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Although there are many constants and laws about life, there are many ways to live life and somethings are flexible. There is no "one certain way" to live life, except to live by love. I understand that some women don't want to be dominated and at times women can lead, be aggressive and take control too. I love it when a woman shows her own self-will, or is sexually aggressive, and stands up for herself. I think it is hot. But let me explain something to you about why I have a dominant personality. Being dominant and women being submissive is not my views. This is the way most human and animal social groups work and it is a system that has developed for millions of years. It is also what I have learned from my own relationships. In every relationship, whether straight, gay or bi, and in every social group there is a leader or a couple of leaders and most people follow. There is one who is dominant that the others submit to. There is a difference between being dominant and being domineering. There is a difference between being in control and being controlling. If you get the notion that I dominate women because I think they are my property or because I get pleasure from controlling them, you are sadly mistaken. Control is an illusion. The only person that you have ABSOLUTE power and control over is your Self. The only control that you have over others is what they ALLOW you to have and the only control that others have over you is what you ALLOW them to have. When I dominate and control women it is because they are ALLOWING me to. The women in my life and that I teach are gods, or I should say goddesses, with free will. They are allowed to tell me, "NO" at anytime. I do not force myself onto women or anything like that. I am always considerate of her feelings. But I do often tell them what to wear, what to eat and other things like that, but it is to make them healthier and feel better about themselves. I am dominant because in EVERY relationship I have had, all the females expected me to dominate them, tell them what to do, make decisions and lead them to new things. In the past I could always get the girl but when I got her, then I would change and stop leading her. They'd get bored, be disappointed and leave. I had to figure out why. I spent a lot of time figuring it out. I have always been a natural leader and even when I was a kid, I was more spiritually and socially aware than many of the adults I was around. I still am to this day. I have reached a point in my life where my self-awareness is far beyond most people even religous and political leaders and most psychology professionals. I am not the only one around who knows this stuff either but most of humanity is too afriad to be something other than what the world tells them to be. They are afraid to break out of the world's unhealthy and false paradigms. Since I have learned to listen to my intuiton/heart/Higher Self and have let go of my social conditioning and have become more dominant in my relationships - now, my biggest problem is trying to not get girls I am not interested in to not like me. It is far scarier to me than losing some gorgeous wonderful woman that I love dearly or saying goodbye to a gorgeous woman who doesn't meet my standards. You also have to understand that most people and most women prefer to follow and submit to others. And that is fine, but you all need to learn to dominate and lead your Selves and take a pro-active stance in who you allow to lead, controland dominate you. This is why I dominate the women and the people in my life who need to be dominated with love and shown their own power. When you dominate people with love, and they learn to love themselves, then their awareness begins to be on the same level as you and you don't have to dominate them anymore because you are equals in that sense of self-awareness. Every one of us is the same in many ways, and love is the ultimate psychology tool. No one can reject love when you truly know how to get to them to admit it, because it is natural capacity and want that we are born with and cannot be taken away. But those that choose to fool themselves and reject love are learning whatever it is they need to learn by rejecting it I am here to lead and dominate those that need to be lead to learn to reject that fear based nonsense and to accept only love, including self-love. I may seem a little rough and arrogant at times when I talk about certain things but that is because that is what some people's social conditioning needs me to do. But I am very blunt about things, and if someone doesn't like it, that is their issue they need to deal with. If I call someone a jackass, for an example, for the way they are acting, it is because I have been there and realized from my own experience that choosing to live in fear instead of love is just asinine. It is also because they talk to themselves that way, and to mirror it back them, they have to be called that because that is what their social programming needs me to do. People who freak out about the word "dominance" or "control" are either undereducated or have false ideas about it. All of us ALLOW others to dominate, control and influence us in one form or another. It depends on who they are, what they are teaching you that matters whether it is useful to you or not.

Words of a Master!!!

A true Master shall take pride in the fact that a woman has chosen to devote her entire being to the satisfaction and fulfillment of his desires. Just as she, in return, can take pride that such a man has chosen her, above all others to provide that fulfillment. For openers, the female should decide that she may actually be a true submissive, and find the courage and commitment to put herself in the hands of a true Master. She must know that at that precise moment her option to make choices will end. He will do what he wants to do, completely apart from her preconceived ideas. I am not necessarily referring to physical discipline, and I am most definitely not referring to the extremes of physical discipline. There are always limits, and the true Master knows what they are. He also knows that those limits are different for every slave. But he also knows that regardless of those individually determined limits, every slave should at least once be forced to go one step beyond what she believes she can endure. A Master should do what pleases him. The secret is to know the submissive/slave well enough so that while pleasing himself, he also provides her with fulfillment. But he should also once in awhile take his submissive/slave (even for a brief moment) slightly beyond her own self-conceived limits. But in doing so, he must take care not to really hurt her. Again he must know the submissive/slave well. In short, a submissive/slave should, once in awhile, be forced to beg to plead, "Oh God, please stop!" But after every session, a submissive/slave should also, if only just to herself, always say, "Oh God, I want him to have me again!" As I said, it doesn't have to be physical discipline. If the female is lucky, she may someday find a Master who is also an expert at sensual "torture." If you have never experienced this, you may not believe it, but a Master who knows the art, and who is smart enough to learn what kind of a woman he is dealing with, will be able to "torture" her with out hurting her at all! The human body can voluntarily withstand only a certain level of sensual pleasure or sensation. That is why a man, when he has an orgasm, usually stops moving, because he just can't stand the sensation of having the tip of his penis stimulated while he is coming. That's also why a woman who has a true, full orgasm also usually stops moving, or arches her and pulls her body taut, or fights or cries out or curls into a ball. It is not that it hurts. It is just that the pleasure is unbearable! But suppose a woman were tied and exposed and helpless. And suppose that a man knew her well enough to be able to regularly bring her to full orgasm. And then suppose the Master did that and kept her there right at the peak for perhaps five minutes or ten or even twenty minutes! Imagine being at the peak of orgasm that didn't stop. Imagine straining at your bonds and screaming and pleading and begging for him to stop, and imagine him being good enough and strong enough to ignore the screams and to keep that sensual "torture" going on and on, because it pleases him to hear the screams and begging him to stop but not until he chooses to, for himself. This same principle is true of actual physical discipline, for those Master/submissive relationships where true discipline is involved. Suppose that a submissive/slave could, without being bound, voluntarily withstand thirty lashes of a whip across her back. But then suppose she was bound, arms stretched high over head, her body naked and helpless, and her Master begins her "test." And because she is proud, and because she wants to provide her Master with as much pleasure as possible, she does not actually "break" until after forty lashes, but then she begs him to stop. If he is a true Master, and if it really brings him pleasure to continue, he should not stop. Perhaps he should continue for another five lashes, or maybe even ten, depending on his pleasure, of course, but also based on the knowledge he has, through experience, of just how much his submissive/slave can really endure, not simply what her body tells her she can endure. There is a difference. If the Master is wise and has been accurate in his assessment of his submissive/slave's true stamina, the submissive/slave will realize that she actually did endure it after all. Even more important, she will be proud that she was able to provide her Master with that additional pleasure, and the next time perhaps she won't beg until after fifty lashes. But of course the Master may not stop then, either! S/M can be the most exciting form of sexual foreplay ever experienced. Every "Master/submissive" relationship should be based on a profound and deeply satisfying sexual relationship. Every meeting should include (and usually conclude with) some form of sexual activity that is satisfying to both. But that, of course, is generally true of every deep male/female relationship. So what makes this any different? The difference lies in the submission of one and the dominance of the other. That, of course, is what your own fantasies have been based on. In effect, you say you have dreamed of " submitting" yourself to a man, allowing yourself to be rendered helpless, so that he can "rape" you. And that act of submission, you say, would enhance the excitement and pleasure you would derive from the sex act. (Indeed, the truth may be that this is the only way that you would be able to derive real pleasure from sex.) But if this is as far as you've gone in your fantasies, you may well be asking yourself, "What is all the rest about?" Why does he/her talk about prolonged sexual teasing and torture? And what about real discipline... actual pain, even if only at a very minor threshold level? Would a Master really whip me? Could you really whip her? I have no idea, but the simple fact is that all these things, carefully selected and based on each partner's individual reaction, can be part of what becomes a much greater and much more rewarding and much more fulfilling sexual relationship. Sex, without some form of mutual love or deep feelings, is of little meaning and that, in turn, requires each partner to try to give the other as much pleasure as possible. For a submissive that means "giving" herself to her Master, for his pleasure. The total submission other mind and body are her gifts to him, for him to do with as he chooses, and he takes great pleasure in that gift. Every Master is different, of course, but in general, takes tremendous pleasure in imposing dominance and will upon a submissive female, both mentally and physically. Using both her mind and body to demonstrate power over her. Make her think and feel like she has never felt before. Forcing her to experience the furthest extremes of sensual and physical sensations. Making her beg to stop either the pleasure or the pain. Best of all, the male should love watching her face and her expressions as she realizes that, despite her pleas, he is not going to stop, at least not right that minute. And, finally, he should love watching her recognize his dominance over her, and then watching her resign her mind and her body to accept the previously unacceptable ... all for his pleasure! Through all of this, and governing all of this, is the overriding "love" that he should feel for her and, in turn, it is her knowledge that he does care for her deeply, and the trust that that knowledge gives her, that allows her to give him that marvelous gift of her mind and body. But what about the submissive one? What pleasure does she get? Again each is different, but there are some common denominators. First, a "submissive/slave" must deeply trust and deeply care for her Master. She should truly want to give him pleasure. And so, for most slaves, the first pleasure is the very deep pleasure derived from the act of giving ... a very profound pleasure because the gift she gives is also profound. .... She gives herself! Second ( although there are some exceptions), a submissive female usually derives tremendous intellectual, sensual, and ultimately, sexual pleasure from the experience, assuming, of course, that the Master is really gifted and sensitive and understanding. I assure that I have only scratched the surface. The Master should be able to teach the submissive/slave things about herself she had never dreamed of, exposing her to sources of pleasure of a kind and a level and an intensity she had never imagined!! The Master should explore every part of her mind and body, and would ultimately discover the keys to her deepest pleasures. It maybe strictly sensual. There may be certain special parts of her body that, properly stimulated, turn on all her sexual senses. It may be just the bondage and helplessness itself, together with her ability to commit herself to it. Most submissive women derive tremendous sexual pleasure simply from being bound. (Almost all of them become lubricated and ready for sexual intercourse while in bondage.) She may find pleasure in pain. And if she does, it may be just a certain level of pain, or pain applied just to a certain part of her body. Many submissive people derive the most intense and exquisite sexual pleasure from the forced imposition of physical discipline, even to the point of orgasm. You should know that " discipline" doesn't mean simply the whip. (Although, indeed, that phrase simply the whip" is totally misleading. There are literally hundreds of different kinds of whips, each capable of being used in a hundred different ways, so that in just this one "simple" area, there are an infinite variety of ways available to a knowledgeable Master to impose an equally infinite variety of torments.) But there is so much, much more .... endless means, endless targets, endless degrees. To a really imaginative and experienced Master, a marvelous and exquisite and almost limitless choice is available. But he must also have the sensitivity and the understanding and, yes, the love, to choose the right ones. If he does, he will be successful in fulfilling his role as a Master. He will provide pleasure for himself, of his own choosing, but he will also provide his submissive partner either extreme pleasure or total psychological fulfillment or, often, both, depending on her own special nature and needs. Then there is the whole area of submission without bondage. A true Master, using proper training, can teach a woman to be totally submissive without putting her in bondage. If you really have accepted a man as your Master, you should want to totally obey him without being "forced" If he orders you to strip, you will strip. If he orders you to kneel, you will kneel. If he orders you to stand before him with your legs apart and your arms stretched high above your head, and not to move, you will do as he orders. And if while you are standing there, he chooses to whip you, you still will not move. And if he orders you to count the lashes, you will count them for him. And if he orders you to kneel, naked next to his bed while he sleeps and to remain there, instantly ready too serve him in any way should he awake, you will kneel there, silent and naked and ready, and you will stay there. And if he does not awake until morning, you will still be there ... still kneeling .... still naked .... still ready. But then a wise Master will order you to join him, and he will acknowledge the great pleasure your obedience has given him, and he will reward you with that special marvelous pleasure of your own that he knows so well to give you. So what's this all about? A wonderfully elaborate, infinitely varied, terribly exciting series of scenarios, carefully and lovingly selected and orchestrated by the Master to provide both himself and his submissive partner with the most exquisite and profound emotional and sexual pleasure, each scenario based on, taking advantage of, and dramatizing the dominant nature of one and the submissive nature of the other. It is of course, a tremendous challenge. First, there's the challenge to the submissive to accept and endure the torment of bondage and discipline by which her chosen Master tests her and through out which he realizes the most profound pleasure. (A weak or sniveling "submissive/slave" provides little pleasure for a Master) Of course, there are limits and, of course, they must be respected. But there will be those special times when, after being queried by her Master, the proud submissive will take as deep a breath as her chains will permit, look him in the eye, and in her own special way and words say, in effect, "I'm here for your pleasure. Please don't stop until you are totally satisfied." That is the challenge of the body. But there is also the challenge of the mind and the spirit. After all, a man is physically stronger than a woman, so physical domination (in its rawest sense, at least) is easy. But intellectually it's a different matter because in an ideal S/M relationship, both partners should be equal in intellect, so that the dominant and submissive roles result from conviction and choice rather than imposition. In addition to being physically dominant, a "Master"- while not intellectually superior, must also be intellectually dominant ... dominant by nature and spirit and will .... choosing to dominate while the submissive chooses to understand and appreciate and ultimately submit to that will. That is a much more subtle and a far more difficult challenge. But you need two things: 1. A Master who really knows how to lead the slave to the far most pleasures. 2. A submissive/slave with the courage to take the first step to try it.
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