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loopyass's blog: "speak out"

created on 01/27/2008  |  http://fubar.com/speak-out/b182216


I'm ranting now, so excuse my venting. I love ppl period no matter what race, nationality, sex or sexual preference. Yet its one thing that fucking wracks my nerve, Is some young idiot thinking they have all the answers. Live a little, experience life gets some bumps and bruises, and then maybe then I can tolerate your closed mind, and arrogant way of thinking. I know it’s me, not them. Actually I used to be them; maybe that’s why they piss me off so bad lmaooooooooooooooooooooo. I’m talking migraine headache ppl when I hear them spew their self proclaimed knowledge; I mean there are idiots at every age, this I know. Yet at least I give them points that, hey you had to have has some experiences in life. Ok, as I write this I realize how trivial it is lmfaoooooooo. That’s why it’s called ranting, I would rather rant here than to express myself in a way that at a later time, I might regret. So ill just say to all my young friends, keep living. Life has a way of humbling us all. The older you get the less you finally realize you know. So at my present rate ill end being a blithering idiot. The only consolation prize will be that I finally accept this fact. So I guess in the end I will have learned one thing, "I really don’t know shit". Whew, that definitely helped.

another Sunday morning

Its Sunday and quiet, everyone is gone and im chilling enjoying the quiet. Its niceeeee, yet the truth of the matter is I enjoy the chaotic youthfullness of my sons. You know the loud T.V. , play station, Nick in the background lmfaooo. Sunday's have always been a time for reflection for me, to sit back and look at life. I always come to the same conclusion, life's not bad. Sure I have my moments, and my pity parties, but Sundays just seem to put everything in perspective. A laid back day were you kind of just sit back and take a deep breath. I'll get up and cook dinner for us all today, but amazingly I look forward to even that chore. It just gives me another chance to show in action my appreciation to my family. I wish i could keep this attitude all week, but somewhere during the week, Ill start to worry aboout something or get aggravated about something I cant change. I guess thats why we have Sundays. To remind us to Breathe, sit back relax and enjoy what life has given us. So wishing you all a happy Sunday, and dont forget Breathe!

whats up

Well I havent written anything in awhile. Maybe thats a good thing or could be bad. Recently I have came down with a severe case of "cant type worth shit". Evidently, this particular virus seems to be spreading to my friends also. Which causes everyone to believe that I'm patient zero.. Now who in thier right mind wants that title. Yes, i'll admit I am a notrious typer and speller for that matter. Im tired of giving the same old lame excues about keyboard, or lying on son, saying he was disturbing me. Really, lets face it, I suck at typing and spelling. Now heres the really quirky thing though, it has all the docs baffled. When Im typing in blog, my mistakes go down about eighty percent, and check this out my speed increases. So go figure. Now if only I had something worth talking about. I dont so if you are reading this expecting something. lmaoooooo sorry. No pearls of wisdom or righteous indignation this morning. Just a middle aged man, who's trying desperately to keep his shit in order. I will tell you this, somehow, somewhere recently, I misplaced a very important book I try to keep with me. Now I have looked for it. I know, I understand that I was the one who picked it up and hurled it as far as my strength would allow. Now Im spending half the damn day looking for the troublesome shit. So if you happen to come across a book called Loopys ethics and principles rev. 1248573633 let me know will you. Cause im in despreate need of chapter 4876, and a few others. Well with that Im off, if you find my book, uuuuuuuuummmmmm keep it for just a weee bit longer. No, I do want it, it would probably be more cumbersome than helpful at this particular time. So Im off to the races ppl give someone a hug and a smile , you know immatate coke. Lmaooooooooooooooooo.

Acts of Kindness

Have you ever pondered what a small gesture might do for someone. I dont usally think on it myself. Like most people I assume I have bigger things to worry about than simple things like a hug from a friend or a card, of a letter. Or maybe a phone call from out of the blue, no particular reason just someone had you on there mind. Now Im not saying Im unappreciative at anytime. The fact is, I sometimes take this for granted. This is a terrible thing to say but I do. That is until Im feeling like complete crap, and then all of a sudden get a phone call that makes me laugh or someone shows me on that particular day my strengths. Now , ohhhhhh, now I appreciate it. I can see how a kind word or an incouraging thought can turn a persons day around completely. I had this experience recently on both the giving and recieving end. The thing Im wondering about is why doesnt this stick with me. I mean when I take the time to put out positive energy, or a kind gesture its me that reap the rewards. Since Im bascially selfish, you would assume I would grasp this concept and run with it. I have never reached out to a friend or stranger in need where I wasnt richly enhanced from the experience. Now what has brought this to mind is this. I recently added a friend to my list. Let me rephrase that two friends to my list. Both who show tremendous stamina for thought towards friends. Today though Im speaking of one who reallly amazes me. We have not really had in depth conversations or long talks even about nothing. Yet every so often I recieve a kind or funny comment from her. Now she doesnt do this to gain points or to make you rate pics. She just takes the time out to do this. I watch as surf the Fu and notices that shes putting these comments on page after page. Yes they might be copied and posted who cares. The point is she takes her time out to do this. Its very encouraging, and motivating. Who knows when that simple gesture will reach someone who's at wits end with some particular situation in life. Now dont get me wrong, the way that the Fu is designed you cant help but have ppl on your list that you want really get a chance to know on any level. This is okay, I understand that aspect and Im alright with that. Yet watching this person taking the time to show each person this small action of consideration to me is remarkable. It seems the older I get the more this hits home. After awhile you sort of get it you know. You realize that any action or thought given to you is a gift. It's not anything owed to you ,or something you deserve, its a gift. Thats a nice thought to think about it if you ponder over it. It's something that motivates me to try and emulate. So there , thats whats on my mind today. So even if you dont go through your whole list, why not take the time to just send someone you know or better yet someone you dont know, a kind word. You never know, it might just be what that person needs today. Now for people like myself who need selfish motivation. Think of it this way, remember how you felt last time you did a unselfish act. How you seemed to have found something that was gooooooooooooood. Well go get that good feeling again today. I promise you it can become addicting. An wouldnt that be something if we all became addicted to commiting unselfish acts.


ok heres what happened ppl. I took all day yesterday, plotting and planning and basically becoming a complete nusiance to myself. Why? I wanted to write something witty ans smart and uplifting for my friends. Ha HA. Now, today Im wondering should I write about the only thing that I know that has a greater sense of humor than me. Fate. Or should I take this minute to tell Fubar how they literally took my little heart, caressed it and then proceded to stomp the living crap out of it, all the while laughing like one of the crazies in a horror movie. You are probably wondering where am I going with this. Seeing as how I seem to gain some perverse pleasure, by telling people of my embarrasing moments, I would like to further your ammusement with yesterday fiasco. I woke up tired, and tired. No thats not a typo thats the only feeling I had tired. Caffine, thats what i needed, a cup of java. So i made a terrible cup of coffee, which I then congraulated myself on, by saying good for you thinking outside the box and making this molasses instead. I then sat down and told myself that today, Im writing some thing witty and light and hopefully uplifting. YYYYYYYYeeeeeeeeeeeeehhhhaawwwwwwww. Well, an hour later and twenty drafts, it occured to me this was not happening. Yet bieng the stubborn person that I am, I politely told myself "to hell it want". So forty five minutes to two hours later not sure which; I was ending my blog. Wow, people you should have seen it, it was every thing i had hoped for. Light, witty , enlightning without bieng preachy. Man this was good stuff. So Im attempting to proof read it for the tenth time, when the phone rings. The day just keeps getting better, it my favorite sister calling to tell me that she was working on a project that I had initiated and she had done all the work. Which is why shes my favorite sister. Well after answering several pertinent questions regarding this situation. I once again resumed my quest for finishing my blog. All that was left now was to push the button submit. I proudly pushed that button. OMG, WTH, I KNOW YOU ARE SHITTING ME RIGHT! There in bold letters that will haunt me for the next year it said it all. Your session has been closed. Or something to that regard. This could not be, really stop joking ha ha Fubar, you bunch of teasers. No, really give me back my blog, good joke but i really have to be going. OK ENOUGH IS ENOUGH, GIVE MY FRIGGGIN BLOG YOU X%&^&%^& AND YOUR x&^%$$^ LIKE I GIVE A FLYING X*&^%&&%& ABOUT YOUR TIME. Whew, so now that i have gotten that off my chest. I realize, hey calmn down old man its not the end of the world, hell it probably was only funny to you anyway. Ok, Fubar you know I love you. Hell, I take grief for you from the regulars in my chat rm who want me to spend more time there. I plan my bathroom breaks around you guys. Now with that said I'd like to make a very tiny, weee itty bitty request if you dont mind. GIVE US BLOGGERS A FRICKING WARNING PPL. I MEAN COMR'ON CAN WE GET A COUNT DOWN. YOU KNOW , SOMETHING LIKE BOLD RED NUMBERS COUNTING BACKWARDS WITH MAYBE A SIGN SAYING "ASSHOLE YOU ARE RUNNING OUT OF TIME". I'LL EVEN SETLE FOR LIGHTS YOU KNOW GREEN, ( TAKE ALL THE TIME IN THE WORLD) YELLOW ( MAYBE TOMMOROW WILL BE BETTER FOR YOU) RED ( ITS NOT OUR FAULT YOU CANT SPELL, OR KEEP A THOUGHT). SOMETHING , ANYTHING MAYBE A NICE RECORDING WITH ONE OF THE LADIES WITH THE GENERIC VOICE THAT WAS JUST A WEEEEEE BIT UNDER THE STANDARdS FOR 1 900 NUMBERS. I MEAN COULDNT SHE COMEON AND SAY , UMMMMM I DONT KNOW SOMETHING SEXY BUT BLUNT AND COMPASSIONTE LIKE MAYBE " DONT WORRY HONEY IT HAPPENS TO EVERYONE" WELL KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS. OK. Finished screaming and ranting, somewhere in cyber world is maybe my best blog, at least I think it is. If there is a cyber angel, maybe they will return it for me. Or maybe this angel has already done his task by throwing away what would have been embarrasing and boring. I dont know! Really though in the future it would be nice to have some kind of warning before this happens. I have recieved several soultions to this problem people. All of them have been great. How could i call myself an American though if I did'nt take this time to bitch and moan. I mean that's in the constution im sure. Hey have you read the whole thing, well it could be? As a matter of fact it must be. Why else would we moan and whine the way we do if it is not. Its right up there with our right for stupidty, and intolerance. Seriously, before u make judgements read it plaese. I am not a idiot, I have made an educated guess, based on what i have experinced and have been told. What else can u ask. If this is not good enough, then I will stand outside some mall and do a survey which will scientifically prove without a doubt that I am right. Ok, enough yall get my drift. No contrary to what i would like to believe, I have to responsiblity for my own actions. I mean I could have written it down first. I could have copied and pasted while I was writing, ohhhhhh and maybe just maybe i could ahve broken it down in parts. Ok yall I gotta go , seeing as how I havent took any of the prior suggestions again. So next time you think about moaning like me, you might wanna consider the part you played in it. After that you might even want to own up to it and take, uuummm I dont know, but im gonna go with responsiblity here. Love ya, later

Why not

I enjoy stating my opinons, and listening to others. I also believe that you can disagree with someone with out being disagreeable. With that said, I would like to say this. Yesterday I tried to write something, because it gives me an outlet to be creavtive and opionated and basically a chance to rant. I find that writing this blog as simple as it maybe, is very comforting and empowering. My vanity desperately wishes that my thoughts and words were heard by more. Why, because Im vain, and proud. Oh people who know me might disagree. Self honesty though is quite freeing and humbling. It allows me a chance for growth and forgiveness of myself. Today I was reading a fellow blogger I met on here. I had recently spoke briefly to this person and was intrigued by our short conversation. So I popped over to thier page to inquire. During our conversation I found out they blogged too. My initial feeling was that I would find this person to be straight forward and honest in thier beliefs. I was not to be disappointed. One paticular blog hit an issue that I have very strong opinons on. Immediately after reading it I wished that I could post it all over Fubar and the net. After futher thought though it occurred to me, that this was faulty thinking. Now here is were Im sure some of us will part ways and go our different courses. To that I say happy journeys. You see I believe that on this course we call life there are no coincidences. Do not confuse this with the notion that you do not have input on your circumstances or path in life. What it means in a very simplified way is that I believe in a higher power who directs and intercedes when we allow that guiadance. So with this train of thought firmly in mind. I realized that I was suppose to read that blog. That my emotions, and perceptions where bieng stimulated for my own benefit. Following this same pattern of thought I realized that the same was true of my writings. Those who read my words and ponder them are the ones that were meant to hear them. The message was recieved. It had nothing to do with the subject of that blog, but everything to do with me. So i'll quit my rambling with this thought. "Why not" write and put my ideas in this cyber universe. Its a means to communicate with someone. To connect in some way hopfully positive. Ill try and leave my vanity behind, because though I might have preconcieved notions of what you will get from my blogs. I will probably be wrong. So Ill write my ideas and feelings and let a higher power decide how that will personally effect those who read it. Okay finished.
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