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Mikielah Trus Juggalette I's blog: "Wicca"

created on 08/31/2007  |  http://fubar.com/wicca/b122967
Lessons you Probably Won't Find in Books 1) Within a circle trust is an absolute necessity. If you attend a ritual be SURE you trust those involved. Many feel this, in today's society, to be archaic. It has always proved out when I have tried to work with unknown people, those I was unsure of or who were in some way unsure of me, failure, disaster or heated debate resulting in dissent has always been the end point Know a person before you are willing to enter sacred space with them. 2) Never spellcast too soon. Magic should not be a first resort. The use of non-magical means should be applied when possible and convenient. Overuse of magic, like anything else, becomes a crutch that can unbalance your life. 3) Prophecy is a two-edged sword. Remember this, whether you read Tarot, Runes or whatever other means of divination or personal analysis. Be prepared to have the reading to go in directions you do not expect and be prepared for them NOT to be in a way you will like. Remember the Lesson of Kassandra (in Greek Mythology) that sometimes you can change the future and sometimes you cannot, and only time will tell which is which. If you cannot deal with the possibility of your personal wants or expectations being wrong then you should not be consulting a means of divination. I have seen even longtime craft-folk who forget this lesson in the heat of emotion. 4) There is not a magical answer behind everything. I have known some folks who became so obsessed in their personal paranoia of some form of 'magical attack' or 'magical influence' that such became their excuse for everything that occurred around them, even when very simple non-magical answers existed to explain what had occurred. The number of magical practitioners at present is VERY small, and most have a range of influence that doesn't extend far on their own. The gathering of hateful or vindictive emotional energy to achieve a magical attack on another is not done easily or quickly, and tends to harm the attacker more often then the target. Look with logic on a situation. 5) Diversify. Don't depend on or look into only a single philosophy or magical application -- a specialist is usually someone who is refusing to grow beyond boundaries they have set for themselves. 6) A single teacher Is NOT enough. You will spend a lifetime as a real student, even if others one day declare you a teacher, leader or High Priestess. Gather from many to find what your lifepath is. Do not let anyone tell you there is ONLY one true belief system, one true Divinity, one way to approach a situation or one teacher to follow. 7) In the end you ARE Solitary. All Magickal workers are eventually forced to depend upon their own company, separated from the many communities and groups by distance, time or belief. You will probably spend more time solitary than in a group. Be prepared to face this when it happens. The Pagan Community is too small to be everywhere for everyone or to even always help its own (though trying to do so is a goal I feel vital to expand the community). You must become sufficiently balanced and grounded to deal with being alone and to practice your beliefs alone, especially in times of hardship and adversity. 8) Don't be too fast to assume the role of a teacher, or to assume that a student cannot teach you something in return. Can you really explain what you believe and do within your belief coherently? Does the person to be taught really want to learn it all and are they sincere, or are they merely curious or on a 'power trip'? Learning to know when someone is ready to learn is one of the hardest lessons you must learn if you purposely teach. Don't give a hand grenade to a three year old and expect positive results. 9) Not all paths and philosophies are desirable. There are many that are self-destructive, purely self-indulgent or a combination of both. If a path cannot teach you some form of inner peace with yourself and what you are doing in life, or is devoted to manipulating others to achieve your personal benefits, then it is a 'dead-end path,' one that is a cul-de-sac on the path of growth. 10) Don't do what feels uncomfortable. If performing a ritual, using a magic form, reciting a chant/prayer or performing an activity feels personally painful, uncomfortable or 'wrong' then it is not for you to be involved with it at that time. Listen to the inner voice of your spirit and follow its lead. Intuition is a powerful gift, don't waste it by always opposing it. 11) You will have to take chances. Magic doesn't work on its own, and positive Karma won't help you if you fight it when it seeks to restore balance around you. It is not enough to cast a prosperity spell and then sit home and wait for a letter in the mail from Ed MacMahon with a check in it! You must take non-magical action to help things along. Cast a spell for a new job? Sure, but then don't turn down a chance to read job listings, mail resumes or attend an interview! Working to heal a sick spouse? OK, but make sure they are getting medical advice, enough to eat, attention, care, therapy, etc. to help the magic on its way!

Goddess Prayer

Goddess' Prayer Use this prayer whenever you find yourself in an uncomfortable situation or you feel a need for the Lady's protection. Gracious Goddess Who art Maiden, Mother, and Crone, Celebrated be Your Name. Help me to live in peace Upon your Earth And grant me safety in Your arms. Guide me along my chosen path And show me Your great eternal love As I strive to be kind to those Who don't understand Your ways And lead me safely to Your Cauldron of Rebirth For it is Your Spirit that lives within me And protects me Forever and ever. So mote it be.

Making Smudges

Making Smudges Gather several fresh stalks of your favourite herbs. Some of the most Common herbs yield the best fragrances. Mugwort makes a fine smudge on Its own. You may also want to try cedars, Junipers, Sumac, Osier, Mesquite, Tansy and Pinyon.I like using white sage. Each of these botanicals has its own savory Aroma. Experiment with different combinations to suit your various Needs. This recipe makes an aromatic smudge that is wonderful for Meditation. It also makes a fine insect repellent and helps to banish Mildew. Lay the sheet of newspaper open. Gather the selected herb stalks Together and hold them tightly in one hand. Bend them gently back over Onto themselves 6 - 7 inches from one end. Quickly bend the remaining Lengths back on themselves again in this same 6 - 7 inch long wand. Holding this all together well, place it on the newspaper at an angle. Roll it up tightly, like a big cigar and secure it snugly with the Rubber bands or string. Place the stick in a warm place, out of direct Sun, to dry for at least Several days and preferably a week. You may unwrap it in a day or two to Check it, then wrap it again more snugly. Let it dry out thoroughly for A few more days. If it is very humid, it may take a couple of weeks to Dry. Unwrap the stick, discard the paper and tie the herb bundle securely With fine cotton cord or thread. When ready to use, ignite one end and Get it smoking. You can use this as a ceremonial smudge. To make a Mosquito repellent, perch it upright in a clay pot or coffee can filled With an inch or two of sand. If you want to burn the smudge for only Several minutes, you can snuff out the smoking end by rubbing it outside The pot or shell or pressing it into the sand. Do not use water to Extinguish it.
Medicinal and Magickal Herbal List compiled by Lord Riekin and Lady Bridget 2001 This information is in no way meant to take the place of a doctor's treatment. If conditions persist or worsen please seek professional advice. This listing has been compiled from many sources, both in print and on the internet. Some of this is based on folklore. PLEASE consult at least three different sources before deciding to use any herb or herbal combination on your body. If you are already taking medication for any condition, first ask your physician about possible complications. The herbs are listed alphabetically, under their most common name, with their Latin name to follow. The first descriptions are the medicinal uses, and the second are for magickal. Some herbs may not be used for both. (**) Denotes warnings. ALFALFA (Medicago sativa) high in minerals & vitamins A,K, & E. Kidney tonic; builds energy; for anemia; alkalinizes pH; for internal inflammation- arthritis, colitis, etc.; stimulates digestion, increases breast milk flow ***Blood thinning- do not mix with medications of any kind. prosperity, attraction of money, burn or place in the kitchen ALOE VERA The sap from the leaves is soothing and healing ANGELICA (Angelica archangelica) warming; circulation stimulant; digestive stimulant; women's reproductive tonic; ***Not for pregnancy Protection, Healing, inreases life energy bringing warmth of Fire element, Exorcism ANISE STAR PODS (Pimpinella anisum) digestive stimulant; warming to the body; circulation stimulant Protection, Purification, Winter Solstice ASTRAGALUS (Astragalus membranaceus) An energy & immune tonic; Good for exhaustion & weakness; promotes wound healing-external & internal; lung tonic -strengthens weakness; mild diuretic, stimulates appetite & digestion Fortification, Strength BAY LAURAL (Lauris nobilis) digestive stimulant; relieves indigestion; warming Healing, Protection, Psychic Powers, Strength BLACKBERRY LEAF (Rubus villosus) good for coughs; relieves diarrhea; great for kids Healing, Money, Protection BLACK COHOSH (Cimicifuga racemosa) PMS(physical symptoms); calms spasms associated with asthma, bronchitis, menstrual cramps, etc.; reproductive tonic; menopausal tonic; high blood pressure tonic; for inflammation of the nerves or spine or ovaries **Not for pregnancy, can cause low blood pressure. Green tea is said to counteract negative affects. Courage, Love, Potency, Protection BLADDERWRACK (Fucus vesiculosus) diuretic; balances thyroid; helps inflamed joints & organs; rheumatism; protectant from environmental polluntants & chemicals; helps body deal with stress; boosts stamina; regulates blood pressure & cholesterol; provides mucilage(moist coating) to digestive tract and mucous membranes; high in minerals. water or sea ritual herb, Money, Protection, Psychic Clarity, Wind Rituals BLESSED THISTLE (Cnicus benedictus) stimulates and increases flow of breast milk Abundance, Flow BLUE COHOSH (Caulophyllum thalicroides) women's reproductive and uterine tonic; PMS(physical symptoms); stimulates sex drive; regulates menstrual cycle; for prevention of miscarriage; eases false labor pains; tonic for last month of pregnancy; relieves spasms; relieves indigestion Courage, Balance, Protection BORAGE Good for dry, sensitive skins. BURDOCK ROOT (Arctium minus) liver cleanser; acne & boils; stimulates gall bladder; balances pH; pulls toxins and poisons out of body; stabilizes both high & low blood sugar levels; increases breast milk flow; reduces swelling in joints; alleviates constipation; balances hormones via the liver; mild daily tonic herb; high in minerals; cooling Healing, Protection, Clears space & holds the space safe, Spirit of North CALENDULA (Calendula officianalis) heals damaged tissue, cuts, wounds, burns, ulcers, herpes- internal & external; astringent; for acne take internally & apply to skin as wash, A healing herb for rough or problem skin; stimulates blood circulation; helps to break fevers;thrush-wipe baby's mouth with tea soaked cloth & nipple post breast feeding; for digestive tract inflammation & ulcers Opening to the 3rd Chakra, helps energy move outward from center of body extending in all directions CATNIP (Nepeta cataria) digestive aid; relieves indigestion; nerve relaxant, great for kids Beauty, Happiness, Love CHAMOMILE (Matricaria chamomilla) relaxant; helps with inflammation, a gentle soothing herb that softens and whitens skin; for colic; soothes spasms; for insomnia & anxiety, great for children; nausea; relieves indigestion; rheumatism; wash for red eyes Love, Money, Sleep, Purification, Child's Annointing CHAPPARAL (Larrea divaricata) digestive & liver tonic & stimulant; bitter; antioxidant; can be useful in cases of cancer, benign tumors, bacteria, viruses, & parasites Fire element rituals, Protection, Spirit of South CEDAR LEAF TIPS (Thuja occidentalis) high in vitamin C; good for infections; used as a purifying herb when burned as incense Healing, Protection, Purification of body, aura field, & space CELANDINE (Chelidonium majus) fevers; liver tonic & stimulant; jaundice; boosts function of gallbladder Escape, Happiness, Legal Matters, Protection CHASTE TREE BERRIES (Vitex agnus-castus) women & men's reproductive tonic; regulator for women's reproductive cycle; stimulates balance of fertility; stimulates progesterone; menopausal tonic- helps with physical imbalances; stimulates healthy flow of breast milk; digestive stimulant Purification, Banish negative energies, use as a bath, Protection of the household CHICORY (Cichorium intybus) stimulates proper liver function; digestive stimulant; for constipation; cooling; coffee substitute; hormonal balancer via the liver To inspire Frugality, Invisibility, Removing Obstacles, Favors-annoint body to obtain CLOVES (Eugenia aromatica) warming; digestive stimulant; analgesic Exorcism, Love, Money, Protection CINNAMON (Cinnamomum zeylanicum) warming; digestive stimulant; alleviates indigestion Healing, Love, Personal Empowerment, Protection, Spirituality, Success (Be careful if using oil, it can burn sensitive skin.) Increases speed and effectiveness of other herbs when used in magickal combinations. COMFREY LEAF (Syphytum officinale) mends skin & bone tissue, wounds, cuts, lesions, bone breaks, ulcers, acne, boils, etc.- internal & external use, A healing and soothing herb that contains allantion, a protein which speeds up cell renewal. Good for rough and damaged skin; provides mucilage(moist coating) to digestive tract & mucous membranes; high in minerals; supports nervous system; soothes urinary tract Money, Safe Journeys (Both physical and astral) COMRFREY ROOT (Symphytum officinale) mends skin & bone tissue, wounds, cuts, lesions, bone breaks, ulcers, acne, boils, etc.- internal & external uses; provides muclage(moist coating) to digestive tract & mucous membranes; high in minerals; supports nervous system; soothes urinary tract Money, Safe Journeys (Both physical and astral), Winter Solstice COPAL RESIN (Bureseru microphylla) infections; burned as fragrant incense for increasing spiritual element & creating sacred space Love, Purification, Earth Element, Sets Sacred Space, Allows Guides and Guidance to come in CORNSILK (Zea mays) urinary tract tonic; reduces water retention; increases flow of urine; use in combination with cardiovascular herbs for high blood pressure; blood cleanser; eases bladder irritation due to infection, etc. Water Element, Stimulates Flow DAMIANA (Turnera) warming; allays pain; relaxant; sexual stimulant; men's reproductive tonic; increases stamina, aphrodisiac for women Love, Visions, Opens Door Between Worlds, Female Aphrodisiac DANDELION LEAF(Taraxacum officinale) bitter digestive stimulant; reduces water retention; high in minerals & vitamins A, C, etc.; liver function stimulant & tonic; kidney stimulant; buffers blood sugar ups & downs; laxative; Contains a rich emollient useful in cleansing lotions for dry, sallow skins Calling Spirits, Divination, Wishes DANDELION ROOT (Taraxacum officinale) high in minerals calcium, magnesium, potassium, zinc, etc. & vitamins A, C, & protein; liver & digestive tonic & stimulant; laxative; Calling Spirits, Divination, Wishes DONG QUAI (Angelica senensis) women's reproductive tonic; hormonal balancer; PMS difficulties, physical -cramps, bloating, etc.; warming; digestive & circulation stimulant Health, Vitality, Fire Element Rituals DRAGON'S BLOOD RESIN (Daemomorops draco) infections; burned as incense Exorcism, Love, Protection, Stimulates action of other herbs in incense blend, Stimulates movement of energy ECHINACEA (Echinacea purpurea) stimulates immune system; helps acne, infections, wound healing, sore throat, snake bites, ulcers, herpes, onset of flus & colds; **Not for daily use over long term - alternate days on & off Strength Wards off negativity or undesireable energies ELDER BERRIES (Sambucus nigra) for coughs; drying; colds, flus, & fevers Ancient Wisdom, Contact with Elementals, Healing, Invoke Majic, Protection ELDER FLOWER A good tonic for all skins. Reputed to soften skin and smooth wrinkles, fade freckles and soothe sunburn EUCALYPTUS (Eucalyptus globulus) high in essential oils; used externally as tea for steam inhalation to open nasal & bronchial passageways; bacterial infections Healing, Air Element Rituals, Protection EYEBRIGHT(Euphrasia officinalis) for eye infections; sore & red eyes; eye health Mental Ability & Clarity, Psychic Ability, Visions FALSE UNICORN ROOT (Chamaelirium luteum) prevents miscarriage, take through first four months; women's reproductive tonic; balances menstrual cycle Connection to Majical Realm, Contains Energy & Intention FENNEL SEED (Foeniculum vulgare) relieves indigestion; digestive stimulant; For skin: cleansing and soothing. Add crushed seeds to face packs. Purifies oily skin Healing, Protection, Purification, Stimulates Movement FENUGREEK Clearing, Money FLAX SEED(Linum usitatissimum) high in essential fatty acids; laxative Beauty, Healing, Initiates Flow, Money, Psychic Openness FRANKINCENSE RESIN TEARS(Boswellia thurifera) burned as incense Consecration, Exorcism, Protection, Purification, Sets Sacred Space, Sets Safe Space for Guides to come in, Spirit of East or North GERANIUM Abundance, Fertility, Health, Love, Protection GINGER ROOT (Zingaber officinale) warming; digestive stimulant; relieves indigestion; for nausea; for flu & colds, can induce late menstrual cycle **Fresh root not for pregnancy, use only dry Fire Element Rituals, Brings into Existance, Bringer of the Manifestation, Love, Money, 3rd Chakra Vitality, Inner Strength, Success, Stimulates flow of Energy, Spirit of South GINSENG, SIBERIAN (Eleutherococcus senticosus) works best when used a minumum of two weeks or longer to boost the immune system; balances nervous system; prevents thymus & lymph system stress damage; protectant from radiation exposure (X-rays, nuclear exposure, or radiation therapy, etc.); cancer preventative; men's & women's reproductive tonic & rejuvenative; increases mental alertness; helps to balance blood pressure & cholesterol; for psychological disorders Encourages a long lasting affect, Health, Strength HAWTHORNE BERRIES (Crataegus oxyacantha) cardiovascular tonic; circulatory system tonic to veins & capillaries; antioxidant; palpitations; arteriosclerosis; astringent; for diarrhea Fertility, 4th Chakra Strength & Vitality, Love, Contentment HIBISCOUS FLOWERS for sore throats; soothing tea; drying to mucous membranes; good for cough syrup Divination, Love, 5th Chakra HOPS (Humulus lupulus) nervous system relaxant; bitter digestive aid; muscle relaxant Sleep, Opens the Channel In & Out of the body in relationship with the Universe HOREHOUND (Marrubium vulgare) for coughs; stimulates mucous expulsion; bitter digestive stimulant; good for cough syrup Exorcism, Mental Ability, Protection, Opens Air Element within body & in the world, Opens Channel for Clear Communication IRISH MOSS FLAKES (Chondrus crispus) high in minerals; draws out excess mucous from lungs & stomach; provides moisture to dry coughs, mucous membranes, & digestive tract Luck, Opens Throat, Opens Channel for Clear Communication IVY Relieves sunburn; helps to disperse trapped fluids and toxins in the fight against cellulite JUNIPER BERRIES (Juniperus communis) expels parasites & microbes from digestive system; bitter digestive stimulant; for diarrhea; aphrodisiac for women Exorcism, Health, Aphrodisiac, Protection, Sets Sacred Space, Spirit of North KAVA KAVA (Piper methysticum) nervous system tonic; relaxant; for anxiety & depression; soothes pain; helps insomnia Luck, Visions, Opens one to receiving guidence and guides, Protection KELP GRANULES (Laminaria spp.) high in minerals; reduces water retention; nutritive addition to foods(ex. sprinkle in soups); prevents toxicity due to environmental pollutants such as exhaust, radiation, toxic waste Connection to Divine Source through the Physical & Spiritual, Unity, Life-Force Strengthening Spirit of Center LADY'S MANTLE A healing herb for soothing dry, sensitive skin; a good astringent for large pores. Love, Self Control LAVENDER FLOWERS(Lavendula officinale) nervous system relaxant; calming; helps insomnia; great for dream pillows; A gentle cleanser and tonic for all skin types. We were also told by "Witchylady" that if you make a tea of the lavender, or use lavender oil, to mix with a creme rinse for the hair, that this will keep your hair free from lice. She says it has been working for her children for two years. Research that we have done since then shows that she's probably right, it ranks as one of the top three herbs for prevention of head lice. The other two are tea tree oil, and neem oil from India. Happiness, Love, Sleep, Purification, Peace LEMON BALM (Melissa officinalis) nerve relaxant; for depression; calming; for spasms digestive stimulant; relieves indigestion; Friendship, Love, Purification LEMON PEEL (Citrus limonum) bitter digestive stimulant; An astringent that restores the skin's natural acid balance. Friendship, Love, Purification LEMON VERBENA (Lippia citriodora) nervous system tonic; relaxant; calming; digestive stimulant; relieves indigestion Love, Happiness, Purification, Peace, Mental & Emotional Balance, Summer Solstice LICORICE ROOT (Glycyrrhiza glabra) soothes sore throats; soothes internal ulcers; estrogenic hormone balancer; adrenal tonic *Long term use (3 months) can cause liver damamge Fidelity, Love, Meditation, Harmony LINDEN TREE BLOSSOM Softens the skin. Deep cleansing LUPIN SEED A cleanser and pore refiner for oily skin MANDRAKE ROOT (Mandragora officinarum) **EXTERNAL USE ONLY!! for protection of a house, person, etc. Protection, Protection in the Subconscious, Unconscious, & Underworld, Fertility, Money, Health, Love MARSHMALLOW ROOT POWDER (Althaea officinalis) high in mucilage; soothing & provides a moisture lining to digestive provides system & mucous membranes; for ulcers; laxative; a healing softener for dry skin, chapped hands and sunburn Boundaries, Love, Protection, Strength, Emotional Balance MEADOWSWEET (Filipendula ulmaria) helps with inflammation & pain; for ulcers; calming to nervous system Divination, Harmony, Peace, Love, 3rd Chakra MILK THISTLE (Carduus marianus) antioxidant; stimulates proper liver function & protects liver from toxins & stress; varicose veins; for spleen & kidney health; stimulates breast milk; hepatitis A & B Creativity, Protection, Dispell, Transformation MOTHERWORT (Leonurus cardiaca) cardiovascular tonic; high blood pressure; menopause; nervous system tonic; relaxant; anxiety Balances Within, Self Empowerment, 2nd Chakra MUGWORT (Artemisia vulgaris) nerve relaxant; helps anxiety, shaking, & insomnia; colds & flus; fevers; warming; circulatory stimulant; brings on late period Purification, Clearing, Sleep, Visions, Opens one to the teachings of the Subconscious & Unconscious Self, Dream Clarity & Rememberance, 6th & 7th Chakras. Use as a tea to increase psychic ability. Also use the tea to wash crytal balls and magick mirrors to cleanse them for psychic activity. Can also use in the bath. MULLEIN LEAF stimulates expulsion & drying up of excess lung fluid & toxins through coughing; asthma; sedative Courage, Health, Opens Life Energy flow through the body MYRRH GUM POWDER (Commiphora molmol) stimulates immune system to help body deal with infections, colds, flus, microbes; mouth herb-ulcers, gingivitis, infections; mouthwash for sore throats Protection, Purification, Sets Sacred Space, Ancient Wisdom MYRRH GUM RESIN (Commiphora molmol) burned as an incense Protection, Purification, Sets Sacred Space, Ancient Wisdom NETTLES (Urtica dioica) high in minerals & vitamins; great daily nutritive; liver tonic; warming; drying stops bleeding; acne, boils, A deep cleanser; very good for oily skin Exorcism, Healing, Protection, Abundance,3rd & 6th Chakra, Use to banish unwanted energies OATSTRAW (Avena sativa) nervous system tonic; calming; high in minerals; great daily tea; pregnancy tonic Purification, Strength ORANGE FLOWER An excellent skin tonic, said to help restore the skin's acid barrier. Also treats dry skin and broken capillaries and stimulates cell replacement. ORANGE PEEL (Citrus aurantium) bitter digestive stimulant Purification, Banish unwanted energies OREGON GRAPE ROOT (Mahonia repens) bitter liver tonic; digestive tonic; for constipation; allergies; acne, boils; external use for infections, rashes **Not for pregnancy Purification, Protection OSHA ROOT (Ligusticum porteri) helps expel excess fluid from lungs; for coughs; warming; circulatory stimulant; digestive stimulant Purification, Protection, Calls on higher spirits PARSLEY A conditioner for dry, sensitive and troubled skin PAU D'ARCO (Tabebuia avellanedae) men's & women's reproductive stimulant & tonic; bacterial, viral infections; parasites; for inflammation; promotes cervical health; cancer; candida Aphrodisiac, Purification, Healing,Fertility, Wards off Negativity PEPPERMINT (Mentha piperita) digestive aid; helps relieve indigestion; warming; An astringent which clears the complexion Love, Psychic Ability, Healing, Clears Energy & Space RASBERRY LEAF (Rubus spp.) women's uterine tonic; menstrual cycle tonic; high in minerals; pregnancy tonic; nutritive Love, Protection, Spirit of Center, Spring Equinox RED CLOVER BLOSSOMS (Trifolium pratense) high in minerals; lymph cleanser; increases estrogen activity; cancer; boosts protein assimilation; soothing to coughs Abundance, Love, Money, Protection, Success, Summer Solstice RED ROOT (Ceanothus spp.) lymph cleanser; stimulates lymph circulation; sore throats Clears Energy, Dispells ROSEBUDS (Rosa spp) aromatherapy uses in crafts such as dream pillows, bath salts, etc.; A soothing and gentle cleanser which has a softening effect on the skin Abundance, Attraction, Healing, Love, Luck, Prosperity ROSEHIPS (Rosa spp.) high in vitamin C; boosts immune system Abundance, Strength, Fall Equinox Ceremony ROSEMARY (Rosemarinus officinalis) warming; circulatory stimulant; enhances mental clarity; digestive stimulant; helps indigestion; An invigorating antiseptic which boosts circulation and deep cleansing Exorcism, Mental Clarity, Psychic Ability, Healing, Spirit of South, Purification SAGE, GARDEN (Salvia officinalis) Good tonic and internal cleansing; A cleansing, stimulating astringent which tightens pores. Clears, Healing, Immortality, Inner Guide, Longevity, Protection, Purication, Vision, Wisdom SAGE, WHITE (Salvia apiana) used for ceremonial purposes, clears space & body of accumulated energy, brings focus & clarity Clears, Healing, Immortality, Inner Guide, Longesvity, Protection, Purification, Vision, Wisdom SARSPARILLA (Smilax officinalis) men's & women's reproductive tonic; PMS; menopause; sex drive; skin problems-acne, rashes, psoriosis, eczema; liver stimulant & tonic Inner Strength, Grounding, Purification SPEARMINT (Mentha viridis) digestive stimulant; helps indigestion Clarity, Love, Mental Ability SPIRULINA food resource; high in minerals & vitamins B12, iron, protein, chlorophyll, essential fatty acids, RNA & DNA; preventative for cancer; helps balance blood sugar, hypoglycemia tendencies; system cleanser Purification, Healing SWEETGRASS (Hierochloe odarata) used for ceremonial purposes, attracts positive energy into space & body Bringer of Positive Energy, Clears, Seals In, burned after White Sage which clears, the sweetgrass is the Bringer, Spirit of East THYME A stimulating but gentle antiseptic cleanser. TURMERIC (Curcuma longa) inflammation aid; warming; antioxidant Purification(used with sea salt), Fortification, Strength, Clears Aggression UVA URSI (Arctostaphylos uva ursi) urinary tract problems- infections, sluggishness; astringent Boundaries, Clears blockages, Psychic Workings VALERIAN ROOT (Valeriana officinalis) nerve relaxant; helps with pain; for exsessive coughing or other spasm; PMS-physical & emotional; headaches Protection, Self Esteem, Sleep VIOLET A gentle astringent for the skin WATERCRESS Expressed juice can help to clear blemishes WITCH HAZEL Soothing and astringent for the skin WHITE WILLOW (Salix alba) headaches; inflammation; pain; aching flu Sacred Earth Connection between human & Earth & Spirit, Healing, Protection, Spirit of East WILD CHERRY BARK (Prunus avium) coughs; excess fluid in the lungs; drying Banish negativity WILD LETTUCE (Lactuca virosa) nerve relaxant; pain; headaches; back pain; restlessness; for spasms; rheumatism pain Love Divination, Protection, Sleep, Opens to the deeper consciousness, Attunes to Deeper Meanings WILD YAM (Dioscorea villosa) women's reproductive tonic; progesterone enhancing; menopause; digestive tonic & stimulant Fortification, Grounding, Release, 1st Chakra WINTERGREEN (Gaultheria procumbens) digestive aid; helps indigestion; open nasal passageways as a steam Hex-Breaking, Protection, Good Fortune, Opens Channels WITCH HAZEL (Haemamelis virginiana) for inflamed gums & other tissue; stops bleeding; drying; acne; sore throats Healing, Protection WORMWOOD (Artemesia absinthium) parasites; microbes; bacterial infections Calling Spirits, Psychic Ability, Protection YARROW (Achillea millefolium) fevers; drying; warming; colds & flus; bitter digestive stimulant Spirit of South, Courage, Clears, Stimulates Movement YELLOWDOCK ROOT(Rumex crispus) liver stimulant & tonic; warming; high in minerals iron & helps absorbtion of iron Clears stuck energy, Fortification YERBA SANTA (Eriodictyon spp.) drying to mucous membranes; sinus infections; coughs; respiratory system Clears Channel to Divine Life Force, Healing, Protection, Psychic Ability
Medicinal Uses For Common Culinary Spices by Lord Riekin, © 1999 Please note that this is in no way meant to take the place of regular medical advice or treatment. Please see a doctor if conditions persist or worsen. ALLSPICE Active ingredient is eugenol, same as cloves. Topical pain relief, tea and mouthwash. ANISE Seven tsp. of seed to one quart water, boil down by half, add 4 tbsp. of honey, take two tsp to calm a cough. Drink tea for memory, aid digestion, and a wash for oily skin. ANNATO (Lipstick tree) Lightly crushed seeds added to food is like natural gas-x. ARROW ROOT POWDER One tbsp in a cup of juice every few hours to relieve diarrhea. Poultice to soothe skin inflammations. ASAFOETIDA Buy the tincture in Indian shops. They add a drop to many dishes to relieve stomach pains (gas). Insect repellent. Topical use to heal ulcerated sores. ASPARAGUS Boil in water and drink the water for kidney problems. Dissolves uric acid deposits and promotes urination. BASIL Add fresh herb or seeds to boiled water to make tea for migraines and bed time restlessness. Douche for yeast infections, eliminates candida, gargle and mouthwash. Pregnant women should avoid medicinal use of basil. BAY LAUREL Heat leaves in a little olive oil to make a bay oil salve for arthritis and aches. CARAWAY Bring 2 cups of water to a boil and add 4 tsp lightly crushed seeds. Simmer for 5 minutes, then steep 15 min. Drink with meals to prevent gas, even for infant colic. Promotes menstruation and relieves uterine cramping. CARDAMON Digestive aid, eases gluten intolerance (celiac disease). Sprinkle powder on cereal. CAYENNE PEPPER Capsicum speeds metabolism. Capsicum cream and oils relieve arthritis and aches, not just by warming and stimulating blood flow, but also by blocking pain transmission by nerves. (blocks substance P) Prevents blood clots, heals ulcers. "Jewish" penicillin, cayenne and garlic in chicken soup really IS as effective as antibiotics after the onset of cold or flu. Cayenne dramatically drops blood sugar levels and should by avoided by hypoglycemics. Cayenne promotes excretion of cholesterol through the intestines. It increases energy levels and aura brilliance. CELERY Sedative. Active ingredient thalide. Seed and stalk, reduces hypertension. Celery seed tea for the kidneys as a cleanser. CHERVIL Steep in boiled water and apply with an eye cup for a wide range of eye complaints. CHICORY Liver cleanser, fat cleanser, dissolves gallstones. Prepare like coffee. CILANTRO Leafy part of coriander plant. Food poisoning preventative. CINNAMON Mouthwash, good for upset stomach. Simmer sticks with cloves for 3 min, add 2 tsp lemon juice, 2 tsp honey, 2 tbsp whiskey – as cold medication. Cinnamon is good for yeast infection and athlete's foot. A 2% solution will kill both of these conditions. Boil 8-10 sticks in 4 cups water, simmer 5 min, steep 45 min, then douche or apply to athlete's foot. Cinnamon reduces cancer causing tendencies of many food additives. CLOVE Use oil for pain relief for sore gums and toothache. Add clove oil to neutral oils for topical pain relief of arthritis. Small amounts of clove in a tea for nausea. 3 cloves in two cups of boiled water, steeped for 20 minutes, as an antiseptic and mouthwash. Former alcoholics can suck on one or two cloves when the craving strikes to curb the desire. COFFEE Although not a spice, it is commonly available in the kitchen. The caffeine in coffee can be used to alleviate headaches (particularly those caused by caffeine withdrawal.) Coffee enemas with olive oil are used to cleanse the bowels and are one of the safest and most thoroughly cleansing enemas available. Caution and common sense must be used to avoid dependency. Hot black coffee sipped through a straw helps break up mucus congestion in the lungs. CORIANDER Coriander tea can be used topically to remove unpleasant odors in the genital area for men and women. The tea can be held in the mouth to relieve the pain of a toothache. Can also be drank to relieve flatulence and indigestion. DILL Bring one pint of white wine almost to a boil, remove from heat and add 4 tsp of dill seeds, let steep 30 minutes and strain. Drink 1 ½ cups a half hour before retiring to sleep well. To the same directions, but substitute for the 4 tsp of dill, instead add 1 tsp each of anise, caraway, coriander and dill to stimulate the flow of breast milk in nursing mothers. Chewing dill seeds removes bad breath. FENNEL Chewing fennel seeds relieves bad breath. Fennel seed tea sweetens breastmilk. Fennel tea relieves colic in infants. FENUGREEK Use as a tea as an excellent relief for colic and fever in children. 1 tbsp ground fenugreek seed taken in the diet daily can reduce cholesterol. 8 tsps of seed presoaked in 4 cups cold water for 4 hours, then boil for 2 minutes, strain and drink 1 cup a day to ease hay fever attacks. GARLIC Ultimate antibiotic. Useful even for sexually transmitted diseases. Strongly recommended for hypoglycemia, and diabetes. Destroys intestinal parasites. Reduces cholesterol. Repels insects, and reduces sting effects of insects and red ants. GINGER Anti-nausea tea, blood thinner, substitute for coumadin. Boil 2/3 cup of freshly chopped root in 1 gallon water, wrapped in cheesecloth (or old nylon stocking) until the water is yellow. Then soak towel and lay on bruises and sprains while still hot, to ease them. Stimulates a delayed period. Warm ginger tea is good to break up congestion and fever. Ginger is one of the few herbs that easily passes the blood/brain membrane and is used in conjunction with other herbs that are meant to have an effect on the mind. Pregnant women should avoid medicinal concentrations of ginger. HORSERADISH Freshly dug root is added to a cold-pressed oil of choice (such as safflower or olive) to make a massage oil for muscle aches and to break up chest congestion. Grate fresh ginger and horseradish together and make a tea to stop post nasal drip. LEMONGRASS ½ cup dried leaves to 2 pints of water, simmer for 10 minutes, and sip to bring down fevers. LICORICE Tranquilizer. Balances nervous system, stimulates liver functions. Long term usage (over 3 months) could cause liver damage. LOVAGE Steep root for 15 min in a cup of boiled water, drink after every meal to prevent flatulence. MARJORAM AND OREGANO Over 2 dozen related species. Use as a tea to help reduce fevers and break up bronchitis. Drink tea to relieve cramps and irregular menstruation. Eases suffering of childhood diseases like mumps and measles. MINT (Peppermint and spearmint) Peppermint tea for migraines, nervousness, stomach disorders, heartburn, and abdominal cramps. Herpes sufferers can take 2 cups of tea a day to ease the symptoms when the virus is active. Mints are used to buffer the action of other herbs that have uncomfortable effects on the stomach and intestines. Can be used in any combination for flavor. MUSTARD 1 ½ cups of dry yellow mustard in a bathtub of water for sprained backs. Make a paste with water and apply to knee and elbow sprains till blisters appear! Mustard and ginger plaster for deep rattling coughs – 1 tsp each mustard and ginger powder mixed with 2 ½ tbsp of olive oil. Rub over chest and back and put on an old T-shirt (or cover with cloth diaper). NUTMEG AND MACE Gas, indigestion, nausea, vomiting, and kidney problems – make a paste of powder with cold water and then add to boiled water. 1 tbsp of powdered nutmeg produces a floating euphoria for between 6 and 24 hours. Can cause near constant erections for men during that time. Side effects are bone and muscle aches, burning eyes, sinus drainage, and limited diarrhea. ONION Egyptians swore their oaths on onions; Grant refused to move his army until he got 3 railroad cars full of onions; interviews with hundreds of people who lived to 100 plus all indicated a heavy intake of onions in the diet. Onion is an excellent dressing for burns. Crush sliced onions with a little bit of salt and apply to burns. Apply sliced onion to bee and wasp stings. For asthma: puree an onion, cover it with brandy and let sit overnight, strain it, filter it through a coffee filter, and refrigerate. Take 2 tbsp 20 minutes before expected onset or before going to bed. PARSLEY The purifier. Chew for halitosis. A few sprigs provide 2/3 the vitamin C of an orange, lots of vitamin A, and the important amino acid histidine, which is a tumor inhibitor. Parsley tea is good for kidney problems, painful urination, and kidney stones. One cup of parsley to 1 quart of water makes a strong tea. Two cups of parsley to 1 quart of water, steep an hour and drink warm, as an aphrodisiac. In Spain they have found that feeding parsley to sheep will bring them into heat at any time of year! PEPPER (black) Pain relief from toothache, brings down a fever. ROSEMARY Flower tea for the breath. Boil water with rosemary in it to make it safe to drink. Diuretic and liver aid, increases bile flow. Two handfuls of flowering tips into 2 cups of good brandy, soak 10 days, strain and seal. Mouthful twice daily. Oil of rosemary is a natural anti-oxidant, and stress reliever; sniff for headaches. Chop a double handful of twigs and put in a pint of olive oil for one week, and use as a muscle liniment. SAGE Chew a fresh leaf and put on insect bite to reduce sting and swelling. Sage tea for the throat. Two cups of sage tea a day for a week will dry up mother's milk. For the itching of skin problems, steep a handful of freshly crushed leaves in a pint of boiled water for one hour, and bathe the area, then sprinkle with whole wheat flour. Sage tea prevents blood clots. SAVORY (the herb of love) One quart boiled water, 3 ½ tbsp fenugreek seed, and steep for 5 minutes. Remove fenugreek and add 2 handfuls of savory leaves, steep 50 minutes and drink 2 cups, as an aphrodisiac. TARRAGON 1 ½ tsp cut dried herb in 1 ¾ cups boiled water, steep 40 minutes, drink warm for insomnia, hyperactivity, depression, or nervous exhaustion. (or anything "jittery") For digestion steep a handful of dried leaves in a jar with apple cider vinegar, stand 7 hours, strain and seal. Take 1 tbsp before each meal. TEA Caffeine relieves migraines. Tea drinkers suffer less hardening of the arteries than coffee drinkers. Black tea kills dental plaque. THYME Antibiotic. A tsp in ½ cup boiled water to make a gargle or mouthwash, to prevent bad breath, tooth decay, and cold sores. Drink for cold, flu, fever, and allergy symptoms. As a bath for nail fungus and athlete's foot, and also as a douche. Compress for bumps and bruises. Health liqueur – 6 sprigs of thyme in 1 ½ cups of brandy for 5 days, shaking daily. Take several times daily when you feel a cold coming on. Thyme is good for killing bacteria and for relaxing tense muscles. Relieves migraine headaches and stomach cramps. TUMERIC Anti-oxidant. Powdered turmeric on any ulcerated skin condition or mix with enough lime juice to make a paste and put on herpes sores, mumps, chicken pox, etc. Dip a cloth in turmeric solution to wash away discharges from conjunctivitis and opthamalia. As an anti-inflammatory, turmeric's properties are as good as 1 % hydrocortisone and phenylobutazone. Take ½ tsp in juice in the morning and evening to aid in removing fat around the liver. Turmeric, bay leaf, clove, and cinnamon all tripled insulin performance in metabolizing blood glucose in a test tube! Field tests proved to greatly enhance production of insulin by the pancreas. "Spicecaps" from Great American Natural Products have a pinch of cinnamon, 2 cloves, ½ bay leaf, and 1 tsp of turmeric per capsule. VANILLA Sexual stimulant. Soak a cotton ball with vanilla extract, squeeze it out, put it under the tongue and it will quickly calm hysteria. VINEGAR Naturally brewed apple cider vinegar deserves a course all on it's own. It is one of the finest blood cleansers and arthritis cures known. Take 1 tbsp per day of equal parts vinegar and honey in water to taste to cleanse the blood and reduce inflammation from arthritis. Be sure to use naturally brewed vinegar, as the white cheap stuff in the grocery store is actually acetic acid, a petroleum by-product, and pretty well useless. (except as a window cleaner!) BAKING SODA Although not an herb or a spice, this was sent in by OrichidTigress@aol.com, and is especially recommended for people who are allergic to MSG. Many people will use a meat tenderizer for bee stings, but it contains MSG which can cause some people to swell. Instead, make a paste and apply directly to the insect bite to reduce swelling. You can also mix 1 tsp with water and take for relief of indigestion.


Herbology by Lady Bridget and Lord Riekin, © 1999 Please note that this is in no way meant to take the place of regular medical advice or treatment. Please see a doctor if conditions persist or worsen. Herbology, the study of herbs and their effects on the human body, is an ancient art that goes back to the beginnings of humankind. Herbs technically can be ANY part of a plant, not just the leaves or the flowers, but also can be the roots, seeds, pollen, bark, or sometimes the entire plant. When we talk about medicine, we are usually describing how to use a medicant for the relief of symptoms, or the cure of a disease. However, herbology goes a step further in that we can also use them to prevent disease. More and more studies are showing that what we eat, as well as our mindset, and our exercise habits, strongly influence how likely we are to be struck by various diseases. The old herbalists knew this. Do you remember the old saying, "An apple a day keeps the Doctor away." ? It's quite true, the pectin as well as the vitamins found in apples, are very strong in keeping up the immune system. There are many herbs, and herbal combinations, that will help to prevent disease and keep us healthy. Isn't that what we are really striving for after all? I would much rather prevent myself from getting a cold, then worry about treating it once I have it. Many people use vitamins and take megadoses of them for that reason, so why use herbs? Why not take a pill when it is so much simpler and it does the same thing? Ah, but does a pill do the same thing? Your body's response to a pill is not the same as your body's response to an herbal remedy. The medicine's of today have evolved from the herbal remedies our great-great-grandmother's used, and in some ways they are not an improvement. They force the desired response from the body, overriding the body's reaction to the disease. An herbal remedy works differently. Instead of overcoming the body's tendencies, the herbal remedy strengthens them, thereby allowing the body to heal itself. The response is not forced from the systems, and therefore puts less strain on them. Your body is designed to heal itself; it's a miracle and a wonder of which we are only really beginning to scratch the surface. Medicines are mainly given to treat the symptoms, to help soften your misery while your body is healing itself of the sickness. Unless you are suffering from a severe trauma where you literally have to be stitched or operated upon, for the most part, in ordinary, daily life, your body is simply healing itself. Even commercials do not argue this point. One commercial I listened carefully to stated that their product simply made cuts "heal faster". They did not claim to make the cut heal, just heal faster. Your body already does the healing for you. So, in short, the medications that you take when you have a cold or a flu are not helping you to get better, just feel better. But are they really helping you? Your body's defense mechanisms against disease include such things as: nausea and vomiting, fever, coughing and sneezing, runny nose, fatigue, etc. Sound familiar? Well, each of these so called symptoms are your body's way of trying to heal itself by expelling the disease or germs out of it, or by raising the body temperature high enough to kill off the flu virus. Most flu viruses cannot live for more than 20 minutes at 102.5 degrees. So when your body spikes a fever, it is an attempt to kill off the virus. The fever breaks when the virus is dead, the rest of the time is spent recovering your strength. Coughing, sneezing, runny nose - these are all attempts to get rid of the annoying cold germs. Nausea and vomiting are also ways the body fights disease by trying to expel it. Fatigue occurs because this is hard work, and you need to get more rest than usual in order to accomplish it. Dry mouth is letting you know that you need to drink a lot more water to wash the toxins out. Let's take a look at how we react these days to a typical cold... most people will take a pill or medication so that they can sleep at night - good, you need your rest. But, then we take another pill or liquid so that we can go to work the next day and not stay home. We take something for the aches in our muscles (which can be caused by toxin buildup in the tissue, water will help get rid of that) and we continue to work, work, work. Even though we feel terrible and are so fatigued... No wonder the average duration of a cold has gone from 2-3 days to 2-3 weeks! How can your body heal when you won't slow down enough to let it?!! Where do herbs fit into this? Well, in addition to treating your symptoms, herbs can help you NOT to get sick in the first place. When cold season starts, take echinaccea and goldenseal to boost the body's immune system, and also eat lots of garlic, and fresh fruit and vegetables to boost your vitamin C and A. If you can't eat enough of them, then it's ok to use a vitamin pill as a supplement. But do eat as healthy as you can, and exercise, and make sure you get enough sleep. You will get sick much less often because your immune system will be able to fight off diseases before they can get strong in the body. You may be the only one at work NOT to get the flu that's going around this year! Now, if you are presently under a doctor's care for an ongoing condition, please seek his/her opinion before taking anything. You need to know how the medication you are on will "mix" with whatever you intend to take. Normally vitamins are completely safe, but since you are under the care of a physician, you aren't normal - so be safe and find out if it's ok for you. None of these rememdies are "guaranteed" to work for everyone the same way, or even the same way everytime for each person. Your body is an ever changing vehicle for your soul, and as such, it can change it's response. For example, taking "megadoses" of vitamins works, in the short run, perhaps only for flu season. But if you continue to take these constantly, your own immune system will actually end up weaker. Because you are flooding your body with an unnatural amount of these vitamins, you are forcing your body to eliminate them in your urine and sweat so that they don't build up in the tissues and cause harm. People who think that if a little of something is good, then a lot more should be better are wrong when it comes to such things as vitamins and medications. Any vitamin regime or herbal program that you are on, you should give yourself a break from every so often. Perhaps several days in the month, stop taking them, or maybe for one week in every three months, just to give your body a chance to regulate itself without it. One more comparison needs to be noted between medications and herbal remedies. As mentioned before, the medications have evolved from the original herbal remedies, and are usually much stronger doses. In addition, when the herbal remedies were analyzed, the drug companies isolated what they believed to be what is called the active ingredient and mostly left out the rest of the enzymes or ingredients in the plants. It is now being discovered by the drug companies that by doing this, they have missed the point so to speak. You see, many of the herbs contain ingredients that aid the active ingredient in some way - such as making it absorb more quickly into the system, or perhaps by buffering the stomach against other harsh effects. For example it is still believed by many that eggs are bad for you because the yolk causes elevated cholesterol levels. However now food biologists are discovering that the white part of the egg contains enzymes and amino acids that transform that cholesterol into "good" cholesterol which is something the body needs. But this only happens if the egg is eaten WHOLE. This holistic approach to eggs also is a good example of why I like to choose herbs over medicines whenever possible. Lord Riekin's Rule 1 DONT TAKE ANY HERB WITHOUT CONSULTING AT LEAST THREE SEPARATE SOURCES FOR USAGE, DOSAGE, AND POSSIBLE SIDE EFFECTS. If you can't find a given herb in at least three different sources, don't use the herb. The following list of herbs and herbal combinations can be taken as a tea for the most part. Leaves should be steeped in water that has already been brought to boiling temperature. Roots and barks will need to be boiled for several minutes to extract the healing oils from them. Some of these can be found as capsules already made up, and some can be purchased as bulk teas in your local health foods store, or on line. Check expiration dates!!! Herbs do not last forever on the shelf, and if you open a box and it looks or smells moldy, don't use it. Many people ask about dosage, and mostly you can drink 1-2 cups of these teas daily, unless otherwise noted. I would start with one and see how you feel. If you have no allergies or other untoward effects, then take a second cup. Whatever your body doesn't need, it will eliminate, so don't worry about taking too much - short term of course. Some of these will have warnings that go along with them, please read those and abide by them. Safety and your health should be your primary concern. Aloe plant apply topically to burns, cuts, sores; speeds healing Apple cider vinegar and honey arthritis and blood cleansing Astragalus immune system stimulant Blue cohosh menstrual cramps, ease PMS symptoms, induce slightly delayed period (due to stress, etc.) Chamomile flowers sleeping aid, stomach calmative Cayenne pepper bronchitis and chest colds Coltsfoot and mullein break up chest congestion Comfrey speeds healing, and an anti-inflammatory. (Taken as a tea, the recently discovered threat of liver problems is minimal. Topical applications also speed healing and pose no threat.) Echinacea immune system stimulant, good against all infections Elderberry flowers and peppermint stop colds, alleviates symptoms Ephedra hay fever and sinus congestion Garlic - either oil, powder, or tablets blood pressure, cholesterol, liver stimulant, insect repellent, antibiotic, anti-viral. Garlic has been found to reduce coagulation and thus care needs to be taken if on a blood thinner. Garlic makes the blood platelets "slippery" thus reducing stroke risk. Recent indications are that it reduces blood sugar. My personal experience (being hypoglycemic) is that it stablizes blood sugars. Ginger indigestion, migraine, bring on overdue period. (Warning: avoid eating ginger in significant quantities if pregnant) Goldenseal immune system stimulant, good against all infections Licorice root (contains over 160 compounds that beneficially stimulate organ activity) reduces chronic fatique syndrome (Warning: long term use - 3 months - causes liver damage) Peppermint soothes stomach, buffers other herbs, cooling effect on body. Pennyroyal Amish birth control, flea repellent, expectorant. One tablespoon of pennyroyal oil is fatal, but that is equal to 75 gallons of strong infusion! Psyllium nature's metamucil, controls both diarrhea and constipation, absorbs up to 40 times it's weight in water. Red Clover immune system stimulant, cancer cure. Rosemary Oil - external use only inhale scent to alleviate headaches, can rub small amount under the nose. Excellent to use in a vaporizer for bronchial and sinus problems. Tea Tree Oil kills funguses, use externally only Valerian root mix with equal parts skullcap, catnip and peppermint to make a wonderful nervine and sedative. White Vinegar and salt equal parts applied topically with washcloth for sore muscles This list is by no means meant to be comprehensive or all inclusive. There are as many herbs that you can take for a certain condition as there are different body metabolisms! And that's another way that nature helps her children. One person will have a wonderful effect from a certain herbal combination, while another person may have no effect. This doesn't mean that the herbs don't work for some people, just that their metabolism needs a different trigger to activate it. Try a different combination. There are some items on this list that I take daily, such as two garlic tablets to cleanse the blood, and they also act as a natural bug repellent. Living in Florida really makes that particular effect very desirable to me! Garlic was also used during World War II in Italy, where they ran out of antibiotics and used garlic on the wounds instead. There are no reported cases of sepsis from that time, despite the overwhelming cases that were reported in other areas where they ran out of antibiotics but had no garlic. I also take goldenseal and echinacea daily, but only during cold season. Once the season is past, I stop taking those. The reason is because my body needs to be able to rely on it's own immune system for the most part. Taking it periodically strengthens my system, but if I took it always, my system might come to depend upon it, and then the opposite effect would happen. One more word needs to be given regarding apple cider vinegar and honey. Please note that the vinegar needs to be organic, and not made from acetic acid. The cheap vinegar in the grocery store is made as a petroleum by-product, and has probably never even smelled an apple! Get organic apple cider vinegar, it's more expensive but it contains the minerals and nutrients that your body craves. This combination, when taken as a tablespoon in a glass of water, has been used since before the Romans as a natural kind of "gatorade". It has the minerals and nutrients that your body needs, especially when doing heavy labor and your body tends to sweat or use up those nutrients. The Roman legions carried this in their "canteens" and went on to conquor half the world!

Cleansing Your Stones

Cleansing Your Stones It is important to cleanse your stones when you first get them, just before using them and also after you finish using them. You do this because when you first get them chances are they have come in contact with many people and many different kinds of energies. It is a good idea to cleanse the stone of all foreign vibrations so they don't get in the way of your work with the stone. The reason it is a good idea to cleanse them just before you use them is so that just in case it came in contact with any unfavorable vibrations and so you have fresh clean energy to work with. The reason it is a good idea to cleanse them after you are finished using them (meaning after the spell or charms have been completed and the stone is no longer needed) is basically a good measure to ensure you don't have any left over 'programmed' energy in the stone (residue). There are various ways to cleanse your stones. Below are some techniques. On Handling Stones: It is a good idea not to let many if any people handle your stones after you have cleansed them because they will leave their energies on the stone. If you do let people handle them, I suggest only letting people who you trust. Elemental Cleansing: This Rite uses the cleansing powers of the Elements What you will need: Sandalwood/Rosemary/Sage Incense, Candle & Matches, Bowl of Water, Salt. What to do: Set up your supplies on a table. Light the incense and the smoke. Add a pinch or two of salt to the bowl of water and stir it for a few seconds. Get your rocks together and individually take each stone and first pass it through the incense, completely getting the smoke on it. While you are doing this visualize the smoke blowing all the negativity in the stone away. Say something like: "I purify you through the cleansing powers of Air!" Next pass the stone through the candle flame a few times, visualizing the fire burning away any negativity in the stone and say something like: "I purify you through the cleansing powers of Fire!" Next plop the stone in the salt-water for a few minutes while visualizing the salt-water dissolving and negating any other negativity in the stone. Say something like: "I purify you through the cleansing powers of Water & Earth!" After it has soaked a few minutes pull it out and hold it in your hand. Visualize a ball of Divine Light appear before you and hold the stone up to that light. Visualize the light flooding the stone and totally blasting away any negative residue on the stone and see the stone start to glow brilliantly with this light. Say something like: "I cleanse and bless you through the powers of Spirit!" Try to visualize this for a minute or so. After you have finished set the stone aside and repeat the process with the rest of your stones. The Sun Cleansing: This technique uses the cleansing powers of the Sun What you will need: A safe place to put your stones where they can catch the light of the Sun. What to do: If you have a window where the sun will shine through, that will do nicely. Simply place the stones in the light of the Sun for a few hours and the Sun will cleanse your stones. There is also a little bonus to this technique because the Sun aside cleansing your stones charges them too! The Salt-Water Cleansing: This technique uses the cleansing powers of Water & Earth. What you will need: A bowl of water and a few pinches of salt. What to do: Toss in a couple pinches of salt into the water and stir the water. If you wish, you can visualize that as you stir the salt-water a light starts to glow from it, glowing brighter and brighter with cleansing light. Once you are done stirring, toss however many stones you want into the bowl (BTW if you plan to JAM-PACK the bowl with stones, add a few more pinches of salt before placing the stones in). For a few minutes visualize the stones being cleansed by the salt-water, dissolving and negating all negativity into nothing. Then go and do something else while leaving the stones to soak for an hour. After the hour take the stones out and dry them and then place them in a safe place. Earth Cleansing: This technique uses the cleansing powers of Earth What you will need: A safe place to bury your stones and a marker to mark the place you buried your stones. What to do: Dig a hole in the earth about a foot deep and place your stones in there. Bury it up and place your marker on top of where you buried them so you know where you buried them and can retrieve them when they are cleansed. Leave them buried for 24 hours. The Earth will cleanse and negate all negativity as well as recharge the stones with their own unique energies.

Choosing Stones

CHOOSING STONES Stones come in many different shapes and varieties. You can purchase tumbled stones, jewelry made of stones, gemstone eggs, stone pyramids, spheres, etc. You may wish to purchase a gemstone ring to wear for protection, a rose quartz heart-shaped pendant to draw love, a pyramid to place on your altar to draw energy, a large "chunk" of stone to use as a magickal decoration in your home, or a handful of tumbled stones to place around a candle to increase the power of a magickal spell. I have many different shapes and varieties of stones for all purposes. On any given day I may choose to wear one of the many gemstone chip necklaces that I own for an illness I may be trying to overcome, or any number of other magickal needs. On days when I'm feeling spacy, I may choose to wear hematite to help me to ground. I have a collection of tumbled stones which I use for various magickal spells. I also have larger pieces of any number of stones at any given time strategically and decoratively placed in various parts of our home for protection or other magickal needs.


Handfasting Handfasting is a betrothal or wedding ritual in which the couple's clasped hands are tied together by a cord or ribbon — hence the phrase "tying the knot". The tying of the hands may be done by the officiant of the ceremony, by the wedding guests, or by the couple themselves. In Ireland and Scotland, during the early Christian period it was a form of trial marriage, often performed in rural areas when a priest was not available. The couple could form a temporary, trial marriage, and then be married "in the Church" the next time a priest visited their area. In some modern Neopagan groups, the ceremony has been reinterpreted to be a spiritual marriage, whether on a trial basis or as a permanent (even eternal) bond. The tying together of the couple's hands was a part of the normal marriage ceremony in the time of the Roman Empire. In the 16th century, the English cleric Myles Coverdale wrote in The Christen State of Matrymonye, that in that day, handfasting was still in use in some places, but was then separate from the Christian wedding rite performed in a church several weeks after the consummation of the marriage, which had already begun with the handfasting ritual. According to the Oxford English Dictionary, handfasting was then sometimes treated as a probationary form of marriage. One historical example of handfastings as trial marriages is that of "Telltown marriages" - named for the year and a day trial marriages contracted at the yearly festival held in Telltown, Ireland. The festival took place every year at Lughnasadh (August 1), and the trial marriage would last until the next Lughnasadh festival. At that time, they were free to leave the union if they desired. In the present day, some Neopagans practice this ritual. The marriage vows taken may be for "a year and a day", a lifetime, or "for all of eternity". Whether the ceremony is legal, or a private spiritual commitment, is up to the couple. Depending on the state where the handfasting is performed, and whether or not the officiant is a legally-recognized minister, the ceremony itself may be legally binding, or couples may choose to make it legal by also having a civil ceremony. Modern handfastings are performed for heterosexual or homosexual couples, as well as for larger groups in the case of polyamorous relationships. Handfasting is not currently legally recognised in the UK. As with many Neopagan rituals, some groups may use historically attested forms of the ceremony, striving to be as traditional as possible, while others may use only the basic idea of handfasting and largely create a new ceremony. As many different traditions of Neopaganism use some variation on the handfasting ceremony, there is no universal ritual form that is followed, and the elements included are generally up to the couple being handfasted. In cases where the couple belong to a specific religious or cultural tradition, there may be a specific form of the ritual used by all or most members of that particular tradition. The couple may conduct the ceremony themselves or may have an officiant perform the ceremony. In some traditions, the couple may jump over a broom at the end of the ceremony. Some may instead leap over a small fire together. Today, some couples opt for a handfasting ceremony in place of, or incorporated into, their public wedding. As summer is the traditional time for handfastings, they are often held outdoors. A corresponding divorce ceremony called a handparting is sometimes practiced, though this is also a modern innovation. In a Wiccan handparting, the couple may jump backwards over the broom before parting hands. As with more conventional marriage ceremonies, couples often exchange rings during a handfasting, symbolizing their commitment to each other. Many couples choose rings that reflect their spiritual and cultural traditions, while others choose plainer, more conventional wedding rings


Wiccaning A Wiccaning, analogous to a Christening for an infant, is the presenting of an infant to the God and Goddess for protection. Wiccanings apply specifically to the Wiccan religion, but are also celebrated in some of the other Pagan, non-Wicca religions. In those cases, while the format may resemble Wiccaning, it is often referred to as a "saining." A wiccaning is a ritual that, in traditional paths of Wicca, the High Priest and High Priestess will present the infant to a God and Goddess. In accordance with the importance put on free will in Wiccan traditions, the infant is not necessarily expected to chose a Pagan path for themself when they grow older. Wiccaning is also an opportunity for the parents to present their child to the five elements and ask a blessing or protection. Often both the child's legal "mundane" name and the child's Wiccan (ceremonial) name are used. This is until such time as the child chooses another Wiccan name for themself, usually at a coming of age.
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