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There was a garden on the west side of the house, hiding beneath the eaves from the more drastic weather. It wasn't an elaborate affair really; just large enough for one person to manage with a little sweat. Over the years, the plot had known many crops from daisies to carrots to strawberries with everything in between and often two to three at the same time. All the while it had been void of weeds and the soil had been kept clear though a week of neglect seemed to already be taking its toll. A patch nearest the house had always been a weed problem really. As fast they could be removed, they often found their way back within a few days, peaking through the lush soil like a child guiltily peering down the stairs Christmas morning. Though that small section had been quarantined for years, it now bled throughout, little brown strains mixed amongst the green of the current crops. Anne noted all of this from the window of her bedroom that overlooked her pride and joy since she was barely ten. Over the last year and a half, life had lost its luster for the twenty-seven year old but the garden had lingered as joy until two weeks prior. Too many things had happened; too many things hadn't happened. The dichotomy was too much to bear and she had made her decision on how to end it. She glanced across the yard at the setting sun, frowning back a bitter sensation that boiled in her chest. The emotion threatened to overwhelm her to tears but she swore she wouldn't cry againnot so close to her solution. Her weakness was already going to be on display for the world. There was no reason to compound it with further humiliation. Turning back to her vanity, she sat down and peered into the mirror. She was dressed for the occasion in the same black gown she wore when her mother was buried. It hung low on the shoulders, sweeping in a subtle arch which revealed a field of pale skin. The corset gave her breasts some lift which in turn revealed a liberal amount of cleavage. At the waist, the skirt flared out, falling to her ankles. About her slender neck, she wore a black silk choker that was bound in the center by a perfectly oval onyx; matching earrings dripped from her ears, two black dots on white gold threads. She glanced down at her recently manicured hands; hands that were accustomed to the work outside looked alien to her in their pristine condition. Turning her arm to point her palm toward the ceiling, her eyes examined the trace of vein that meandered along a patch of white toward her fingers. She reached over with her free hand and lifted the implement of her release; a long blade she spirited away from her father's study. The knife had been in their family for generations and she was quite certain it had tasted blood before. Death was a constant companion in her household; it had fed well on enemies and friends alike. But the world was different now, modernized... safe. Or maybe the violence was just more civilized. War certainly wasn't stayed by the trivialities of civilized culture. Really, the nicer clothes and better carriages, the larger homes and table manners, none of them mattered. They were nothing more than elaborate facades to hide the true nature of humanity, the seething animosity they have for sanctity. Why did people try so desperately to obscure the chaos that ruled their hearts? The world made no sense to her anymore. "Not as bad as that." The silky masculine voice floated on the air near her ears and yet it was so quiet she could've sworn it was confined to her thoughts. "Is the world truly so bleak as to plan such an end?" Her heart beat a bit faster and though a part of her wanted to turn around, a rational side told her 'there's nothing in the mirror, you're imagining things'. Or was she? Could this be a voice from heaven? The final chance to not commit a mortal sin? Or just her conscience begging her to stay her hand? But what was there to live for? Nothing in this world anymore... or ever if she wanted to get picky. "You have a flare for the dramatic," The voice continued on, a bit more audible now. There was definitely someone in the room. She just wasn't willing to look to see who... especially if they weren't casting a reflection. "Dressed in your funeral finery, looking more striking than any of those strumpets that scorned your company years ago. All because of religious convictions too..." The man tsked. "So much for the concept of togetherness and acceptance. "I'm looking down on your little garden. Do you feel that it's passed its prime? Like it's hopeless? It's only lost what you're unwilling to give it back you know." "I..." Anne found her voice but couldn't form anymore words. "Yes, I know what you're thinking. There's nothing left to live for. No point. The death of your mother, of your sister, your cousin, all of them weigh heavily on your soul and now, alone with your father as your only living relative you feel fragile and exposed. You feel old despite the fact that you're not even half way through your prime. Everything stacks against you, like the cancerous weeds that dominate your garden, you feel overwhelmed. Am I wrong?" "No," She whispered, shaking her head. "I just... can't." "You can't? You won't. There's a big difference. But you're right, this existence, this life has no point for you." She heard movement for the first time, a footfall near the window. "Your guilt right now, the thing that stayed your hand for the briefest moment lies outside this window. Who would tend the garden? You think that you're abandoning it but really, that happened already. I don't think you could sever ties any faster unless you started to destroy things." "What do you want?" A tear was sliding down her cheek now, the tears in her eyes brightening their blue to a vibrant shade. The effect made her look so... alive. "You." He said it with so much simple directness that her heart caught in her throat. Finally, she turned to look at him, her eyes widening at the site. There was an unearthly youth about the man that stood before her. Perfect skin was pale though still retained some of the darker skin tone native to someone of Slavic descent... perhaps gypsy even. Black hair tumbled down his back, tied into a tail, pulled back from a noble brow. His body was lithe, a fact mirrored by his high cheek bones and thin cheeks. The elaborate ruffled shirt beneath a gentleman's coat seemed a bit out of place on him, as though it required effort to look as though they belonged. Despite her evaluation of his appearance, she couldn't meet his eyes. Something in her wouldn't allow her to as if she wasn't worthy. It was an absurd feeling, a thought that she found more frustration in than embarrassment. Point of fact, she should be outraged. How did this man get in? He was obviously some fop but... for the fact that he wasn't... casting a reflection.... Perhaps if she wasn't already in the pits of despair, she might have been afraid but as it was the fact merely intrigued her. "Why?" She finally thought to ask, wondering what about her could have enamored him enough to bring about this encounter. However fleeting, however peripherally, the mere thought of being wanted even by this bizarre... person... brought a shimmer of hope to her heart. "Because you've been unwanted for so long." Once again, he said it as though it were a fact any child should know. "Your father doesn't even look at you anymore. He sees your mother in your face, in those sharp features and that smooth skin. He sees your brother in those glittering eyes and hears the laughter in your voice. You remind him of death so he treats you like you embody doom. Since the death of your last relative, you've been dead to him as well. You might as well have drowned in that boating accident you escaped from. Maybe that was even expected." "How can you speak so lightly about... about all that's happened?" "Why not?" He shrugged, casually leaning against the window frame. "That sort of thing happens all the time. Granted, it happened to you in greater frequency and closer together but others suffer day in and day out. Your pain was over quickly, only you force it to linger. Imagine a debilitating disease without the funds for a possible cure or the withering of flesh as age trims away the edges of what once was a great person. Compared along side what you've gone through, it makes your complaints out to be rather... petty." That reprimand pushed her over the edge. She dropped the knife to the floor and buried her face in her hands, crying with all the desperation that had driven her to want death. How could he be so cold? Why was he there to mock her pain? Was this God's preface to hell? Eternal torment could never be so horrifying as her life had been over the course of her adult life. Nothing could, nothing would. "It's not just the others, is it?" The voice asked in a knowing sort of way as if intending to draw attention rather than seek knowledge. Anne looked up, brows furrowed. Through the blurry vision her tears created, her calm tormentor was a white blur against the backdrop of the waning twilight. His arms were at his side but the gab between them and his body were filled in by their obscured outlines. It occurred to her that he looked something like an angel. Perhaps he was a messenger from God... someone to give her the final chance to return to the fold before she destroyed her soul forever. "I don't know what you mean." "Of course you know what I mean. You haven't found love in this life. You don't believe in it anymore. Such a frivolous waste of time, isn't it? Love's just a measure of a man's vanity to get a woman to go to bed with him and a woman's tool to not have to live with her parent's for the rest of her daysto not be a spinster. A way to escape the lot of a life that's been bound to servitude by social standards. Love's not a state of being or an attainable virtue, it's a weapon of statecraft and the eternal struggle between the sexes." He paused in his long winded oration. "Bitterness, does not become you." "How would you know?" Anne cried her angst in response. "How do you know anything?" "Because I've lived it, my dear." He stepped across the room, extending his hand to touch her cheek but stopping short. The hand hovered there for a moment before he drew it away, balling his fingers into a fist. "Because I know how the world works and how the independent organisms move throughout it. I know what drives humanity and what creates the angst that you're toiling through right now. All of these things I've had to learn and they've all had a cost... sometimes such payment was more than I thought I could bear. But as you can see, here I stand and as I said before 'it's not as bad as all that'." "You have a lot of lofty words and philosophy but you haven't told me why you're here. What are you? Are you angel? Demon? Am I hallucinating?" "Amiable questions. The very act of asking them says something about your perception. It would be nice to think of myself as something divine but then I'd be walking down your path, fooling myself about the world and my role in it. I would be complaining or feel compelled to kill myself because I was not true to my beliefs. You are in denial of all things: your place, your suffering, my existence... Laboring on to cite you more examples wastes time that could be better spent elsewhere." "But I don't understand..." Anne said with a painful desperation in her voice. "Why can't I just die in peace? Why does even my end have to be full of torment? I know that I couldn't find anyone... No one would look at me. Not after all that's happened with my family. Not after they thought" The words caught in her throat and she clenched her fists in frustration. "Since they thought you might've helped your cousin to die?" He asked. "Of course not. Would any father allow his son into the arms of a potential murderess? Even one so stunning as you? Perhaps not at present but what of the future?" "What future?" She shot at him. "Who are you?" "My name is Sasha." He inclined his head slightly. "And I've come to offer you a future apart from all this... death." "What do you mean?" The first inkling of fear swam through her veins like icy fish disturbing a warm river. The tone in his voice was so dangerous, so knowing and so utterly without regret. She suddenly wanted him to go, feared him more than she feared death... Whatever he wanted or had to offer could not be good and would certainly not be the will of any sort of beneficial deity... But what if that was just paranoia? Ingrained spiritual nonsense from church? Maybe everyone was wrong. He seemed to have the answers... Even without looking into his eyes, she could feel the confidence surging out of him like waves of heat from a stallion after a run. "I want to save you the fate of the garden, Anne. I want to bring you peace and let you see the world through a new set of eyes. Opened and aware, you'll finally have the faculties to appreciate your experiences rather than react to them." Anne stood from her chair and walked up beside Sasha, staring out the window at her garden. It had been a long time since she saw it through a filter of love, for so long she'd seen it as therapy against all the monstrosities she'd experienced and the neglect she felt. Life had proven to be universally unfair for it could be taken away with mind numbing rapidity and yet from the same action of swift resolution, could torment for years. The weeds had gone even more out of control than she had noticed before. The other plants were suffering though the signs were subtle. She had worked too long in that little patch to not be capable of seeing even the slightest signs of impending disaster. If she was gone, would anyone tend that garden? Probably not. It would rot and overgrow, becoming a grass mount of weeds and bugs, a domicile to unwanted creatures and eventually nothing would be able to be done for it other than to tear it out completely and start over. All if she just surrendered her life... it would all be over and though she knew that she wouldn't have such earthly concerns upon a successful completion of her plan, the bit of life that clung to her cried out against such an injustice. "What can you do?" She was hoping to put some strength behind the question but came out meek and submissive, like she was hoping he would take charge, praying that he would lead her on to what she was unwilling or incapable of seeking alone. Anne felt cold fingers touch the edge of her chin, gently turning her head from the window to look up into rich, brown eyes, gazing down at her with the most resolute kindness she had ever seen in her entire life. She could spend a lifetime staring into his soul, exploring the depth of thought and creativity was overwhelming. His gaze made her feel small, insignificant to the power that came from total mastery of himselfa mastery she could only imagine submitting to, never possessing. "You don't have to be outside anymore." Sasha's words were strangely effecting, a double meaning spoke to her soul. How long had she felt like an outsider? How long had she wished that she could be apart of something? Or was it anything like that at all? Was it really about being apart? Or was it about surety? What was sure in life? Nothing. All the precautions in the world, hiding under the bed, locking the door, dressing warm against the cold... none of them mattered if it was your time. Nature was uncaring. The world continued on whether the fragility of life and love endured, whether or not the petty squabbling and concerns of mortality ended in peace or disaster... It helped bring her terror into sharp focus. "Do I... can you..." The questions formed at her lips but ended with her thoughts. She closed her eyes, tilting her head slightly in a silent form of acceptancethe first time that she felt that giving into fate was the right choice, that she was in good hands. Time passed by... a minute seemed to tick by a year when finally she felt Sasha's fingers dance like feathers up arms to her neck. The sensation brought goose pimples to her skin, making her body shiver with a mixture of delight and surprise. She'd never felt the touch of a man before but she'd thought about the subject a thousand times. Intimacy was the thing she craved most in lifeand it's the one thing that she was denied time and time again. Sasha moved around her back, unhooking the choker and dropping it to the floor. It seemed to take a little too much time to fall, the clack of the onyx on the hardwood a few moments later than Anne would've thought. His fingers continued to move sliding up her head and plunging into her black curls. A moment later, he removed the sticks binding the hair there, letting it topple to her shoulders and below. The Garden Her body was an organism of shivering now. Anne had never been so turned on in her life. Every ounce of her being was longing for more of his touch but his fingers merely teased their way back down to her shoulders, pausing for just a moment then questing onward toward the front of her gown. There was a lace there that kept the bodice closed and though the gown couldn't come off with her corset on, her breasts could easily be revealed by a few well placed tugs. The knot was undone first and her nipples were greeted with a light breeze, a sensation that brought them immediately to full attention. Anne expected more teasing, she expected anything but what happened. All at once, she felt the hot of Sasha's mouth close over her breast, his tongue moving around the nipple softly as he sucked. Though it was a sudden movement, his action wasn't rough. Quite the contrary, it was just the right amount of attention to make her body shake and her loins stiffen with desire. When she thought that she wouldn't be able to take much more, he brought a hand up and pinched the other, causing her to jump. Finally, the desire and passion was too much to bear and she lost track of the concept of 'impropriety'. She lifted her arms and cradled his head, holding him in place as he continued to suck and lick. As soon as she was thus stabilized, she realized that she wouldn't have had much of a choice with her knees beginning to shake from his tender ministrations. There were so many things that she wanted but didn't know how to ask for, motions she could envision in her heart but could never describe with her brain, places she wanted to be touched that were too taboo to mention... Anne barely realized that Sasha had stopped tending to her nipple when suddenly, her corset was torn, the tatters falling to the floor as he violently cleared the path between him and the hot, aroused flesh beneath. She let go of his head and nearly stumbled back but he caught her about the waist, lifting her up and carrying her to the bed. Once there, he managed to hold her aloft with one arm while removing the rest of her ruined garment. She shivered from cold and fear, unsure of what was happening next but certain that she no longer had any control over it. There was no stopping now. She had to trust Sasha implicitly for good or ill and despite her mental trepidation, her body was already accepting the inevitable. She was moist and hot between her legs, a sensation she had felt before but never so intense. Her eyes were still closed but she heard another rip of cloth, a garment striking the floor. Sasha was hovering over her, she could feel his presence and shortly, she felt his lips, kissing her bare stomach, ever moving slowly down. Some locks of his hair had escaped their bonds, the ends tickling her flesh with every ragged breath that she took. Seemingly by instinct, she separated her legs as he kissed her abdomen and as his mouth nearly hovered over her sex, she held her breath tightly, and clasped the bed covers in anticipation. Sasha hesitated, breathing softly on the fold of skin he was about to taste. When he was certain she could not handle the suspense much longer, he brushed the tip of his tongue gently against her, taking a long, leisurely lick that tore a moan from her throat. He paused, letting her writhe in frustration before returning for another pass. Her moans became incessant, she reached down and took hold of his head in a wanton moment of passion, pulling his head against her. His tongue had perfect rhythm, working with her body's motions and keeping up with each convulsive display of pleasure, dragging out every second of sensation. He seemed to govern the mounting pressure in her loins, dragging it higher and higher... All at once, her eyes opened wide and her mouth was wide with a silent scream. She spread her legs further apart, bucking her hips to give him better access. Waves of orgasm flashed over her like chills during a fever, lightening her head, burning her senses into one cohesive entity of pleasure. Anne felt tears leak out of her eyes and she shivered and moaned through a serious of experiences she never would have imagined could be possible. Never, in her wildest fantasies had she felt something so... beautiful. When he stopped and mounted the bed, she realized that he was completely naked. She could not have asked for morehis body was as handsome as his face, lithe, muscular... his penis was erect and as it came to rest against the wet folds between her legs, she realized just how demanding the hunger in his eyes really was. But he held out... he did not begin though every bone in her body ached for him to release inside her, to take her body and pleasure himself as he had pleasured her. Their lips met and she could taste herself on him, a fact that made her kiss him all the more hungrily. Tongues wrestled a moment, circling as their emotions intensified. She ran her nails down his back which made him arch his back; an act that made his penis slip inside her. Anne was far from prepared for how it felt and though it might have been premature, Sasha took advantage of gaining entrance. He began slowly, still kissing her despite her shivering gasps between their kisses. His long member moved in and out in ever more rapid strokes, the contours meeting hers perfectly and as her hips started to move in time with him, she could finally feel his body shaking with pleasure. She had no conception with how long they made love but with all the suddenness of his arrival, Sasha's eyes opened wide and took her roughly by her hair. With a quick motion, he pulled hard, exposing her slender throat. She felt his body tighten with climax at the same moment that sharp teeth pierced deep into her skin. Again, her mouth opened in a silent scream as a wash of agony danced along her nerves from her neck to her feet and back to her head. It was followed by a perverse ecstasy, as her blood throbbed out of her into his mouth, her heartbeat was rapid from pleasure and sudden fear. The sucking sensation was so tender, she wondered at how bad it could be... the horror of the situation was lost on her... everything was bliss... Her extremities began to numb first but she didn't notice. Her fingertips, her toes... soon her ankles and elbows... It was colder in the room despite the sweat on her skin and she was having a hard time breathing. Her heartbeat had slowed, throbbing with difficulty as there was nothing left to pump. Darkness surrounded her peripheral vision and the only thing she could feel was Sasha's hot mouth drinking her in and a few trails of her own blood dripping off her neck. Consciousness was about to depart, her heart would follow it. A voice whispered in her head, speaking to her as if it were in her thoughts. "You've met death..." It mocked her, she knew that she hadn't met death, only tasted its beginning. "How will you embrace it? With vigor? Or complacency?" Anne didn't have the energy for much but she managed to moan, trying to turn her head. "What's this?" The voice asked gently, placing a kiss on her ear lobe. "If you want it, then all you have to do is take it." She wanted it... she wanted it more than anything but how was she going to take even the most necessary of things? Her body was dying, her cells failing, everything that was her would be gone in a few mere moments. In many ways, she was already dead. "Come now, are you giving up? Like the others? Your other relatives? Surrendering to death? Your adversary you thought to meet on your own terms... I've brought you to him and now you can spit in his face. Or will you let him ravish you as I've done?" The will in her heart drove her on; she had no other reserve of strength. In a moment of pure, animal lust, she lifted her head and latched herself to a wound on his neck that she somehow instinctively knew would be there. It came out in a rush, hot and fragrant, it burned her nose for a moment as if bile had backed up in her throat. It rushed along, filling her body with its heat, revitalizing her senses, returning her strength. Muscles twitched, her body exploded once again into a pleasurable rash of convulsion, as if the very taste of gore was sending her into another climax. It ran down her chin, dropped on her bear breasts and continued a lazy trail to meld into the hair on her abdomen. She swallowed as quickly as she could and Sasha just held her tightly, cradling her like a child. Anne got her fill long before Sasha was spent and as he lowered her back down on the pillow, he rose and pulled on his pants. "It won't be a pleasant change, my love." He said, looking over his torn shirt. "But when you get through itand you willyou'll be happy again. The seed I've planted today will blossom and when you wake up from your sleep, it will be like rebirth. It's my gift to youthe eternity of your creation now resides in your veins. You're as timeless as a rose. It's my gift to you." Sasha's final words hung at the edge of her subconscious mind and as she heard him leave, she wanted to cry out to him. Her body felt strong but was rapidly descending into a heavy sleepone she feared she'd never wake from againone that she knew was to be fatal... Had he killed her? Was her trust misplaced? Did she trade one death for another? When the last vestiges of light faded from her sight, she realized the truth. No, she wasn't dead... not in the conventional sense but something was happening. Anne suddenly believed his wordsit was a gift, it was timeless... it was exactly what she wanted but more importantly, it was what she needed. Anne figured it was far past time that death gave a little back for all it had taken. It owed herand she was happy to collect. KinkyScreams 2004 © ( Do not steal my work. I work hard for all I do here. Please if you like it. Leave a comment. If you wish to own it I do sell mini books I can driect you to. All my work is copywrited. So please. Dont be an ass. )

A Pool of Passion

Nestled here in this cradle of nature, he called the pond home. It was surrounded on all sides by woods, with the only sign of civilization being a green metal trash can resting beside a dirt trail that lead into the woods. An underground stream kept the pond fed, and under the surface was a world apart from the one above, with its own forests and wildlife. It was boring sometimes, true, but heavy storms always added an element of excitement. He wasn't sure what he was, exactly. The words "spirit" or "ghost" seemed to be close. Normally, he lived in the pond, formless, drifting, floating, one with the water. One could almost say that he was the water. Every once in a great while, though, he would solidify and take the shape of a man, spending the day above the pond's surface. He always had to touch the water, since it was his life source, but this small constraint didn't really matter too much. He enjoyed seeing the surface world, regardless of how it happened. His thoughts were attuned to the clearing around the pond. He could hear the high-pitched twitter of the birds as they flew by. He could sense the soft sighs of the wind as it blew through the tree limbs. He could almost see the parting rain clouds in the sky above this little world. The gentle waves of the pond soothed his thoughts and beckoned him back to rest in a world of sweet oblivion. Something, though, had entered this pristine world, arousing his interest. He shifted his senses to the surface, searching the banks of the pond. Finding the outsider, he let his thoughts focus on her, absorbing her image into his consciousness. She was young, probably not much more nineteen or twenty. Her short, thin body created an image of weakness and frailty which tugged at him. Her ivory skin seemed to glow in the cloudy daylight, highlighting the shoulder-length dirty blonde hair that was tied in a ponytail. Dressed in high-cut denim shorts and a snug plain white t-shirt, she exuded the essence of youth and vitality. Truly, he thought, she was like a nymph, beautiful and seductive, but with a playful, teasing side to her. The young woman was carrying a picnic basket and a brightly-colored blanket. Looking around the clearing and not seeing anyone, she proceeded to walk to the edge of the pond. Spreading the blanket down on the wet grass, she sat and opened the basket, pulling out a sandwich, a small bag of chips, and an apple. She ate the food quickly, observing her surroundings, her eyes lingering always on the water. Putting her trash back in the basket, she pulled out a bottle of suntan lotion. Squirting some on her hands, she ran the lotion up her legs from her feet to the hem of her shorts. Shifting her movements to her arms, she repeated the gesture there, too. Seeing her moistened skin glistening in the light would have made his heart lurch, if he had one. Heart or no heart, he could feel a primitive need begin to rise inside him: the need to conquer, to have, to mate with this little nymph. He watched as she lay down on the blanket and closed her eyes, the warmth of the sun seeping into her skin, the rays bouncing over her body. How long he watched her lie there, he didn't know; time didn't exist for him. All he saw was the gentle rise and fall of her chest as she breathed, and the soft, subtle movements of her body as she shifted positions slightly. He could almost hear her breath, smell her scent, and feel her skin. Constrained to the water, all he could do was watch, hope, and desire. The thought of emerging from the pond entered his mind, but he dismissed it. He didn't want to scare this vision away with his sudden appearance. The young woman sat up and looked around the clearing again; still alone. Moving her hands to grip the bottom of her t-shirt, she lifted the garment over her head, revealing a pale-blue bikini top. Standing up, she unfastened the button and zipper of her shorts and pushed them down her legs, revealing the matching pale-blue thong. Setting the discarded clothing on top of the picnic basket, she sat back down, grabbed the lotion again, and applied some to the newly-revealed skin. How he longed to be able to part from the water at that moment! Seeing her small, firm breasts snugly encased in that flimsy bit of fabric only served to increase his desire. He couldn't help but admire the firm tightness of her stomach as her fingers ran across it, covering it with the lotion. Moving downward, his thoughts lingered on the hidden treasure at the apex of her legs, imagining it. How would it look to his eyes? How would her womanly perfume smell? How would she feel to his probing fingers and hardened manhood? How would the skin and nectar of this nymph taste on his tongue? After rubbing herself with the lotion, she lay back down, resuming her sunbathing. The lustful torture he felt for this girl couldn't be described. How he longed for her to come into his world and let him bathe her, touch her, caress her. He was sure he could give her pleasure unmatched, letting her mind melt with the sensations. Realistically, he knew that she would never enter his world. So he contented himself to watch her chest rise and fall, her skin glisten, her body shift as she moved. All of his thoughts, his consciousness, were on this intruder, this vision. The smooth, glistening skin of her legs tempted him. He admired the firm flatness of her stomach. He longed for the soft globes of her breasts to yield to his touch. Her innocent-looking face was a mask of contentment, her breathing steady and relaxed, her full, delicate lips parted in a small smile. Turning over to lie on her stomach, the taut smoothness of her thighs and ass fueled his need. The small dip at the small of her back would have made his mouth water. Seeing her breasts pressed against the ground, the sides poking out from under her body, made him want this stunning creature even more. With his thoughts directed fully on her, nothing else mattered. The birds twittered unheard. The wind blew unnoticed. The clouds passed by, their motion ignored. The time that he watched her lying so close to him, yet so far away, drove him to an almost desperate state. In this formless shape, all he could do was imagine. His lips would wet her skin as he pressed feather-light kisses against her. His hands would caress every inch of her pureness, searching for those spots that fueled her desire. His tongue, following his hands, would taste the flavoring that made her unique, probing her crevices. He would run the tip of his nose across her smooth planes, letting her perfume drown his every thought, absorbing himself in her body. Oh, the possibilities...! After some time, longer than the first, she stood up again. After getting dressed and gathering up the basket and blanket, she started to walk back to the trail. He could have howled out in pain and anguish as this beauty left him. His desire unmet, he wanted so much to have her, to feel her body as it pressed against him, hear her cries of pleasure. The young woman paused and stopped, looking back around the clearing. She turned her eyes back down the trail into the woods one last time. Seeming to come to a decision, she walked back to the pond's edge. Putting the basket and blanket back down on the ground, she took off the t-shirt and shorts again. After dipping her foot into the water, testing its temperature, she took a deep breath and dived in. As she entered his world, he had to force himself to let her be for the moment. It would have been a simple matter to force the water to grab onto her, holding her steady for him. With a thought, she would be bound in his element, forced to submit to every want that he could think of. He held himself in control, though, letting this young female swim some laps across the pond. He felt the water flow over her body with ease, her strong strokes parting the waves with no effort at all on her part. He could tell without a doubt that she was a strong swimmer. After swimming a few laps across the pond, she returned to where she had left her belongings. He knew that there was a rock just under the surface of the water where she had dived in, which created a natural bench. Seeing the rock, she sat down on it, taking deep breaths from her exercise, calming herself. Reaching behind her, she folded the blanket up and created a small pillow for her to lean her head against. With the water's surface just covering the tops of her breasts, she let her body relax, soaking in the coolness of the pond. He held his desire in check. He wanted her to mate with him willingly, without hesitation. He wanted to take her as an equal, not as a subject. In the end, it was true he was using her, but he wanted it to be something that she would remember for the rest of her life. No, he wouldn't take her just yet. He would tempt her, tease her slowly, let her arousal reach a point where she couldn't stop herself. Trickery, perhaps, but it was the best way to fulfill the need that had burned deep within him since she had entered the clearing. Turning his thoughts to his plan, his formless, drifting life moved closer to the young woman. Moving the water slightly, he brushed her legs, her calves, moving slowly upward. She shifted her feet at the sensations, but didn't leave. He continued touching her, feeling the smoothness of her skin, absorbing the lotion and sweat that covered her. His formless body soon expanded its subtle touches on her skin. Moving upward, he caressed the globes of her ass, the firmness of her stomach, coming finally to the small swell of her breasts. He avoided the most sensitive parts of her body, teasing her, giving her arousal a chance to blossom on its own. He kept his touches non-invasive, quickly running the water over her. He could sense her desire slowly burn hotter, stronger, when her body began to unconsciously shift into his touches. When she ran her hands from her legs, up her stomach, gliding quickly past her breasts, he knew her body was starting to demand more from her. She looked around the clearing again and saw that she was still alone. Leaning forward, she reached up to the middle of her back and undid the small knot of her bikini top and took it off, freeing her breasts. Raising her hips off the rock, she pulled the thong off her quickly. Putting the pieces of fabric on the shore beside her head, she ran her hands over her now-nude form, touching herself, caressing the skin, feeling the water invade every pore of her body. Seeing her hands start to pleasure herself was almost more than he could bear. Forcing the water to increase its pressure against her warm skin, he continued exploring her small form, joining her hands in flowing over her body. When her left hand grasped her left breast, stroking the small, pink nipple to hardness, he let a water current flow over her right, mimicking her movement. As her right hand moved down to run through the small patch of dark pubic hair above her womanhood, a current ran down her naked outer lips, lapping at her gently. She didn't know what was going on, he knew. He kept her body awash in currents, directed to run across her heated skin. Two currents flowed across her nipples, keeping them hard, drawing their taste and feel into him. Another current ran over the outside of her pussy, begging to draw out the nectar that had started to flow within her heated depths. He let another current run around the cleft of her ass, dipping between her cheeks to tease the small, sensitive region that lay hidden there. Her body started to shift as the currents became subtly stronger, and her hands became bolder in their exploration of her body. She spread her legs, opening her womanhood fully to his touch. He dove in whole-heartedly to join her hand in massaging the entrance to her tunnel. As her fingers parted her folds to touch her inner-most regions, she couldn't hold back the gasp that erupted from her mouth when her hands and the water penetrated her. He let her fuel her own desire, watching her hand dip in and out of her moistening pussy in an effort to reach her peak. As her hips started to buck, straining for release, he continued his efforts on her ass, breasts, legs, and stomach, enveloping her. He directed currents of water across all of her erogenous zones, touching the places that she couldn't, adding fuel to the flame of passion that had started to burn within her. As her fingers continued to plunge in and out of her body, her fluids started to seep out. At first, it was just a slight trickle, hardly noticeable. As the desire, the need, mounted, though, her body started to produce a steady flow. With each spasm of her pussy, he was fed a new wave of her nectar, her liquid passion dissolving in the water. He absorbed the taste, the texture, the scent of her fluids, hoping, searching for something. He continued sending the water over her body, her softness, in an effort to push her toward the final peak, and be rewarded with a final gush of her fluids. He increased the pressure of the water yet again, causing her body to arch into the currents that ran across her breasts, her areolas, her nipples, her stomach, her pubic hair, and her pussy lips. She cried out in mindless passion, the hand at her breast clutching the flesh firmly, rhythmically. The hand at her pussy continued to plunge into her, harder, faster, and deeper. Her hips strained into the touch, desperate for the final release. As the liquid poured from her womanhood and was dissolved in the water, what he had hoped for, wanted, needed, was confirmed. It was a need that he had wanted to fulfill the instant that she had walked into the clearing. It was a need that had existed since the beginning of time, something primitive in all creatures. In this young woman, this beautiful, tiny nymph, he could meet that need. The taste of her nectar had confirmed his belief. She was fertile. Sensing the time had come, he willed himself to strengthen and solidify. He pulled the water closer to his essence, increasing the pressure. His shape became more defined as he took in more water: broad shoulders, muscular arms and legs, and a firm stomach. Seeing his goal in sight, his cock hardened at the thought of being buried in this nymph's heated womanhood. As he took shape under the surface of the water, he continued to send currents over the young woman's body, keeping her at the edge of release. Her cries of pleasure became more constant, moans turning to soft gasps, her breathing erratic and rapid. As his body took its final shape, he swam up to the surface to sit on the rock bench beside her. Pushing his head above the water, he saw her eyes closed tightly, her right arm moving rapidly in an effort to reach her peak, her back arching into the sensations. He saw her left hand just under the water's surface, alternating from one breast to the other, grasping the firm globes, her fingers pulling, twisting, and pinching her nipples. The combined scents of sweat, suntan lotion, and her natural perfume assaulted his senses, making him dizzy. He leaned closer to her, as yet unnoticed, watching her closely as she climbed. "Yes...yes...a little more...yes...Oh, God..." he could hear her mutter. With a final mental command, he increased the water pressure of the currents one last time. The gentle glide across her skin became a firm rubbing sensation. Crying out, her body jerked once, twice, again and again as her body exploded in orgasm. He closed his eyes, absorbing the feel of her nectar as it pushed from her body in waves. Not wanting her passion to die down just yet, he continued the pressure on her sensitive, heated skin, prolonging her orgasm. She continued to cry out in delirious, passionate release, her mind blurring, overwhelmed by the sensations. He opened his eyes to watch this beautiful creature feel the ultimate pleasure her body could experience. Knowing that she couldn't stay at the limit for very long, he slowly eased the pressure of the currents that flowed over her body. Her hands slowed their assault on her breasts and pussy, receding from firm grasps to gentle strokes. As her breathing steadied, he stopped the currents against her body one by one, until the water around their bodies was still. Slowly, gently, she came down from that supreme high to bask in the feeling of release, reveling in the coolness of the water. She opened her brown eyes on his deep blue ones and cried out in shock. She pulled back from him, her hands moving to cover her breasts. The bright red of her face caused him to grin. "Wh...wh...who are you?" she cried. He didn't answer, couldn't answer. He didn't have the ability to speak, had never learned it, and had rarely needed it. Instead, he looked into those brown orbs, trying to answer her with his eyes. As a safe measure, he increased the pressure of the water against her breasts again, causing her to gasp as the still-sensitive flesh was stroked. "What do you want?" she asked, fear and climbing arousal causing her voice to shake. He lifted his left hand from under the water and pointed a finger at her. When she didn't move, he slowly reached for her right hand and grasped it softly. Her eyes wide with embarrassment, surprise, fear, and a touch of arousal, she watched as he pulled her hand toward his mouth. Still slick with her orgasmic fluids, he moaned as he pulled a finger into his mouth, sucking her cum off, keeping his eyes on hers. Continuing to stare at her, he took the finger out of her mouth and replaced it with another, repeating the gesture, his tongue flicking across the skin. Combined with the water still flowing across her breasts, the seductive movement of his tongue on her finger caused her to gasp again. He lightly wrapped his left hand around her torso, pulling her back toward him, sucking the fingers of her right hand one at a time. He directed a current of water to gently rub against her pussy, and smiled not only at her moan, but at the renewed wetness that the water took from her. Pulling her body closer to him, he took her fingers out of his mouth and pushed them down his body. Her eyes stared at the path her fingers took down his strong form. Wrapped in his large hand, her fingers glided down across his chest, stroking through the wet hair that adorned him. Dipping under the water, they continued their journey, moving over the ridges of his firm abs, feeling the firmness of his muscles under the skin. Her breath quickened as he moved her hand through the pubic hair that surrounded his hardened manhood, her fingers interweaving through the strands. Finally, after uncounted minutes, his hand rested her fingers on his cock. He let her hand go, giving her the freedom to explore his shaft, feeling its size and power, even though she couldn't see it under the water. His hands free once again, he moved his left hand up to her hair, releasing the ponytail, causing her dirty blonde hair to fall freely around her shoulders. Moving under the curtain, he gently grasped the back of her neck and pulled her head toward his, needing to feel her full lips pressed against him. His right hand, no longer concerned with its burden, moved over her thighs under the water and grasped her waist, massaging the muscles and stroking the smooth, naked skin. Their lips pressed together softly, timidly, unsure. Their mutual passion mounting, their mouths opened and their tongues crossed, rubbed, stroked across each other in an attempt to explore each other's mouths. He grasped her firmly, pulling her harder to him, preventing her from escaping this passionate exchange. The ardor with which she explored him, though, made him think that escape was the last thing she had on her mind. Her left hand, free to do as it pleased, wrapped itself around his neck, pulling him deeper into the kiss, just as he had done to her. Her right hand, under the water, grasped his cock firmly. Her fingers wrapped around it, its size causing her breath to quicken, forcing a moan of need and satisfaction to escape her. His skin was cool to the touch, but the thought was dismissed. Her pussy moistened in anticipation of accepting his hardness deep inside her. Urged by need, their passionate kiss, and the feel of the water stroking her breasts, she gripped his cock and started to stroke its length. Breaking the kiss, he pulled away with a moan of satisfaction. He looked into her eyes, no longer seeing fear or surprise, but only desire. Yes, this young creature was more than willing to accept his seed. Pressing their lips together again, he plunged his tongue into her , making love to her mouth. Her hand, in turn, increased it movements around his manhood, stroking, rubbing, caressing, driving him to the highest point he'd been at yet today. He wrapped his left hand completely around her back, refusing to relinquish her from the kiss. The desire to feel her supple flesh yield to his fingers was too strong for him to ignore. Moving his right hand away from her waist, he lifted it up to caress the swell of her breasts, exploring each in turn, with their firm softness and their turgid, pale nipples. Beginning on a journey downward, his hand rubbed across the plane of her stomach, briefly tickling her belly button. Moving his hand around the arm that was stroking his cock, he resumed his journey, stroking through the downy pubic hair that crested her womanhood, finally dipping between her parted folds. As his hands plunged into her tight warmth, she arched away from the kiss, crying out in completion. Taking the opportunity of her bared neck, he moved his lips down across her skin, nipping, tasting, licking, and kissing. Her scent enveloped him. Finding a spot on her neck that seemed to please her more than any other, he covered it with his mouth, his tongue laving it with saliva, his teeth nipping and tugging at the skin. The need to give pleasure soon turned into the need to taste her flesh, causing him to feast on this tiny, sensitive spot with abandon. As his lips tugged at her neck, leaving his mark on her flesh, he continued to plunge his fingers into her womanhood. Her tightness only allowed him to have a couple of fingers in her at a time, but it was enough to fuel her desire, her need for another release. Timing the strokes of his fingers to match the strokes of her hand on his cock, he soon felt her pussy start to clench violently around his fingers, her wetness once again seeping from her folds. Sensing that her passion was once again reaching a peak, he resumed caressing her body with currents. Instead of the gentle pleasure that he had used before, though, he wanted her to cum quickly, fiercely, forcing her mind to go mad with lust, breaking any last barriers of resistance that she might raise. The water seemed to coalesce into dozens of tiny fingers that stroked her heated skin. Her breasts were stroked, the nipples pinched and tugged. Her ass was caressed, a current running between the cheeks to rub against her hidden jewel. Her thighs and legs were massaged, with tiny currents running between her toes, surprising her with the erotic feelings that shot to her pussy. Her back was cascaded with firm strokes, not only from the currents, but also from his left hand, which had dipped down under the water to hold her close. The sensations, the electric touches, bombarded her from all sides, and all reservations crumbled in a white flash of release. Her orgasm came quickly, suddenly, and she cried out in wild, delirious abandon. Her back arched viciously, almost causing him to lose his grip on her. The inner folds of her pussy clenched around his strong, protruding fingers, grasping them tightly, refusing to let go. Stronger than her last orgasm, he wanted this one to last as well, so he maintained the currents that ran over her body. He pulled his lips away from her neck, briefly noticing the dark hickey that he had left before looking at her face. Her pure, innocent features were contorted with release, her mouth open wide to let out her screams and gasps of pleasure. Her right hand gripped his cock strongly, the cool hardness providing an anchor in the tormented waters of her explosion. Seeing this vision of innocent beauty, this small nymph, come this hard twice would have brought any man to the brink of his own release, he mused. As her wet, naked body thrashed against him, he was glad that he was not an ordinary man. Throughout his overtures, his breath had remained steady. His hardness had never lapsed during her exploration of his cock. While he was eager to accomplish his goal, he was willing to wait until the time was right. Fortunately, he thought, the time was fast approaching. As her orgasm waned, she leaned down into his body, her head resting on one of his broad, sturdy shoulders. He let the currents die back down for the moment, his left hand stroking her back, feeling her relax into his touch. He pulled the probing fingers of his right hand out of her body and brought them up to her mouth. Her mind hazy with lust, she opened her mouth readily, tasting her body's slick fluids on his fingers. Looking up into his eyes as she cleaned him, she let out soft moans and gently flicked her tongue over his skin, copying his earlier teasing. Here's the playful side of my little nymph, he thought. Her right hand, having never left his cock, slowly resumed stroking his hardness. She lifted her head off of his shoulder to look into the deep blue pools of his eyes. He saw the same unquenchable lust in her that he knew she could see in him. Her two shattering orgasms had drained her, it was true. She wasn't drained fully, though, and he knew she was ready for more. Starting from her sweat-slicked shoulders, his hands grazed down her skin, over her arms and breasts, gliding over her stomach to grasp her waist. Knowing what was coming, eager for what was coming, she grasped his shoulder with her left hand to balance herself. He lifted her petite form effortlessly and brought her over his hips to straddle his waist. He slowly, torturously, hovered her over his cock, which she held steady for her aching pussy. She gripped his shoulder suddenly, an element of fear entering her eyes. "Wait!" she exclaimed, trying to lift herself from his strong grip. He stopped, holding her still. He could feel the tip of his cock lightly brushing her womanly folds. "What about protection?" she asked. "I don't want to get pregnant!" Frowning, his eyes suddenly acquiring a determined look, he willed the water to begin caressing her again, strongly, passionately. She gasped as her body reacted, her need drowning out her protests. He slowly lowered her tight, wet sheath down on himself, the head parting her folds easily. She yelped at his coldness as it penetrated her. Swiftly bending his head down, he took a stiff nipple into his cool mouth and suckled at it strongly. Her back arched, and with both hands now grasping his shoulders, she willingly forced herself down onto his cock. Her nipple lightly gripped in his teeth, he couldn't help grinning. With all resistances and protests gone, this young woman would accept his seed and bear his child. The shallow thrust of his cock into her heat wasn't enough for either of them. Lifting her hips again, he forced her back down further onto him, bringing a cry from her. Still, his size made it difficult to penetrate her completely, even with her passage so wet from her earlier orgasms. Realizing patience was needed with this beautiful creature, he lifted her and brought her back down onto his hardened manhood, over and over again, slowly, wringing a cry from her each time he plunged deeper into her. Eventually, her pussy was ready for him, stretched open for his thrusts, and his cock was soon buried deep inside her passage. She grasped his shoulders tightly, adjusting herself to his thickness inside her. He continued to let the currents caress her body, and felt her body lubricating her folds for his eventual assault. For now, though, he was content to hold her. Breathing heavily, she bent her head down to his neck, found a spot, and held her open mouth to him, sucking, nibbling his skin. Yes, he enjoyed this creature, who was so willing to use his own tactics of seduction and eroticism against him. He arched his neck, giving her eager mouth access to his flesh, moaning in pleasure as she left her own mark on him. He couldn't help the gentle thrusts into her willing body. The feel of her warmth resting against him and her mouth toying with his skin combined to fuel his desire to breed with this female. As his thrusts continued, she moaned against him, accepting his chill shaft inside her. Not hearing any resistance from her, he gripped her hips, and started lifting her up and down onto his cock. She tried to keep her mouth on his neck, tasting his sweat as it ran down her throat, but the force of his thrusts soon had her moaning and crying out in abandon. Pulling her mouth away from him, she gripped his shoulders tightly and let her head fall backward, arching her breasts into his eager mouth. With the two delectable beads of flesh ripe for the picking, he lowered his mouth and feasted on them eagerly, his tongue stroking and tasting their flesh, his teeth nipping the buds, sending electric shocks throughout her body. He let go of her waist and wrapped his hands around her back, holding her as she rode his cock roughly, her body again straining for release. The water swished and swirled around their writhing bodies. He let it flow around them and between them. He increased the pressure of the currents that touched her body, again assaulting her senses. She began to thrust against him harder, gasping. Pulling away from her breasts for just a moment, he was pleased to see her face was again a mask of determination, straining for release, using his hardness just as he was using her body. Knowing that he was fulfilling his promise to give her pleasure unmatched, he returned his attention to her hard nipples. He moved his right hand down her back to rest just above the firm globes of her ass. Continuing the liquid assault against her body and the oral assault against her breasts, he moved the hand between her cheeks, searching. He ran the side of his hand up and down her crack, feeling her flesh surround his hand. Finding the small, hidden button, he spread her open and forced a current of water to run against her back passage. She cried out at the sensation and tightened her body, but he continued to run the water over her, stroking her. She relaxed into the touch, and he took the chance to gently probe a finger into her. Her ass clenched the finger tightly, but she didn't pull away. Pulling the finger out, he pushed it back in again, deeper. She moaned at the sensation. He continued the forward and back, in and out, see-sawing motion of his finger at her ass, wanting her to cum one more time. When she rose up off of his cock, he pushed his finger in. When she lowered herself back down, he pulled the finger out. Her cries of pleasure and the eager thrusts of her body told him that the tactic was working. With her ass clenching against his finger and her pussy grasping his cock, he knew that she was once again approaching orgasm. The sweat poured off of her body, drenching them both as their bodies writhed against each other, only to be washed away by the splashing water. Their mutual cries of pleasure and need filled this cradle of nature. Lips pressing together in abandon, tongues dueling harshly, roughly, he knew the time was upon them. Pulling his finger out of her ass, he grasped her waist roughly with both hands. On her next upstroke, he continued lifting, pulling her off of his cock completely. She cried out at his sudden disappearance, her pussy grasping vainly for the hard shaft that had so completely filled it. Standing up, he turned her around to kneel on the rock bench. The rough surface scratched her knees and legs, but she appeared to accept the pain readily. Resting her hands on the shore and gripping the bundled blanket, she spread her legs and looked back over her shoulder at the man that filled her so fully. He could barely control his lust now, his desire to spill his seed into this young woman starting to dominate all thought. He looked at her, seeing her own lust was barely controlled. "Fuck me, " she said simply. Grasping her hips firmly, he obeyed this mortal woman's request. In one smooth, hard, powerful thrust, he plunged his cock as deep into her womanhood as far as he could. Her loud cry echoed in the air, scattering the birds in fear. Needing to feel her walls pulse around him before he came, he exuded all his power in an effort to push her over the edge. Sprays of water erupted from the surface of the pool, wrapping around her exposed back, showering her skin. The sprays became stronger, showering both of their bodies. Her hair soon became plastered against her skin, but he didn't care, and she didn't bother to move it. He directed another stream to rise up and curl around her ass, dipping into the crevice, massaging the hole there. More currents under the water roughly ran across her sensitive nipples, rubbing, caressing, and pulling at her flesh. Another current ran over her clit, massaging the straining nub, shattering her mind. What was happening, he was sure she didn't know. She didn't complain, though. "Yes, yes, yes, more, harder, harder, " she babbled incoherently. Her head was arched up, her mind absorbed in the feel of his shaft pounding into her, his hands gripping her tightly, holding her body steady and pulling him into her. Her thrusts back against his cock sped up, and he knew she was close. Wanting to play every advantage he could, he pulled more water into himself, sending it to his hardened manhood. He felt it thickening, lengthening, and stretching her tight pussy even further. "Oh..God! What are you...oh, YES!!" she cried out, feeling his cock grow inside her. His cock lengthened, reaching deeper into her clenching pussy. When he felt the tip of his cock gently caress her cervix, he pounded into her as hard as he could, reaching for her orgasm, wanting to rip it out of her petite, eager body. Bending forward, he grasped her shoulders and pulled her up against his chest. His head bent down to her shoulder and he attached his mouth once again to the ripe skin of her neck, marking her. His hands wrapped around her, grabbing her breasts roughly, massaging the yielding globes. He directed all the streams and currents to mesh together, and as one, they attacked her clit with a vengeance. "Oh...GOD!! YES!! YES!!" she cried out. He felt her body stiffen. Her hands, which had wrapped themselves around his head, holding him to her neck, gripped him harshly, her nails digging into his skin. Her hips stopped moving, thrusting down as far down on his cock as they possibly could. Her eyes closed, she yelled out her passion and her orgasm overtook her. Her pussy held onto his shaft in a vise-like grip. He tried to continue his thrusts into her, but her tightness collapsed around him, gripping him, preventing him from moving. As her walls contracted strongly around his cock, bathing him in her orgasmic fluids, he finally released his own cum into the body of this fertile female. He cried out in triumph and release as his seed exploded into her, bathing her womb. He continued to pour into her even after her body suddenly went limp in his arms. When her pussy suddenly released its death grip on his cock, he took the chance to resume pounding into her, roughly, deeply, his cum still racing into her. He could feel their combined fluids running out of her body to be dissolved in the water, but still he continued to thrust into her, determined to fill her fertile body with his seed. Feeling her limp body in his arms, his cock slowly softening, his body drained, he slowly set the young woman back down on the rock bench, willing the water to return to its calm state. He looked at her smooth, pristine face, flushed with passion, eyes closed with exhaustion. Yes, here was a real beauty, a true nymph of fantasy. He ran his hand down her cheek and softly kissed her lips. He dipped his hand under the water and gently pushed a finger deep into her pussy, feeling their combined fluids. Satisfied that he had done what he wanted to do, he moved away from her. Letting his body dissolve back into the water, he let his consciousness sink back into oblivion. The girl would wake up and remember what had happened, he knew. In nine months their child would be born. He might see them both again, maybe; who knew? In the meantime, he would rest, and await another day like today. ©KinkyScreams 2005 ( If you enjoy these. Please do not rip them as your own. They are copyrited works. AN if you wish to keep seeing some of this nature dont rip it. )
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