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Only by way of the symbolic blood of animals could the High Priest approach the presence of God, represented by the Holy of Holies. But when Jesus Christ was judged on the cross, the huge curtain that blocked entry into the Holy of Holies was ripped from top to bottom (Matthew 27:51). Christ’s work on the cross removed the barrier keeping men from the presence of God, giving us free access to His throne of grace (Hebrews 4:16, 10:19, 20). There were 7 and I’ll list them in the order THAT SOMEBODY -- NOT ME HOWEVER believes they probably occurred. "Father, forgive them, they don’t know what they’re doing." Luke 23:34 "I’m telling you the truth, today you’ll be with Me in paradise." Luke 23:43 "Woman, look, this is your son. Look, this is your mother." John 19:25,26 "My God, My God, why have you abandoned Me!" Matthew 27:46 "I’m thirsty." John 19:28 "It is finished now, with results that will go on forever." John 19:30 "Father, into Your hands I commit My spirit!" Luke 23:46 Reconciliation had been accomplished (Ephesians 2:13-16) through the "blood of Christ" (verse 13).
I DON'T HAVE THE HTTP FOR THIS, BUT IT IS A RIP. iT COULD BE ALL GIBBERISH, BUT PERHAPS JUST THE GIBBERISH YOU NEED! 14GCom2/02 26 Leader Styles The following describes different leadership styles. People tend to lead according to their personalties, rather than adapt to the styles of others. "D" Leaders — "D"s are take control and be in charge types. They don't like people telling them what to do. "D" leaders can be too pushy and forceful. They need to control their direct and demanding approach to management. They make better leaders when they learn to slow down, be gentle, and not so demanding of others. "I" Leaders — "I"s are inspiring and enthusiastic. They love to lead and influence others. Naturally great presenters, they tend to talk too much. "I" leaders need to listen more and not be so sensitive to rejection. They are the most impressive and positive leaders. "I"s love crowds, but need to be interested in individuals. "S" Leaders — "S"s are the sweet, steady and stable leaders. They seldom demand anything. They are friendly and loyal, but tend to be too nice. They need to be more aggressive and assertive. Overly sensitive to their shortcomings, "S"s need to be more confident. They hate to take risks. They often miss opportunities because of their caution. Reliable and relaxed, they are more reserved. "C" Leaders — "C"s are competent and compliant. They go by the book and want to do everything just right. They are thorough and detailed-oriented, but tend to be too informative. "C"s need to be more positive and enthusiastic. They answer questions people aren't asking. When optimistic, "C"s are extremely influential. They should not concentrate on problems, but focus on potentials. Follower Styles People also follow according to their personalities. Identifying individual followers' styles make leaders more effective. "D" Followers — "D"s respect strong leaders. They want to be part of a winning team. They follow with power and authority in mind. They wonder, "Will this action make me more respected and / or get the job done?" "D" followers need choices, rather than "get-in or get-out" ultimatums. They need opportunities to do their own thing. "I" Followers — "I"s follow with their hearts. They tend to be impulsive followers. They want opportunities that will make them look good. "I" followers talk a lot. They make great first impressions. Their high egos and ability to persuade often turn them into the leaders in order to rise to the top. Sometimes you don't know who's leading whom. "S" Followers — "S" followers don't make quick decisions. They like leaders who are understanding and gentle. They want to establish a relationship with a leader who will be around for a long time. "S"s are concerned about service and stability. When it comes to sensible and slow judgment, "S" followers feel right at home. They like familiar and low-key environments. "C" Followers — "C"s are "Consumer Report" type followers. They analyze each decision. They love research and development. "C"s are quality oriented followers. They don't like quick or costly decisions. Picky and precise, they follow with their minds, rather than hearts. "C"s seldom respond positively at first. They often want time to think about their decisions. Once convinced, they follow best. For example, High "S" leaders should not engage High "D" followers in small talk. "D"s prefer leaders who get-to-the-point. They want "bottom line" answers. They respond best to those who are not going to waste their time. On the other hand, High "S" followers feel comfortable with leaders who are systematic, slower, and steady in their approaches. "S"s don't like fast talking, quick pace responses. "S"s respond best to stable and sensitive leaders. Leadership Insights Most everyone responds to life's challenges and choices according to his or her personality. Therefore, individuals who relate to others must be personality wise. The most effective Leader is the blended Servant Leader. These type individuals learn how to adapt and become "all things to all men." They understand that everyone is often motivated by their specific personality. They guard their strengths from overuses, and improve / perfect (2 Cor. 12:9-10) their "uniquenesses / weaknesses." Blended Servant Leaders allow the Holy Spirit to control their drives, passions, and wills in order to motivate others more wisely. Servant Leaders are Transformational Leaders who raise people up to follow on a higher plain. Anyone can be a Servant Leader. Your giftedness and "DISC" personality type is not most important. It's your relationship with God and others that makes the difference. God doesn't always call the qualified, but He always qualifies the called! New LEADERSHIP INSIGHTS with Blended Servant Leader Model. ********************************** 14GCom2/02 28 Natural Responses To Conflict — "D"s — Want To Attack "I"s — Want To Expose Others "S"s — Want To Support or Submit "C"s — Want To Criticize Recommended Biblical Responses — "D"s — Restore With Love "I"s — Talk To God, Not Others "S"s — Care Enough To Confront "C"s — Examine Own Self First How To Handle Conflicts One of the most, if not THE greatest hindrance to spiritual growth is conflict. Excited Christians, desiring to serve God, are often discouraged because of misunderstandings and clashes with other Christians. This section is designed to help you discover why people do what they do under pressure and why you may conflict with others. Scripture is clear on how to handle clashes. The problem is many Christians are not aware of their "sensitive spots." Believers also need to learn what the Bible teaches about resolving conflicts. Every personality has its "hot button." Everyone can act like a "D" when pushed too far. The following are tendencies of personalities as they relate under pressure. Review this entire page with your spiritual gift/s and personality type in mind. Read each D,I,S,C section to see how each type responds. Also consider how your specific spiritual gift/s may respond in relations to each personality type. But always — Seek to be spiritual, not natural! Remember — Most problems in the church today are clashes between personalities and / or spiritual gifts. "S" Behavior & Any Spiritual Gift Type Under Pressure: Becomes subservient, insecure, fearful, weakwilled, withdrawn, sympathizer, sucker. Sources of Irritation: Pushiness, instability, inflexibility, anger, disloyalty, insensitivity, pride, discrimination, unfairness. Needs To: Be — strong, courageous, challenging, aggressive, assertive, confrontational, enthusiastic, outgoing, expressive, cautious, bold. "C" Behavior & Any Spiritual Gift Type Under Pressure: Becomes moody, critical, contemplative, negative, worrisome. Sources of Irritation: Incompetence, disorganization, foolishness, dishonesty, inaccuracy, wastefulness, inconsistency, blind faith, false impressions. Needs To: Loosen up, communicate, be — joyful, positive, tolerant, compromising, open, trusting, enthusiastic. "I" Behavior & Any Spiritual Gift Type Under Pressure: Becomes hyper, overly optimistic, immature, emotional, irrational, silly, wordy, selfish. Sources of Irritation: Disinterest, slowness, pessimism, details, time restraints, antagonism, doubt, structure, lack of — enthusiasm, team participation. Needs To: Listen, count the cost, control emotions, be — humble, strong, disciplined, punctual, careful with words, conscientious. "D" Behavior & Any Spiritual Gift Type Under Pressure: Becomes dictatorial, domineering, demanding, angry, intense, forceful, direct, bossy. Sources of Irritation: Weakness, indecisiveness, laziness Lack of — discipline, plan, purpose, direction, authority, control, challenge. Needs To: Back off, seek peace, relax, think before reacting, control self, be — patient, loving, friendly, loyal, kind, sensitive. Sample
http://www.stmarkshighland.ang-md.org/reflect/renewal.htm THIS IS A "RIP" OF PORTIONS OF THE ABOVE MENTIONED ITEM, WITH SOME COMMENTARY BY ME. Observation #1: INSTINCT/GUTS St Paul writes frequently that he desires, prays for, and labors for our deepening faith, our increasing spiritual maturity, our ongoing transformation in Christ, our expanding knowledge of God, and our experience of our unity together. Never once does St Paul write that he prays or labors for our gaining or refraining from the practice of any spiritual gifts. This is not a major issue for St Paul. Observation #2: IMAGINATION St Paul connects the filling of the Spirit with submission to others (Eph 5.18-21) rather than with gaining or refraining from the practice of spiritual gifts. For St Paul, the filling of the Spirit has to do with the FRUIT of the spirit – spirituality, maturity, and holiness, more than the gifts of the Spirit – abilities for ministry. To become polarized in controversy, regardless of which side of the table one sits, is the opposite of mutual submission. To judge another person because of their experience (or lack of experience) only displays spiritual immaturity rather than faith. Observation #3: COMMON SENSE/WILL St Paul did differentiate between greater and lesser gifts, and urged us, if we should seek spiritual gifts, to seek the greater gifts rather than the lesser gifts. Yet, amazingly, our controversy usually revolves around the lesser gifts. Doesn’t that strike you as odd? Why would we waste time and energy, and destroy the unity of the Body, by arguing about minor things? Observation #4: REASONING St Paul ends the passage about seeking spiritual gifts by saying rather than seeking any spiritual gifts (greater or lesser) there is something far more important: Loving one another. Rather than becoming passionate about any gifts (greater or lesser), we must become passionate about our relationships and our unity together. Observation #5: FEELINGS St Paul describes Christian renewal in terms of conversion, relationship, and spirituality rather than in terms of worship style and spiritual gifts: “But now you must get rid of all such things-- anger, wrath, malice, slander, and abusive language from your mouth. Do not lie to one another, seeing that you have stripped off the old self with its practices and have clothed yourselves with the new self, which is being renewed in knowledge according to the image of its creator. In that renewal there is no longer Greek and Jew, circumcised and uncircumcised, barbarian, Scythian, slave and free; but Christ is all and in all!” (Col 3.8-11). Christian renewal has nothing to do with controversy, and everything to do with inner holiness. Observation #6: INTUITION/POINT St Paul prayed fervently that we would be rooted and based in love, rather than in worship style or miracle. He prayed that we would deepen in our knowledge of Christ’s love, so that we would be complete (Eph 3.17-19). He called us to gentle and quiet behavior, working for harmony, preserving the bond of peace rather than falling sinfully into energetic controversy and division (Eph 4.2-3). And finally, he claimed that spiritual gifts were to bring harmony, not controversy, and spiritual maturity rather than childishness (Eph 4.13-14). In contemporary Western Christianity, both Congregations and Christians that avoid the Holy Spirit and those that like to call themselves “spirit filled” equally miss the point.
NA-ME Project Charter, alias Going in Like Gangbusters ------------------------------- ( C 1996 ) Josie Roberts 1.0 General Charter 1.1 Project Goals and Objectives 1.2 Project Name, Motto, and Theme Songs 1.3 Estimate of Required Resources 2.0 Management Responsibility 2.1 Planning Project Director 2.2 Executive Sponsor and Steering Body 2.3 Review and Approval Authority 3.0 Project Organization 3.1 Primary Project Staff 3.2 Project Support Staff 4.0 Project Scope 4.1 Organization Scope 4.2 Technology Scope 5.0 Planning Approach 5.1 General Approach 5.2 Overview of Planned Activities 5.3 Deliverable Outline 5.4 Germinal Concepts 5.4.1 Foundation Stones for Practice 5.4.2 Diagrams of Simulation Architecture 5.4.3 Career Counseling Process Overview 5.4.4 Hints on Expert System Architecture 6.0 Schedule 6.1 General Project Timeframe 6.2 Alternative completion Scenarios 7.0 Resource Requirements 7.1 Overall staff needs 7.2 Facilities Needed 7.3 Computer and Software 7.4 Training and Outside Consulting 8.0 References 1.0 General Charter The notation ***TBD*** means TO BE DEFINED. 1.1 Project Goals and Objectives The overall project goal is to self-teach a group of Christians to encourage their fellow Christians via career counseling. This includes developing and trialing a process for career counseling and developing computer software to assist in such counseling. Everyone gets equity interest in the product and a chance to be part of a counseling firm pioneering use of the product. If project is completed ahead of schedule, bonuses may be given ***TBD***. Besides a person’s involvement in their career, we may be able to apply our techniques as well to considerations of the timeliness of dabbling in hobbies, the development of important relationships, participation in volunteer service, exercize of spiritual gifts for upbuilding the body of Christians in their community, and finding appropriate co-workers in these various endeavors. It would be a godsend if this also could be adapted to considerations involved in taking care of necessary chores. An auxiliary personal goal for the project leader is to come to understand better the covenant which God makes with the spiritual children of Abraham. This involves among other things the following so far discovered: 1. Being personally assured, not just intellectually confident, of being saved by Jesus as Savior 2. Going for Jesus as LORD, i.e. asking what pleases him and following through on that commitment 3. Feeling God’s presence ( however fallibly) in serendipitous coincidences in daily life 4. Coming to have an individual path mapped out for me as steps toward ambassadorship for Christ 5. Getting a small glimmer of an idea what it means to boldly present the gospel to an outside audience w/o squelching their humanity. 6. Finding something that I’m happy enough with to practice what I preach, so that I can identify what might be called the “gospel according to Joe C. Roberts”. The guiding Bible verses for my journey so far are the following, in the order in which they became personally meaningful: John 13:34-35, Phil 4:8, John 8:31-32, Prov 4:23, Heb 11:6, John 17:3, James 1:27, Ps 25:14. 1.2 Project Name, Motto, and Theme Songs The project name is Na-me which stands for people who have been saying “nay-me LORD!” becoming more than no-shows and taking a new name for themselves in the LORD, or acrostically: Notions of potions, find my desire A little bit of sugar makes the medicine go down Me, myself, and I are all the LORD has to get this ship on the road. E nvy not those never born, park your anger and be not forlorn. The motto for the project overall is “Take the truth where you find it; God put it there so he won’t mind it.” The theme songs are “I’ll Fly Away” and “Once to Every Man and Nation”. See section 5.4.2 and 5.4.4 for further mottos for various stages of the software development. 1.3 Estimate of Required Resources A group of at least 2 is required, one for maturity in the relationship aspects of the business and one for the computer software development. A group of 6-7 would be nice, and a group of 12-14 would be heaven because of the reduced workload it would imply.. A larger group would be unwieldy. At some point, a $2000-$3000 development PC will be required, along with about $500 - $1000 of software development tools. Eventually a network of PCs will be required to actually commence the practice of career counseling, along with the purchase of license to existing career counseling software. A 4-drawer file cabinet for storing documentation, correspondence and software. 2.0 Management Responsibility 2.1 Planning Project Director The original idea of this project and planning direction is the responsibility of Joe Roberts. This will be re-evaluated 4 months after we have the presence of 4 people on the project. 2.2 Executive Sponsor and Steering Body We will seek a sponsor from among computer industry executives, first choice being one of Joe’s former bosses in the computer industry . Each group member nominates 3 people to serve on the steering body. We elect a group of 14 people to serve pro bono. 2.3 Review and Approval Authority Currently none has been designated. 3.0 Project Organization 3.1 Primary Project Staff The primary staff positions to be filled are (negotiable) the following: Director of Customer and Problem Tracking Discussion Moderator and Coordinator Director of Standardized Testing and Investor Relations Director of Training and Agenda Scheduling Director of Secrecy Registry and Documentation Director of Advanced Projects Project Leader 3.2 Project Support Staff Graphics artist expertise will be needed for advertising and advise regarding the computer program look-and-feel. 4..0 Project Scope 4.1 Organization Scope This is done under the ageiss of Poetic Programming Solutions, a personal proprietorship of Joe Roberts. This consists of a side-line business conducted by volunteers who probably all have regular jobs during the week. For a single nite of the week, to be designated, we get together for 1 ½ -2 hours to discuss career counseling, including having presentations. Each member may make up his own mind about how much preparation time to get involved with. The equity shares are based on work items completed rather than hours involved, plus some minimal number of discussion meeting months/years requirement to vest. Three years will be taken to develop a firm career counseling process and software tools to assist. After that if funding is available for a trial an actual career counseling practice will be setup in Austin, Texas with people participating on a full / part-time basis as funding and interest will allow. Minimally, at least 2 psychologists and a clerical assistant would be needed, with others volunteering part-time as needed, until the practice is established on a firm footing. 4.2 Technology Scope All software will be developed on IBM compatible personal computers running windows. Some software development tools will have to be chosen, primarily a programming language or languages and a data base system supporting concurrent access. Several personality theories are being used, chief among them the ENNEAGRAM, Briggs-Myers, John Holland career types, Whole-Brain Thinking, and Thinking Styles. Eventually two or three others may be employed. 5.0 Planning Approach 5.1 General Approach The whole project is not plannned out ahead of time. The spirit gives information a step at a time, enough to proceed. This comes through interaction with people, reading literature, and the events of daily life. Joe keeps all his notes in his personal journal and a set of manila folders, to which reference may be made in case of his demise. When some people get involved, the planning will be shared to some degree ***TBD***. The relationship requirements in entering into this venture are expressed in the ARKANSAS plan, using those letters as an acrostic for the following: 1. Allowing space for God to be in our relationship. 2. Reaching high, wanting to score points with each other unashamedly. 3. Keeping squarely focused on the truth at every level. 4. Angling to advance the pyramid of others by supporting their growth in spirituality. 5. Never measuring our problems, just our results against planned values, to judge by. 6. Sliding smoothly around obstacles by remaining open and not letting doubts hide out about motives. 7. Anticipating confusion about roles and being forthright about desiring changes therein. 8. Seeking God’s face in each other -- mutual guidance as though heaven sent. The clientelle to be helped include people with major problems, and so planning has to provide for a serious work effort. These prospective clients include the following: 1. The downsized -- who can’t understand why loyalty wasn’t rewarded 2. The downtrodden -- oppressed, out of time to fill in forms again and again 3. The down-on-luck--can’t postpone punishment for admitted goofups and have damaged their reputation 4. The down-and-out--bankrupt, out of cash with no prospects 5. The downcast -- feel blackballed, hexed, jinxed 6. The down fallen--fired from a high rank and can’t get back to comparable position 7. The downhearted--dejected and depressed 5.2 Overview of Planned Activities There are 3 kinds of activities -- guidance reports, computer software development, and miscellaneous including career counseling process development. Each of the following reports is to be prepared and presented. This information will be given to potential investors at some point as well as presented to project staff initially. Many of these represent the critical hard cases that have to be considered. The easy cases of handling clients with bright prospects go through as smooth as silk if we can handle these situations. Career Counseling to 3rd Culture People ( Our Worst Case Scenario) ( 3rd culture includes the homeless and poor) Potential Cognitive Therapy Usage in Career Counseling Statistical Analysis, Standardized Testing, and Fates Worse than Death ( the necessary evils thereof) Ergonomics of Computerized Career self-help Programs Evaluating the impact of concrete events as they occur in real life Project charter document What matters, i.e. is important to the people in our group, a report to me and others of why people are getting involved. How to supply career counseling to people who hate to read and write. How to inject humor into career counseling. How to approach career counseling with people that are indecisive. Even though we will acquire and use existing career counseling software, additional computer software development effort will be expended at least as follows: Data entry of career information for various occupations ( including data base load from tapes and possible DB conversions ) Simulation program to evaluate career ambitions ( to be implemented in 3 phases ) based on questionnaires filled in by the client about 8 “heartfelt” things about their career thoughts -- their motives, intentions, ambitions, decisions, meditations, thoughts, plans, and reflections. Artificial intelligence program ( to be implemented in 5 phases ) to be invoked selectively from the simulation program when satisfactory results are not being achieved by standard procedures. Some miscellaneous efforts are as follows: 1. software development tool training for all programming staff 2. computer network equipment/software acquisition and maintenance 3. project leadership and guidelines development 4. sponsorship and obtaining financial backing 5. book and magazine and software career tools acquisitions and monthly reviewing. 6. process development and trial of career counseling , developing a model of how to practice career counseling. 7. assessment and consultation regarding the impact of various stages of maturity of clients 5.3 Deliverable Outline Draft copies of each guidance report. Each one should be 10-20 pages in length. Discussion is the essence of discovery, so hopefully 2-3 people at least will be interested in each area. For the computer simulation program: Requirements analysis document Functional design/ DB design Detailed design/test plans Program coded/clean compile Unit test completed/test data entered Integration test completed in client/server networked environment For the expert system program ***TBD***. For the career counseling process proposal, a 20-50 page draft report. 5.4 Germinal Concepts 5.4.1 Foundations Stones for Practice Use the client’s own decision-making process to guide the order of work. This is applying the rule of relevance. Raise consciousness of emotions. There are approximately 9-16 emotions that a client should be aware of, and he/she should know which ones are most important to him/her personally. Computer assistance is a means to a goal, not the goal itself. Test cases must work or the system is a failure--immediate family and best friends. There are various “books of lists” already existent which should be consulted for nitty-gritty details. These are helpful in making predictions. Personality doesn’t determine whether a person becomes a doctor or not, it determines what specialty will be pursued. Similarly for mathematicians, etc. Secrets must be shared to develop good judgement. However, this is done best selectively, as points become germane to the task under consideration. 5.4.2 Diagrams of Simulation Architecture SEE "Earthly View" under "Career/Hobby/Tutoring Counseling" gallery of photos at fubar for diagram01. The first diagram is the “earthly view” of our architecture. The upper right arrow and associated boxes is developed in phase-1 of the simulation. A goal of this view of the career situation is to develop the client’s intuition, insight, streetwise sense, foresight, premonition instincts, and ESP. As motivators for a strong mission in life, it is desirable to develop glee ( open delight or pleasure), passion (fondness, enthusiasm desire), rectitude (rightness of principle or conduct), certitude ( freedom from doubt), complaisance ( inclination to please), conviction (firm belief), ardent longing, and equanimity (composure under tension). SEE "Middle soulish view" under "Career/Hobby/Tutoring Counseling" gallery of photos at fubar for diagram02 The second diagram is the “middle soulish” view. The upper left arrow and associated boxes is developed in phase-2 of the simulation. The labels and Bible references in this diagram are from Richard Roberts’s book Faith to Try Again. The purpose of the diagram elements are to measure the person’s: 1. Receptivity to suggestion for improvement in attitude 2. Discerning of purpose and will of God 3. Modernness in outlook toward professional life 4. Moderation in claims of goodness 5. Courage in following Bible teaching 6. Thoughtfulness and consideration, anticipating the needs and wants of others 7. Equitableness in judgement as to how much self and others can be trusted 8. Joyousness in sharing the fruit of your labor SEE "Heavenly View" under "Career/Hobby/Tutoring Counseling" gallery photos at fubar for diagram03. The third diagram is the “heavenly view” perhaps seldom discussed, but overarching and guiding. The lower 2 arrows and associated box are developed in phase-3 of the simulation. PURPOSES/BENEFITS OF EACH PHASE: Phase-1 will cover motives, intentions, and ambitions and is primarily concerned with “getting confident”. Featured in this is a 28 question questionairre of predictions about ambitions in various environmental situations. This phase corresponds most closely with existing career counseling software. This phase is to establish the body of evidence as to what the client is trying to accomplish in his or her life. The motto for this phase is “The map is not the territory”. A “map” of the territory of ambitions will be made, but it is only an approximation. Hopefully we will rightly divide the word of truth ( 2 Tim 2:15). Phase-2 will cover meditations and decisions and is concerned with the client “getting inspired” at their level of maturity. It declares the soul witness as to what forces are driving your existence. The motto for this phase is “Take the truth where you find it; God put it there so he won’t mind it.” A 30-step path for becoming an ambassador for Christ will be evaluated and perhaps generalized to further identify strengths and weaknesses in seeking various ambitions. Phase-3 will cover thoughts, plans, and reflections and is concerned with the client “getting in sync with reality”. Phase-3's heavenly visions may have been experienced in situations of peak grounded experience, altered states of consciousness, the unconscious becoming conscious, states of exhilaration, or moments of astounding insight or mystical emotional upheaval. This phase floods the client’s consciousness with the Spirit of truth as to how earnestly he is seeking God. The motto for this phase is “Shit in heaven is used to plug holes in hell.” Things we experience even in our throes of sickness can be inspired of God. Also, one man’s garbage is another man’s gems of delight. The following poem indicates some of the background motivation for the usage of these diagrams in our architecture. It is called “Friends for Resolving Your Quandries” and is about the roles that other Christians play in our lives and the way truth comes in. A fisher of men wants to save your soul; Use the Spirit of truth as counselor to make you whole. With being a disciple as a relevant motive, He’s guided to do some Bible quoting. A pillar of the church wants to help you expand, Speaking the truth in love to help you plan How to express your important intentions. It’s confidential and there’s some facts that we won’t mention. Called, chosen, and faithful people bring liberation-- Know the truth and be set free from hesitation. Their way, truth and life is a heavenly truth scout Leading you in your faith to erase all doubt. Ambassadors for Christ are here to correct you So you worship in Spirit and truth, God’s due. Repentance leading to knowledge of truth Improves your ambitious predictions and who knows what might ensue. God’s reconciling fellow workers are here to encourage; The Spirit of truth guides with a gentle urging. Accurate meditations on the Bible will train your instincts-- Choose love and life, not law and death, to be your drink. Firm believers in the new covenant come to heal. Rightly divide the word of truth and feel the Spirit seal. Receive the promise of new confidence As your recurring thoughts shape events. More than conquerors brings a blessing when you meet; Desiring truth in the inner parts, you both sit at Jesus’ feet. Jesus testifies to truth, listen to the story-- All your solemn plans emerge on the road to glory. Children and co-heirs of the living God are here to confirm You’ve been saved through belief in truth personally learned. Your immediate reflection or judgement may be tough to follow But when in sync with recurring thoughts, the results are not hollow. When life has you in a quandry of sorts Ask God to be a good sport And send one of these folks across your path today So you can syncopate with the heavenly way. Return the favor when you’ve got the chance To participate in God’s love dance. Learn each role and react with glee-- Emulating Jesus the truthfinder is an ecstasy. When you thus learn to relate And let the serendipity do its syncopate, Your innocent wish will get astounding results-- You can enter the kingdom even as a flerking putzing klutz. 5.4.3 Career Counseling Process Overview Any process of career counseling must satisfy the following criteria: 1. Enhancement of the client’s motivation 2. Accuracy and balance of presentation 3. Processing of the client’s experience 4. Timeliness of presentation 5. Appropriate amount and complexity of content 6. Provide a facilitative context 7. Provide the appropriate amount of assistance. Hopefully a client’s decision-making style can guide the order in which various factors are brought out and discussed. This desire to accomodate the client will depend on actual practice in the field to identify a list of simple questions to ask which will clarify such an ordering arrangement. Below are some of the factors to be considered in client counseling. Aspects of the client’s life style which should be considered include: 1. Leisure activities 2. Personal and social behavior 3. Social responsibility (citizenship) 4. Education 5. Occupation background 6. Ability to learn how to learn If it is possible to do so, consideration should be given to the preferred learning mode of the client, whether it be: 1. Demonstrations in a study group context 2. Discussions perhaps with experienced co-journeyiers 3. Hands-on experiences 4. Lectures by experts 5. Programmed materials 6. Iconic displays Also a preference of interest is from among the following: 1. Knowing the instructor 2. Working with peers 3. Having authoritative guidance 4. Having organization 5. Attention to detail 6. Working alone Things to measure about the client are: 1. Interests 2. Maturity 3. Achievements 4. Skills 5. Values 6. Aptitudes 7. Personality characteristics Obstacles to be overcome and associated tasks are: 1. Unaware of abilities, interests, and skills -- self-assessment of career relevant attributes 2. Lack of systematic career decision skills -- obtain career decision skills 3. Lack of job seeking skills -- obtain job seeking skills 4. Wealth of occupational info -- obtain info gathering and analyzing skills 5. Uncertain priorities and values -- clarify values 6. Inaccurate info or maladaptive beliefs -- cognitive restructuring Job characteristics to consider are: 1. Requirements 2. Function 3. Salary 4. Employment outlook 5. Conditions of work 6. Related occupations In an ideal scenario, the following would all be provided ( it would take a very mature practice to provide all of them), based on the SOLUTIONS acrostic: 1. Saying what the hell, lets give it a try and plunging forward with enthusiasm 2. Obtaining the support of a sponsor to get you over the rough spots 3. Laboring at a voluntary position for 2 weeks to get a feel for the requirements in skill and attitude 4. Undertaking to inquire of best friends as to what your limits are and deciding if you’re willing to change 5. Teaching yourself how to behave by interviewing with people already in the field 6. Inspecting your motives to be sure it’s your own interests, not some outside influence, to pursue this goal 7. Objectively comparing your background, skills, and attitudes with heroic figures in this kind of position 8. Noticing at what point you’ve failed in past job trials and seeing if this is a rerun of the same scenario 9. Spending some time alone just pondering your various options. Factors in job satisfaction for various clients include: 1. Opportunity for promotion 2. Pay 3. Communication 4. Social integration 5. Routinization 6. Concentration of power 7. Quantitative work overload 8. Worker “professionalism” 9. The degree to which rewards and punishments are related to performance Other aspects of relevance are: 1. Amount of travel 2. Economic security 3. Income 4. Variety 5. Indoors v.s. outdoors 6. Working hours 7. Professional advancement 8. Authoritativeness 9. Length of training required 10. Prestige 11. Flexibility of working hours 12. Responsibility/independence 5.4.4 Hints on Expert System Architecture The emotions that we experience are very unruly and distracting. It is desirable to get each in balance. A list of 9-12 emotions are identified for study. The purpose of each phase of the expert system program is to help in that balancing for a specific emotion, 5 out of 10 having been chosen in a particular sequence for implementation. Only the first one, “passionate longing for God and mate” is considered to be of paramount importance in order of resolution. This is based partially on the ENNEAGRAM theory of personality, but the sequence of growth in maturity specified therein is not particularly followed here. The project mottos for the 5 phases of expert system program are as follows along with the corresponding ENNEAGRAM type number and emotion-like characteristic: 1. Never say never; say can can can. Type number 4. Develop passionate longing for rest in arms of God and soulmate 2. Truth is the scout, Jesus is the hunter Type number 1. Question to analyze and discover new trends and agendas 3. Jesus is the bounty hunter; truth is the veil torn asunder Type number 5. Be curious about mysteries of life and the universe 4. Co-heir, balance and live Type number 2 Have peace/thanks in passing along a heritage 5. A little bit of sugar makes the medicine go down Type number 3. Be furious about expressing basic instincts 6.0 Schedule 6.1 General Project Time frame The clock started ticking August 1, 1996. A draft of each guidance report should be available at the end of the 1st year. The 3rd culture and cognitive therapy papers are critical and hopefully can be available in draft in 6 months. A draft of the functional design for the simulation program -- phase 1 and 2 -- and phase 1 of the expert systems program should be available at the end of the 1st year. The prototype ( unit tested ) version of this much should be available at the end of the 2nd year. A draft of the process for career counseling proposal should be available at 1 ½ years. Other products should be completed by the end of the 3rd year, except that the trial for the career process takes place perhaps in the 4th year after funding has been acquired for 1 year of business. 6.2 Alternative completion Scenarios If no other staff comes forth to volunteer for involvement, then Joe will attempt to concentrate on the computer software functional design until that is firmed up and in parallel with that working on the cognitive therapy report, then work on the career counseling process report, then the other individual reports. If more than 7 people are involved, perhaps we can complete our work in 2 years instead of 3. 7.0 Resource Requirements 7.1 Overall staff needs A group of 4 people, 2 programmers and 2 psychologists, is required to avoid having a large burden and to have good feedback. Other size impacts are detailed above in sections 1.3 and 6.2 . 7.2 Facilities Needed A place to meet one night a week for 1 ½ -2 hours, say from 7-9 P.M. Access to PCs for documentation editing. Access to PCs for software development at some point. 7.3 Computer and Software An IBM compatible computer running windows. Wordperfect word processing software.. Perhaps the DELPHI-2 RAD (Rapid Application Development) software for Object Pascal software development. OR Microsoft C#. 7.4 Training and Outside Consulting Training in whatever RAD environment or programming languages is required, for programmers who don’t already know them. Education in the psychology theories is necessary to understand the concepts employed by the computer software. Some outside consulting may be sought from the firm in Berkeley whose founder co-wrote the book “Thinking Styles”. In fact, it is desirable to establish an ongoing relationship for them to provide research for us in exchange for a share in our effort. 8.0 References Nancy K. Schlossberg, Counseling Adults in Transition Everett L. Worthington, Jr., When Someone Asks for Help Joan Sturkie and Gordon R. Beard, Christian Peer Counseling
Got it? Get it! my deepest spiritual beliefs/experiences This is an example of my deepest felt religion/spirituality Hebrews 6:1-2 lists in woeful summary the 6 fundamentals of Christian belief/faith/life. The "laying on of hands" therein mentioned refers to healing and "spiritual gifts" both of which are considerably controversial, and tend to be dealt with in each denomination, and even each individual local church, on a basis of their "clientelle's" wants/needs/desires and perceived mission in their communities, as prejudices and limited $ funds have major impact on what will be tolerated. I have a short essay on these 6 fundamentals listing paragraph on each and a contemporary song which embodies the belief. I won't share that with you now. Hebrews in general is the most mature expression of the deeper levels of Christianity in my personal opinion, with 6 warnings if you look carefully, which I won't discuss just now. I have studied Bible quite a bit over the years, had some mystical experiences, and 3 files called Practising What Preach, Seeing Cross Thru Jesus Eyes, and Seeing Heaven Above Here Below indicate my perception of the invisible must really existent "heavenly realms" in 3 steps of increasingly close contact with GOD, not just God or gods. I don't memorize a lot of Bible verses, only have about 35 to share which have been of particular deep significance in my life. There are 65 others which are of great significance personally but I am only prepared to share them with a wife or my family and maybe best friends of long duration, after such person has passed test of "worthy" by studying Bible themselves and not just diddling around or having a blase attitude about religion. GOD helps those who help themselves by being earnest ( Hebrews 11:6). A positive attitude is suggested as a most productive starting point ( Philippians 4:8 ) as in Emmet Fox, "Make Your Life Worthwhile" book. My 3 essays here mentioned each lists a contemporary song with vocals which exemplifies it in my estimate, perhaps just a wild imagination guess. Each of the 3 essays uses an "acrostic" theme to assist memorization of portions thereof. These are "Lesbian", "Sexual" and "Gumption". Whether these names are at any way relevant to the theme is unknown to me. I do regard that perhaps if my mission in life fails, then maybe a Lesbian might be able to be more broadminded and compassionate and able to communicate better what I have tried over the years to communicate, plus adding her own intuitive insights beyond all my possible understanding. Women "small discuss" amongst themselves much more than do men, they have to, and Lesbians might perhaps do even more so. Bless you, and I hope that this does not offend you. Cherished beliefs of one person can easily be seen as ignoramous, offensive, irrelevant, dastardly, or downright insulting by others particularly if others have had a totally different upbringing and unexposure to various beliefs. I was exposed to various denominations in high school Key Club where we men as a group visited the various churches in town. Later in my one semester in seminary I took a course in various world religions. And I have studied buddhist wisdom, Catholic mystical writings ( I HAD TO TO EXPLAIN WHAT WAS HAPPENING TO ME SO SURPRISINGLY ), and some New Age which corresponds closely with Abraham Maslow psychological studies and in particular the Enneagram of which I became aware thru reading first a book by Helen Palmer in California. So thereby I ended up being a mixed breed of Baptist / Methodist choir songs / Buddhist wisdom / Catholic mysticismSt. Teresa of Avila saint. I don't mention New Age because that is too provocative and I consider it to be a "derivative" of Sufi mysticism, not an original contribution, although in the area of "states of consciousness" they may have made some original contributions. Let me add that as to the best politically correct & legitimately objective impartial equitable scholarly views on Christian faith -- I subscribe to expositions of F.F. Bruce, who was a British Plymouth Brethren of world renown. This is my private beliefs mostly. I hope & pray that my flaws do not lead accidentally to throwing out the baby with the bath water. I am hopeing that you can have the same motto as I do -- "Take the truth where you find it. GOD put it there so there, so HE/SHE/THEY won't mind it". For simplicity sake I say "he" and also God instead of God usually. e.g. sometimes you can find God on a thrown away scrap of paper! Bless you and I hope that as you ponder this email over time it will be of some benefit in your personal religious/spiritual life. Am I a little bit ditzy or am I not on this? lol!

Your Gift poem

Your Gift (C 2008) Josie Roberts When we've seen The vision of great faith We can choose life Or we can hesitate. God is greatly To be praised The signs of paradise Are not a maze. Now is the moment! I'll dream again. Synergy is building Because Jesus is my friend. CHORUS: Your gift resolves ambiguity Your roles are calm Your utterance is imaginative Your purposes provide balm.

Haloland poem

Heaven's Halo Land (C 2008) Josie Roberts Wow it's judgement eve I see but come as you are. It's dust to dust we go But we still can go far. CHORUS: Into heaven's halo land By the wind of the spirit. Twirl and swirl in earnest Much more than just an it. 2nd verse: So we can work together Make roles to play And select a service point That doesn't cause dismay. 3rd verse: Don't hesitate or hinder Because sharing our burdens brings rest. Pray for yourself and for others-- Zest with knowledge is blessed.

Biblical assurances list

Biblical Assurances of which saints privileged to have: ( R.A. Torrey book ) 1. Their election PS 4:3, 1 Thess 1:4 2. Their redemption Job 19:25 3. Their adoption Romans 8:16, 1 John 3:2 4. Their salvation Isaiah 12:2 5. Eternal life 1 John 5:13 6. The inalienable love of God Rom 8:38-39 7. Union with God & Christ 1 Cor 6:15, 2 Cor 13:5, Eph 5:30, 1 John 2:5, 1 John 4:18 8. Peace with God by Christ Rom 5:1 9. Preservation Psa 3:6,8 , Psa 27:3-5, Psa 48: 1-3 10. Answers to prayer 1 John 3:22, 1 John 5:14-15 11. Continuance in grace Phil 1:8 12. Comfort in affliction Psa 73:26, Luke 4:18-19, 2 Cor 4:9-10 13. Support in death Psa 23:4 14. A glorious resurrection Job 19:26, Psa 27:15, Philemon 3:21, 1 John 3:2 15. A kingdom Hebrews 12:28, Rev 5:10 16. A crown 2 Tim 4:7-8, James 1:12
FAVORITE AUTHORS -- ALWAYS RELIABLE/DEPENDABLE 1. R.A. Torrey -- from olden days Christian scholar 2. F.F. Bruce -- numerous commentaries & some history books 3. J.R.R. Tolkein -- fantasy that we all know about about hobbits etc 4. H.L. Ellison -- Old Testament scholar 5. Bernard Ramm --- wide ranging American Biblical scholar 6. Jacques Ellul -- frenchman sociologist 7. John R. Kohlenberger III -- see NIV Complete Concordance 1981 8. Michael Spivak -- mathematician
This isn't exactly a good poem necessarily. It's main redeeming feature is that it is done as an "acrostic" on the words "UNKNOWN SOLDIER" as you can see in RED. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: MY ROLL OF DICE (C 1998 ) Josie Roberts Understanding is the prize, see his presence in their eyes. Neighborly tosses to save the dross. Kingship at reasonable prices to entice it. Neighing like a horse when you divorce. Only believe if they practise what they preach. Wishing we knew more about the things we dare to adore AND Slowing down enough to give encouragement. Obeying when you can, asking about the obligations of righteousness. Loving truth where you find the tooth. Dating your friends w/o having sex. Insisting on order and no wishy-washy when the chips are down, with exceptions if blessed. Expecting envy to turn into faint praise of the emptiness. Risk a little to save a few friends from grief or at least from torment.
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