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Following up on the previous question about the terms "husband of a hotwife" a "cuckold", there is also a variety of terms for the hotwife's lover. Could you explain the nuances between terms such as "bull", "stud", "lover", "companion", and "playmate?" As a guy who has fun with hotwives, I like to use the term playmate. To me, it connotes that hotwifing is about fun and pleasure for the wife (and subsequently the hubby and the playmate). Your thoughts? Some People find it interesting that I have a preference for what I like to be called (or referred to) in the Hotwife lifestyle. Meaning that the terms we use when referring to the Extra male in a Hotwife couple's life is going to vary depending on the couple. For example: some women desire romance and prefer to be made love to. They might refer to their playmates as "Lovers." For women who have a steady favorite or two and have a fondness for familiarity, the term "Boyfriend" might feel more appropriate. For these women, an actual relationship exists with their man/men that extends beyond the bedroom. It tends to be a term of endearment as well as a fairly accurate description of their relationship. The term "Companion" eludes me a bit. To me it sounds like an old- fashioned way a lady might seem fit to describe a gentleman caller or a man who might chaperone her for the evening without any real attachment. But that's just me. Keep in mind, I only speak from my own experience. "Bull" is often used to describe the sexual partner of a Hotwife in which the husband is more of a cuckold. The clear reference is to the male bovine, or bull, which is sent into the pen to take the fertile female(s) and spread his seed. He is dominant and in control. He is assertive compared to the Hotwife's cuckold who takes on a more submissive role. "Stud" is basically the same reference as "Bull," with its roots coming from the arena of horses rather than cattle. When a horse- owner desired a stud, it was for breeding purposes ~ the better the stallion, the higher the price for it's seed. Obviously, we use the term "Stud" these days to mean that a guy is really masculine and deserving of female attention. You can fill in the rest on your own. You already defined "Playmate" as well as anyone could. It definitely conotates the idea of fun and pleasure all rolled up in one awesome package! However you slice it, name it, brand it or type it, the Extra male is a major player in the life of a Hotwife couple! As William Shakespeare reminds us, "What's in a name? That which we call a Rose, by any other name would smell as sweet!" Boyfriend or lover works just fine for me!
This is My First MFM Experience---What is Yours? This is rather long and I know that I am not a very proficient writer but hope this turns out well enough! This is true! My friend's wife was a virgin when they were married and was brought up to believe that sex was not to be enjoyed but part of the wife's duty to her husband. They had bought a magazine called "Pillow Talk" and read about some of the exploits of other married couples. She read them as well as he did and they both would lay in bed and talk about what they had read. This seemed to turn both of them on. She soon found out though that sex was a great deal of pleasure for her. She also loved (as he did) to experiment with some of the different positions that they had read about and found that most were quite pleasing to say the least. As time went on as well as very hectic life raising 3 kids and working our jobs we seemed to not have a lot of time for each other. Only what little bit wthey could grab when they had baby sitters that they could trust. This continued till they were all raised and out on their own. Looking for something that could take up time other than their jobs they started surfing on line and doing searches on some of the swinger sites. They had talked about it for quite a number of years before doing these searches. As they had talked about doing something different about their sex lives and what fantasy they had and decided to seek out another straight couple and see where it went. Now before they were married he had a host of lovers that he had sex with. On the other hand she had never had any lovers of course as I have said that she was a virgin before they were wed. He had always felt kind of guilty about that. So he had told her that one of his fantasy was her having sex with another guy and him at the same time. Since they had been married for over 25 years at this time she thought that he had just wanted an excuse to have sex with some one other than her. So she was very apprehensive about it to put it mildly! Once he had assured her that that was not the reason and they had talked and agreed on some rules she said that we would see what they could find as she did not want to just screw any one around and that they had to do it very discretely. As their friends and relatives were very straight laced and of the old school. So to jump a head a bit. After he had met with a number of guys that he knew just would not work out. They finally found ME and that seemed to fit the bill. We did the email thing for about (believe this or not) 6 months! Thier schedule and mine just never seemed to allow us time to meet. One of the rules was for HIM to meet the guys first and tell her every thing that we had talked about and what I seemed to be like. This was before cheap digital cameras and so there were no picture to be sent. So finally I did meet with him and we had discussed about what and how to proceed. In our emails they had told me that they had never done this before and I informed them that I had. So they wanted ME to lead the way, so to speak. He and I talked about what she liked and did not like. He showed ME a picture of her (G rated as that is all she would allow to be taken) and I really liked what I saw. I am a clean cut guy and very polite. About 10 years younger that they were at the time. When He got back home, He told her what we had discussed or at least as much as He could remember as He was very nervous about the whole thing. He tried give her a description of what I looked like. So she agreed to meet with ME and if she didn't like what I looked like or I turned her off we could just tell ME Thanks but No Thanks. They told ME this in an email and I said that was ok and that we could just see if we clicked or not. The following week end MY schedule and Theirs finally opened up for the first meeting. So They went out about 25 miles from home and got a motel room. They then went to dinner to meet ME. I came in and she quickly saw ME before HE did so I guess HE did a pretty good job and describing ME to Her! THEY both were so nervous it was un-real. We had a couple of drinks and talked about really nothing as we did not want too many people around us to hear what was discussed. Every once in a while we would touch on the subject at hand and She was getting excited and I could tell. He had gotten up from his seat and went to the "little boys room" and I asked her what she thought of ME. She said that I was a nice guy. I ask her if she wanted to invite ME back to the room to Play. With that little grin of hers she said that would be ok and to see first if HE wanted to . So when HE came back and sat down I ask him if he would like to to go back at the motel room and PLAY. He agreed of course! She said that she wanted to go first and that we could follow in about 5 or 10 minutes. Once he and I got back and parked the cars- we knocked on the door before we entered. She had on a little baseball shirt, a smile and nothing else! HE walked over to her and gave her a big wet kiss and turn her around and more or less presented her to ME. I put my arms around her and gave her the same thing and she responded completely. We were all standing with ME kissing her and HE was right behind her kissing her neck and nibbling at her ears. MY hands were both caressing her ass as he made out with her. HE slipped my hands up to cup both of her breast(38c) and tweak her nipples! She was making a real low moan of sorts. HE went over and sat down in the chair and let US continue. Pretty soon I worked my hands up under her shirt to work on her tits and nipples also. I could feel her ass responding and she was grinding it into me. I turn her around to HIM while HE was sitting and I ran my hand up her leg. She was soaking wet! I was behind her kissing her on the neck and ears and running MY hand all over her. We sat her down on the bed (queen size) and he and I undressed. She reach over and pulled ME to her as he was still standing and started licking MY dick. MY Dick was longer than his very much thicker). I had been hard for a while by then and as she worked on ME she put her little hands on my ass and pulled me into her so she could try to get all of me in her month! She tried this for a while and then I ask her to lay down on the bed(on her back) and get in the middle of it. When she was in position I got at her head and continued to get a blow job and then HE got between her legs and started eating her pussy. She was so wet and hot it was unbelievable. I had never felt a pussy that hot or wet! HE put her legs on his shoulders and was really give her a licking. (This is one of her favorite ways to get eaten! I found out later) After a while (I had lost track of time) I moved down and got between her legs with my hips. I held on to MY dick and worked it up and down between the lips of her pussy. I teased her with it until I started to put the head in. HE had moved to the foot of the bed and could see every thing as we still had the lights on! It didn't take very long for ME to have it buried in her and she was responding very passionately. HE could see her juices on MY dick and HE said he having a hard time to keep from cumming without even touching his dick! I was fucking her very slowly. Pulling the head almost all the way out and then driving it all the way back down to MY balls! She raised her legs up and wrapped them around ME and was pulling ME into her as deep as she could with her hands on MY ass. She wanted all of ME and I was doing as much and I could to do just that. Then I tried to fuck her real hard and fast but her legs was keeping ME from doing that. Then -- she wanted it harder and faster and she put her feet flat down and the bed and let ME do some hard fucking. I could hear OUR hips slapping together as I really worked on her. Then to keep from cumming I got off. She told HIM that it was HIS turn and in a flash HE was in between her legs. When HE put my dick in her, her pussy was so hot and wet and she kissed HIM (he told me later) like she never had before. He told me that he almost came right then and had to stop his motion for a while. They just laid there with his dick in her, making out! She had already came about 4 or 5 times so his dick was making this sloshing noise once HE started fucking her again. After a while I suggested that Her and HIM get in the 69 position with her on top. After they were in that position and they were eating each other I asked if THEY minded if I fucked her while HE ate her. THEY said go for it! Did I ever! I was really working on her pussy and HE was tonguing her clit. She was cumming so often and so hard it was un-believable! HE was watching MY dick slide in and out and HE was so close watching the lips of her pussy being stretched that HE said HE was about to cum from her sucking on HIS dick that HE had to stop her for a while. Then I started really putting it to her and HE knew that I was about to unload! HE kept on working on her clit and I shot cum all over the back of her pussy (I could feel the end of her pussy while I was cumming). When I pulled out HE moved back down to her pussy and was sucking on it real hard to get her off again. She started cumming as HE was eating her and it was the biggest "O" for her up to that point! She rolled over on her back and HE moved around and put HIS dick in her (it seemed to fall in) and started fucking her. HE told her HE was about to cum and she seemed to open her legs up wider and pull HIM in as far as she could. When she did that HE unloaded in her and when he did she started cumming again. We all needed a rest then! After about 10 minutes of so and him and I sitting at the table talking about what just happened she started to stir again. We were still soft and she got up out of bed and came over to ME and started giving ME head again to get ME up. Once she got ME up and was going to go over to HIM to get HIM up but, she would have wasted the trip. HE was already up from watching her work on ME! This time I said that I could last a lot longer and did I ever. I had her get in various positions and I really gave it to her. Then I would pull out and HE would take over. I put her legs over MY shoulders and fucked her for at least 15 minutes and hard brutal screwing. She loved every stroke and met it with equal force. She had cummed so many times that we had lost count! Then I asked if this time I didn't have to pull out. She told ME that I didn't EVER have to pull out !! I had her get on her hands and knees and got behind her and fucked her doggie. I held on to her hips and was really giving it to her. She was pushing back on ME to get it all. Then I grabbed her by her shoulders and pulled her back as hard as I could. I held her in that position and started cumming in her. Real deep and as soon as I started cumming in her she started to cum also. I had sweat running down ME and dripping on to her and kept MY dick in her until there was no cum left in ME. When I did finally pull out I fell over against the wall, using it to hold ME up. I told THEM that I had had pussy before but nothing like that before and that He had an un- insatiable wife---a true HotWife!!! Also I told HIM some thing that HE already knew --- that was HE was a VERY Lucky Guy!! She rolled on to her back used her index finger to summon HIM to take a turn. I went into the shower to clean up as THEY went at it but it did not last very long! Her pussy was so slick and hot that as HE was fucking her it made a sucking noise. HE would push HIS dick into her and MY cum was pushing back out on HIS balls. HE added HIS cum to MINE and hers and rolled off. As HE did I can still remember the sucking noise her pussy made! All of this lasted about 4 hours and after the shower I got dressed and left. Before I did though I thanked THEM BOTH for a great time! She got up to go the bath room and as she did the cum was running down between her thighs! I told her that she was leaving Peter Tracks...LOL After she came out of the bath room they just laid there and cuddled. I left.... He told me later that: They made love at least 5 more times before they left to get breakfast at 6am and head home! They knew that this would not be the last time they would do this but would be the most remembered! I know- --I will never forfget it & I still love playing with this couple every time I can---they have moved from Texas & I do not see them much anymore. Let US all know about your MFM Experiences...or others...........Ron
The term hot wife is often used to describe a happily married woman who enjoys intimate relations with other men, with her loving husband's full and genuine support, but where he typically agrees to be completely monogamous with his wife. Both spouses derive satisfaction from the wife's extramarital pleasures. The husband is not necessarily submissive, although the couple may role-play that the wife relentlessly flaunts her "infidelity" in front of her husband. It is understandable that this arrangement can appeal to women with a polygamous nature, but it is far from obvious why so many husbands are genuinely into this seemingly unfair arrangement. The husband is turned on by his wife's adultery, whether this happens as part of a heterosexual threesome where she first has sex with her lover and then her husband, or if the husband is not present during her adventure, waits impatiently for his wife to come home from her date so that he can make love to her. You are forgiven if you wrongly believe that the husband is hoping for his wife to reaffirm to him that only he can truly satisfy her sexually. No, her husband gets more excited the more the wife enjoys her extramarital lovers! When the hot wife is back in her husband's arms, she will often graphically describe the intensity of the orgasms she has just experienced with another man or men. The wife's sexual pleasure should not be confused with her romantic feelings - she is only in love with her husband. To minimize the risk that she develops a romantic interest in a lover, the couple has typically agreed to certain rules so that she for example only sees the same lover a few times, that there is a significant age difference, and that her lovers never are part of the couple's regular social, professional or family circles. Hot wife relationships are often first suggested by the husband who has fantasized about, if he ever gets enough courage to overcome his embarrassment and bring it up with his wife. The wife tends at best to react with complete amazement, at worst with severe hostility - even if she herself has fantasized about being with other men. She does so for good reasons: whilst there are common biological reasons for why the husband can be excited by his wife's adultery, the reverse is rarely true and she therefore suspects that her husband has some other sinister reason for asking. Does he feel guilt because he has cheated on her? Doesn't he love her anymore? Is he bisexual? Is he suggesting this as a first step to later justify that he should have the right to be with other women? Little does she know that the husband's thought of his own wife having sex with another man tends to rank as the second or third most preferred fantasy amongst married men, and it increases with how long the couple has been married. It is one of life's ironies that men with hotwives often become very committed to themselves being faithful the more promiscuous their wives are. The husband typically finds his wife sexier than ever before - even when they first met - and the excitement of competing for his own wife highly erotic and exciting. There are accounts from wives that upon becoming hotwives, not only did they experience great sex and fun, but their husbands became more loving and romantic, bought them more gifts and vacations and started to take a greater interest in household duties - classical actions by a man seeking to gain a lady's affection. Few wives can even in the slightest imagine that her no-nonsense husband who most definitely wears the pants in the house, possibly could be the type who would greet her with a passionate kiss in the early morning as she comes back to a picked-up house, knowing full well that his wife has just spent hours in bed being pleasured by one of her lovers! Now, before too many wives get their hopes up - only a minority of husbands - although a sizeable minority - would react in this way. And most husbands even in this minority will react with traditional jealous rage if he catches his wife cheating on him and where no hot wife arrangement has been discussed and agreed to in advance. The husband's complete trust in his wife is fundamental for him to accept a hot wife arrangement.
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