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Considering Giving it up

I spend way too much time on FUBAR and give too much to this place for what I get back.

It has turned into an addiction.

I spend hours a day hitting my like button to only get a kick in the pants when maybe 1 out of 30 people like me back.

I am throwing in the towel...I am done....

The Worry Doll

“Mathew,” Tilly asked during lunch in the cafeteria, “can you please come over tonight and help me with this trigonometry?”

She flipped through the pages of the current chapter they were studying and the numbers and symbols that met her eyes might have well have been French. It seemed she had an incapacity to grasp the concepts the advanced math course’s teacher attempted to educate.

“Can’t Tills,” her best friend answered back, “I have basket ball practice tonight. We have the big game against Donovan High School on Friday, and if I miss a practice coach won’t let me play.”

She felt the tears begin to well up and her bottom lip poked out. It was a trick she became adept at during an early age. Now, that she was a young teenager, the talent came without coxing at the instant it was called upon.

“Aw, Tills,” Mathew shrugged. “Now, don’t cry.”

“You know how I’m doing in this class Matt, “she slammed the book cover closed and crossed her arms. “One more F and I fail.”

The first tear flowed over her lower eyelid and slowly rolled down her flushed cheek.

Matthew sighed and leaned closer.

“I will sneak out after my parents go to bed,” he said gently wiping the tear away with his thumb. “If they find out coach will be the last of my worries.”

The bell rang and she grabbed up the thick heavy Trig book and quickly stood.

“Okay,” she leaned in and gave him a hug, “I will meet you at my front door.”

Tilly quickly turned and swiftly walked from the lunch room before her friend had a chance to change his mind.


“Hi Mom!” Tilly shouted as she opened the front door of her house. Usually her mother’s melodic voice called instantly back to her from within the house. There was only silence.

“Mom?” She called dropping her school books on the kitchen table. Still, there was no answer. Her mother’s car was in the drive, and all the other moms she knew in the neighborhood worked during the day. Her mother couldn’t be visiting any of them.

Tilly slowly climbed the stairs to the second floor and called out again.

“Mother, are you home?”

She stopped halfway up the stair case when she heard a thud from upstairs. Her heart was suddenly beating wildly inside her chest.

“Mom?” The fear that burned in her heart tainted the tone of her voice.

A moment later her mother’s voice floated down to her and a sigh of relief escaped her lips.

“Up here, darling.”

Tilly immediately noticed her mom’s call did not have the normal melodic ring it usually did. She climbed the last few steps and peered around the corner to see the ladder to the attic was pulled down. She slowly ascended and found her mother and their neighbor, Mr. Thomas, on their knees busily going through old boxes.

“Just going through this old stuff,” her mother said without looking over her shoulder, “looking for items for the neighborhood yard sale this Saturday.”

Tilly looked over at Mr. Thomas and felt the tension in the atmosphere prickly on her skin as the man resisted making eye contact. The young girl immediately felt contempt towards the man.

“What is he doing here without dad home?” she asked bluntly crossing her arms over her chest accusingly.

There was an uncomfortable silence as the two adults froze. Tilly’s mother slowly stood and turned leveling a stern gaze at her young daughter.

“Now, Tilly.” She answered, trying to maintain parental control. “There is no need to be rude.”

“Well,” Mr. Thomas said anxiously standing and brushing dust from his pants, “I will leave you ladies alone now that you some help, Mrs. Garcia.”

He gave a quick hug to Tilly’s mom then turned and walked towards the attic’s exit.

“Ms. Garcia,” he gave a slight nod as he walked past. Tilly smirked at him noticing an undeniable glint in the man’s eye.

“Tilly,” her mother quickly instructed steering the subject, “why don’t you help by starting over there in that corner.”

The young girl looked to where her mother pointed but out of the corner of her eye she noticed one last glance shared between the two adults as Mr. Thomas descended the steps. Anger boiled within her veins as she stomped over to the dark corner where several dusty trunks were stacked.

“So, how was your day?” her mother asked as they settled into their work.

“Terrible!” Tilly answered impolitely. “I don’t want to talk about it.”

As if to affirm her guilt, Tilly’s mother left the comment alone and quietly went about her work. This infuriated the young girl even further until she opened the first dusty old trunk.

Within, brightly colored dresses possessing delightful patterns of bright reds, yellows and blues were neatly folded and stacked. Few things could distract her the way clothing did. Tilly could be called a fashion nut. She pulled out sun dress after sun dress reveling in their exquisite beauty. Soon her anger was a distant memory as she lost herself in visions of frolicking through fields of grass in sun bathed joy.

“Mom,” she said over her shoulder holding up a dress with a red flowery pattern, “whose were these?”

“One of your great, great Aunts I believe.” Her mother answered eager to move on from the recent embarrassing incident. “She was from Guatemala.”

As she refolded the dress a small doll fell from its single pocket. She carefully picked up the small trinket and studied it intently. It was made from a single stick of wood two inches long wrapped in small colorful scraps for its clothing. A face was carefully painted on the small wooden face.

She stood and carried it over to her mother.

“Look what I found.” She said holding it out for inspection. Her mother’s eyes lit up and she held out her hand.

“I haven’t seen one of these since I was a little girl.” She said reverently as Tilly dropped the doll into her palm. A faraway look crossed her face as she explained the doll to her daughter.

“This is a Guatemalan worry doll passed down from Mayan times. It is believed that when something bothers you and you can’t sleep, these little dolls do the worrying for you.”

Her mother seemed to snap back to the present as she handed the doll back to Tilly.

“How does it work?” Tilly asked turning the doll over in her hand.

“You tell it a specific worry before you go to bed,” her mother went back to the box she had been rummaging through and continue back over her shoulder, “and then place it under your pillow. The doll takes the worry from you as you sleep.”


Later that evening, at dinner, father asked mother what she had done that day. After a nervous glance at Tilly, she told him about her chore in the attic conveniently omitting the fact that their neighbor had helped out.

Another admission of guilt, Tilly thought as she idly pushed the food around her plate with her fork.

“How about you pumpkin?” Mr. Garcia turned to his daughter then shoveled a forkful of spaghetti into his mouth and joyfully chewed.

Father’s favorite dinner, another move fueled by mother’s guilt? She asked herself. Mr. Thomas’ name was on the tip of her tongue as she looked to her mother and saw a pleading look in her eyes. Her next biggest worry crossed her mind and she instantly seized onto it to take her mind from her mother’s indiscretion.

“I tried to study for this Trig test I have in the morning,” she said with a sigh, “but I still don’t get it.”

“Oh, Tilly,” her father said concernedly, “isn’t that the class you had a D in on your last report card?”

“Yes, sir,” her gaze dropped to her plate. “Matthew is coming over later to help me cram for the test.”

“And his parents,” her father asked curiously, “don’t care that he’s going to be up all night helping you study?”

“No.” She lied.

“I don’t know how I feel,” her mother responded standing from the table and taking her barely touched plate to the kitchen sink, “about you having a boy over here so late.”

Anger boiled once again as the image of her and Mr. Thomas in the attic played on her mind. She swallowed the insult that rested on her tongue.

“He is just a friend!”

“Well,” her father said after chewing the last bite of his food and pushing his plate away, “he must be a good friend if he is willing to help my daughter out with her most difficult subject.”

“He is daddy,” she said then turned to her mother as she came from the kitchen with a bowl in her hand. “AND, he is NOT my boyfriend.”

Her mother shot Tilly another nervous look then placed the bowl in front of Mr. Garcia.

“Hot fudge Sundae?” He said with eyes bulging with delight. “What’s the occasion?”

“None,” she said with a nervous chuckle father failed to notice, “just because you deserve it.”


Later, Tilly met her friend at the front door. They studied at the kitchen table late into the night, but the young girls frustration grew as her confusion with the material refused to subside. Both teens were exhausted by the time Mathew finally gave in.

“Thank you Matt,” the young girl said apologetically, “I’m so sorry I’ve wasted your time.”

“Ah, Tills,” he said putting a sympathetic hand upon her shoulder. “Try to get some rest and hope for the best. That’s what I always say.”

She gave him a hug and showed him to the door. She climbed the steps to her room and plopped down upon her bed. She looked at the alarm clock. Ten past midnight. She contemplated how much sleep she would get when she sudden realized she had shoved her hand within her pocket and she was grasping the worry doll she had found earlier. She pulled it out and studied its brightly color clothing and painted smiling face.

“Ah, what the hell,” she said with a sigh. “Worry doll, I am scared about my Trig test in the morning. Will you please help?” Unsure what to do next she kissed the doll and slid it underneath her pillow. Soon exhaustion caught up with her and she fell into a deep sleep she had not experienced since her infancy.


The morning sun shone brightly through her window as she dressed the following morning. Her spirit seemed to shine as brightly as the morning as she gathered her things and the Trig book caught her attention. She walked over the unmade bed and shoved her hand underneath her pillow. The doll was no longer there. But, neither was her worry about the test. She had an overwhelmingly good feeling it was all going to turn out fine.

Later that morning, she sat in her seat in Trig class listening to the kids around her cheer as her feeling of well being turned to despair. There was no Trig test. The principal was explaining the substitute teacher was on the way and that Mrs. Sullivan had a sudden family emergency and could not make it in.

As the principal left the room, and spit balls and paper airplanes began to fly, she shoved her hand into her pocket surprised her fingers closed around the small worry doll. She pulled it from her pocket and studied its brightly colored swatches of clothing and then looked into its face. A smile no longer greeted her. Instead it was replaced with a neatly painted frown.

Tilly jumped to her feet and raced out of the room. She caught up with the principal halfway down the hall.

“Mr. Bruer?” she called to him as he scurried hurriedly towards the school office. “What’s wrong with Mrs. Sullivan?”

The principal stopped and turned at the young girl’s voice.

“Ms. Garcia,” he responded, “get your butt back to your class room.”

“Please Mr. Bruer,” Tilly said as her childhood ability kicked in and her lower lip jutted outward, “I must know.”

The principal stepped towards her and put a tender hand on her shoulder.

“Mrs. Sullivan’s mother died just after Midnight. Now, go back to class and wait on your sub. Tell no one else what I’ve told you, young lady.” Then he added sternly, “no one.”

The principal turned and continued towards his office. Tilly looked at the doll she still held within her hand and a chill ran up her spine as now the doll smiled back at her once again.


Please vote for my book!

Hey folks,
My book is up for a cover award.
Please go by and vote for my book at the following site.



If you wanna cut to the chase just send an email to the following
address with Darkside of The Planet as the SUBJECT LINE:

Thanks so much!

David Lee Jones


Hey FUBAR!!! Just wanted all of FUBAR to know that my first book, "DARKSIDE OF THE PLANET" by David Lee Jones is coming out sometime in APRIL 2009... It will be available through the publishers website and several other bookselling outlets on the internet including amazon.com and lulu.com. Please buy a copy and tell your friends to by a copy and their friends and their friends friedns..... Thanks everybody! Sincerely, David Lee Jones

Captain Me Planets

My God I am so tired of the Captain Me Planets of the world! I am a bartender by trade and on a nightly basis I see a disgusting display of self love and personal idolism. These people are the presidents of their own fan clubs and they are working overtime to ensure they are heard and loved by all within earshot. MEMEMEMEM IIIIIIIII THey sound like CHarlie Browns parents as they embellish deads they may have or never have performed. It is sickening. Okay, ranting rave is over with. Just had to get this off my chest.

Nightly Ritual

She walked through the street unaware of my presence for I was but a ghost flitting through the darkness that was urgently longing to reveal it's gloomy secrets from beyond the sodium light of the halogen street lamps. Though my moves were silent and deft, I would playfully shuffle a stone or perceptively move a branch ever so often to darken her soul with an urgent fear of self preservation. As her pace quickened, and her heart raced, I reveled in the dark images that ran through her panicked mind. Excitedly I fed on their colorful richness trying to fill the dark void within my black soul. The spark within her spirit seemed to awaken something deep within my being I had lost touch with in a life long forgotten. I so desperately grasped at the scarcely remembered sensation but it was too fleeting even for my heightened perceptiveness. She rounded a corner and I cut through a long unattended "L" shaped courtyard thick with overgrown ivy and prickly weeds. My dark gift afforded me such stealth I managed to overtake a black mangy alley cat without the creature noticing my approach. As my slender pale fingers curled around the surprised animal's neck, talon like fingernails ripped into the pungent smelling hide bleeding life away in one swift move breaking skin and bone simultaneously. An exquisite warm stickiness ran in heavenly rivulets over the cold flesh of my hands and arms, but I could only allow a moment's indulgence for my real prey lay just a few feet beyond on the other side of a rusted iron gate. I peered around the rough aged brick wall and up into a beautifulness I had stalked now for weeks. I had come to know every contour of her face from the sprig of auburn hair that playfully jutted out over her wrinkle free forehead to the elegant curve of her lovely neck that fell away milky below her slender slightly cleft chin. My carnivore eyesight saw the artery pulsing beneath the thin soft flesh with the excited pace of her racing heart and my body tensed as she fumbled with the keys to the heavy wooden door before her. She longed for the desperate refuge from the fear that was beginning to boil away just under her skin flushing her cheeks and forehead. Her breath was coming in heavy uneven gulps as her frightened fingers refused to locate the appropriate key. Suddenly the haunting long lost feeling energized my aching soul as I grappled with the incarnate urge to feed on the sweet blood coursing through those tender veins just over a foot away from my watering fangs. Over eons of practice my hunting skills were keen and this moment of attack culminating in the frenzied need to satiate my never-ending hunger would be over in the blink of an eye. The moment came upon me and muscles were coiled ready to spring as the air about me was electric with anticipation. Then, as had happened every night since I began stalking her, the faintly familiar feeling disarmed me. As she passed beyond into the safety beyond the threshold, my whole body felt strained and spent and I would suddenly collapse in exhaustion. I then would dexterously climb the tree outside her bedroom window and watch over her under the moonlight as she comfortably slept on the other side of the glass convinced she was free from harm. I would linger dangerously close to dawn endangering my own existence thirstily drinking in the sights, smells and emotions of her dreams. My soul yearned to understand the alien sensations emanating from her slumbering soul. The chase continued on almost every night for years and the odd sensation always stayed my hand at the point of attack. When dusk came I risked hunting while the sky was still a blazing flame so later in the evening my hunger would not impede the sensations I felt from her hapless stalked soul. I felt no remorse or guilt, for I was unable. As is the nature with my kind we move through ages and countless generations unchanged and primal, as the human world evolves around us. The Mystique slowly seeps from each age leaving us as it's only tenants, moving unnoticed about humankind who is too distracted with it's daily petty concerns and the lofty ambitions of ever evolving brains. We have faded into folklore and legend and are only remembered through romantic tales every few generations or so by your kind. Thus, the inevitable day came when her soul and the chase lost it's fascination to me just as the human world lost it's own enchantment with my kind. As I crouched within the alleyway looking up into a face that once awed me with it's beauty, I saw years of age had passed by me unnoticed. The sprig of auburn hair had turned gray and thin and the forehead was no longer soft with it's healthy glowing skin. My eyes moved over her face with unsuspected indifference until I focused upon her once smooth and milky neck. Now the wrinkled skin there became transparent and the artery underneath glowed with a red glow triggering the carnal impulse to pounce without inhibition. Sharp fangs pierced her neck and hot sweet blood funneled into my eagerly gulping mouth. Within that moment our souls connected and our hearts synced with one another beating as one. Memories eons old came rushing back and in that instant before her heart stopped beating, I realized what the alien sensation that kept me from feeding on her was. Love. My fascination for her beauty had given away to love upon seeing her soul. The primeval monster I had become could not fathom this feeling. A tear slid down my flushed cheek as her warm blood flowed rapidly cooling through facial corpuscles. Her lifeless eyes stared up into mine as the tear slid off my chin and splashed onto her cold cheek, her blood within my veins suddenly becoming as cold as my soul. That night the last ember of my soul that was human burned out with the fading light within her eyes. Now I have become the beast I was born into this world to be. Killing without remorse or discrimination. I am the monster of fairy tales and the fear within nightmares. I am the dark soul that slides through the shadows unheard and unseen, striking when least expected. I am vampire.

Technological Revolution

There comes a revolution of knowledge. We see the evidence with each new technological invention's heightened capacity to store and send information. New technologies are on the horizon that will render all we know now obsolete. Our current ability to send information via satellite by microwaves is about to be dwarfed by laser technology. This new innovation will allow us to send and process information one hundred times faster than we do today. Imagine the technological evolution our society will experience as a result within the next fifty years. To the generation I grew up in we measured our computer's memory storage and processing capabilities in Kilobytes, then later in Megabytes. Today's generation measures in Gigabytes. Once Laser technology is implemented humanity will be transferring data in Terabytes and possibly Petabytes. The technological revolution is here and the future holds exciting possibilities. The information highway is about to become more assessable than ever before, and the people who stay instep with technology will possess the power of unfathomable information retrievable in a matter of seconds. How will those in power utilize this ability? For good, or for personal gain. We must be wary for there are several scenarios that could possibly play out in the near future, some wondrous, some not so. Let us hope the powers that be decide to use new technological advances that are spawned from this revolution for the good of humanity as a whole, and not for the advancement under a banner of national pride or arrogance. If we are not vigilant we could see this current age of technology give birth to power hungry evilness bent on world domination.

Pen to Paper

Pen to Paper As you read these words consider the ink from which they are printed. If you printed this from your desktop the ink is most likely made up of carbon black, a heavy varnish and an agent which reduced it's drying time. If these words were jotted down by an ink pen the words you read would be made up of petroleum napthas, resins and coal-tar solvents. Words scribed by scholars at the dawn of the Enlightened Age would most likely have been made up of a combination of juices, indigo, pokeberries, cochineal and/or sepia. Then consider the paper upon which the ink is printed on. It began it's existence as wood chips that were broken down by steam and chemicals into cellulose fibers that were dried out, heated and then pressed into the surface from which you are reading right now. For centuries this process has been refined and perfected with ever evolving skill. So, now you see the pinnacle of paper and ink technology before you. The culmination of centuries of sweat, hard work and craftsmanship finds you the reader at this moment ready to be inspired. Romantic isn't it? Inspired? Of course not. What you see upon the whiteness of pressed wood pulp is the embodiment of somebody's soul. The author's soul. The cellulose fibers and petroleum napthas release the adventure, joy and sorrow within the readers mind, painting a picture with far more colors than the black and white that exist on this page, only limited by the capacity of the author who initially contemplated the words. This very moment, as you read, is but a snapshot of thought, feeling and imagination imprinted from this mind to yours. An intimate connection between the author and reader providing insight into the inner workings of another mind. That is what makes reading romantic and inspiring, the connection between isolated souls. A yearning to see life from another less jaded perspective. A good author can take you to places you have never seen before through beautiful description allowing escape from the daily bondage of life's modern problems. A great author can push into your dreams and enhance their essence. An author is one whose soul can speak out over the generations unhindered by the bounds of time and space to inspire one whose great great grandfather was yet to be born. The great ones have already taken us to Mars, Jupiter and places beyond before our technology had even allowed us to reach the moon. What advances in science and technology would exist if it were not first dreamt of by an author? Would the human race have even been inspired enough to dare leave the gravity of Mother Earth's bosom? Would there be objects made by our own hands screaming through space well beyond the bounds of our own solar system? These endeavors were made possible because writers such as Isaac Asimov and Arthur C. Clark gave such ventures validity by showing us romance, adventure and inspiration beyond our own world. Writing is the language of the human soul. It just turns out some of us are more fluent than others. Now, as I put down the vessel of resins and coal-tar solvents that is my pen, I must go dream for I have been inspired by one that was able to move my soul before wood chips were steamed and chemically altered into paper or even before my distant relatives were born. Sleep will come easy tonight. Tomorrow, another story will be written. Good night.
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