

Reaper turned around and took his shirt and pants off, he went to the other side of the bed and removed his shoes and laid down next to Tsunami. “I have only one choice. I’ll have to go back.”

Tsunami came up next to him, “Really, because I would like you to stay with me. I mean I wouldn’t be alone in this world anymore.”

“Well I was told there is one way I can stay in this world, but I don’t know what it is. The deities didn’t tell me that no matter how many times I asked.”

Tsunami placed her arm over him, her face was sad, “I see, I wish you could stay with me. I hate being all alone. You probably have felt it too. So if there’s any way for you to stay we’ll find it together. But for now we should get some sleep so see you tomorrow.”

Tsunami closed her eyes and fell asleep. Reaper looked down at her face she was smiling, but not just any smile. It was a smile that showed she was truly happy. A thought ran through his head, I wish you would be able to stay with me that way I wouldn’t be alone anymore. “I don’t know milady, I just might be able to stay with you.”

When Tsunami woke up she looked up. Reaper was just lying in a deep sleep. Tsunami could feel the urge to bite him. “I’ll just take a little for breakfast, just a few drinks.”

Just a few, for breakfast?


Reapers eyes opened right up. Tsunami feared she had angered him. Reaper looked over at her, “I believe you’ll need more than that if you want to be full. Don’t worry I told you I understand. So have your fill.”

“But, what about you? Don’t you feel the urge to feed on me?”

“No I don’t.”

“I see so your own blood supply must be extraordinary. But okay it’s time for breakfast. Don’t worry it will be painless just like last time.”

After she had finished they got dressed and headed out. As they left the gate Tsunami grabbed Reaper’s arm, Reaper looked down. She still had that smile. “You seem to be in a good mood. What’s up? You slept with the same smile.”

“Well as long as you’re here I want to enjoy every moment with you. I want to take you somewhere.”

“Where’s that?”

“The arena, the place where we can unite all of the monster race to stand against War and bring peace. We can also win a little money to get some regular food so I don’t need to suck you dry every meal.”

“Are you expecting me to fight?”

“Well you said you wanted to train to learn how to control your new power didn’t you?”

Reaper kind of laughed “I guess I did.”

They approached a large circular building Tsunami leaned up on Reaper, “Well this is.”

They approached the match list, “Well go figure, I knew they would be an opening on the S-rank list so that’s where will enter you to give you a good test of your power okay.”

“Yes it will so let’s get me entered.”

They walked up to the registration counter the man was sitting in front of the viewing monitor, Tsunami knocked on the counter, “Hey we’ve come to register for a match.”

Without turning away from the monitor the man answered her, “all the matches have been filled for the month. Come back next month now be quiet the first match is about to start.”

Reaper approached the counter, angered with attitude he was giving her, “I’m here to enter the S-rank competition.”

The man’s reaction was so great he fell out of his chair. “What you mean to enter the hardest competition here?”

“Yes, I wish to enter the S-rank fight.”

“Okay but you understand that you need to be an S-rank with whatever your monster is, so what’s yours?”


“You must be joking, what prove do you have of that.”

Reaper pulled out his Rosario. The man was shocked, “You’re the first vampire to ever enter the S-rank match. But your Rosario is proof that you are what you say you are. So I’m glad to enter you in the match. It’s the main event so enjoy the rest matches Vampire King.”

Vampire King, what does he mean?

I’ll explain later just go along with it.

Reaper looked back at the man. “I will enjoy myself, thank you. Oh but before I go I believe that you owe this lady here an apology. You see she mine and you insulted her so if you want to watch the rest of the matches I suggest you show her some respect.”

The man had the fear of god look in him, “Y-yes sir. Ma’am I didn’t…I didn’t know. Please forgive me and don’t kill Vampire Queen.”

Tsunami smiled to the man, “I accept your apology, and don’t worry. I’m not the one to hold a grudge, goodbye.”

The man breathed a sigh of relief and turned back to Reaper, “To show my deepest apologies, I give you the key to the last box seat in the arena. Please enjoy.”

“I will and thank you.”

They left and went to their viewing seats. As they sat down to watch the first match Reaper looked over to Tsunami, “So you want to explain?”

“Yes, I guess you can consider this a reason for you to stay. You see since you’re an S-rank vampire you are the strongest and therefore you assume the role of Vampire King but there’s a catch. There has never been a Vampire King, when one would claim it another would challenge them, so there was always tension in that house and no one ever claimed that title. Oh, look the first match is starting. Hey are going to be okay when your match starts?”

“Yes I will, so don’t worry. Just enjoy the show when it starts.”

They sat back in their seats ready to watch the first match. Then without warning a spotlight was shining on them. “Welcome to the arena! And for a special treat today we have two very special guests. Believe it or not we have vampires here, shown by the light. And since they are the only known ones left you are seeing the first Vampire King and Queen. Oh wait there’s more; yes believe it or not the King is actually going to compete in the S-rank competition this should be interesting. So let’s get this party started, bring out the combatants for the first match.”

So now everyone knows that we’re here.

Yup, this will get the people talking, remember we are suppose to be extinct, and now we are the two most powerful beings in here.

I see, well then they’re in for a treat when my match comes up.

“Now ladies and gentlemen let us begin the battles with the E-ranked monster battles. Now Begin!!!”

The crowd stopped mumbling about the thought of the return of the vampires from extinction and started cheering the competitors on. Tsunami looked over at what she considered her champion. She was the happiest in ages to actually have someone in her life that doesn’t require her to hide what she was. She moved her chair closer to him and leaned on him and grabbed his arm. “Reaper I’m really glad you’re here.”

Reaper looked over at her, closed his eyes, smiled and put his arm around her and held her in close, “I know how you feel. Because that’s the way I feel about you. I don’t want anything to happen to you, I really like you. But you don’t need to worry about my match, I’ll be fine.”

Then Reaper sensed a man approaching them from behind the curtains, “What do you want?”

The man was rather nervous. Reaper could sense that, “There’s no reason to be frightened, we’re not hungry at the moment. So I’ll ask again. What do you want?”

“W-well s-sir I’ve come to tell you that your match is coming up. S-so if you come with me please. I’ll take you to the preparation room so you can get ready.”

“No thank you, I’ll be fine the way I am now. Now if you have no further business with me, I’d suggest you leave. I wish to be alone with my Queen understand.”

“Y-yes s-s-sir.”

 The man left in a big hurry. The announcer was talking up a storm, “I don’t believe this folks. These are some of the fastest matches to date. They must be in a hurry to get back to locker room to clean up so they can watch the main event. Oh and just like that the A-rank battle is over. We would be starting the S-rank right about now but seeing at what time it is we have to break for lunch. So in thirty minutes we will have the best S-rank battle ever. Remember folks just thirty minutes until war.”

All the crowds of people were heading for the food and drink stands to get everything they needed so they didn’t miss the match.

Reaper turned towards Tsunami, “Are you hungry milady?”

“No thank you, I’m good till we get back home. How about you?”

“I should be good until later as well so we’ll just sit and enjoy the peace”

“Yes lets.”

After the thirty minutes had passed the crowds were a buzz with anticipation for the start of the match, the announcer’s voice returned to the speakers, “Now ladies and gentlemen, it is now time for the main event.”

Reaper removed his arm from around Tsunami, “I’ll be back in a moment.”

I know you will. Good luck and some fun out there will yah.

Yes I will.

The announcer was talking again “The first combatant, she is an S-ranked witch, known for powerful elemental magic its Negma.”

A light shined over her. She bowed and prepared herself. “The second combatant, it is the S-ranked werewolf, known for his incredible speed its Terragt.”

A light shined over him now to. “The third combatant, the cold mistress of the north, the S-ranked snow being, please welcome Princess Trusagi.”

The light shined over her as well, “Now that the normal entries have been announced, it is my pleasure to introduce to you the new face in the arena’s S-ranked competition. The first Vampire King and THE ONLY S-rank vampire to ever appear, please welcome Reaper.”

A light shined on him now. He was still up in the box seat. Negma turned towards him, “What’s the matter oh great “Vampire King” are you to great to come down and play with us.”

Without cause or warning Reaper jumped from the seat, all the way up in the arena and fell down to floor, and landed with a terrific crash. Everyone thought he was dead, but when the smoke cleared Reaper was just standing there. The ground had buckled under the force of the landing but he didn’t have a scratch on him. Negma stepped forward, “So have you come here to test your limits?”

Reaper looked at her but did not move his head, “No, I’ve come to make you do whatever my Queen wants.”

Angered by his answer Terragt stepped forward and transformed into a werewolf “What was that? You mean you’ve come to enslave us? You got nerve, like we would ever do what your woman wants, what a joke!”

Reaper moved his eyes to Terragt, “You don’t want to use that tone when you speak of her in my presence; it might just get you killed!”

Trusagi came forward this time, “So if you think you’re almighty why not put it to a test. I purpose we change to a three-on-one handicap match. How does that sound?”

“Fine with me.”

The announcer voice came back the speakers, “Well now folks it seems that the others are going to join forces against the vampire. This should be interesting. So let the contest begin!”

As the match began Tsunami watched with a smile on her face, three-on-one hardly seems fair.

The bell sounded and the match was on. Negma was the first to attack. Using her wand she called up a water shockwave spell, “Let’s see you dodge this.”

Reaper moved his eyes back to her, “Why?”

He stomped the ground, a huge boulder came up and forced the attack to go around him. Reaper turned to his right, where Terragt was running at him at full speed, “Now you have no where to go.”


Reaper side stepped him. Terragt slammed face first into the boulder. Reaper finished it by kicking him through the rock and into the water attack. Reaper then turned his attention to Trusagi, “Ice blast!”

Shards of ice were raining at him. Reaper smiled, “Child’s play, Napalm Inferno.”

Reaper lifted his right hand; black fire shot out and destroyed all the ice.

The crowd was in amazement at the speed that the match was going. Tsunami wasn’t surprised. “What a fight. The vampire is showing why he is the King. The others are going to have to step it up a notch.”

Down on the field Reaper turned to the other three, “What’s the matter? Only thirty seconds into the match and you guys are already finished?”

Terragt got back up to his feet, “Okay we know you’re strong but you haven’t won yet.”

“Please, you can barely stand.”

“I…ugh don’t care. I’ll never give in to you.”

Terragt ran straight at him, “I’ll lead these people to a new age and your not part of it.”

Reaper just stood there, “Very well.”

Terragt swiped at Reaper. Reaper caught him, “If that’s the way you want to play fine. Bone breaker 193.”

In the process of five seconds Terragt was embedded in the arena wall, “What I can’t move?”

Reaper put his hands back down, “I know, I just used the Bone Breaker 193, you can’t move because 193 of your bones have been broken so you should be lucky you aren’t dead.”

Negma launched a surprise attack from behind, “You really shouldn’t lower your guard, Flame Spear.”

Reaper turned to see her attack, “Learn your place.”

He put his hand up and simply blocked the attack. The shockwave tore the ground around where he was apart. But as for Reaper he was gone well at least in front of her. He had moved behind her, “You see your spell has no effect. Paralyses!”

Negma dropped to her chest, “A binding spell, so I lost right here.”

“Ladies and gentlemen, this is astounding. This one man is defeating all the opponents at the same time. The only one left is Trusagi lets see what she has planned.”

Trusagi leapt into the air, “Iceberg Rain!”

Huge iceberg rained down from the top of the arena, “Here’s your answer fans. Trusagi is using her most devastating attack Iceberg Rain.”

Reaper looked up at her, “You must me joking, and this is the biggest opening yet. Lighting Shards.”

Reaper held his hand to the closest iceberg. Lighting shot out, it jumped from one iceberg to the next, “I win.”

The attack reached her she fell to the ground and was out cold.

“The match is over! For the first time the winner of the S-rank fight is a vampire.”

The crowd was cheering; Tsunami looked back at where Reaper had left for the match. When she blinked Reaper had appeared before her, well did I put on a good show?

Yes you did, I really enjoyed it. So let’s go home, and then we can plan our next move. Let’s consider it a base of operations.

No! Home is a place for us; let’s just leave it at that. We’ll find another place to call a command place.

Tsunami could feel a strange sensation come over her, yes I totally agree

Reaper extended his arm, now let’s go home.


Tsunami grabbed his arm and they headed out. When they reached the exit all the people in the arena were waiting for them. One of which was the witch from the match. She approached Reaper, and then suddenly bowed before him, “Oh great one please accept my apology for the words I said earlier and give me the necessary punishment.”

Reaper looked down at her, “No punishment required. But I will require your services in the future. Do you understand that?”

“Oh, yes lord. Terragt and Trusagi would like to serve you as well. They would’ve come in person but they can’t get out of their beds at the moment. Terragt suffered from most of his bones being broken, Trusagi won’t be able to move because of that technique you used.”

“Good, but for now return to your normal lives and train yourselves so you can gat stronger.”

The whole group knelt down before him and Tsunami, “Yes we will!”

Reaper looked back at Tsunami; Well let’s go home, I feeling rather tired, lack of blood or something like that.

Yes, I’m fairly hungry my self.

End Part 1.

Reaper Part 1...2/3

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Antarctica (rebel hideout)


Where am I? I am dead?

“Hey are you awake?”


Tsunami struggled to open hers eyes.

“Sir, she’s awaking up!”

“Well hurry up, get that equipment off her!!”

She could at last open her eyes. She was starring at the ceiling of an infirmary, she tried to sit up but only found pain. “Easy ma’am, if you push to far you’ll die.” Tsunami looked to where the voice was coming from, she saw the rebel leader. Tsunami’s voice turned to anger, “So what do you want with me?”

“Now, now ma’am that not our intention at all, we don’t want anything from you, its just we couldn’t leave you to die.”

“I know you wanted more than just to help me, so tell me what do want.”

“We wish to employ your services.”

Tsunami’s face turned ugly, “And what kind of services are you talking about?” The man laughed, “Oh don’t talk like that, we just thought you deserved something better in the way of treatment than what War’s providing,”

A smile appeared on his leathery face, “actually that’s what we wish for everyone.” Tsunami face turned to amazement. “For everyone to live in happiness and peace even the monster breeds that went into hiding to prevent extinction, even those too.”

Tsunami smiled, “You know, that’s my dream to.”

Then she remembered, “Oh yeah!”

She said in a panic, “The summoning, did it work?”

“Of course.”

“Then where is he? Did he get picked up by the army?”

“Ma’am if you please come with me, I’ll be happy to show you.”

As Tsunami walked behind the leader she noticed the way the rebels had to live their lives, “So you guys have hardly anything at all?”

“I wish could say things here were different, but I can’t. You see your friends that are in the armies of the four horsemen are really putting a hamper on our operation.” Tsunami looked away, “There not my friends, I only did what I did just to survive.”

They continued down the hall, now they stood before a steel door. The captain looked over to Tsunami, “Now once you go through this door you will never be able go back. Do you understand?”

“Yes, I understand but don’t worry; I have no intentions of going back to that hell house so open that door!!”

As the door opened Tsunami couldn’t believe what she was seeing. It was a science lab, but it was more advanced than any of the labs she had been in before. “We found this when we first got here. It looks to be a downed UFO that crashed 250 years ago.”

“That’s all well and good, but where’s he at?”

The captain pointed to the large regeneration tube in the middle of the floor, “He’s in there.”

They walked up to where a scientist was monitoring the computer. “So what’s the status? Is he able to be released?”

The scientist turned toward the captain, “No sir, for some reason his power cannot be stored away.”

Tsunami asked, “What do you mean?”

“Well ma’am if his power can’t be suppressed we can’t let him out, he expose us to the detectors and then we’re done for.”

Tsunami looked in the tank. All she could see was the silhouette of a man. She thought to herself, I don’t know if you can hear me but I’m here with you.

Of course I hear you, well if you’re here why don’t you let me out.

I’m sorry but unless you can hide more of your power you’ll be risking the lives of everyone here.

Very well I understand.

The buzzers started to sound off, “Sir, the power has started to drop. We can let him out.”

“Very well let him out right now.”


Tsunami heard a click and the water started to drain out. When the tank had finished empting all that was left was the man. The glass around him lifted off and he walked down. Tsunami was amazed. He had been completely submerged in water, but none of his clothing was even damp, not even a single hair on his head showed the slightest bit of being wet. As he reached the bottom of the steps the captain approached him, “Welcome, I’m the leader of the Rebel Freedom Fighters and I hope we can count your power.”

The captain extended his hand to shake the man’s hand. Tsunami heard in her mind. Who is this? Why is he acting all high and mighty?

He is the one who brought us here after both of us passed out, if he hadn’t we both probably be brainwashed and under service to the ruler of this world.

I see, very well. The man turned to the captain, “This lady here explained everything, and I accept your invitation to join you.”

The captain smiled, “Welcome to the resistance, but what name do you go by? We just can’t call you sir all the time now can we?”

“My name is Reaper, from the land of Purgatory. So tell me about your battle strategies and your current militia.”

“Yes of coarse, right this way.”

As they started toward the door Tsunami took a good look at the person she brought here; he had long straight black hair that went down just past his shoulders, like hers, he wore a trench coat but it was white not black, his shirt and pants were black, he wore a pair of marital art shoes, but it was his hands and face that caught her attention, his hands were wrapped in a sealing tape and both had a different sealing enchantment, the one his left had white lettering and the one his right hand had black lettering. And then there was his face, or rather the expression he carried, it was plain almost devoid off all emotion, and his eyes they were solid black and from the look of it they almost appeared entirely soulless. They continued down to the armory. When they arrived the captain start to explain the situation, “At our current level we have just enough to pull of ambushes and sneak attacks.”

“I see. So tell me, who is the current threat that is so great that the deities would like to see removed in order to bring peace to this world?”

The captain face turned grim, “The man you speak of, his name is War.”

For the first time Reaper actually reacted to what the captain said, “Is that so. Well captain, judging from your militia and what you told me about your battle strategies there’s only one thing I require.”

“And what would that be?”

“A place to train.”

“Yes, right this way.”

The three of them walked to the bridge. The captain led them to a map of the world with every military spot and stronghold on it. “Now our best bet for a training place for you would here, a cave where the density of the rock is high enough where they won’t be able to detect you.”

“I see.”

“But there’s one concern. Who’s going to be your training partner, as you can see there’s no one here that can match you.”

Reaper looked back at Tsunami, “Don’t worry all I’ll be requiring is just Lady Tsunami, for her power is greater than all of yours combined.”

“Very well, now to get you over to that location. It’ll take three days to get you there by plane.”

“That won’t be necessary. All I need is to have Tsunami take my hand.”

Tsunami was taken back by what Reaper said, “So all you need is me, to train.” “Yes.”

“What can I do?”

“Well I seem to remember someone pouring an incredible amount of power into a seal.”

Tsunami flashed back to that moment. “Its power like that, which can take me to the next level in this world. And I’d like to talk to you in private away from everyone.”

The captain interrupted, “Well I still want to know how you two plan on getting there.”

“Just watch, are you ready Tsunami?”

“Yes I am.”

“Then grab my hand.”

“Uh, okay.”

Tsunami grabbed Reapers hand and held it as hard as she could, and in a flash of smoke they were gone. “So he has the power to teleport huh?”




























Training Ground, Mount Everest (War’s Domain)


“Hey Tsunami, you can open your eyes now.”

When Tsunami opened her eyes she couldn’t believe it. In the time it took her to close her eyes they were at the training ground that the Captain had shown them. How did you do that?

“There’s no reason for us to talk like that in here.”

“Oh I….”

Reaper put his hand up, We’re not alone here.

Tsunami could feel her heart race, as if she could sense the presence herself. So what do we do?

Reaper let on a little bit of smile, We are going to say hi.

As they were walking Tsunami was getting worried, Are you sure you know what you’re doing.

Yes I do, I can feel the total power of any opponent, even if there trying to hide it, and with these four in the training ground, if you used the power you used to bring me here you’d have a few scratches but you’d still come out the winner.

When they rounded the corner Tsunami was astounded training ground was huge it even had cliff and had the look of an old graveyard, but they were not alone. She could see the shadowy images of four people. Hey Reaper can you make out who they are.

No but I can tell you we are going to be in for a fight.

 But I can’t completely control my power Reaper.

I see, don’t worry I’ll take care of it.

One of the figures looked over to where they were standing, “Hey who is that?”

Another one looked over, “Well I don’t know who the man, but the woman with him is Lady Tsunami.”

“Well then how about we go introduce ourselves.”

As the four of them approached Tsunami realized who they were. She turned the Reaper, Hey I know who they are; they are the four guardians of War’s Domain.

Yeah, but that still doesn’t change the fact that you can still beat them.

But you see that’s just it, as long you don’t start the fight I’m pretty sure we can get through this without any fighting, so let me try and handling this.

Very well.

“Well, well Lady Tsunami I must say you are truly surprising.”

Tsunami looked to the one who was talking. “We heard the Resistance had taken you hostage.”

“Well I’ve my friend here to thank. If it wasn’t for him I’d still be in their clutches.”

The one on the left looked at Reaper, “So is this the one you summoned?”

“Yes he is.”

“So what’s your name?”

Reaper closed his eyes, “My name is Reaper.”

“So Reaper, why is it that you’ve come here.”

“I’ve come here to train, and you’re in the way.”

“What did you just say?

“I’ve come here to train, and you’re in the way.”

Tsunami looked toward Reaper, What are you doing? I thought we had agreed that I would take care of this.

That’s true, but the tone he taking with you makes me want to kill him.

“You know you are really working my nerves.”

Reaper opened his eyes and looked at him, “Well if showed Tsunami some respect I wouldn’t have any problems.”


The one on right stepped forward, “I don’t care if you are Lady Tsunami’s,” he drew his sword to attack, “you’d better show US some respect.”

Reaper stood in front of Tsunami as the man began to charge.  When man swung Tsunami closed her eyes, So, you’d kill yourself, just to get me some respect?

Me die, to these clowns, you must be joking.

Tsunami opened her eyes; the man that attacked was standing in bewilderment. His sword was pinched under Reaper’s. But how did you do that? How can you have a sword? I mean, you don’t even have a sheath.

Reaper looked at the man in the eye, “My, my swordplay. It’s been several hundred years since someone has swung a sword at me. Especially, with a swing that slow.”

“But how do you stop my sword, I mean you don’t even have a sheath.”

“Tsunami asked the same question. You see I can take the metal out of the ground and compress it into a sword. So, you see, I don’t need to carry a sword. I can make one on a whim. Oh and by the way, you’re weak.”

Though she knew the other three couldn’t see what happened she saw it all, Reaper held down the man’s sword with the sword in his left and then using his right hand Reaper open palmed the left side of the man’s face. He was launched into the wall on the far side of the room 50 meters away. But in real time it only took a few seconds to happen. Reaper turned back to the other three. “Okay he failed. Whose next to go?”

The man who was so bold before took a step back. Reaper looked dead at him, “This is your final warning; I’ve come here for training and you are in the way. So I suggest, YOU LEAVE!!!”

“You think I’m done that easy!”

The man who had just got launched came running back. Reaper turned toward him, “Won’t you ever learn.”

Once again in an instant the man was sent flying, this time into the ceiling of the cave 100 meters up. “This guy’s crazy fast, I didn’t see what happened again.”

But Tsunami saw it all and was a simpler attack than the last one. As the man swung down Reaper parried, knocked the guy’s sword out of the way and uppercut him in chin sending him to the ceiling. Do you have any limit?

Yes if he attacks again he’s dead.

“You haven’t won yet!”

The man flung himself at Reaper, “I’ll kill you yet!”

Reaper looked up, “It’s a real shame but three strikes and your out.”

In the next instant the man was in a crater with his own sword in his chest. The three that were remaining were showing blatant signs of fear, “What just happened.”

“I don’t know but he’s dead, so what are we going to do now.”

“I don’t know, I mean I don’t even know what happened just now.”

Tsunami for reasons she could not explain could still see everything that happened. The man swung at Reaper but Reaper dodge. The man’s sword went into the ground. Then Reaper kneed the man in the ribs flipping him over. And then without even letting his leg down extended it and axe kicked him in the ground then rotating grabbed the man’s sword and shoved it through the man’s chest and then axe kicked the sword with enough force to create the crater which the man was now in. Reaper turned back to the three, “Well is there anyone else who wishes to interfere?”

The three of them dropped to their knees, “No, we don’t wish to challenge. We’ll let you train in peace.”

“Oh you better apologize before you leave or you won’t leave a live.”

“Y-yes sir, will do.”

After they left Tsunami couldn’t stop herself, “What were you thinking? Taking them on.”

Reaper looked at her, “You saw yourself, they couldn’t see my moves.”

But I know you could.

“But, how could you know that?”

Reaper let on a little smile. “I’ll give you an answer, if you tell me why you wear that Rosario.”

Tsunami grabbed her necklace. “How or when did you notice?”

“Back at the rebel base, I notice that unique necklace of yours. So you’re a…”

Reaper’s left cheek opened and blood came out. Tsunami reached in her pocket, “You reckless fool!”

She pulled out a hand cloth, “Blood in my presence is not good. You must’ve gotten that when a rock flew up from when you killed that guy.”

She wiped it off the blood and was getting the cloth back into one of her coat pockets when, “The smell of this blood, it’s completely different from what I’ve smelled from others. It smells…….delicious.”

Tsunami felt a strong sensation coming over her. “No I won’t do it.”

Reaper looked over at her as he could see she was having trouble controlling herself, “I see. So I was right in what you are.”

He started to reach for her. Tsunami slapped his hand away, “No, you fool, stay away from me. The closer you get the stronger this feeling gets. Right now the only thing keeping you from me is nothing but sheer willpower to keep from hurting you.”

Reaper reached for her again, “Its okay, I understand what you want.”

He grabbed her and pulled her to him. Tsunami’s head was at his neck, “What are you doing?”

“Like I said its okay.”

A tear came to her eye, “I’m sorry, I don’t want to, but if you say its okay. And you’re right about what I am, a vampire.”

 She bit down.

After she had finished she was really sad, “Now that area probably going to scar, isn’t it.”

Reaper pulled the neck of his coat down from where she had bitten him, “Well actually, the wound has already healed.”

Tsunami looked back at him, “But that’s impossible.”

But what he said was true. The area where she had bitten him had already healed with no sign of a scar at all. “But how can you heal like that.”

“You’re forgetting who I am.”

“Just who are you?”

“I told you my name is Reaper, but I’ve long since forgotten my human name.”

“But with you being inside a seal, there’s no way you can be human.”

“That’s because I haven’t walked on Earth in over 10,000 years. That was back when Atlantis was the superpower of the world.”

“But then you must know what brought that civilization down.”

“Indeed I do, but that will be a story for another time. Right now we need to focus on training for the both of us.”

Tsunami was puzzled, “For both of us, why is that?”

“Well War is powerful this I know. Plus he has the most army out of anyone on this planet right? So if I can train you to where you can control your power, you can keep the army at bay. And then I can focus on War. After all, he has quite an offer for me. You see War and I used to train together. Then he found out how to unlock his Seal of Hell,” Reaper pointed to the markings on his right arm, “after that he grew power hungry he said the human raced didn’t deserve to rule the Earth. So intoxicated by his own power he came here in order to prove his point.”

Tsunami was drawn to the seal, “So just how much power is held back by the seal and what’s the other one?”

“This is the Seal of Heaven and as for my Seal of Hell I don’t know. I’ve never been able to release it.”

“Why’s that? I figured that’s what you used to beat that guy early.”

“That guy, I didn’t even use a tenth of my power. They were weak.”

“Why didn’t you tell me that earlier? I would have taken them on myself.”

“I wanted to see what type of person you are; now I know. With that out of the way we can proceed with training.”

Reaper went to stand up, “Hey what’s this feeling. It actually hurts.”

“What do mean?” Tsunami asked while she was standing up. When she looked at Reaper she could only say one thing, “What’s going on?”

Reaper was in extreme pain. She could tell that even though all he was doing was groaning. But then she saw the culprit when a lighting aura surrounded him, “Awwwwww, now it really hurts. What’s going on?”

“I know what’s happening to you and it’s my fault.”

Tsunami ran up to Reaper and shoved her hand into his chest, “SLEEP!”

Reaper dropped to his knees, “Will it work, after all once I.…..wake. ….up …my …pain…..will …return.”

Tears rolled down Tsunami’s face, “I’m sorry but I can’t let you suffer because of me.”

She wiped up the tears and pulled out a black card. She threw the card to the ground, “Now Reaper, time to get you healed before you wake up.”

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